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Is the Constitution Suspended?
Post Date: 2019-08-11 15:06:10 by BTP Holdings
THE NEW AMERICAN -- February 5, 1996 Copyright 1996 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 ARTICLE: Nation TITLE: Is the Constitution Suspended? AUTHOR: Thomas A. Burzynski In recent years, an ever-increasing number of alarming rumors have been paraded before Americans concerning their nation's future. Fears of United Nations forces in Montana, a concentration camp in downtown Indianapolis, and black helicopters everywhere are but a few of the sensational stories that have been spread through talk radio, the Internet, and tabloid newspapers. The most recent addition to this maelstrom of false alarms offers the theory that the U.S. ...

A Former Clinton Adviser Exposes Hillary's History of Lies and Obfuscations (2004) Dick Morris
Post Date: 2019-08-10 19:20:54 by BTP Holdings
Morris first worked with Bill and Hillary Clinton during Bill Clinton's successful 1978 bid for Governor of Arkansas. About the book: Morris did not have a role in Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign, which instead was headed by David Wilhelm, James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, and Paul Begala. After the 1994 mid-term election, in which Republicans took control of both houses of the United States Congress and gained considerable power in the states, Clinton once again sought Morris' help to prepare for the 1996 Presidential election. As of August 2009, Morris lends his name and assistance to the League of ...

Alveda King Rejects Left’s Claims: ‘President Trump Is Not a Racist’
Post Date: 2019-08-09 22:11:57 by BTP Holdings
Alveda King Rejects Left’s Claims: ‘President Trump Is Not a Racist’ MLK's Niece Destroys Left's Trump Narrative Volume 90% By Joe Setyon Published August 8, 2019 at 2:08pm Alveda King, the niece of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., said in an interview Thursday that President Donald Trump is not a racist. King’s comments come as multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke and Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, have called Trump a white supremacist in recent days, as Axios noted. But King, a Fox News contributor, told “Fox & Friends” that such ...

NRA Warns Trump Against Gun Background Checks – Report
Post Date: 2019-08-09 19:22:49 by BTP Holdings
NRA Warns Trump Against Gun Background Checks – Report Scott Olson / Getty Images President Trump at the 148th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in April 2019. The NRA chief executive warned Trump about calling for extensive background checks on Aug. 6. (Scott Olson / Getty Images) By Bryan Chai Published August 8, 2019 at 1:04pm President Trump reportedly faced an unfamiliar critic this week after a pair of tragedies over the weekend once again sparked the polarizing gun control debate in America. According to The Washington Post, National Rifle Association chief executive Wayne Lapierre told Trump on Tuesday that any moves toward background checks on guns would be mighty ...

The Persistent Myth That Trump Opposes War
Post Date: 2019-08-09 08:21:18 by Ada
Whenever I criticize the foreign policy of the current US administration, I always get some pushback from Trump supporters who insist that this president is doing more good than harm by “fighting the Deep State” and, even more commonly, by “keeping us out of wars”. This notion that Donald Trump is some kind of peace president, or even the notion that he puts any more inertia on the US war machine than his predecessor did, is contradicted by all facts and evidence we have available to us. Trump has not ended a single one of the wars his predecessors started, and has added dangerous escalations against Venezuela, Iran, and nuclear-armed Russia. One of the difficulties ...

Ex-FBI Asst Dir: Trump Lowering Flags Til Aug. 8 May Be Secret Signal to White Supremacists
Post Date: 2019-08-09 06:19:22 by BTP Holdings
Ex-FBI Asst Dir: Trump Lowering Flags Till Aug. 8 May Be Secret Signal to White Supremacists Volume 90% By Joe Setyon Published August 6, 2019 at 1:17pm It seems like every time I think the left and the establishment media’s claims about the Trump administration couldn’t get any more outrageous, they do anyway. The latest example of this came this week in the wake of two deadly mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. Leftists have had no issue blaming Trump for the El Paso shooting, claiming the president’s calls for a more secure border were reflected in the suspected gunman’s apparent hatred for immigrants. On Monday, a former FBI ...

