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Ocasio-Cortez Lists Tax Cuts and the Census as Reasons to Impeach Trump
Post Date: 2019-05-01 20:37:18 by BTP Holdings
Ocasio-Cortez Lists Tax Cuts and the Census as Reasons to Impeach Trump By Rusty | Featured Contributor | April 18, 2019 12:17PM The phrase ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ must be too many syllables for her to understand. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was asked during an interview on Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast this past weekend if she supports impeaching President Trump. As with most thoughts, the Democrat socialist struggled to convey any rational reasons for supporting such a bold and significant move. “I think you could reach in a bag and pull so many things out that are impeachable of this president,” she claimed. “I support ...

‘Hapless’ Guaido ‘worth more dead than alive’ to Venezuela coup cause – Ron Paul Institute director
Post Date: 2019-05-01 09:30:38 by Ada
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido failed to kick-start a military uprising on Tuesday. After this fizzle, his life may be in danger from his own CIA backers, the director of the Ron Paul Institute argued in a debate. Daniel McAdams and Ron Paul, the former libertarian representative from Texas, discussed the repeated attempts by Guaido to oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with the backing from the US government. Despite all the efforts, Maduro remains in power, supported by many Venezuelans and in control of its military and police forces. Paul said he was concerned that the Latin American country may be plunged into large-scale violence by some provocation. “The big ...

Venezuelan Coup Attempt Sputters as Majority of Military Remain Loyal to Maduro
Post Date: 2019-04-30 22:41:04 by Ada
The Venezuelan opposition will not be able to achieve success on its own. Instead leaders of the opposition will try to pull larger world powers like the U.S. and NATO into the conflict so that they can topple the Maduro regime. CARACAS, VENEZUELA — (Analysis) In an act described by the Venezuelan government as a small coup attempt, self-declared “President” of Venezuela Juan Guaidó appeared in a video alongside uniformed men who he claimed were a number of military defectors, declaring this as the “final phase” of Nicolás Maduro’s presidency. The Venezuelan military generals and the vast majority of the military have pledged their loyalty ...

Venezuela - Random Guyaidó Launches New Coup Attempt
Post Date: 2019-04-30 10:00:26 by Ada
(This post will be appended when new information becomes available.) --- The Random Guyaidó who the Trump administration tries to make president of Venezuela just launched another coup attempt against the government. He announced his intent in a series of tweets around 6:00 am local time (machine translated): Juan Guaidó @jguaido - 9:58 utc - 30 Apr 2019 People of Venezuela began the end of usurpation. At this moment I meet the main military units of our armed force initiating the final phase of Operation Freedom. Venezuelan people we go to the street, national armed force to continue the deployment until we consolidate the end of the encroachment that is already ...

Why is Maria Butina in Prison?
Post Date: 2019-04-30 07:37:25 by Ada
Russian gun rights activist and graduate exchange student Maria Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison last week for “conspiracy to act as a foreign agent without registering.” Her “crime” was to work to make connections among American gun rights activists in hopes of building up her organization, the Right to Bear Arms, when she returned to Russia. She was not employed by the Russian government nor was she a lobbyist on Putin’s behalf. In fact the Putin Administration is hostile to Russian gun rights groups. Nevertheless the US mainstream media and Trump’s Justice Department are treating her as public enemy number one in a case that will no doubt set ...

Collusion Delusion: Eric Swalwell Still Thinks There Is Evidence of Russian Collusion
Post Date: 2019-04-28 19:40:48 by BTP Holdings
Collusion Delusion: Eric Swalwell Still Thinks There Is Evidence of Russian Collusion You'll Never Believe What Eric Swalwell Just Said About Russian Collusion By Ben Marquis Published April 26, 2019 at 3:21pm Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell is a delusional member of Congress, in more ways than one, which makes his position as a member of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees as baffling as it is frightening. The little-known congressman has thrown his hat in the ring as a 2020 Democratic also-ran presidential candidate — he has zero chance of winning the nomination — whose primary platform is strict gun control that would gut and undermine the ...

