On internet, Rand runs a forum that is virulent anti BIG LABOR...They are the cause of all of our problems in this country. Big labor is to blame for the endless wars, the huge national debt and the yearly budget deficit. In his diatribe he neglects to mention that unions now represent less than ten per cent of American workers. Further, passes over the fact that most of the vile BIG LABOR UNIONS have nothing to do with LABOR.
Unions are now mostly government workers of all stripes and professional associations, such as teachers, college professors etc etc.
In my days as a child Lod, men were shot and killed because they wanted fair pay for their sweat and strong backs. Nobody was arrested, no one went to jail. The day unions are outlawed will be the day we all accept the yoke and chains. One has only to read about what happened in Russia a hundred years ago.
We all despise unions, but it is not for me or the government to deny a LABORING MAN TO HAVE A VOICE.
Walmart is the biggest human abuser on record. Six members of the Walton family have more wealth than the bottom 33 per cent of Americans in aggregate. They despise unions and use the government and taxpayers to subsidize their gathering of wealth. Their workers are so poor that the rest of us have to pay their medical bills, subsidize their housing, on and on.
Having been born, raised, and lived in the laboring lower class all my life, I have little truck with politicians that set their own pay, their own benefits and retirement, pound the podium, and rail about the union worker that have destroyed America.
Poster Comment:
Cyni gets it.