Trump Blasts Back at Beto O’Rourke Ahead of Trip to El Paso
Post Date: 2019-08-08 21:43:45 by BTP Holdings
Trump Blasts Back at Beto O’Rourke Ahead of Trip to El Paso Volume 90% By Joe Saunders Published August 7, 2019 at 7:19am Correction: An earlier version of this article included incorrect times for the president’s arrival in and departure from El Paso. On the eve of President Donald Trump’s visit to El Paso, the sparks were already flying. With the president planning to arrive in the Texas town Wednesday evening, he was involved in a social media clash with former Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, the El Paso native and Democratic presidential hopeful. And the conflict was very, very public. Trump is visiting El Paso in the wake of the Saturday ...

MSNBC pundit ‘Trump can’t bring the country together because he’s the one who tore it apart’
Post Date: 2019-08-07 19:07:55 by BTP Holdings
MSNBC pundit ‘Trump can’t bring the country together because he’s the one who tore it apart’ Published 1 min ago on August 7, 2019 By Sarah K. Burris While covering the El Paso, Texas rally opposing President Donald Trump’s racism, MSNBC noted former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) both gave profound speeches that called out the racism of the president and called for the country to listen to their better angels. When President Barack Obama was in office, he would attend church services, vigils, comfort family of victims, and support survivors. Trump, by contrast, treated his Ohio event like a campaign rally, posting photos of Trump ...

9/11 Commission-styled Witch Hunt of “White Nationalists”
Post Date: 2019-08-07 09:24:28 by Ada
Jennifer Rubin, a resident Zionist op-ed writer at The Washington Post, believes it is time for the exceptional nation to take on white nationalists. She cites Freedom House, the supposed non-NGO that receives funding from the US government and specializes in undermining foreign governments. Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

Was Trump Right About Baltimore?
Post Date: 2019-08-07 09:07:14 by Ada
Here’s what President Donald Trump tweeted about Baltimore’s congressman and his city: “Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is far worse and more dangerous. His district is considered the worst in the USA.” “As proven last week during a congressional tour, the border is clean, efficient and well run, just very crowded,” Trump added. Cumming’s “district is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy ...

Fiendish Yids Outraged Daily Stormer Promoted Tulsi Gabbard
Post Date: 2019-08-07 08:48:46 by Ada
I did my best to NOT call for donations for Tulsi Gabbard. What happened was, there was 48 hours left to meet the donation amount that would get her into the debates, and she was nearly 2,000 donations short of meeting the threshold. So as anyone who was around those days will remember, I put a banner up and demanded that everyone give her a dollar to ensure she got into the debates. I purposefully waited until the last minute, and I only did it when it was clear she wouldn’t get into the debates if I didn’t do it. Obviously, I wanted her in the debates because she talks about real issues that actually matter, so I had to make a decision between tainting her with all of the ...

Trump Blows El Paso Response, and Maybe the Election. He Better Hope Congress Fails to Pass His Terrible Proposals
Post Date: 2019-08-07 07:56:43 by Ada
President Donald Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton shootings in the worst way possible. He called for gun control, the death penalty for “hate crimes,” and more tech censorship. It’s a plan Kamala Harris would envy and if implemented, would let the federal government silence Trump voters on social media and take their guns. Trump also speculated that his plan should be paired with “immigration reform”—a term he left undefined, but conventionally used to mean Amnesty. Instead of defending his supporters or shifting the focus onto the Antifa Dayton shooter, he capitulated to the Main Stream Media narrative. He received no credit and Democrats and ...

Democrats: Exploiting Massacres for Political Gain
Post Date: 2019-08-06 04:52:55 by Ada
It was two days of contrast that tell us all about America 2019. In El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, following the mass murders on Saturday and Sunday morning, the local folks on camera—police, prosecutors, mayors, FBI, and city officials—were nonpartisan, patient, polite, and dignified in the unity and solemnity of their grief for their dead and wounded. But for the Democratic presidential candidates, the El Paso atrocity was like a loose football in the Super Bowl. A mad scramble broke out over who would be first and most savage in indicting President Donald Trump for moral complicity in mass murder. “Never let a crisis go to waste” is an old political adage. ...