Not Joking: Biden Says There Were No Scandals in Obama Administration
Post Date: 2019-04-28 11:11:20 by BTP Holdings
Not Joking: Biden Says There Were No Scandals in Obama Administration J. Scott Applewhite - Pool / Getty Images In this file photo, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden walk through the Crypt of the Capitol for Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony, in Washington, January 20, 2017. (J. Scott Applewhite - Pool / Getty Images) By Ben Marquis Published April 26, 2019 at 4:43pm As President Donald Trump so accurately summarized in a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now officially running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, is “not the brightest light bulb” in the group of candidates — or ...

Wayne LaPierre Wins NRA Power Struggle – Oliver North is Out! You Get to Keep Your Guns!
Post Date: 2019-04-28 08:44:18 by Ada
I predicth thith. I said yesterday that because Wayne LaPierre went public with the Oliver North extortion plot to oust him, LaPierre would win the power struggle. And he has won. This means we get to keep our guns a little while longer. ABC News: Retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North announced on Saturday that he will not serve a second term as president of the National Rifle Association, after he said that he has lost support from the gun-right group’s board following a dispute with longtime NRA chief executive and vice president, Wayne LaPierre. The announcement followed a letter that LaPierre sent to NRA board members on Thursday, stating that North was trying to push him ...

Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent
Post Date: 2019-04-26 09:42:34 by Ada
Maria Butina is in jail for doing nothing while Jared Kushner, who needed a godfathered security clearance due to his close Israeli ties, struts through the White House as senior advisor to the president. The Mueller Special Counsel inquiry is far from over even though a final report on its findings has been issued. Although the investigation had a mandate to explore all aspects of the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election, from the start the focus was on the possibility that some members of the Trump campaign had colluded with the Kremlin to influence the outcome of the election to favor the GOP candidate. Even though that could not be demonstrated, many prominent Trump ...

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called Rep. Ilhan Omar after Trump’s tweet sparked a flood of death threats
Post Date: 2019-04-26 06:08:37 by BTP Holdings
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called Rep. Ilhan Omar after Trump’s tweet sparked a flood of death threats Tony Romm 10 hrs ago © The Associated Press FILE - In this Nov. 15, 2018 file photo, Rep.-elect IIhan Omar, D-Minn., center, listens during member-elect orientations on Capitol Hill in Washington. A western New York man has been charged with threatening to kill U.S. Rep. Omar of Minnesota. Federal prosecutors announced Friday, April 5, 2019, that Patrick Carlineo Jr. was arrested after placing a threatening call to Omar’s office in Washington, D.C. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File) Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey phoned Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar on Tuesday and ...

CIA director called out for complicity in torture
Post Date: 2019-04-21 17:49:14 by Ada
US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel was delivering a recruiting pitch to students at Auburn University in Alabama on Thursday where she was called out by an audience member for her participation in torture and other crimes. Towards the beginning of her speech, Hapsel began recalling “the thrill of being sworn in” as a CIA operative when the crowd member shouted if Haspel remembered the “thrill of the CIA black sites you tortured people in and the evidence you destroyed?” Gina Haspell heckled by a student at Auburn University The heckling continued. “Tell these young children, tell them who you tortured. You know their ...

Nancy Pelosi took one phone call that could decide Donald Trump’s future
Post Date: 2019-04-21 15:14:25 by BTP Holdings
Nancy Pelosi took one phone call that could decide Donald Trump’s future Now that the Mueller report is out, Democrats are plotting their next move. It is up to Speaker Nancy Pelosi to decide if Democrats will move forward with a partisan impeachment proceeding. So Nancy Pelosi took this one phone call that could decide Donald Trump’s future. After the Mueller report came out, Pelosi fired off a letter to Democrats in the House announcing an all-hands-on-deck conference call to plot their path forward. Breitbart reports Pelosi’s letter read: “As we continue to review this document, we will have more to report and will update you on the next steps that must be ...

The Triumph of Evil
Post Date: 2019-04-19 08:46:10 by Ada
Today (April 17) I heard a NPR “news” report that described the democratically elected president of Venezuela as “the Venezuelan dictator Maduro.” By repeating over and over that a democratically elected president is a dictator, the presstitutes create that image of Maduro in the minds of vast numbers of peoples who know nothing about Venezuela and had never heard of Maduro until he is dropped on them as “dictator.” Nicolas Maduro Moros was elected president of Venezuela in 2013 and again in 2018. Previously he served as vice president and foreign minister, and he was elected to the National Assembly in 2000. Despite Washington’s propaganda campaign ...

