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Guaido's Last Ride
Post Date: 2020-01-20 09:17:53 by Ada
Remember Juan Guaido? Just a year ago the Venezuelan politician, unknown even in his own country, was tapped by the US government to lead a coup against the elected government of Nicolas Maduro. In a phone call with no less than Vice President Mike Pence himself, Guaido was told that if he declared himself president the US would back him. So…he did. Guaido hadn’t received a single vote to be president in Venezuela’s election – in fact he never even ran for the office – but such absurdity has never stopped the US government from backing military coups overseas. All done in the name of “democracy,” to be sure. News of US recognition of Guaido as the ...

Exposed: Bernie Sanders Dirty Little Secret About Iran
Post Date: 2020-01-20 06:44:07 by BTP Holdings
Exposed: Bernie Sanders Dirty Little Secret About Iran January 19, 2020 2020 hopeful and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has a dirty little secret about Iran he wishes he could keep hiding, but it just got blown wide open. Back in 1979 when Iran took the staff of America’s embassy in Iran hostage virtually every American was appalled. Well, almost everyone. Guess who thought Iran was justified in taking our hostages? Yep, none other than wanna-be America hater in chief Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as the Daily Beast reports: Virtually all Americans—Democrats, Republicans and independents—united in support of the hostages and the international call for their freedom. ...

Trump was red with rage with what this Supreme Court Justice said about impeachment
Post Date: 2020-01-18 16:28:20 by BTP Holdings
Trump was red with rage with what this Supreme Court Justice said about impeachment The Supreme Court is going to play a key role in the resolution of the impeachment witch hunt. But one Justice will play a special role. And Donald Trump was red with rage with what this Supreme Court Justice said about impeachment. Chief Justice John Roberts will preside over the Senate impeachment trial. It will be up to Roberts to issue rulings that shape the contours of that proceeding. And Roberts just proved he was biased against the President in his annual message when Roberts attacked the spread of so-called “fake news.” POLITICO reports: Chief Justice John Roberts — who’s ...

Trump Hires Lead Instigator of Bill Clinton Impeachment as Own Impeachment Defense Attorney
Post Date: 2020-01-18 09:09:44 by Ada
You gotta admit, this is a pretty hilarious move. CNN: President Donald Trump is adding three seasoned lawyers to his impeachment legal defense team, the White House confirmed Friday night, including Kenneth Starr, the hard-charging prosecutor whose work led to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. This guy was a complete obsessive and really the only reason that Bill Clinton was impeached. That whole situation was completely retarded. Instead of investigating all of the rapes and murders linked to the Clintons, they investigated a blowjob. And it didn’t even do anything to harm the reputation of these people, let alone get Clinton out of office. Trump accurately labeled ...

'The Speaker Lied': As Pelosi Names Impeachment Managers, Trump Hits Back Hard
Post Date: 2020-01-17 19:48:55 by BTP Holdings
'The Speaker Lied': As Pelosi Names Impeachment Managers, Trump Hits Back Hard Trump Issues Fiery Response as Pelosi Names Impeachment Managers: 'The Speaker Lied' Volume 90% By Joe Saunders Published January 15, 2020 at 1:29pm President Donald Trump’s White House came out swinging. Within moments of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s long-awaited announcement Wednesday of the seven Democrats who would be in charge of the Trump impeachment trial in the Senate, the White House released a blistering attack on Pelosi and the entire, transparently political impeachment process. It was a sign of things to come, and an excellent indication of how brutal the ...

Sen. Kamala Harris calls for halt on President Trump’s judicial nominations during impeachment
Post Date: 2020-01-17 05:40:51 by BTP Holdings
Sen. Kamala Harris calls for halt on President Trump’s judicial nominations during impeachment Red State Of Mind Daily January 16, 2020 Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Wednesday called for the Senate Judiciary Committee to stop the consideration of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, arguing that the upper chamber made the same move during the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. What are the details? “Today, the United States Senate will receive articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump and begin to determine whether the president’s actions warrant his removal from office,” Harris said in a statement. “The president is ...

