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Nuclear strike threat? Tehran says US has no other means to ‘obliterate’ Iran
Post Date: 2019-06-27 10:09:58 by Ada
Nuclear strike threat? Tehran says US has no other means to ‘obliterate’ Iran FILE PHOTO: Mushroom cloud from nuclear weapons test on Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands in 1946 © Reuters/ US Library of Congress Follow RT onRT Blatantly threatening to launch a nuclear war against another country is not only illegal under international law, Iranian FM explained, but proves that President Trump does not think through the ramifications of his rhetoric. “There is a United Nations charter, and threat of wars is illegal,” Javad Zarif told CNN paraphrasing Article 2.4 of the UN Charter, a day after President Trump spoke menacingly about “obliterating” Iran if the ...

First Democratic Debate, Summarized:
Post Date: 2019-06-27 09:23:49 by Ada
Lester Holt: Hello and welcome to the Democratic Party presidential debates, where tonight ten people will pretend to be much further to the left than they actually are so that normal human beings will like them. Savannah Guthrie: Our first question is for Senator Elizabeth Warren. Senator Warren, you have many plans for America. Many, many plans. Is this correct? Elizabeth Warren: Yes that is correct. I have many plans to make things better, and Americans must come together and work together as Americans to make America America. Savannah Guthrie: Thank you. Congressman O’Rourke, how do you feel about taxing the wealthy? Beto O’Rourke: Me gustaría informar a todos que ...

Majority Of U.S. Citizens Would Approve Preventive Nuclear Strike On North Korea
Post Date: 2019-06-26 09:15:33 by Ada
Today is the 69th anniversary of the Korea War. The war has not ended. It is the U.S. that rejects to sign a peace treaty. The continued state of war is the reason why North Korea acquired nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. To turn North Korea back into a non-nuclear state necessitates an end of the war, a peace treaty, and security guarantees. But could the U.S. be relied on even when a peace treaty is signed? Or is it inherently too bellicose to ever be trusted? When North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un will read this report, he will likely conclude that the later question must be answered in the affirmative: More than a third of Americans would support a preemptive ...

Korean War at 25: Truman, Treaties, and the Bricker Amendment
Post Date: 2019-06-26 08:18:34 by Ada
Originally published Apr 19, 2003 Historical Revision Outflanked One of the noteworthy features of the very late 20th and very early 21st centuries is the way in which everything that was once an historical accusation has become a defense. Thus, if on the evidence, FDR had a really good idea where the Japanese fleet was and where it was going in early December 1941, this is no longer a charge to be made against him, but is instead evidence of his farsighted statesmanship. He had to get us into World War II, by any means necessary, for our own good; it follows that this history of deceit and indirection is "justified" by its good consequences. If, on the evidence, the early ...

Rand Paul: Trump’s Antiwar Counterweight
Post Date: 2019-06-26 07:33:58 by Ada
The president called off airstrikes against Iran, and we have the Kentucky senator and Tucker Carlson to thank. The United States almost started a war with Iran only for President Donald Trump to change his mind at the last minute. Reports indicate that the usual suspect, National Security Adviser John Bolton, was the main advocate for airstrikes, with the backing of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and CIA head Gina Haspel, as well as encouragement from Senate war hawks Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton. Earlier on Thursday, responding to news that Iran had reportedly downed an unmanned American drone, Trump said, “Look, I said I want to get out of these endless wars, I campaigned on ...

Boxed In by Neocons and the Media, Will Trump Launch Iran War?
Post Date: 2019-06-25 07:43:21 by Ada
President Trump did the smart thing last week by calling off a US airstrike on Iran over the downing of an American spy drone near or within Iranian territorial waters. According to press reports, the president overruled virtually all his top advisors – Bolton, Pompeo, and Haspel – who all wanted another undeclared and unauthorized US war in the Middle East. Is Iran really the aggressive one? When you unilaterally pull out of an agreement that was reducing tensions and boosting trade; when you begin applying sanctions designed to completely destroy another country’s economy; when you position military assets right offshore of that country; when you threaten to destroy that ...

