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Donald Trump gave Nancy Pelosi this reality check on the coronavirus
Post Date: 2020-03-02 07:50:57 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump gave Nancy Pelosi this reality check on the coronavirus House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is desperate to defeat Donald Trump in 2020. And Pelosi will exploit the possible outbreak of the coronavirus in the United States to boost Democrats to victory in 2020. But Donald Trump gave Nancy Pelosi this reality check on the coronavirus. Pelosi recently told fake news CNN that the President’s response to the coronavirus was incompetent. A reporter asked the President to respond in his news conference and the President lit into Pelosi for trying to score political points instead of working together to solve a potential crisis. “I think Speaker Pelosi is incompetent . . . ...

'I’ve been working side by side with the president': Former White House doctor touts Trump ties in House race
Post Date: 2020-02-29 09:44:27 by BTP Holdings
'I’ve been working side by side with the president': Former White House doctor touts Trump ties in House race by Katherine Doyle | February 24, 2020 09:36 PM President Trump's former White House doctor is touting his close ties to D.C. as he pitches himself to Texas voters in the 13th Congressional District. "I just came from the White House. I’ve been working side by side with the president. I know all the cabinet secretaries. I have their cellphones. I know the chief of staff, the national security adviser," Ronny Jackson, who is running for the House seat currently held by retiring GOP Rep. Mac Thornberry, said at a Harley-Davidson store in Wichita ...

No Email. No WhatsApp. No Internet. This Is Now Normal Life In Kashmir.
Post Date: 2020-02-28 14:01:39 by Ada
Normal life has ground to a halt in the region as businesses lay off workers, hospitals struggle to care for patients, and ordinary people despair. Like the snowcapped mountains and grassy meadows, men with guns are part of the landscape in Kashmir. Some are cops, some are from the Indian army, and some belong to a counterinsurgency force. Only locals, who have grown up with these men patrolling their streets for generations, can tell who is who. On a cold winter morning in late January, a dozen of these armed men stood atop the roof of a one-story restaurant in Srinagar, Kashmir’s largest city and the region’s summer capital, and gazed down at the traffic below. I watched ...

Commander-in-Chief Decisions
Post Date: 2020-02-25 12:17:21 by BTP Holdings
Commander-in-Chief Decisions By C.K. Chrystal / January 7, 2020 January 7th, 2019 ARTICLE II, SECTION 2, CLAUSE 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America, says: “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;” This clause has been a topic of debate since the founding of our country. Some take the limited view saying that the President was named Commander-in-Chief by the founders only to keep the military under civilian control. Others take a more expansive view saying that the clause gives the President nearly unlimited ...

Trump’s Betrayal of Julian Assange
Post Date: 2020-02-25 08:06:28 by Ada
One thing we’ve learned from the Trump Presidency is that the “deep state” is not just some crazy conspiracy theory. For the past three years we’ve seen that deep state launch plot after plot to overturn the election. It all started with former CIA director John Brennan’s phony “Intelligence Assessment” of Russian involvement in the 2016 election. It was claimed that all 17 US intelligence agencies agreed that Putin put Trump in office, but we found out later that the report was cooked up by a handful of Brennan’s hand-picked agents. Donald Trump upset the Washington apple cart as presidential candidate and in so doing he set elements of the deep ...

Ex-Bill Clinton Adviser Details ‘Scheme’ He Thinks Is In the Works to Help Hillary Become the Democratic Nominee
Post Date: 2020-02-25 00:23:49 by BTP Holdings
Ex-Bill Clinton Adviser Details ‘Scheme’ He Thinks Is In the Works to Help Hillary Become the Democratic Nominee Posted at 4:30 pm on February 23, 2020 by Nick Arama Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during funeral services for Rep. Elijah Cummings, Friday, Oct. 25, 2019, in Baltimore. The Maryland congressman and civil rights champion died Thursday, Oct. 17, at age 68 of complications from long-standing health issues. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) A former adviser to President Bill Clinton is suggesting that there may be a deal in the works to help Hillary Clinton get the Democratic nomination. Former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris laid out what he thought. ...

