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Dead Constitution
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Title: Response To an E-mail and sender e-mail list.
Source: Doug's E-Mail
URL Source: http://None
Published: Dec 2, 2013
Author: Doug Scheidt
Post Date: 2013-12-02 08:27:51 by noone222
Keywords: None
Views: 1786
Comments: 148


The long and short of our current condition is that we have failed, as did the generation before us, to follow God's laws or rules respecting money and faith. The generation before us allowed the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK to be implemented. Our generation has watched this behemoth take ownership of the country. Once the FEDERAL RESERVE became the creditor of the united States and virtual owner of it the individual States became like counties and lost their sovereignty. That's why there's forced FEDERAL integration which has destroyed the education system and taught the current generation to suck off of the government tit and approve socialist policies.

Everyone that you have sent this e-mail to is a card carrying socialist that is too blind to see their own reflection in the mirror. I'm not being mean, just truthful. If you're reading this and don't think you're a card carrying socialist open your wallet or purse and pull out that little card with 9 numbers that identify you. The truth is 99.9% of Americans are members of what I call the socialist democracy having left the democratic republic somewhere in the past. Today, children are given their socialist slave number at the hospital or didn't you notice ?

I liked the first scripture that your e-mail began with because I have often wondered just who it applied to. After healing the sick and casting out demons in the name of Jesus Christ he says "depart from me, for I NEVER KNEW YOU. All that tells me is that the name of Jesus is powerful and even those so-called Christians that socialize at 501(c)(3) Churches [actually tax exempt corporations] on Sundays are fooling themselves and are hypocrites. I don't want to dwell on this issue but suffice it to say that GOD'S money has no business being managed by the government or taxed. Just one example of disobedience is the fact that these 501(c)(3) churches report the tithes of their congregation to the IRS. The Bible instructs us to give in secret not letting the left hand know what the right hand does. Another thing, tithers today get a TAX DEDUCTION for their donation. So if they get a tax deduction what did they really give ? The bottom line is that God is the boss, the owner of heaven and earth but the government wants you and I to believe they are god.

Well, that scripture (depart from me) applies to everyone that decided to trust the government (men) for their welfare instead of God. Above I mentioned money and faith as the reason for this country's demise. Let's further discuss the money. Today we use FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES (which are promissory notes) to conduct our daily business. These notes are OWNED by the FEDERAL RESERVE which is a PRIVATE Bank that has recently made it impossible to think its under the control of we the people or even congress when Alan Greenspan told a congressman that neither he nor the FED answered to the U.S. Govt or the President. One thing that's imperative to understand is that "THERE AIN'T NO MONEY" - all there is are "worthless" promises (promissory notes) to pay. When we use this "currency" all we're doing is passing around DEBT for our instant needs that will be passed on to our descendants. Your e-mail mentioned 25 cent gasoline. I was a kid that pumped 25 cent gasoline but when it was paid for I got a silver quarter REAL MONEY. At that time we had silver money and our paper currency was silver certificates backed by silver. Take note that what we have today is a far cry from real money even though the bankers and politicians have made it look almost identical to our former currency. It is estimated that the "dollar" has lost 95% of its value since 1913 when the FEDERAL RESERVE was instituted.

It's time to discuss faith for a minute. Most people think of faith as a noun. If you simply believe in Jesus life / death and resurrection then you are guaranteed eternal life. Well, those people healing the sick and casting out demons in Jesus holy name BELIEVED didn't they ? I think faith is a verb, an action word wherein we live our lives as insructed by God/Jesus. God told us not to do usury. God told us to use equal weights and measures (which would include gold or silver money), but these NOTES we're using are financed at interest (usury) and through inflation and deflation (not equal weights or measures) are destroying America. Before I get into the SOCIAL(IST) SECURITY INSURANCE SYSTEM let me say I know you paid into it, so did I, so what ! This system asks you to trust man (Uncle Sambo) for your needs in old age. Keep in mind that this system didn't exist until 1935. Right here I need to digress for a moment. The united States was deemed bankrupt in 1933 just 20 years after the institution of the Federal Reserve, and on March 5, 1933 Roosevelt made the bankruptcy official by confiscating the nation's gold.

