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Trump Campaign Highlights Alleged Dead Voters Casting Ballots in Pennsylvania
Post Date: 2020-11-12 12:35:59 by BTP Holdings
Trump Campaign Highlights Alleged Dead Voters Casting Ballots in Pennsylvania BY JACK PHILLIPS November 12, 2020 Updated: November 12, 2020 President Donald Trump’s campaign on late Wednesday highlighted several alleged cases of deceased people voting during last week’s presidential election in the key state of Pennsylvania. “Voter records show someone used the identity of John H. Granahan of Allentown, Pennsylvania to vote in the recent election, even though Granahan died in May 2019,” the campaign said. “The Dusckas Martin Funeral Home and Crematory ran an obituary of Granahan’s death when he passed away.” The campaign noted that Judy Presto of ...

De Blasio’s Daughter in Verbal Slip Up, Claims Biden “Was Able to Steal” Election
Post Date: 2020-11-12 11:32:32 by BTP Holdings
De Blasio’s Daughter in Verbal Slip Up, Claims Biden “Was Able to Steal” Election 11 November 2020 by Paul Joseph Watson Pacific Press/Getty Images Mayor De Blasio’s daughter was caught in an embarrassing on camera verbal slip up when she told an interviewer that Joe Biden “was able to steal” the election. There were in fact two major gaffes, with Chiara de Blasio initially telling the interviewer how happy she was that “now we have the first black Asian female president in office elected,” referring to Kamala Harris. Harris would of course become Vice President if Biden’s win is certified, although many have suggested that she could soon ...

Nancy Pelosi’s Indecisiveness on Socialism Is the End of the Beginning of the Democrats’ Civil War
Post Date: 2020-11-12 09:03:44 by BTP Holdings
Nancy Pelosi’s Indecisiveness on Socialism Is the End of the Beginning of the Democrats’ Civil War By Conservatives Journal The civil war in the Democrat Party continues to heat up. Embattled Speaker Nancy Pelosi is indecisive and hopelessly caught in the middle. This rift began in 2016 when the party allowed Senator Bernie Sanders to run for the Democratic nomination. Why the DNC allowed someone who caucused with them but was not a member of the party to compete for its presidential nomination triggered the problem. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews caught then-DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman- Schultz flat-footed when he challenged her as to whether Bernie Sanders, an open ...

Detroit Machines Were Connected to Internet, 3345 1
Post Date: 2020-11-11 21:48:17 by BTP Holdings

Trump Campaign Files Major Election Lawsuit, Citing Dozens of Sworn Affidavits
Post Date: 2020-11-11 20:15:51 by BTP Holdings
Trump Campaign Files Major Election Lawsuit, Citing Dozens of Sworn Affidavits By Erin Coates Published November 11, 2020 at 2:10pm The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Wayne County officials alleging that credentialed election challengers could not view the vote counting and challenges against ballots were ignored, thus ineligible ballots were counted. The complaint was filed Wednesday and cited dozens of sworn affidavits from Republican challengers who say they were treated unfavorably compared with Democrats in Wayne County. “Unfortunately, Wayne County did not conduct (and is not conducting) this election as required ...

Ken Timmerman to Newsmax TV: Book Predicted This 'Secret Switch'
Post Date: 2020-11-11 19:20:23 by BTP Holdings
Ken Timmerman to Newsmax TV: Book Predicted This 'Secret Switch' (Newsmax TV's "Stinchfield") By Eric Mack | Tuesday, 10 November 2020 09:42 PM (Video at source.) He wrote a book of fiction on election hacking, released just this August, and now former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Kenneth Timmerman is watching the nightmare story unfold in "real time." The evidence of nefarious actions revealed by elections workers in affidavits to President Donald Trump's legal team are one thing, but the software hacking of vote tallies is far more capable of swinging the big numbers of the elections, he told Newsmax TV. "I am much more worried about ...

Zuckerberg: FBI Warned Us About a ‘Hack and Leak’ Op Before the Election
Post Date: 2020-11-11 15:45:33 by BTP Holdings
Zuckerberg: FBI Warned Us About a ‘Hack and Leak’ Op Before the Election November 11, 2020 Mark Hale Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Congress Wednesday that the FBI warned him months ago that Facebook should be on “heightened alert” about “hack and leak operations” that could be part of a foreign disinformation campaign in the final weeks before the 2020 election. The Facebook honcho made the remarks during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing where he testified alongside Google’s Sundar Pichai and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey. “One of the threats that the FBI has alerted our company and the public to was the possibility of a hack and leak ...