TRUMP Surges with Black Voters After Pointing Out ‘Rat-Invested’ Baltimore
Post Date: 2019-08-05 14:28:06 by Horse
On Saturday President Trump took to twitter to demand an investigation of Rep. Elijah Cummings and his corrupt and “rat infested” Maryland district. Earlier in the day Republican Kimberly Klacik was on FOX and Friends to talk about her video of rat-infested neighborhoods in Baltimore. Trump was watching — And tweeted out about it. Democrats were outraged at President Trump for daring to call Baltimore a rat-infested city. Of course, they said it was racist. According to the Orkin pest control company Baltimore, Maryland is one of the “rattiest cities” in the United States. And a huge rat ran through the live shot from Baltimore during story on Trump’s ...

Donald Trump gave one order to the military that left his enemies stunned in silence
Post Date: 2019-08-04 20:04:09 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump gave one order to the military that left his enemies stunned in silence Donald Trump’s opponents severely underestimated him. Anti-Trump forces in Washington, D.C. thought they could bully and manipulate the President into abandoning his supporters. But then Donald Trump gave one order to the military that left his enemies stunned in silence. President Trump cheered when a jury acquitted Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher on serious charges of murdering a 15-year-old ISIS terrorist in Iraq. Obama-era prosecutors brought charges against Gallagher for the stabbing of this terrorist and even locked Gallagher up in solitary confinement. President Trump made waves about pardoning ...

Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Unraveling of US Empire
Post Date: 2019-08-04 07:52:55 by Ada
The results of centuries of U.S. empire, which began with Manifest Destiny that crossed the North American continent and grew into a global empire, are coming home to roost in Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Puerto Ricans had an important victory in July with the resignation of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló after more than one million people protested to demand his removal. This was a powerful display of people power, but changing the head of state does not confront the real issues for Puerto Rico: ending colonialism and ensuring self-determination. There is confusion after Rosselló’s resignation. The next in line has already resigned and Secretary of Justice Wanda Vázquez, ...

Hot Mic Catches Biden Asking Kamala Harris To ‘Go Easy on Me’
Post Date: 2019-08-03 21:51:30 by BTP Holdings
Hot Mic Catches Biden Asking Kamala Harris To ‘Go Easy on Me’ Go Easy On Me Kid Volume 90% By Joe Setyon Published July 31, 2019 at 5:43pm Weeks after California Sen. Kamala Harris attacked him in the first round of the 2020 Democratic presidential debates, former Vice President Joe Biden was ready to start fresh in round two. Or so it seemed. A hot mic caught Biden asking Harris to “go easy” on him minutes before the debate started Wednesday night. Biden was the first candidate announced onto the stage before the debate. Harris was the second. Harris walked onto the stage and extended her hand in greeting to Biden. A hot mic caught what happened next. ...

Ilhan Omar just confessed to this awful act of terrorism
Post Date: 2019-08-03 19:07:34 by BTP Holdings
Ilhan Omar just confessed to this awful act of terrorism Ilhan Omar may have just made the biggest mistake of her life. The freshman Congresswoman is no stranger to controversy. But now Ilhan Omar just confessed to this awful act of terrorism. Ilhan Omar is keeping up her feud with Republicans over her anti-American hatred. And the latest target of her wrath is Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Paul blasted Omar’s America-hating rhetoric by noting America took Omar in when she applied for refugee status as a child. Paul was willing to buy Omar a ticket so she could travel to her native Somalia and see the poverty and despair America rescued her from in an effort to try and get Omar to ...

Tulsi Gabbard Destroyed Kamala Harris – She was Then Suppressed by Twitter and Ambushed by Chris Cuomo
Post Date: 2019-08-02 08:02:28 by Ada
Just look at all this googling that went on for her during and after the debate. It’s like that Jeb meme. Except it’s real life. Tulsi is really a futuristic type candidate, given that she is supported by far-left progressives and far-right Neon-Nazis. The support I see for her among the general population makes me believe that it could be possible to form a new popular movement in America. Of course, she spits out the normal nonsense about faggots, American-Africans and immigrants. Of course. But every Democrat does that. And yet she is by far the one the people are most interested in. So the reason they are interested in her specifically must be for the things that are ...