Part of Roosevelt's "NEW DEAL" was socialist security. Americans lined up for it and became socialists leaving behind their republican form of government. If you think the monetary problems we have are huge an even larger problem has occurred. We lost our constitution because of our monetary policies. There's a maxim in international law that basically states "the medium of exchange dictates the relevant law." What this means in practical terms is that when we conduct business utilizing Federal Reserve Notes, Credit Cards, Checks, Drafts, and etc., which are negotiable debt instruments otherwise known as COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENTS we are subject to COMMERCIAL LAW. This eliminates the constitution, common law and God's law. Is it satanic ? You betcha !!!!! Think about it you old geezers (I'm one too - hahaha) the FEDS never talked about taking our guns or making us get a permit or license to do anything before the 1933 Bankruptcy and Roosevelt's NEW SOCIALIST DEAL.

Today, Dave, we sit around at the coffee shop and gripe about the machinations of the FEDERAL government because most of us wonder where we lost America to the abuses oozing out of D.C. (The District of Criminals). The truth is, Dave, we let it happen too. A very trusting America allowed the bankers takeover which was orchestrated by the colluding politicians in semi-secret. Numerous folks have tried desparately to warn their fellow Americans but no one listened. Congressman McFadden, a former banker spoke out against the FEDERAL RESERVE fraud and they murdered him. Please read the following on WIKI:

Congressman Charles Lindbergh, (the flyers dad) said: "This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President Woodrow Wilson signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."[6] Also quoted as:

"This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized, the people may not know it immediately but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed.... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill."[citation needed] "A radical is one who speaks the truth."[6] "The Aldrich Plan is the Wall Street Plan. It means another panic, if necessary, to intimidate the people. Aldrich, paid by the government to represent the people, proposes a plan for the trusts instead." - The Aldrich Plan (History of central banking in the United States) was a forerunner to that which spawned the Federal Reserve.[citation needed] "To cause high prices, all the Federal Reserve Board will do will be to lower the rediscount rate..., producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market; then when ... business men are adjusted to these conditions, it can check ... prosperity in mid career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest. It can cause the pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth by slight changes in the discount rate, or cause violent fluctuations by a greater rate variation and in either case it will possess inside information as to financial conditions and advance knowledge of the coming change, either up or down. This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any Government that ever existed. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money. They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage, They also know when to stop panic. Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control finance."[7] I'll close this message by asking you to share this with everyone that you sent the aforementioned e-mail to. It's easy enough to cast blame on others but the undeniable truth is we have all shared equally in the acceptance of the criminal behavior wielded by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and the bankers that OWN them and also own most of us. Many refuse to believe that such a wicked paradigm shift could occur in America. And, to them I say it already has occurred and the ONLY WAY TO RETURN TO THE AMERICA WE ALL LOVE is to admit we have a problem and withdraw all support and participation in their criminal endeavor. There's a Bible passage, LUKE 22:25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so:

The Socialist Security System calls you the beneficiary and Uncle Sambo the BENEFACTOR. But ye shall not be so.

It's truly time for all of us calling ourselves Christians to act like it. There's nothing Godly or American coming out of D.C. and I suggest that we get on our knees and ask our heavenly Father to give us our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses and mean it. I opted out of this criminal system nearly 30 years ago because I finally came to the conclusion that the SSN was likely the "MARK" of the Beast (the number of a man) or its precursor. [You better have it to buy or sell].

Regardless of the consequences of my decision, for me personally, I'm trusting God/Jesus rather than the bankers and their political puppets.

Doug Scheidt December 2, 2013 ... 100 years after the implementation of the FEDERAL RESERVE SATANIC SYSTEM.

Poster Comment:

The following e-mail was forwarded to me by an ex-city council guy and was also sent to all public officials - above is my response.



22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

This requires no comment, other than "welcome aboard!"

The typical U.S. household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday. If all of us “old farts” have all of the money, then let us try to elect someone who might be near honest and not be after feathering their own nests.

They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are "Baby Boomers" getting ready to retire. Others have been retired for some time. We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We have worked hard, raised our children, worshiped our God and grown old together. Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that is probably true. But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration.

In school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age. Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don't know what an icebox is, today they are electric and referred to as refrigerators. A few even remember when cars were started with a crank. Yes, we lived those days.

We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many. But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off. We won World War II, fought in Korea and Vietnam. We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn't fight for the Socialist States of America ; we fought for the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag. We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America , and America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing. We have lived what many of you have only read in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America.

Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it. It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep. There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent.

It was mostly the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress. You fell for the "Hope and Change" which in reality was nothing but "Hype and Lies."