Eventbrite Falsely Announces Cancellation of ‘March for Trump’ to Suppress Outcome for This Weekend’s Historic Rally
Post Date: 2020-11-11 15:04:54 by Ada
More Big Tech tomfoolery. The digital platform, Eventbrite has falsely announced the cancellation of the “March for Trump” while removing the event from their website. EventBrite just shut down the March for Trump DC event page, and emailed everyone saying it was “cancelled.” It was never cancelled. Big Tech is out to take down this President. Latest: NBC: Gates-Funded Leftist Group Replaced Veteran Poll Workers with High School Students Before Election — Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) November 10, 2020 take our poll - story continues below VOTE NOW: Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense when he shot three BLM rioters? “We encourage our organizers ...

Trump Files Emergency Injunction In Michigan Alleging Fraud
Post Date: 2020-11-11 13:31:00 by BTP Holdings
Trump Files Emergency Injunction In Michigan Alleging Fraud November 11, 2020 Mark Hale The Trump campaign has requested an emergency injunction in a federal lawsuit aimed at preventing the State of Michigan from certifying the results of last week’s election until election officials can certify that only legally cast, on time, and legally observed ballots are included in the count. The campaign is alleging several types of fraud, misconduct, and invalidated ballots based on a number of reasons – including ‘malfunctioning’ vote counting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems. The Tuesday night filing in the US District Court for the Western District of Michigan ...

Mentally Prepare Yourself Now for a 2020 Election Do-Over
Post Date: 2020-11-11 11:36:22 by BTP Holdings
Mentally Prepare Yourself Now for a 2020 Election Do-Over If the 2020 election was truly a fair-and-square, clean-as-a-whistle contest, why are audits and hand recounts in swing states suddenly the greatest fear of the Democrat Party and its media apparatchiks? Recounts and audits shouldn’t be the least bit threatening to them, especially since Joe Biden won such a commanding victory over Donald Trump, right? It would simply prove to everyone that Biden legitimately won. But they don’t want that. The reality is that everyone should start preparing themselves for election do-overs in many of the swing states where obvious fraud took place. This fight is only just beginning and ...

Post Date: 2020-11-11 11:20:10 by BTP Holdings
FYI – KAMALA HARRIS IS NOT THE FIRST PERSON OF COLOR ELECTED VP Ksenya Aleksandrova November 10, 2020 Just a simple point of contention here – Kamala Harris is not in fact the first person of color to be elected as Vice President of the United States. For one, it’s predicted she will be elected, it is not yet official. I just want to point that out. Two, Republican Charles Curtis was a Native American elected as Herbert Hoover’s Vice President in 1928 and has long been considered the first person of color elected to that office. I see the news proclaim Harris as such and it’s a bit exasperating at times. It’s an understandable mistake for the average ...

James O’Keefe’s USPS Whistleblower Gets Threatened by the Feds!
Post Date: 2020-11-11 10:46:00 by Ada
This is getting crazy and kooky. Project Veritas journalist James O’Keefe has a Pennsylvania USPS whistleblower who has gone on the record talking about how his supervisor was back-dating ballots, so they could bring in fake ballots after the election was over. He signed an affidavit saying that this is the way it went down. After going on the record, the whistleblower, Richard Hopkins, was visited by federal agents who threatened him. Click for Full Text!

Nobody Believes This Election Farce
Post Date: 2020-11-11 10:40:01 by Ada
I object to the way the Democrats stole this election. This was just a straight-up smash-and-grab job. No creativity or panache whatsoever. Shouldn't the Hollywood Party be capable of putting something together that's a little more...I don't know...believable? "So here's the premise. We're gonna run an Alzheimer's patient who's been repeatedly humiliated by scandal in his party's presidential primaries since 1987, who probably thinks he's still running against Bush and Dukakis, and who can't remember what office he's campaigning for at any given time. And we're gonna cover his face in a black mask and have him challenge voters to ...

More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows
Post Date: 2020-11-11 10:29:28 by BTP Holdings
More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows BY PETR SVAB November 10, 2020 Updated: November 10, 2020 More than 10,000 people confirmed or suspected dead have returned their mail-in ballots to vote in Michigan, according to an analysis of the state’s election data. About 9,500 voters confirmed dead through the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) are marked in the state’s mail voting database as having returned ballots. Another nearly 2,000 are 100 years old or more and aren’t listed as known living centenarians. The analysis was provided by Richard Baris, director of Big Data Poll. The data indicates that somebody else was trying to vote on ...

New York Mayor Bill's Dumbass Daughter "Biden was able to Steal "
Post Date: 2020-11-11 10:26:58 by sonny
Total Bullshit Media, this loon just let the truth spew out and how funny how the media keeps insisting that this was an honest election. Brainwashing does work 8e9571e2540cd2bff1 Click for Full Text!

What Kind of Sore-Losing Idiot Would Suspect the Democrats of Voter Fraud?
Post Date: 2020-11-11 09:45:36 by Ada
A few reminders of some of the Dems’ greatest hits. It is a very fair question: What kind of sore-losing idiot would suspect the Democrats of voter fraud? The answer: A remarkably sensible, adequately intelligent, reasonably skeptical idiot — with a graduate degree in American history, who knows what Democrats in this country have done in previous elections. (Yes, besides my rabbinic ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University and my Juris Doctor degree from UCLA Law School, I also have a graduate degree in American history. Moreover, I voluntarily live in the People’s Republic of California, so I qualify as an idiot. And I have ...

