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New Poll Finds Trump At Record Highs And More Liked Than Biden, Pelosi, And Schiff
Post Date: 2020-02-05 13:11:14 by BTP Holdings
New Poll Finds Trump At Record Highs And More Liked Than Biden, Pelosi, And Schiff February 3, 2020 Conservative America Today The following story is brought to you courtesy of The Blaze. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories If House Democrats thought that by impeaching President Donald Trump would politically wound him heading into 2020, a new poll shows they were way off. According to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Saturday as the Senate begins concluding the impeachment trial of the president, the number of voters who “strongly approve” of the nation’s 45th commander in chief has hit a “new high.” Democratic ...

The Most Egregious Series of 'Corrupt Acts' Ever
Post Date: 2020-02-05 10:14:31 by Ada
“The evidence points in the direction of the president inviting Ukraine to engage in the corrupt acts of investigating a US political opponent,” House manager Adam Schiff told the U.S. Senate about a thousand times last week. A master dissembler, Schiff said whatever he had to in his effort to remove President Trump from office. However shameful, that was his job. The media had no excuse for enabling him. Those old enough to remember the Clinton years know what “corrupt acts” by a sitting president really smell like. In 1997, the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs chaired by Sen. Fred Thompson laid out in broad terms the scope of corruption that President Bill ...

Diversity or Socialism?
Post Date: 2020-02-05 08:02:02 by Ada
It’s past 2 AM and the results of the Iowa caucus are still not in. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is being blamed. The Iowa caucusers relied on an app that is apparently malfunctioning, leading to Bernie Bro speculation that the plutocrats who control the DNC simply don’t like the results and are simply stealing the election. Perez has shown a willingness to engage in corruption, embodied by his decision to change the debating rules so super-billionaire Michael Bloomberg can qualify. Bloomberg wrote a number of big checks to the DNC shortly before jumping into the race. It’s noteworthy that the two states Bernie Sanders is predicted to win, Iowa and ...

Chief Justice Censors Question About 'Whistleblower,' So Rand Paul Releases It to the Public
Post Date: 2020-02-04 17:17:57 by BTP Holdings
Chief Justice Censors Question About 'Whistleblower,' So Rand Paul Releases It to the Public Rand Paul Releases Question Chief Justice Roberts Censored Volume 90% By Joe Saunders Published January 30, 2020 at 2:18pm Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has spent a career using speeches on the Senate floor building a reputation as a maverick among Republicans on Capitol Hill. But it was a question he never got to ask Thursday during President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate that’s putting Paul’s name in the headlines now. At issue was the bizarre, continuing insistence by Democratic impeachment managers like Rep. Adam Schiff that they do not know the ...

Chief Justice Censors Question About 'Whistleblower,' So Rand Paul Releases It to the Public
Post Date: 2020-02-04 10:20:33 by BTP Holdings
Chief Justice Censors Question About 'Whistleblower,' So Rand Paul Releases It to the Public Rand Paul Releases Question Chief Justice Roberts Censored Volume 90% By Joe Saunders Published January 30, 2020 at 2:18pm Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has spent a career using speeches on the Senate floor building a reputation as a maverick among Republicans on Capitol Hill. But it was a question he never got to ask Thursday during President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate that’s putting Paul’s name in the At issue was the bizarre, continuing insistence by Democratic impeachment managers like Rep. Adam Schiff that they do not know the identity of the ...

You won’t believe which Supreme Court Justice is about to get fired
Post Date: 2020-02-03 11:37:47 by BTP Holdings
You won’t believe which Supreme Court Justice is about to get fired The Supreme Court has a role to play in the impeachment hoax. One Justice overstepped their authority. And you won’t believe which Supreme Court Justice is about to get fired. For the second day in a row Kentucky Senator Rand Paul submitted a question to both the President’s lawyers and the House Impeachment Managers asking if they knew about Obama holdovers on the National Security Council Eric Ciaramella and Shawn Misko discussing impeaching President Trump back in 2017. Misko now works for Adam Schiff on the House Intelligence Committee and many in Washington, D.C. believe that Ciaramella is the ...