They’re Coming to Get You! Build that Bomb Shelter NOW!
Post Date: 2020-02-24 19:40:31 by Ada
Right after the installment of MY CORNER of February 14 appeared, it was picked up and published nationally by It was almost as if some well-placed Intel spook had met with me at “Rick’s Café Americain” (remember the film “Casablanca”?) and secretly revealed what was going to happen. The “Russia Hoax” was going to be fully reborn (in fact, as I wrote, it had never gone away). Like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster it emerged again from our corrupted and corrupt Intelligence agencies (those government apparatchiks who are beginning to make Inspector Clouseau look like a genius) and the bowels of the frenetically ideological New York ...

Sanders Doubles Down on Support For Communist Dictator Fidel Castro in ’60 Minutes’ Interview
Post Date: 2020-02-24 19:22:57 by BTP Holdings
Sanders Doubles Down on Support For Communist Dictator Fidel Castro in ’60 Minutes’ Interview February 24, 2020 Republican Post The following story is brought to you courtesy of The Blaze . Click the link to visit their page and see more stories In a “60 Minutes” interview that aired Sunday night, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders doubled down on comments he made in the 1980s where he praised late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. When asked about his current stance on Castro, the Democratic front-runner said he continues supporting aspects of his totalitarian regime. “We’re very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba,” Sanders told host Anderson Cooper ...

Trump DESTROYS Obama New Hampshire Turnout Numbers
Post Date: 2020-02-24 05:17:25 by BTP Holdings
Trump DESTROYS Obama New Hampshire Turnout Numbers Conservative Peak 2 days ago 2 min read ( – You might not have realized it, but the Republican Party is still hosting primaries. Even with an incumbent president and very little in the way of competition, the party holds a vote to ensure that registered supporters and voters still want President Donald Trump to be the candidate. And the numbers show they certainly do. Republican voters still turned out in huge numbers to support the president, despite having no real competition. At 86% reporting, Trump had over 117,000 votes in the New Hampshire primary, more than double the 49,080 former President Barack ...

Bolton Breaks Silence on 'Grossly Partisan' Impeachment, Blasts Dems Who Wanted Him To Testify
Post Date: 2020-02-23 22:01:12 by BTP Holdings
Bolton Breaks Silence on 'Grossly Partisan' Impeachment, Blasts Dems Who Wanted Him To Testify Dems Will Be Disappointed To Hear What Bolton Had To Say on Impeachment Volume 90% By Carmine Sabia Published February 20, 2020 at 6:43pm To listen to the Democrats in Congress you would think all they needed was the testimony of former National Security Advisor John Bolton to have scored an impeachment conviction against President Donald Trump in the Senate. You would think that because they kept saying how critical his testimony was to seal their partisan witch hunt. It would have given the impeachment the air bipartisanship, because Bolton is a Republican — but ...

How Trump Made the Federal Courts Blink
Post Date: 2020-02-23 09:56:16 by Ada
A quick back-and-forth occurred over the last week between President Trump and the nation's federal judges. After lying to Attorney General Barr about seeking a minimum sentence, the prosecutors in the Roger Stone case (including two from the Mueller Crew) entered a harsh sentencing recommendation that he serve a decade behind bars for lying to Congress. President Trump rightly criticized the prosecutors for their double standard in persecuting one of his political allies while leaving Hillary, Huma, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, and countless others free to lie, destroy evidence, and obstruct investigations with impunity. The president lit into Judge Amy Berman Jackson while ...

Intelligence Sources: All Candidates Are Russian Agents But Pete Buttigieg
Post Date: 2020-02-23 09:34:34 by Ada
Today’s Caitlin Johnstone essay has been replaced by this breaking report by the National News Conglomerate. NNC: Obey. Following shocking reports from The New York Times and The Washington Post that Moscow is simultaneously working to both re-elect Donald Trump and ensure the nomination of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary race, NNC has obtained further information confirming that nearly all candidates currently running for president are in fact covert agents of the Russian government. According to sources familiar with the matter, the lone candidate not literally conducting espionage on behalf of the Russian government is Pete Buttigieg, the ...

Obama Weaseled Out of a Subpoena 10 Years Ago, but Trump Just Freed the Man Behind It
Post Date: 2020-02-22 13:04:57 by BTP Holdings
Obama Weaseled Out of a Subpoena 10 Years Ago, but Trump Just Freed the Man Behind It Obama Got Away 10 Years Ago, but Trump Just Gave Him Some Bad News Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published February 20, 2020 at 2:29pm The year was 2010. Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was embroiled in a court case that threatened to send him away for over a decade. The Democrat was accused (and later convicted) of attempting to sell the newly emptied U.S. Senate seat of then-President Barack Obama. The former governor’s defense team had a strategy, however: They would subpoena Obama himself as a star witness. According to the defense, Obama was seemingly more involved in the ...