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Rand Paul Says GOP Will Shaft Trump, Allow Democrat Witnesses and Block His Requests — Warns Colleagues Not to Commit Political Suicide
Post Date: 2020-01-16 10:20:46 by Ada
In an interview with The Gateway Pundit about the impeachment effort on Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul warned his colleagues who plan to let the Democrats choose witnesses that they will lose their reelections. Senator Paul, who has seemingly been leading the charge to defend the president during this process, also explained that he would vote for Rep. Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi to have to testify, especially since Schiff has a staff member who is friends with the whistleblower — potentially making him a material witness. Additionally, Sen. Paul stated that he wants the impeachment process to be over as soon as possible, but that if the Democrats are allowed to call ...

An Attack on the Rule of Law
Post Date: 2020-01-16 09:45:55 by Ada
Rebecca Ingber explains why it matters very much whether there was an “imminent” Iranian attack earlier this month: The framers gave Congress, not the president, the power to declare war with the understanding that it would slow the rush into conflict. A narrow exception for circumstances in which there is truly no time to go to Congress for a vote makes sense. But the president cannot circumvent Congress simply because he views it as good policy to take action. After hiding behind the claim that they acted to head off an “imminent” attack, the Trump administration now shrugs and claims that it makes no difference if there was such an attack in the works or not. Of ...

Impeachment, Soleimani and the Pull of the Swamp
Post Date: 2020-01-15 11:13:49 by Ada
The day Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she would open up impeachment proceedings against President Trump I called it a coup. It was obvious to me then and more obvious to me today that we are headed to a dangerous place (a dangerous place). Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate begins next week and it’s clear that this will not be a walk in the park for the President. Anyone dismissing this because the Republicans hold the Senate simply do not understand why this impeachment exists in the first place. It is the ultimate form of leverage over a President whose desire to end the wars in the Middle East is anathema to the entrenched powers in the D.C. Swamp. This is what I ...

Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution
Post Date: 2020-01-15 10:37:09 by Ada
Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has announced that the entire government is resigning in a surprise statement released shortly after President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual state-of-the-nation address. Accepting the resignation, Putin thanked the ministers for their hard work and asked them to function as a caretaker government until a new one can be formed. Medvedev and Putin had met for a work meeting to discuss the state-of-the-nation address earlier on Wednesday, the Kremlin said. Medvedev explained that the cabinet is resigning in accordance with ...

Democratic Party insiders are now calling Bloomberg ‘dream candidate’ to defeat Trump (because he’ll spend $1bn). REALLY?
Post Date: 2020-01-14 10:24:45 by Ada
Michael Bloomberg plans to do whatever it takes “to get rid of Trump.” As president, he’d push for a ‘regressive tax’ to save us from ourselves. His candidacy is toxic to the Democratic Party, and will be rejected by Americans. The former mayor of New York is aiming to become the Democratic challenger in November’s election, but whether he wins the nomination or not, he will have an enormous impact on the coming presidential election. By itself, Bloomberg’s money stash – he has a net worth of $50 billion and has already outspent his rivals who started their campaigns many months earlier – makes him a formidable candidate for US president ...

Trump Quadruples Down on Soleimani Assassination, Says All “Bad People” Should be Assassinated by Drones
Post Date: 2020-01-14 09:08:04 by Ada
Donald Trump vs. Iran is like Rick vs. Negan. There are no shades of gray here, and if you suggest it is more complicated than a TV show, you’re a bad person. This “I good guy, I kill bad guy, now is freedom time, I love you” bullshit that Trump and his people are putting out following the Soleimani assassination probably would have worked in the pre-internet age. But now it just comes off as pandering to boomers, while mocking anyone who knows how to read the internet. The basic idea that we should just be assassinating people “because they are bad,” without even considering the potential consequences, is totally nuts if you are reading about potential ...