Rand Paul urges Trump to take immediate action against John Bolton, revoke his security clearance
Post Date: 2020-02-02 21:49:10 by BTP Holdings
Rand Paul urges Trump to take immediate action against John Bolton, revoke his security clearance 'No one, especially not John Bolton..." February 01, 2020 Chris Enloe Rand Paul (R-Ky.) urged President Donald Trump on Saturday to immediately rescind John Bolton's security clearance. As Trump's former national security adviser, Bolton holds a top security clearance, meaning he is privy to extremely sensitive intelligence that only a small number of senior-level government officials have authorization to see, hear, or access. But Paul wants that privilege revoked. "No one, especially not John Bolton, should be able to use their security clearance for profit! I ...

We Now Know the Question Justice Roberts Censored, and the Media Lied: It Didn't Name the Whistleblower
Post Date: 2020-02-01 19:56:55 by BTP Holdings
We Now Know the Question Justice Roberts Censored, and the Media Lied: It Didn't Name the Whistleblower Rand Paul's Censored Question Revealed - They Lied to Us Volume 90% By Carmine Sabia Published January 31, 2020 at 7:28pm Democrats and the media have seemingly shot themselves in the foot doing what they have accused Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul of doing: naming the whistleblower. The senator was rebuffed during the Senate impeachment trial Thursday when he sent a question to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, who refused to read the question. It was assumed by numerous media outlets that the justice declined to answer the question because it named the ...

Chuck Schumer instantly regretted one comment that is going to land him in court
Post Date: 2020-02-01 17:10:11 by BTP Holdings
Chuck Schumer instantly regretted one comment that is going to land him in court Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at Donald Trump in hopes of turning the impeachment witch hunt into a victory. But in his desperation Schumer crossed a line. And Chuck Schumer instantly regretted one comment that is going to land him in court. Schumer and the Democrats are desperate to pressure Republicans into not extending the impeachment witch hunt by calling on John Bolton to testify. In a bizarre rant, Schumer seized on the leak to The New York Times about Bolton’s book, where Bolton falsely accused the President of making foreign policy ...

We Now Know the Question Justice Roberts Censored, and the Media Lied: It Didn't Name the Whistleblower
Post Date: 2020-02-01 12:55:22 by BTP Holdings
We Now Know the Question Justice Roberts Censored, and the Media Lied: It Didn't Name the Whistleblower Rand Paul's Censored Question Revealed - They Lied to Us Volume 90% By Carmine Sabia Published January 31, 2020 at 7:28pm Democrats and the media have seemingly shot themselves in the foot doing what they have accused Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul of doing: naming the whistleblower. The senator was rebuffed during the Senate impeachment trial Thursday when he sent a question to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, who refused to read the question. It was assumed by numerous media outlets that the justice declined to answer the question because it named the ...

Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’ May Be Implicated in Biden-Burisma Caper, Trump Lawyer Says
Post Date: 2020-02-01 10:27:15 by BTP Holdings
Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’ May Be Implicated in Biden-Burisma Caper, Trump Lawyer Says January 30, 2020 Republican Post The following story is brought to you courtesy of PJ Media. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories The unnamed “whistleblower” who launched the investigation that became the impeachment of President Donald Trump may himself be implicated in the Obama administration’s decision to ultimately overlook the conflict of interest involving then-Vice President Joe Biden (administration point man on Ukraine) and his son Hunter, who served on the board of the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma. The fact that key questions ...

Why four key Republicans split — and the witness vote tanked
Post Date: 2020-02-01 08:32:05 by BTP Holdings
Why four key Republicans split — and the witness vote tanked By Burgess Everett and Marianne LeVine 11 hrs ago When Lamar Alexander and Lisa Murkowski met privately in his third-floor Capitol hideaway on Thursday night, Alexander broke the news: He was going to vote against bringing in new witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. © J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo Sen. Mitt Romney and Sen. Lamar Alexander. The Tennessee Republican explained the rationale to his Alaska colleague: That the House managers had proven their case against the president but that it still wasn’t impeachable conduct and therefore more information was unnecessary, according to a ...

Rand Paul just tore into John Bolton, Joe Biden, and his money-grubbing family in this tense exchange
Post Date: 2020-01-31 18:51:09 by BTP Holdings
Rand Paul just tore into John Bolton, Joe Biden, and his money-grubbing family in this tense exchange The Senate impeachment “trial” is nearing its anti-climactic conclusion, with everyone knowing the result. But that isn’t stopping things from getting downright nasty as conservatives fight back against this massive waste of taxpayer dollars. And Rand Paul just tore into John Bolton, Joe Biden, and his entire money-grubbing Biden family in this tense exchange. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is known as a fighter. Much like his father, former Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul(R-TX), Senator Paul isn’t afraid of a fight. Especially when it comes to waste, ...