Richard Grenell: Trump’s Yes Man in Berlin Gets Top Intel Job
Post Date: 2020-02-22 10:32:09 by Ada
In announcing Richard Grenell as the new acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI), President Trump had high praise for the 53-year-old diplomat, saying: “Rick has represented our country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him.” If by “representation” Trump means insulting a host nation exceedingly well on behalf of the president, then, yes, Grenell has been outstanding in his role up to now as American ambassador to Germany. Within hours of his appointment as US envoy in Berlin back in May 2018, Grenell riled German politicians and businessman by issuing a high-handed ultimatum that the country should “immediately” halt all commercial ...

You’ve Already Been Sentenced to Prison, It’s Just a Matter of Whether They’re Going to Come Get You
Post Date: 2020-02-21 07:47:50 by Ada
With the continual evolution of consent theory, and each new version of the theory being implemented in court, any man can be sentenced to prison for any sexual encounter. If you’ve had sex with any woman in the last [whatever the statute of limitations for rape in your state is], they can come arrest you at any time and throw you in prison. You can get thrown in prison for getting attacked on the street, as happened to members of the Proud Boys. You can be thrown in prison if people attack your car with bats and you crash, as happened to James Fields. You can be politically railroaded for supporting Donald Trump, and thrown in prison for a hoax, as happened to Roger Stone. You can ...

Mitt Romney got hit with some really bad news about his future
Post Date: 2020-02-20 10:00:11 by BTP Holdings
Mitt Romney got hit with some really bad news about his future Never-Trump traitor Mitt Romney is still feeling the heat from his vote to convict Donald Trump on one of the Democrats’ articles of impeachment. Romney is about to find out the worst is yet to come. And now Mitt Romney got hit with some really bad news about his future. When Romney voted to convict the President, many pundits believed that because of Romney’s role in saving the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from disaster after a bribery scandal and Romney’s leadership role in the Mormon Church, Romney was untouchable in Utah. But that is not the case. Donald Trump’s approval rating in Utah ...

Dershowitz Bombshell: I Have Proof Obama Personally Asked FBI To Help Soros Investigate Someone
Post Date: 2020-02-19 20:21:03 by BTP Holdings
Dershowitz Bombshell: I Have Proof Obama Personally Asked FBI To Help Soros Investigate Someone In an interview on satellite radio over the weekend, Harvard Law School professor emeritus and Trump impeachment counsel Alan Dershowitz said he had proof of an allegation that President Barack Obama asked the FBI to investigate someone at the behest of liberal benefactor George Soros. Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published February 18, 2020 at 8:47am In an interview on satellite radio over the weekend, Harvard Law School professor emeritus and Trump impeachment counsel Alan Dershowitz said he had proof of an allegation that President Barack Obama asked the FBI to investigate ...

Hillary Clinton Responds to Reports She Could Be Bloomberg's Vice President Pick: 'Oh, No'
Post Date: 2020-02-19 19:29:01 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Clinton Responds to Reports She Could Be Bloomberg's Vice President Pick: 'Oh, No' Hillary Clinton Responds to Bloomberg VP Reports Volume 90% By Randy DeSoto Published February 19, 2020 at 8:17am Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she is not interested in being former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s running mate should he become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. “Oh, no!” Clinton said, when queried on the subject during a trip to Puerto Rico. “I’m just waiting and watching as this plays out.” “I will support whoever the nominee is because I think for all the reasons you can imagine, and here in ...

Trump Takes Up Call for Barr to ‘Clean House’ at Justice Dept. Eileen Sullivan
Post Date: 2020-02-19 17:26:32 by Ada
WASHINGTON — Ignoring appeals from his attorney general to stop tweeting about the Justice Department, President Trump renewed his attacks on the agency on Wednesday, demanding “JUSTICE” for himself and all future presidents. With a series of retweets, Mr. Trump appeared to embrace the suggestion that Attorney General William P. Barr “clean shop” at the department. And the president promoted the idea of naming a special counsel to investigate what Tom Fitton, the head of the conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch, described as a “seditious conspiracy” at the department and the F.B.I. A day earlier, Mr. Barr was, according to some of his associates, ...