U.S. Intelligence Institutionally Politicized Toward Democrats Former CIA analyst says agencies dominated by liberals
Post Date: 2019-04-18 09:40:52 by Ada
The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies have become bastions of political liberals and the pro-Democratic Party views of intelligence personnel have increased under President Donald Trump, according to a journal article by a former CIA analyst. John Gentry, who spent 12 years as a CIA analyst, criticized former senior intelligence leaders, including CIA Director John Brenan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former deputy CIA director Michael Morell, along with former analyst Paul Pillar, for breaking decades-long prohibitions of publicly airing their liberal political views in attacking Trump. The institutional bias outlined in a lengthy article in the quarterly ...

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard hammers Trump for turning U.S. into 'prostitute of Saudi Arabia'
Post Date: 2019-04-18 08:17:03 by Ada
* Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, on Wednesday accused President Trump of prostituting the United States after he vetoed a congressional resolution this week calling for an end of U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Ms. Gabbard, a former combat veteran who served in the Iraq War, said Mr. Trump is turning the nation “into the prostitute of Saudi Arabia.” “By vetoing the war powers resolution, Trump has again proven that he is the servant of Saudi Arabia, the theocratic dictatorship that spends billions of dollars every single year spreading the most extreme and intolerant form of Islam around the world,” the Hawaii Democrat ...

CIA Director Used Fake Skripal Incident Photos To Manipulate Trump
Post Date: 2019-04-17 09:39:57 by Ada
CIA Director Used Fake Skripal Incident Photos To Manipulate Trump An ass kissing portrait of Gina Haspel, torture queen and director of the CIA, reveals that she lied to Trump to push for more aggression against Russia. In March 2018 the British government asserted, without providing any evidence, that the alleged ‘Novichok’ poisoning of Sergej and Yulia Skripal was the fault of Russia. It urged its allies to expel Russian officials from their countries. The U.S. alone expelled 60 Russian officials. Trump was furious when he learned that EU countries expelled less than 60 in total. A year ago the Washington Post described the scene: President Trump seemed distracted in ...

Kudlow: White House Talking to Other Possible Fed Candidates
Post Date: 2019-04-16 20:24:03 by BTP Holdings
Kudlow: White House Talking to Other Possible Fed Candidates Larry Kudlow (AFP/Getty Images) Tuesday, 16 April 2019 12:29 PM The White House is considering other possible candidates for the board of the Federal Reserve although U.S. President Donald Trump still backs his two potential nominees, Herman Cain and Stephen Moore, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on Tuesday. Kudlow, speaking to reporters at the White House, added that Trump’s picks are still going through the nominating process for the seats on the U.S. central bank’s board of governors. “We are talking to a number of candidates. We always do,” he said when asked if the White House ...

The US Has Been Trying to Topple Venezuela for Decades... Why Hasn't It Happened?
Post Date: 2019-04-16 09:36:12 by Ada
Introduction Over the past half decade, a small army of US analysts, politicians, academics and media pundits have been predicting the imminent fall, overthrow, defeat and replacement of the Venezuelan government. They have been wrong on all counts, in each and every attempt to foist a US client regime. In fact, most of the US induced ‘regime changes’ has strengthened the support for the Chavez – Maduro government. When the US promoted a military-business coup in 2002, a million poor people surrounded the presidential palace, allied with the military loyalists, defeated the coup. The US lost their assets among their business and military clients, strengthened President ...

What Do They Mean When They Blame “Sexism” For the Lack of Interest in Female Candidates?
Post Date: 2019-04-14 20:14:37 by Ada
POLITICO has published an article by a prominent (and probably Jewish) slut named Kate Manne about why people don’t want to elect a slut to lead their country. Kate Manne, prominent slut and slut activist Manne is a professor of philosophy at Cornell, where she promotes the aggressive behavior of sluts and the total destruction of society at the hands of women. She claims that “sexism” is responsible for people not being interested in a slut leader, and I don’t really understand this argument. So let’s look at how she explains it. POLITICO: Two white male presidential candidates—Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders—have led the Democratic field from the ...