You have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don't like it after all. You make a lot of noise, but most are all too interested in their careers or "Climbing the Social Ladder" to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting. Many of those who fell for the "Great Lie" in 2008 are now having buyer's remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn't have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the 'Kool-Aid.' Now you're paying the price and complaining about it. No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom.

This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house.

Well, don't worry youngsters, the Grey-Haired Brigade is here, and in 2014 we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like but we get where we're going, and in 2014 we're going to the polls by the millions.

This land does not belong to the man in the White House nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It belongs to "We the People" and "We the People" plan to reclaim our land and our freedom. We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren. So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, Stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the "Grey-Haired Brigade."

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#67. To: noone222 (#66)

Why am I being punished because they're Constitution lawbreakers?

The more I think about that, the more you're reminding me of that judge I errantly presumed had the same basic concept about my inherent rights that I did. So, I'm going to tell you now the same thing I told him: I didn't commit a crime and I'm not paying any fine because somebody else did. He didn't change his decision and you might not either but I'm asking anyway on what grounds you base your complaints about the money system, or anything else the .guv scalawags do or not anarchically, if you really think the Constitution doesn't exist because they defiantly act like it doesn't.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-11   12:03:24 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#68. To: GreyLmist (#67)

Why am I being punished because they're Constitution lawbreakers?

You're not being punished. You're reaping what you sew. You use the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and the SOCIALIST SECURITY SYSTEM amongst other systems that YOU JOINED or APPLIED for.

You want the judges to alter the law for you. You want to claim the protections afforded under the Constitution while you operate your entire life outside of it. The Constitution guarantees that the government will not inhibit contracts. You have contractual agreements with banking institutions and others which cause you to forfeit constitutional protections that aren't agreed upon in the contracts you've agreed to. The judges are without choice because they're required to follow the LAW.

There is a Constitution, it's just that hardly anyone qualifies for its protection because they've opted to act in an environment where no constitution exists.

"The amount of our National Debt is the measure of our enslavement to Jewish World Finance. We live in a democracy, yet loans are contracted that always cost more than the amount of the loan, and no one has a word to say about it. We Americans do not know how much interest we pay every year, and we don't know to whom we pay it."

The Dearborn Independent / Henry Ford

noone222  posted on  2013-12-11   15:17:04 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#69. To: GreyLmist (#66)

Again, you are overlooking those who don't really have much choice unless we can arrange for better alternatives...the orphaned, the elderly, the sick, the handicapped, the underemployed, the unemployed, the destitute, the homeless.

These that don't really have much of a choice may need a parental type of entity to run their lives for them ... if this is the case then they're where they belong but unfortunately it's not in the Constitutional united States of America ... it's the nanny state that they reside in.

Being free isn't for babies or those incapable of operating free of government assistance. No one is forced to join the Socialist Security System or use the credit offered by the banks through the FEDERAL RESERVE, it's your freaking choice.

"The amount of our National Debt is the measure of our enslavement to Jewish World Finance. We live in a democracy, yet loans are contracted that always cost more than the amount of the loan, and no one has a word to say about it. We Americans do not know how much interest we pay every year, and we don't know to whom we pay it."

The Dearborn Independent / Henry Ford

noone222  posted on  2013-12-11   15:23:44 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#70. To: GreyLmist (#67)

I didn't commit a crime and I'm not paying any fine because somebody else did. He didn't change his decision

If this "crime" was a traffic violation of some sort all I need to know is if you APPLIED FOR A DRIVER LICENSE ? If so, you've already agreed to be guilty. Whenever you sign for a document under penalty of perjury you make the judge's job simple. You swore that you were a UNITED STATES CITIZEN, it's O.V.E.R.

I'd think you'd eventually get it ... you just said yourself that the judge seemed to be on the same page as you but then entered a judgment against you. The judge likely really understands the law, you don't.

"The amount of our National Debt is the measure of our enslavement to Jewish World Finance. We live in a democracy, yet loans are contracted that always cost more than the amount of the loan, and no one has a word to say about it. We Americans do not know how much interest we pay every year, and we don't know to whom we pay it."

The Dearborn Independent / Henry Ford

noone222  posted on  2013-12-11   15:29:00 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#71. To: GreyLmist (#65)

Further debate or dialogue related to the Freemen is unnecessary since you don't know much about them. Gerry Spence stated on national television that the Freemen hadn't done anything that doesn't occur every day on Wall Street.