Chicago City Planners Say Obama Library Will Hurt Community, Obama Staffers ‘Pleased’ Anyway
Post Date: 2019-07-30 17:26:04 by BTP Holdings
Chicago City Planners Say Obama Library Will Hurt Community, Obama Staffers ‘Pleased’ Anyway Scott Olson / Getty Images Former President Donald Trump gestures at an plan fo the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago during a public meeting in 2017. (Scott Olson / Getty Images) By Joe Saunders Published July 30, 2019 at 11:36am During his presidency, Barack Obama was never as popular in the country as his lapdog media pretended. During his post-presidency, Obama might not be as popular in his hometown as he thought. The Chicago Tribune on Tuesday reported that city planners had found that building the proposed Obama Presidential Center in the city’s Jackson Park will ...

Nancy Pelosi made a surprising decision about impeachment that no one saw coming
Post Date: 2019-07-28 19:21:45 by BTP Holdings
Nancy Pelosi made a surprising decision about impeachment that no one saw coming Robert Mueller’s testimony was supposed to be the turning point in impeaching Donald Trump. The former special counsel was expected to deliver the death blow to Trump’s Presidency. But when it was all said and done, Nancy Pelosi made a surprising decision about impeachment that no one saw coming. Robert Mueller’s testimony could not have gone worse for the Democrats. Mueller could not remember basic facts about the investigation, had difficulty hearing questions, and generally appeared to possess diminished mental faculties. That made it clear that the partisan Democrat lawyers – and ...

Joe Biden embarrassed himself in front of the world after saying just five words
Post Date: 2019-07-28 11:10:28 by BTP Holdings
Joe Biden embarrassed himself in front of the world after saying just five words Joe Biden wants more than anything to be president. But in recent weeks, the world has had to watch his campaign disintegrate along with his reputation. And by trying to revive his campaign, he just embarrassed himself in front of the world with five words. The end of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign can be traced back to his first presidential debate. Prior to the debate, nobody could get close to Biden in the polls. His commanding lead was thought to be unbeatable. But all of that changed when Biden began facing questions about his record on race issues, coming just days after he faced criticism ...

ESPN Host Dan Le Batard Vanishes from His Shows Following Comments About Trump
Post Date: 2019-07-27 15:14:51 by BTP Holdings
ESPN Host Dan Le Batard Vanishes from His Shows Following Comments About Trump ESPN Host Abruptly Off the Air After Trump Remarks Volume 90% By Bryan Chai Published July 25, 2019 at 12:04pm ESPN host Dan Le Batard has been absent from his usual slate of programming this week following comments he made that were critical of both ESPN and President Donald Trump’s rhetoric. As Fox News notes, Le Batard missed his radio program “The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz” on Monday and Thursday. He also was expected to miss his television program, “Highly Questionable,” on Thursday. While ESPN declined to comment to the situation, Fox News reported that Le ...

Nolte: Robert Mueller Isn’t Senile; He Was a Dirty Cop Forced to Take the Witness Stand
Post Date: 2019-07-25 19:27:47 by Ada
They told us Robert Mueller was Captain America: Crusader for Truth, and instead we got George Costanza and all the inept deception, sweaty stalling, and blundering dishonesty that comes with him. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s bumbling, stumbling, grumbling, tumbling, crumbling testimony Wednesday before the U.S House of Representatives was not only karma on steroids, it once again proved just how brilliant the American Constitution is. You see, the sublime spectacle of watching Robert Mueller’s reputation go up in flames, flames ignited by his own corrupt report and fueled by three years of the establishment media’s hoax machinery, would not have been possible without ...

Ted Lieu Thinks He Got Huge Admission from Mueller, Then Bumbling Mueller Blows It Apart on Nat’l TV
Post Date: 2019-07-25 07:33:19 by BTP Holdings
Ted Lieu Thinks He Got Huge Admission from Mueller, Then Bumbling Mueller Blows It Apart on Nat’l TV Volume 90% By Joe Setyon Published July 24, 2019 at 11:12am A key moment from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony Wednesday morning before the House Judiciary Committee was celebrated by some Democrats as proof that President Donald Trump obstructed justice and should thus be impeached. Shockingly (or maybe not so much), this moment blew up in their faces when Mueller issued a correction later on. Mueller, who was testifying about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, was asked by Rep. Ted Lieu, a pro-impeachment Democrat ...

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