Pelosi Defies Senate's Authority, Says Even if Senate Votes To Acquit, Trump Won't Actually Be Acquitted
Post Date: 2020-01-31 01:41:10 by BTP Holdings
Pelosi Defies Senate's Authority, Says Even if Senate Votes To Acquit, Trump Won't Actually Be Acquitted Pelosi Admits She Won't Honor Senate Acquittal of Trump Volume 90% By Carmine Sabia Published January 30, 2020 at 6:16pm The Democratic Party is so deep in its Trump Derangement Syndrome that the things its leaders say and do often defy reason. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stood in front of microphones on Thursday and declared that if President Donald Trump is acquitted by the Senate (a likely scenario), he will not actually be acquitted. Pelosi was responding to a reporter who had asked what she would do in the case of the president’s acquittal. The ...

Wonder How The NYT Got The Leak From Bolton’s Unpublished Book? Look Who’s Reportedly Vetting It.
Post Date: 2020-01-29 16:55:21 by BTP Holdings
Wonder How The NYT Got The Leak From Bolton’s Unpublished Book? Look Who’s Reportedly Vetting It. 2 days ago Rushmore Daily Over the weekend the New York Times leaked a newsy item reportedly from former National Security Council Adviser John Bolton’s as yet unpublished book. The book reportedly includes information about President Trump’s desire to hold up aid for Ukraine – aid that was, in fact, given to the troubled country. President Trump made that point in a series of tweets on Monday: News of Bolton’s alleged reason behind the hold-up, that Trump wanted a Biden investigation, has now resulted in a couple of Republican senators, Collins and Romney, ...

The Establishment Doesn’t Fear Trump, And It Doesn’t Fear Bernie. It Fears You.
Post Date: 2020-01-29 08:32:57 by Ada
During the George W Bush administration it was popular in conspiracy circles to speculate that events might be orchestrated which would allow the Bush family to complete a coup against the US Constitution and hold on to power indefinitely. Such paranoia and suspicion of government power in the wake of the extraordinary post-9/11 advancements in Orwellian surveillance programs and unprecedented military expansionism were perfectly understandable, but predictions that the younger Bush would not cede power at the end of his second term proved incorrect. In today’s hysterical Trump-centric political environment we now see mainstream voices in mainstream outlets openly advancing the same ...

The Grubby Corruption of Our Power Elite
Post Date: 2020-01-28 19:40:54 by Ada
A review of “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” by Peter Schweizer (Harper, 368 pages, $29.99) We all owe Peter Schweizer an enormous debt of gratitude for his enormous and effective labors in bringing sunlight to these tenebrous and mephitic climes. In January 1956, John F. Kennedy published Profiles in Courage, biographical encomia to eight U.S. senators, from John Quincy Adams to Robert Taft, whom Kennedy thought exhibited conspicuous courage in the discharge of their public duties. I say Kennedy published Profiles in Courage. But the book was written not by JFK but by the loyal Kennedy apparatchik and fixer Ted Sorensen. ...

The Establishment Doesn’t Fear Trump, And It Doesn’t Fear Bernie. It Fears You.
Post Date: 2020-01-28 09:23:45 by Ada
During the George W Bush administration it was popular in conspiracy circles to speculate that events might be orchestrated which would allow the Bush family to complete a coup against the US Constitution and hold on to power indefinitely. Such paranoia and suspicion of government power in the wake of the extraordinary post-9/11 advancements in Orwellian surveillance programs and unprecedented military expansionism were perfectly understandable, but predictions that the younger Bush would not cede power at the end of his second term proved incorrect. In today’s hysterical Trump-centric political environment we now see mainstream voices in mainstream outlets openly advancing the same ...

The Way of the Grifter: What Hillary Clinton can Teach Us
Post Date: 2020-01-27 16:41:04 by BTP Holdings
The Way of the Grifter: What Hillary Clinton can Teach Us January 22, 2016 by John Mark N. Reynolds The Grifter can sap the life out of anyone. The Clintons are amazing. They have somehow grown very, very rich through public service. Other politicians have done well by doing badly, but the Clintons are in a league of their own. As the second most disliked politician running for President according to polls, one wonders why Clinton needs to keep on keeping on. The answer is: that is what grifters do. A grifter swindles you, but a good grifter can get you to thank them for taking your money. Grifters are not just thieves, but parasites. They generally hijack another person’s ...