The "checks" being mentioned were actually called warrants (I have some) and they were drafted based upon liens perfected by the freemen against the treasury. After the liens were perfected they used them 1st to buy stamps (inconsequental amount of money) and waited until the "warrant" for the stamps had cleared before they picked up their stamps. Next, they paid some people's tax debts. The formula they used to repay the tax debt was to send twice the amount allegedly owed. They received back from the IRS a check for the over payment and the one I saw myself was for $14,000.00.

So, after that, they wrote drafts for amounts within their lien balance. The Federal Government had opened a "Special Lien Account" for the Freemen to use for drafting their warrants against. This account was approved by a FEDERAL JUDGE.

If anything, they were set up. (The International Bankers had them incarcerated and murdered in LeRoy's case).

I was never a member though I did attend their classes. At the time I didn't completely understand some of the information. I understand it a lot better today.

Again, I don't know this guy "Beam" ... I'm fairly certain that I have read some of his material without being overly impressed by it or I would remember. I do prefer living and doing business with white people because they're less trouble than most others. I don't hate anyone or any race though it's obvious some are more trouble than they're worth and others are even worse. Does this make me a racist ? If it does, I'm OK with it.

"The amount of our National Debt is the measure of our enslavement to Jewish World Finance. We live in a democracy, yet loans are contracted that always cost more than the amount of the loan, and no one has a word to say about it. We Americans do not know how much interest we pay every year, and we don't know to whom we pay it."

The Dearborn Independent / Henry Ford

noone222  posted on  2013-12-11   15:49:26 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#72. To: noone222 (#70)

If this "crime" was a traffic violation of some sort all I need to know is if you APPLIED FOR A DRIVER LICENSE ? If so, you've already agreed to be guilty. Whenever you sign for a document under penalty of perjury you make the judge's job simple.

No, it wasn't traffic court. It was a 2A Constitutional issue.

I'd think you'd eventually get it ... you just said yourself that the judge seemed to be on the same page as you but then entered a judgment against you. The judge likely really understands the law, you don't.

No, I presumed he was on the same page -- that, being a judge, he understood Constitutional law and my rights without having to be reminded of those things. Oops. Lurnt the hard way not to take that for granted.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-12   12:28:17 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#73. To: noone222 (#68) (Edited)

You want the judges to alter the law for you.

I want them to stop transgressing Constitutional law with their alterations.

You want to claim the protections afforded under the Constitution while you operate your entire life outside of it. The Constitution guarantees that the government will not inhibit contracts. You have contractual agreements with banking institutions and others which cause you to forfeit constitutional protections that aren't agreed upon in the contracts you've agreed to. The judges are without choice because they're required to follow the LAW.

Evidently, you don't contractually consider the Constitution as being the superseding Party of the First Part but I do and no contractors or judges are exempt from its terms. In fact, institutions are further subject to Congressional regulations.

There is a Constitution, it's just that hardly anyone qualifies for its protection because they've opted to act in an environment where no constitution exists.

Like "Free Speech Zones" and "Constitution Free Zones" 100 miles in from our borders? I have to disagree. Am thinking, though, that it would be a good thing if we established some Constitutional Embassies in every State.

Edited for spelling.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-12   12:59:53 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#74. To: noone222 (#69)

These that don't really have much of a choice may need a parental type of entity to run their lives for them ... if this is the case then they're where they belong but unfortunately it's not in the Constitutional united States of America ... it's the nanny state that they reside in.

Being free isn't for babies or those incapable of operating free of government assistance. No one is forced to join the Socialist Security System or use the credit offered by the banks through the FEDERAL RESERVE, it's your freaking choice.

From various websearch sources:


refers to [the author Franz Kafka and] the style with which he wrote his books (which in his dying wish asked for to be burned).

reminiscent of the nightmarish dehumanized world portrayed in the novels of Franz Kafka, the Czech novelist (1883-1924)

not realistic; "unrealistic expectations";

characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger

Marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity. Kafkaesque bureaucracies



"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-12   13:07:12 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#75. To: GreyLmist (#72)

being a judge, he understood Constitutional law and my rights without having to be reminded of those things.

He understood that you are a U.S. (INC.) citizen without constitutional protections ... only privileges.

And he understood the constitution too.

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-12   13:26:13 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#76. To: GreyLmist (#73)

Evidently, you don't contractually consider the Constitution as being the superseding Party of the First Part but I do and no contractors or judges are exempt from its terms. In fact, institutions are further subject to Congressional regulations.