Tucker Carlson to Trump: You Won't Be Re-Elected Unless You Do Something About Tech Censorship
Post Date: 2019-06-22 06:25:56 by Ada
On Wednesday night Tucker Carlson warned President Trump — “You will not be reelected if your supporters cannot speak freely.” This was not the first time Carlson warned President Trump about the tech giants censoring, silencing and banning top conservative voices. Support Russia Insider - Go Ad-Free! This comes at a time when the far left tech giants continue to eliminate conservative publishers and content from their platforms. As we reported in May… Tech Giants Google, Twitter and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from their platforms — Google is hiding conservative stories from their search results — Tech giants are shadow-banning ...

Who are the real warmongers? Probably not who you think.
Post Date: 2019-06-21 17:04:57 by Ada
The real warmongers are the people who care less about human lives and more about clicks and sales of their reporting. John Bolton. Mike Pompeo. The US warmongering senators of the past and now. The late John McCain. American colonialists or imperialists. All of these people are no doubt getting absolutely lambasted today and in coming days as warmongers, in the news surrounding the apparent downing of an American Navy RQ-4A Global Hawk in the area near the Strait of Hormuz early Thursday morning, local time. The only problem is that they are not the real warmongers. The real warmongers are far, far worse than any of the named people above. President Trump’s name is not on the list ...

Ron Paul on What Would Get a President Assassinated
Post Date: 2019-06-21 07:45:43 by Ada
From the Tom Woods Letter: I don’t know if I’m being sentimental or what these days, but I’ve been thinking about oldies but goodies in the 1430 episodes of the Tom Woods Show. When I talked to Ron Paul about his new book The Revolution at Ten Years, I got some interesting answers to my questions. If you’re a longtime listener, you know my rule: I don’t ask Ron Paul questions he’s answered a million times before. So we discussed the Deep State, the possible release of JFK assassination files, the direction of the liberty movement without him in politics, and a lot more. At one point I asked him why the president wouldn’t do such-and-such. ...

Pause A Moment And Think About How Many People AREN’T Whistleblowing
Post Date: 2019-06-20 08:42:21 by Ada
Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is now being slammed with $500 fines for every single day that she remains imprisoned in contempt of court for refusing to testify in a secret grand jury against Julian Assange. Next month it will increase to $1,000 a day. Again, this is while Manning is also locked up in jail. It’s not enough to re-imprison a whistleblower who already served years of prison time, including nearly a year in solitary confinement, for taking a principled stand against an opaque and unjust grand jury system; they’re going to potentially ruin her life with crippling debt as well. The only way to make it more cruel and unusual would be to start waterboarding her or ...

Why the US Probably *Is* Planting Weapons Code in Russia’s Power Grid
Post Date: 2019-06-18 08:45:05 by Ada
The DoD calls it "Preparation of the Battlespace" Checkpoint Asia is an excellent new site by a former deputy editor of ours. Great news and commentary ranging from Russia, to China, to Imperial misadventures in the Middle East. Smart, incisive, and with an anti-Empire bent. Walrus has already started an engaging conversation on this subject. As someone deeply involved in the early development of DoD cyber operations, I wanted to add my two cents from a different angle. I am not as horrified by this development as many here are. But I am very uneasy with the apparent involvement of Bonkers Bolton. That creature is as dangerous as a malfunctioning Dalek. I’m pretty sure he ...

Kevin O’Leary Shreds Bernie Sanders’ $15/hr Minimum Wage Platform
Post Date: 2019-06-16 17:51:42 by BTP Holdings
Kevin O’Leary Shreds Bernie Sanders’ $15/hr Minimum Wage Platform Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published June 15, 2019 at 12:48pm I don’t know if Sen. Bernie Sanders has an idea for an invention or a startup of any kind. He doesn’t seem the type, really; he’s a bit more into taxing those who do so that he can shower the people of America with all kinds of wonderful free stuff if he ends up ensconcing himself at 1600 Pennsylvania sometime soon. If the whole leader-of-the-free-world gig doesn’t work out, however, and he decides he’s going to go the inventor route and look for startup capital, I have one suggestion for him: Don’t try ...

Dems have "a real risk of losing" without "transformational" candidate: Ocasio-Cortez
Post Date: 2019-06-16 13:09:15 by BTP Holdings
Dems have "a real risk of losing" without "transformational" candidate: Ocasio-Cortez 2 hrs ago Should you wash your sheets every week? Police: Off-duty officer shot man who hit him in Costco 00:23 18:01 LO Exclusive interview with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't endorsing anyone for president now, saying on Sunday that "I think that we have a very real risk of losing the presidency to Donald Trump if we do not have a presidential candidate that is fighting for true transformational change in the lives of working people." In an interview with ABC's Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl on ...

The Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17: Mahathir Opens a “Ukraine Political Pandora’s Box”
Post Date: 2019-06-15 09:00:03 by Ada
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad sent shock waves in a public speech where he dismissed a Dutch “official” report blaming Russia for the downing of Malaysia Air Flight 17 in July, 2014, weeks after a CIA-led coup toppled the elected President of Ukraine. Despite the downplaying in western mainstream media of the Malaysian leader’s comments, it is creating a major new potential embarrassment for ex-Vice President Joe Biden and his Ukraine collaborators such as Igor Kolomoisky, in their flimsy effort to blame Russia for their own misdeeds. During a dialogue with the Japanese Foreign Correspondent Club May 30, Mahathir challenged the Dutch government to provide ...

America Is So Delusional
Post Date: 2019-06-13 21:57:36 by BTP Holdings
America Is So Delusional The coastguard helicopters aren't coming for America, so inflate your life jackets and prepare for a long swim – it may be awhile before you reach any shore of safe harbor. The United States is at the heart of such a complex situation that I find it hard to come up with any solution for it that doesn't entail totally deflating the country's bogus mantras and delusional brainwashing propaganda, before people can finally look at their situation with a clarity that allows for real change and meaningful plans. The fact that you are reading this letter tells me that you've seen the light and understand that this country's productivity, talent, ...

Obama 2.0: Biden Promises To Cure Cancer if Elected President
Post Date: 2019-06-12 07:51:58 by BTP Holdings
Obama 2.0: Biden Promises To Cure Cancer if Elected President Former Vice President Joe Biden is like a human wrecking ball. He has to be the most reckless, off-the-cuff candidate in recent history. The pundits may claim he’s a “gut politician,” but we all know the man cannot be trusted to speak words in front of other humans. Biden’s remarks at a campaign rally Tuesday in Ottumwa, Iowa were no exception. “I’ve worked so hard in my career, that I promise you, if I’m elected president you’re gonna see single most important thing that changes America, we’re going to cure cancer,” Biden said, according to the Washington Examiner. Let ...

Trump Admin’s Criminal Justice Reform ‘Overwhelmingly’ Helping Black Prisoners
Post Date: 2019-06-11 07:43:34 by BTP Holdings
Trump Admin’s Criminal Justice Reform ‘Overwhelmingly’ Helping Black Prisoners By Joe Saunders Published June 10, 2019 at 10:38am These are the kinds of numbers that give Democrats nightmares. With their hopes for defeating President Donald Trump in 2020 depending largely on turning out the black vote in its usual monolithic numbers, Democrats have been relentless in trying to paint the Trump administration as an unadulterated evil for African-Americans. But a report released this month by the U.S. Sentencing Commission just made that job many, many times harder. The report found that the First Step Act of 2018, a criminal sentencing reform bill passed by a ...

It Isn't Just the Media Pushing RussiaGate, It's the Intel Agencies
Post Date: 2019-06-10 09:44:36 by Ada
It cannot be emphasized too often: Russiagate—allegations that the American president has been compromised by the Kremlin, which may even have helped to put him in the White House—is the worst and (considering the lack of actual evidence) most fraudulent political scandal in American history. We have yet to calculate the damage Russsiagate has inflicted on America’s democratic institutions, including the presidency and the electoral process, and on domestic and foreign perceptions of American democracy, or on US-Russian relations at a critical moment when both sides, having “modernized” their nuclear weapons, are embarking on a new, more dangerous, and largely ...

Barr asking questions the liberal media don't want asked
Post Date: 2019-06-07 21:37:01 by BTP Holdings
Barr asking questions the liberal media don't want asked Michael Barone on Jun 7, 2019 "I'm amused," Attorney General William Barr told CBS News' Jan Crawford, "by these people who make a living by disclosing classified information, including the names of intelligence operatives, wringing their hands about whether I'm going to be responsible in protecting intelligence sources and methods." He went on after further questions: "Well, the media reaction is strange. Normally the media would be interested in letting the sunshine in and finding out what the truth is. And usually the media doesn't care that much about protecting intelligence sources ...