GOP Sen. Ready To Call Schiff, Whistleblower, Bidens To Testify in Case Senate Allows Witnesses
Post Date: 2020-01-27 15:57:23 by BTP Holdings
GOP Sen. Ready To Call Schiff, Whistleblower, Bidens To Testify in Case Senate Allows Witnesses By Jack Davis Published January 26, 2020 at 2:43pm As the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump moves forward toward its next major vote, one Republican senator said Democrats who want witnesses added to the trial may get more than they bargained for. In a Twitter post Saturday, Sen. John Hawley of Missouri wrote that if the Senate votes to hear witnesses in the case, which Democrats want, he will insist that key players in the House impeachment process as well as the Bidens also testify. “I have drafted motions to subpoena Adam Schiff, the ‘whistleblower,’ Hunter ...

A Clinton puppet at CNN just admitted to a lie that will destroy his credibility forever
Post Date: 2020-01-26 21:38:01 by BTP Holdings
A Clinton puppet at CNN just admitted to a lie that will destroy his credibility forever Since the 2016 election, many top Clinton allies have joined CNN to spread fake news. They are now trying to use their influence at the network to remove Trump from office. But a Clinton puppet at CNN just admitted to a lie that will destroy his credibility forever. With impeachment in full swing, Fake News Networks like CNN are trying to create the worst anti-Trump narrative they can. They are bringing out everyone they can to form this narrative. The most rabid anti-Trump figures around are being brought in as credible figures to describe the events, while even those neutral to Trump are barred ...

Why Hillary Clinton is the world’s greatest gift to Republicans
Post Date: 2020-01-26 17:56:46 by Ada
Hillary Clinton is the gift that keeps on giving for Republicans, attacking Democratic candidates Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Remember when Jimmy Carter published a whiny, self-serving book about his political downfall called “What Happened”? Remember when Mike Dukakis pushed filmmakers to do a four-hour fan documentary about himself? Remember when George H.W. Bush mocked Bill Clinton at the Grammys? Yeah, me neither. Previous losing presidential candidates had the dignity to back off and bow out of politics. Yet here is Hillary Rodham Clinton, the recurrent canker sore on America’s butt, which is politics. This week she again tried to reintroduce herself ...

Trump suggests Schiff will pay a 'price' for pushing impeachment
Post Date: 2020-01-26 15:26:28 by BTP Holdings
Trump suggests Schiff will pay a 'price' for pushing impeachment Allan Smith 4 hrs ago President Donald Trump on Sunday suggested House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., will pay a "price" for his role in the impeachment saga. © J. Scott Applewhite Image: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrives at the Capitol before the impeachment trial on Jan. 25, 2020. "Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man," Trump tweeted. "He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!" The president posted those comments after writing earlier Sunday that his impeachment ...

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva: Obama, Hillary Ordered Me Not to Negotiate with Iran
Post Date: 2020-01-26 10:27:33 by Ada
“I remember that Hilary Clinton worked hard against my idea to go to Iran. She even called the Emir of Qatar and asked him to convince me not to go. When I arrived in Moscow and met with [Dmitry] Medvedev, I found out Obama had called and asked him to help convince me not to go.” He was the world’s most popular leader. Now he is “the world’s most prominent political prisoner” according to American political philosopher Noam Chomsky. From extremely humble beginnings as a peanut seller and a shoeshine boy on Brazil’s streets, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva rose to become president of his nation in 2002. Yet he is now being kept hostage by the country’s ...

President Trump Formally Responds to Impeachment Charges For the First Time
Post Date: 2020-01-24 16:26:15 by BTP Holdings
President Trump Formally Responds to Impeachment Charges For the First Time January 19, 2020 Democratic U.S. lawmakers leading the impeachment case against Republican President Donald Trump said on Saturday the president must be removed from office to protect national security and preserve the country’s system of government. In a 111-page document filed before Trump’s Senate trial begins in earnest on Tuesday, the lawmakers laid out their arguments supporting charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress against the president. “The Senate should convict and remove President Trump to avoid serious and long term damage to our democratic values and the nation’s ...

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