You were not a signatory and therefore you cannot be a party to the Constitution.

All of the nonsense about free speech zones and etc., is applicable to everyone that has some nexus agreement of any sort that ties them to the FED Govt.

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-12   13:28:59 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#77. To: noone222 (#71)

Further debate or dialogue related to the Freemen is unnecessary since you don't know much about them.

You at #68: "You're not being punished. You're reaping what you sew. You use the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ..."

I know enough to see that they used the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. But I guess this means that you don't want to discuss that in their case, or them reaping what they sewed because of it, cuz you think that was different and they're special enough to get a double standard type waiver from you about it. In closing then, I'll just post this here conflicting correspondence between an alleged Freeman and an author about them with the pseudonym there of Oceania Investigations:

Alleged Montana Freeman: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Richard Hance. I am one of three Hances who showed up in Montana from North Carolina about two weeks before the FBI, BATF, etc. showed up to kidnap LeRoy and Dan. I stayed on as a guest at the ranch throughout the entire seige, was subsequently kidnapped along with everyone there on June 13, 1996. I went through the phoney court shenanigans for two long years and was then sent to a Federal Correctional Institution for another three years and two months. I am out and getting back to my shattered life.

I wanted to comment on some of the information on your website, if you will give me a few minutes of your time to do so. I have read J. Patrick Shannan's book on what happened in Montana, and first I want to state that among the thousands of articles, books, reports, testimonies, etc. that I have read and heard his came the closest to capturing the truth, in its purest form, of what took place "behind the scenes".

But for some reaon J. Patrick Shannan claimed to have interviewed "all 23 Freemen" in order to gain accuracy in what he wrote. The thing is, I never spoke to the man in all the time I spent in Montana at Justus township, in Yellowstone county jail, or in any of the Federal facilities I was held in. I have never heard his voice, and I never wrote him any letters of any kind. In fact, I think Patrick only spoke with two or three of the men while they were at Yellowstone county jail. So I really don't know why he would make such a claim, except that perhaps he thought it would look good to prospective readers and might even help to sell a few more of his books. Either way, in light of the fact that his was the best, truest account of what happened to us all I never spoke up to rebut this blatantly false claim. I mention it now to you just so that there is some record that J. Patrick Shannan did indeed lie in his book about that point.

Oceania Investigations: I was delighted, of course, that you found my book to be "closest to the truth" but then disappointed that you accuse me of a fabrication.

Actually, I don't remember ever claiming that I talked to "all 23 Freemen," and I wish you would tell me on what page you found it. On page four, I say I interviewed "several" on June 22-23rd, which was a total of six, as I remember. Earlier I had spoken with Leroy and Dan a couple of times in person and several times on the phone from the Freedom Center, which makes a grand total of eight Freemen interviewed.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-12   13:40:51 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#78. To: noone222 (#75) (Edited)

He understood that you are a U.S. (INC.) citizen without constitutional protections ... only privileges.

Don't confuse me with the hallucinatory "American Free Press" associate, Lisa Giuliani, who thinks building our capitol city made us citizens of a corporation.

And he understood the constitution too.

I don't think he even understood that it wasn't Traffic Court, since he acted like he could have me parked in "receivership" until I decided to pay the money he demanded, which I never did myself and would've had it returned to the payor if I could have.

Edited for spelling.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-12   14:12:08 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#79. To: noone222 (#76) (Edited)

You were not a signatory and therefore you cannot be a party to the Constitution.

I'm always amazed when people say that, as if they think the Preamble, which states: "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity", stops at "ourselves" or like the "We the People" part now refers to some aristocratic bloodline of the Founders' direct descendents where they mentioned their Posterity. lol Not so.

All of the nonsense about free speech zones and etc., is applicable to everyone that has some nexus agreement of any sort that ties them to the FED Govt.

How about the Constitutional Embassies suggestion? Can I get a "Yes" vote from you on that?

Edited sentence 1.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-12   14:27:16 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#80. To: Cynicom (#50)

Perhaps you have wondered why stores price many articles at dollars plus 99 cents?

Richard Macy originated that. In his first store, he wore an apron with pockets of change, so that the clerks would have to come to him for change, that way there was less chance of thievery.

what an interesting little tidbit!