Rand Paul: Deep State Ignored Order to Pull John Brennan’s Security Clearance
Post Date: 2019-06-06 08:51:26 by Ada
Appearing Tuesday on CNN, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed the intelligence community over a recent report claiming it defied an order from President Donald Trump to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan. A partial transcript is as follows: HOST BRIANNA KEILAR: I want to ask you, because you’ve been really a critic of John Brennan, who has been a critic of President Trump. You’ve not been a big fan of him. You’ve said that. He’s the former CIA director under President Obama. What do you think about this recent New York Times story that Brennan still has his security clearance? This was such a big, I guess, promise of the president’s, ...

Libertarians Forged an Alliance With Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Was It a Deal With the Devil?
Post Date: 2019-06-04 08:51:54 by Ada
Free market reformers and authoritarian nationalists battle it out to reshape Brazil. On the morning of March 14, 2016, in a tiny office in Rio de Janeiro, a libertarian businessman named Winston Ling met with Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing congressman running a longshot campaign to be president of Brazil. Some of Ling's closest associates had pleaded with him not to sit down with Bolsonaro, who was infamous for public comments praising torture and dictatorship and denigrating women and minorities. Just associating with him, they feared, would tarnish Brazil's libertarian movement, which was drawing new followers at an astounding pace and winning mainstream recognition. Three ...

In a Blow to Maduro, Russia Withdraws Key Defense Support to Venezuela
Post Date: 2019-06-03 08:57:12 by Ada
Russia has been one of Maduro’s major supporters in its standoff with the U.S. MOSCOW—Russia has withdrawn key defense advisers from Venezuela, an embarrassment for President Nicolás Maduro as Moscow weighs the leader’s political and economic resilience against growing U.S. pressure. Russian state defense contractor Rostec, which has trained Venezuelan troops and advised on securing arms contracts, has cut its staff in Venezuela to just a few dozen, from about 1,000 at the height of cooperation between Moscow and Caracas several years ago, said a person close to the Russian defense ministry. The gradual pullout, which has escalated over the last several months, ...

Cornel West: Biden Will Lose Black Voters to Trump if He Doesn’t ‘Get Off His Symbolic Crack Pipe’
Post Date: 2019-06-03 06:42:11 by BTP Holdings
Cornel West: Biden Will Lose Black Voters to Trump if He Doesn’t ‘Get Off His Symbolic Crack Pipe’ By Ryan Ledendecker Published June 1, 2019 at 12:47pm The 2020 presidential race is heating up — and so is former Vice President Joe Biden’s “symbolic crack pipe,” according to Harvard University philosopher Dr. Cornel West. West, a leading liberal activist, told the Washington Examiner for an article published Wednesday that Biden, who is leading the 2020 Democrat field in most national polls, is headed for serious trouble if he continues to defend a crime law he wrote in 1994. According to West, the former vice president can expect low turnout from ...

Voicemail shows Trump lawyer asking Flynn's for 'heads up' during Mueller probe
Post Date: 2019-06-01 12:24:36 by BTP Holdings
Voicemail shows Trump lawyer asking Flynn's for 'heads up' during Mueller probe By Greg Wilson | Fox News May 31, 2019 John Dowd: My Criticism Of Mueller Is He Took Too Long, 2 Years Is Nuts President Trump's former attorney John Dowd spoke with Brian Kilmeade about the Mueller Report. Dowd calls out House Judiciary Chair Rep Jerry Nadler and shared what President Trump told him over the phone last night. President Trump's one-time attorney asked Michael Flynn's lawyer for a "heads up" if the former national security adviser intended to give Special Counsel Robert Mueller information damaging to the commander-in-chief, according to a transcript of a ...

Bill Maher Goes Off on Robert Mueller: Is Trump ‘a Criminal’?
Post Date: 2019-06-01 11:55:34 by BTP Holdings
Bill Maher Goes Off on Robert Mueller: Is Trump ‘a Criminal’? By (Marlow Stern) 7 hrs ago © Provided by The Daily Beast HBO On Friday night, Bill Maher returned from a brief Memorial Day break to entertain his Resistance™ audience on Real Time. The big news this week, of course, was Robert Mueller’s surprise press conference, wherein the special prosecutor essentially repeated the contents of his report, proclaiming that, “As set forth in the report, after the investigation, if we had confidence that the president did not clearly commit a crime, we would have said so.” “Did you see this week? Mueller finally came ...

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