Lying Generals and the Lies They Tell
Post Date: 2020-01-14 08:25:24 by Ada
I’ve had it out for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Army General Mark Milley, of late. My dislike for the man might even constitute an intellectual blind spot. Count me guilty as charged. I’ve mistrusted this character – who brilliantly weaves both plainspoken soldier’s bluster with a veneer of intellectualism – ever since he addressed the West Point faculty, of which I was then a member, back in 2014. His basic thesis: the cadets, the army as a whole, needed to get back to the basics of war-fighting, and avoid the distraction of "too much" scholarly diversion. Milley, unlike most army chiefs, didn’t attend West Point himself. No doubt some ...

Warren Says She's Willing To Ban Construction of New Homes in America
Post Date: 2020-01-13 20:43:44 by BTP Holdings
Warren Says She's Willing To Ban Construction of New Homes in America Warren Would Set This Rule During Her Authoritarian Administration Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published January 12, 2020 at 12:34am If your home isn’t carbon neutral, Elizabeth Warren might not let you build it. And if that means no new homes get built, she’s OK with that. In an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday, the Massachusetts senator and fading presidential candidate talked about her Thunberg-lite plan to help end climate change. (Climate crisis? Catastrophe? What are we going with these days?) During her appearance, Warren was asked what she’d do ...

In Praise of Rome’s Citizen Soldiers
Post Date: 2020-01-13 09:03:23 by Ada
They fought for home and family, which was preferable to professional mercenaries only in it for the emperor's spoils. Killing for the Republic: Citizen Soldiers and the Roman Way of War, Steele Brand, Johns Hopkins University Press, 370 pages Steele Brand is a historian who pays not even lip service to historical determinism. The Roman Republic collapsed, Brand says, because of deliberate choices made by “grasping, ambitious and amoral” leaders who took advantage of a debased “culture” that became more “perfectly suited to autocracy” than to freedom. Brand’s book should be read with care by Americans as our republic enters its twilight, as the ...

Pompeo: I Lied About Soleimani 'Imminent Attacks'
Post Date: 2020-01-11 13:13:28 by Ada
Trump’s neoconservative Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is a man unafraid to admit to being a liar. In fact he seems to revel in his ability to lie to the American people. Remember just a week ago when Pompeo told us that the US absolutely HAD to send in a drone to assassinate Iran’s top general, Qassim Soleimani, while he was in Iraq on a peace mission because he was planning “imminent attacks” on US personnel and interests in the Middle East. These claims were crafted to blunt any criticism of the blatantly illegal act of killing a top military officer of a country with which you are not at war in a third country (which forbade the attack on its soil) with which ...

Plan E?
Post Date: 2020-01-11 09:54:41 by Ada
If the predictable election of 2016 fails to deliver the controllable neoconservative president, if a pseudo-McCarthyite campaign against an economically recovering and energy-independent Russia fails again, if putting your own guys in the National Security Council also fails, and if an impeachment seems likewise doomed to peter out, what do you have left? If you are a war-whoring, petrodollar-preserving, rapture-ready, neoconservative globalist…. well, you’re in luck! President Pence is ready to step in. The beauty of Plan E, the fifth backup, is very precious. The very failures of previous attempts to amend the 2016 election – and stop Trump’s early promises to put ...

The Justice Department Is Devoid of Justice
Post Date: 2020-01-09 10:50:35 by Ada
In the United States the criminal justice (sic) system is itself not subject to law. We see immunity to law continually as police commit felonies against citizens and even murder children and walk away free. We see it all the time when prosecutors conduct political prosecutions and when they prosecute the innocent in order to build their conviction record. We see it when judges fail to prevent prosecutors from withholding exculpatory evidence and bribing witnesses and when judges accept coerced plea deals that deprive the defendant of a jury trial. We just saw it again when federal prosecutors recommended a six month prison sentence for Lt. Gen. Flynn, the former head of the Defense ...

A Lawless Political Assassination
Post Date: 2020-01-09 09:02:09 by Ada
"America … goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." ~ President John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) Last week, President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. military to invade a then-friendly country without the knowledge or consent of its government and assassinate a visiting foreign government official. The victim was the head of Iran’s military and intelligence. The formerly friendly country is Iraq. The killing of the general and his companions was carried out by the use of an unmanned drone. The general was not engaged in an act of violence at the time he was killed, nor were any of his companions. They were driving on a public highway in a van. The ...