'Obama Personally Asked the FBI to Investigate Someone on Behalf of George Soros,' Says Alan Dershowitz
Post Date: 2020-02-19 11:12:56 by BTP Holdings
'Obama Personally Asked the FBI to Investigate Someone on Behalf of George Soros,' Says Alan Dershowitz By Megan Fox February 17, 2020 Former President Barack Obama (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) In an interview with Breitbart News, Alan Dershowitz claimed he is in possession of documents that will show Barack Obama asked the FBI to investigate an unnamed person on behalf of George Soros. Those documents, he says, will come out during a lawsuit that will be filed in the future. Dershowitz said the only difference between Trump and other presidents influencing the Department of Justice is that Trump is open about it while the others "whispered." "I have some information ...

Rush Limbaugh: Trump told me 'never apologize' for Buttigieg 'gay guy' remarks
Post Date: 2020-02-18 22:10:51 by BTP Holdings
Rush Limbaugh: Trump told me 'never apologize' for Buttigieg 'gay guy' remarks John Gage 6 hrs ago Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said President Trump called him to say he should not backtrack on comments he made about Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's electability as a gay man. © Provided by Washington Examiner "Hell, the president even called me about this!" Limbaugh said Monday on his show. "He said, 'Rush, I just got to tell you something. Never apologize. Don't ever apologize.'" The host said the president was referring to comments he had made about the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, that ...

JFK Assassination 3 Videos.
Post Date: 2020-02-18 15:47:55 by Horse
After Dorothy Kilgallen died, the FBI entered the scene and took every document they could find. She died in November in New York. It was cold outside but the air conditioner was on which made determining time of death difficult. Melvin Belli of San Francisco represented Jack Ruby of Dallas, Tx. Belli also touted his Mafia connections including Mickey Cohen whose mentor was Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel. Siegel was an early recruit of Meyer Lansky. Siegel was an early founder of Murder Incorporated. Originally headed by Louis "Lepke" Buchalter, and later by the most feared mob boss Albert "The Mad Hatter" Anastasia, Murder, Inc. was believed to be responsible for ...

Q: The Silent War Continues
Post Date: 2020-02-18 08:32:49 by Ada
Q followers were not surprised by President Trump’s remarks or Giuliani’s charges, since they have probed into Q’s numerous clues about the treachery of America’s elite. We’re living in dramatic times that are difficult to understand. One way to try to interpret them is through the cryptic clues provided by Q, which appear on an anonymous online forum and imply top-secret knowledge of upcoming events. As I wrote in my article “An Introduction to Q,” “Q’s followers believe that Q is a military intelligence operation, the first of its kind, whose goal is to provide the public with secret information… Q is a new weapon in the game of ...

Obama Uses Presidents Day To Take Credit for Trump Economy, Draws Fierce Backlash
Post Date: 2020-02-18 07:35:02 by BTP Holdings
Obama Uses Presidents Day To Take Credit for Trump Economy, Draws Fierce Backlash Obama Celebrates Presidents Day by Taking Credit for Trump's Accomplishments Volume 90% By Joe Saunders Published February 17, 2020 at 2:22pm This might work if the country had been in a coma. Former President Barack Obama celebrated Presidents Day on Monday with a Twitter post that just about perfectly captured the obscenely high opinion of himself the 44th president has always shown. But his attempt to claim credit for the booming economy during President Donald Trump’s three years in office sparked a social media backlash that showed many Americans were all too awake during the ...

The Trump Effect: Over 6 Million Off Food Stamps Since Inauguration Day
Post Date: 2020-02-17 08:47:32 by BTP Holdings
The Trump Effect: Over 6 Million Off Food Stamps Since Inauguration Day President Donald Trump grins before an appearance Friday before the National Border Patrol Council in Washington. The economy under Trump has enabled more than 6 million Americans to leave the food stamp rolls. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images) By Jack Davis Published February 16, 2020 at 1:40pm More than 6 million people have dropped off the rolls of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program since President Donald Trump took office, according to new federal data. According to figures released Friday from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, as of November — the last month ...

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