66 Seconds of Footage That Show Jerry Nadler’s a Massive Hypocrite on Releasing Mueller Report
Post Date: 2019-04-13 15:48:31 by Horse
It has become apparent that there are Democrats who lack any consistent convictions or core values, save for protecting their own political power and advancing their partisan agenda by any means necessary, no matter how hypocritical doing so may be. While that doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone on the left, it most certainly does to Democratic New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, chair of the House Judiciary Committee. It applies particularly with regard to his repeated demands that the recently submitted final report from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump be released to Congress “in its entirety,” ...

The Untold Facts of John Brennan's Career of Treachery
Post Date: 2019-04-13 09:30:09 by Ada
Brennan's fingerprints are all over the RussiaHoax. Expect major attacks like this one against 'Mr. Deep State' himself, the man who epitomizes the out-of-control US security state. Let’s get something clear from the start. In 1976, in his 20s, John Brennan was a card carrying communist who supported the then Soviet Union, at the height some might say of the Cold War, so much so he voted and assisted Gus Hall, the communist candidate for President against a devout Christian, Jimmy Carter who ultimately won the Presidency. Yet under four years later, just after the then Soviet Union invaded, just weeks before, Afghanistan and months after the tumultuous Iranian ...

WE DID IT: Tulsi Hit the Donation Mark! In the Debates! Jews on Suicide Watch!
Post Date: 2019-04-11 08:46:08 by Ada
Good job, lads. We got Tulsi in the debates. I kind of didn’t really want to do the whole big push on this site and have her linked to us if she was going to make it without us (both because I don’t want the media attention and I doubt she wants to be considered a nazi candidate), but as it was clear she wasn’t going to make it without us, I figured it didn’t matter. The media kikes are already ready taking note. Get ready for maximum overload kvetching. If anyone wants to get involved with a candidate’s campaign, join the Tulsi campaign. Or Yang. In Tulsi’s campaign, you could talk about Jews starting all the wars, whereas in Yang’s campaign, you ...

‘She lies to everyone’: Feds say Mar-a-Lago intruder had hidden-camera detector in hotel
Post Date: 2019-04-08 19:55:49 by BTP Holdings
‘She lies to everyone’: Feds say Mar-a-Lago intruder had hidden-camera detector in hotel By Jay Weaver, Sarah Blaskey, Caitlin Ostroff and Nicholas Nehamas, Miami Herald 1 hr ago A federal prosecutor argued in court Monday that Yujing Zhang, the Chinese woman arrested trying to enter President Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, “lies to everyone she encounters,” adding that a search of her hotel room uncovered more than $8,000 in cash, as well as a “signal-detector” device used to reveal hidden cameras. Found in the search: $7,500 in U.S. hundred-dollar bills and $663 in Chinese currency, in addition to nine USB drives, five SIM ...

Beto O’Rourke just dropped a bombshell that could disqualify him in 2020
Post Date: 2019-04-06 16:07:37 by BTP Holdings
Beto O’Rourke just dropped a bombshell that could disqualify him in 2020 Beto O’Rourke was crowned a rising star in the Democratic Party in 2018 despite losing his Senate election. Rumors are swirling that he will challenge Trump for the White House. However, Beto O’Rourke just dropped a bombshell that could disqualify him running in 2020. O’Rourke earned much of his popularity in Democratic circles by running against Ted Cruz in Texas. Every political pundit, late night host, Hollywood celebrity, and Fake News media member lined up behind his radical “progressive” campaign. Now he’s turning that fame into a budding presidential campaign. But in an ...

Donate to Tulsi Gabbard to Get Her on the Debate Stage and Make the Jews Go Nuts
Post Date: 2019-04-06 08:05:56 by Ada
We got Andrew Yang the money he needed to get on the debate stage. But Tulsi Gabbard – the anti-war candidate who is being denounced by Jews as an anti-Semite – still hasn’t gotten the minimum number of donations. Let’s see if we can get this done. You can donate as little as $1 – the requirement is 65,000 individual donations, not a specific amount. So just go do that right now. It will take less than two minutes. Just do it right now. Watch this chubby little chimpmunk kike from the New York Times defame Tulsi Gabbard. And imagine that blowing up 6,000,000X into total Jew overload. Then give the damn dollar. And spread this around. Let’s see if we ...

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