Hollywood Mortified After Ron Howard Instantly Wrecked While Explaining Trump Hatred
Post Date: 2020-01-08 21:44:20 by BTP Holdings
Hollywood Mortified After Ron Howard Instantly Wrecked While Explaining Trump Hatred January 8, 2020 Right Wing Americans The following video is brought to you courtesy of The Next News Network YouTube Channel. Click the play button to watch it now. Amanda Prestagiacomo from The Daily Wire reports, On Wednesday, prominent filmmaker Ron Howard ripped into President Donald Trump, explaining that folks in Hollywood hate the president because they see that he is a “self-serving, dishonest, morally bankrupt ego maniac,” unlike the rubes in Middle America supporting the president. Poster Comment:Opie Taylor was a cute kid. But now that he is grown I can see he is just another ...

Ann Coulter: ‘We Thought Trump Was Different’ About Starting Wars
Post Date: 2020-01-07 13:34:52 by Ada
Conservative author Ann Coulter bemoaned President Donald Trump’s escalation of tensions with Iran in a tweet Monday, saying that his supporters thought he would be “different.” “All Republican presidents run on keeping us out of war, as Eisenhower, Nixon,” Coulter wrote. “Reagan actually did. Then, they start wars. We thought Trump was different.” Coulter has frequently criticized Trump in the last year, primarily attacking him for not building the border wall quickly enough. Conservative political commentator and author Ann Coulter discusses her latest book, “Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World ...

Was James Mattis the Last Check on Trump?
Post Date: 2020-01-07 08:58:32 by Ada
Military sources say the recent strikes against Iran wouldn't have happened under the former secretary's watch. In January of 2017, while awaiting Senate confirmation as Donald Trump’s secretary of defense, retired Marine General James Mattis was warned about the new president in a telephone call from Democratic Congressman Adam Smith. “I called him and said, ‘Trump has no idea what he’s doing, but isn’t afraid to do it,” Smith recounted, then explained that he warned Mattis that Trump’s closest advisers were likely to feed the new president’s worst instincts. “You’re across the river, and they’re across the hall,” ...

Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran
Post Date: 2020-01-07 08:16:39 by Ada
President Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani last week because he was planning “Imminent attacks” on US citizens. I don’t believe them. Why not? Because Trump and the neocons – like Pompeo – have been lying about Iran for the past three years in an effort to whip up enough support for a US attack. From the phony justification to get out of the Iran nuclear deal, to blaming Yemen on Iran, to blaming Iran for an attack on Saudi oil facilities, the US Administration has fed us a steady stream of lies for three years because they are obsessed with Iran. And before Trump’s obsession with ...

Hillary Clinton’s new job could mean she leaves the United States forever
Post Date: 2020-01-06 07:08:27 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Clinton’s new job could mean she leaves the United States forever Since losing to President Trump in 2016, Hillary Clinton’s life has been in ruin. She has been desperately looking for influence, only to be ignored. And she just took a new job that could mean she leaves the United States forever. Hillary Clinton had everything riding on being President of the United States right now. So now that it’s clear she will never serve in political office again, she is desperately looking for anything else to do. She tried becoming an author, only for her book to flop to the point that she was doing book signings in grocery store milk aisles. That’s why she is now ...

Trump Sanctions Have Cost Iran Billions More Than Obama Gave Them for the Nuclear Deal
Post Date: 2020-01-04 17:26:51 by BTP Holdings
Trump Sanctions Have Cost Iran Billions More Than Obama Gave Them for the Nuclear Deal Volume 90% By Joe Saunders Published January 1, 2020 at 3:46pm Donald Trump is hitting Iran where it hurts. For 40 years, the murderous mullahs who lead the Islamic Republic have never needed much of a reason to hate an American president. Even milk Jimmy Carter — a man whose presidency is a byword for American weakness — was hated by the ayatollahs who took over the country after the revolution of 1979. But as Bloomberg reported Tuesday, the tyrants of Tehran have some especially good reasons to detest the current president: About $50 billion worth, and that’s likely to keep ...

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