RT Host: Vote Count Fixed To Dump Trump
Post Date: 2020-11-11 08:44:00 by BTP Holdings
Election night came and went without a winner being decided in the presidential race, but that doesn't mean the media wasn't spewing their usual narrative against president Trump.

Biden Team Complains Trump Is ‘Obstructing’ the Transition
Post Date: 2020-11-11 08:10:11 by BTP Holdings
Biden Team Complains Trump Is ‘Obstructing’ the Transition By Jim Hayek November 11, 2020 Less than four days after the media declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election, the Biden team is already complaining about Donald Trump’s administration obstructing the transition. The media, of course, has picked up that theme and is trashing Trump mercilessly for not giving in. It plays nicely into another media narrative: that Trump is “denying reality” by not sitting down, shutting up, and cooperating. Whether Trump is denying reality is an open question. But what isn’t at issue is that Joe Biden hasn’t been certified a winner in any ...

USPS Employee Caught and ARRESTED with Undelivered BALLOTS
Post Date: 2020-11-11 07:44:23 by BTP Holdings
USPS Employee Caught and ARRESTED with Undelivered BALLOTS Get ready for another story the mainstream media will cover up as soon as humanly possible… According to Newsmax, a USPS employee was arrested last week trying to cross the U.S.-Canadian border with a truck full of absentee ballots. The 27-year-old Brandon Wilson had more than 800 individual absentee ballots. All of them had been filled out and were mailed in to be counted in an election which the absentee voters likely believed would not be stolen in what has proven to be the largest, most well- organized election fraud scam in human history. Wilson told Customs and Border Patrol agents that he ended up on the Canadian ...

Trump Played Golf Today and Here's Why -
Post Date: 2020-11-10 21:41:41 by sonny
On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west of the White House to watch the results come in. Know what is there? A SCIF. Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. (SCIF) The kind used by Army intelligence cyber security division. One of the first things you'll notice when you open this article is the red castle. Those who follow Q will recognize it immediately. http://www.croftandassociat...... They were monitoring the fraud in real time. They knew which states were using the voting machines loaded with HAMMER & SCORECARD. (Software developed for the CIA to manipulate voter tallies remotely in foreign elections.) It was just ...

GSA Says No Way to Biden Power Transfer
Post Date: 2020-11-10 19:51:29 by BTP Holdings
GSA Says No Way to Biden Power Transfer Democratic presidential nomineeJoe Biden waves to supporters as he leaves the Queen theater after receiving a briefing from the transition COVID-19 advisory board on Monday in Wilmington, Delaware. (Joe Raedle / Getty Images) By Christine Favocci Published November 9, 2020 at 4:33pm Americans should be outraged at the liberties Joe Biden and his media cronies have taken following the still-contested results of the 2020 presidential election. The presumptive president-elect is making speeches and taking victory laps while President Donald Trump’s team seeks to uncover all of the glitches and ghosts that may have accounted for Biden’s ...

Voter Fraud Revealed
Post Date: 2020-11-10 19:27:55 by sonny
Lou Dobbs Click for Full Text!

Trump Dramatically Closes Gap in AZ, Half-Percent Away from Biden with Count Ongoing
Post Date: 2020-11-10 19:17:07 by BTP Holdings
Trump Dramatically Closes Gap in AZ, Half-Percent Away from Biden with Count Ongoing President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up after speaking to a crowd of supporters at the White House in Washington on Oct. 10. (Alex Brandon / AP) By Randy DeSoto Published November 9, 2020 at 3:19pm While most establishment media outlets have declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential race, a sleeper story is emerging in Arizona as President Donald Trump pulled to half a percent away from his Democrat rival. The Associated Press on Saturday declared Biden the winner of the election with an Electoral College tally of 290 compared with 214 for Trump. Included in that tally is Arizona’s ...

Joe Biden is not going to like what these poll results told him
Post Date: 2020-11-10 17:28:20 by BTP Holdings
Joe Biden is not going to like what these poll results told him Joe Biden is falsely claiming to be President-elect before the results have been certified. It’s unprecedented in American history. And Joe Biden is not going to like what these poll results told him. The Fake News Media and Big Tech companies censored the New York Post’s bombshell story about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop. In the story, the Post claimed emails showed Joe Biden was involved in an influence peddling scheme concocted by Hunter Biden involving companies in Ukraine and China. Fake news reporters and social media companies knew how damaging this story was so they suppressed it. The ...

Tucker: We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know.
Post Date: 2020-11-10 15:21:47 by BTP Holdings
Tucker Carlson Tonight' host reacts to 2020 election results, says polling errors 'amounted to voter suppression'. #FoxNews #Tucker

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