To question is to value the ideal of truth more highly than the loyalties to nation, religion, race, or ideology.

christine  posted on  2013-12-12   23:20:40 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#81. To: noone222 (#52)

Not only that, several instances of vote fraud went unchallenged that should have been.

yep. that was the main thing that made me suspect. that and his stance on 9/11. i am an unapologetic purist on that issue.

To question is to value the ideal of truth more highly than the loyalties to nation, religion, race, or ideology.

christine  posted on  2013-12-12   23:23:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#82. To: noone222 (#53)

just f**king (sorry Cyni) wow. it left me speechless except for those 3 words. ;)

To question is to value the ideal of truth more highly than the loyalties to nation, religion, race, or ideology.

christine  posted on  2013-12-12   23:28:10 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#83. To: GreyLmist (#54)

Yes, vote fraud should have been challenged more by the voters. Ron Paul would have been smeared by big media as a troublemaker and worse for pursuing that, as you know, I'm sure.

yeah, and so what?? it's time. wtf cares what MSM says? Paul had no chance anyway and he knew it. he could have done a lot more by standing up to and challenging the corruption that has existed for decades. he of all people knows that without legitimate, honest elections we have NOTHING. it's all a big charade.

To question is to value the ideal of truth more highly than the loyalties to nation, religion, race, or ideology.

christine  posted on  2013-12-12   23:33:00 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#84. To: christine (#81)

yep. that was the main thing that made me suspect. that and his stance on 9/11. i am an unapologetic purist on that issue.

did you hear about ron pauls recent interview with jesse ventura? supposedly he talked 911 truth type speech with ventura.

id like to see it, but not so much that im willing to pay for it. ;-)

"Even to the death fight for truth, and the LORD your God will battle for you". Sirach 4:28

Artisan  posted on  2013-12-12   23:48:39 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#85. To: christine (#83)

Yes, vote fraud should have been challenged more by the voters. Ron Paul would have been smeared by big media as a troublemaker and worse for pursuing that, as you know, I'm sure.

yeah, and so what?? it's time. wtf cares what MSM says? Paul had no chance anyway and he knew it. he could have done a lot more by standing up to and challenging the corruption that has existed for decades. he of all people knows that without legitimate, honest elections we have NOTHING. it's all a big charade.

It's not like he made no stand at all to speak out about it:

Tuesday, 13 March 2012: Ron Paul Hints at Suspicion of Election Fraud

“Quite frankly I don’t think the other candidates get crowds like this, and we get them constantly,” Paul said to reporters, after he had spoken to yet another crowd of over 2500 supporters in Missouri. “You would get the perception that we would be getting a lot more votes. Sometimes we get thousands of people like this and we’ll take them to the polling booth, yet we won’t win the caucus,” he commented, adding, “A lot of our supporters are very suspicious about it.”

When Paul was informed that Rick Santorum won the Kansas caucus, he remarked, “That reminds me of a picture I just looked at. I had four thousand people and he had a hundred and fifty. So who knows.”

[...] and the kind of things that we heard about up in Maine.”

“They said we can’t have a recount because they just write these numbers down on pieces of paper and then throw them away afterwards. So it’s that kind of stuff that makes you suspicious,” Paul noted.

In the Virgin Islands, Ron Paul got the most votes but Romney got 7 delegates and he only got one. He probably couldn't have challenged that if he wanted to because the excuse was that it was the will of the voters for delegates and not about the Presidential candidate votes. It would have looked bad for him to complain about that but continue elsewhere with his strategy of trying to win over as many delegates as he could even if the poll numbers for him were low. If he really thought he had no chance, why should he have spent more of what little money he had comparatively on challenging the corruption? The corrupters and his critics would have been glad if he ran out of funds and momentum faster trying to do that instead of his voters, at the risk of his campaign messages being diverted from many if they were then persuaded by the Press that he was a troublemaker, sore loser, crazy conspiracy theorist, etc.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   2:27:30 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#86. To: christine (#81)

yep. that was the main thing that made me suspect. that and his stance on 9/11. i am an unapologetic purist on that issue.

I should have mentioned that but had forgotten it. I don't go around bad mouthing Ron Paul nor do I feel like singing his praises.

He was the Clark Kent half of superman, the mild mannered reporter ... but never leapt a tall building in a single bound.

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-13   5:10:43 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#87. To: GreyLmist (#79)

How about the Constitutional Embassies suggestion? Can I get a "Yes" vote from you on that?

I don't understand the question.

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-13   5:22:20 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#88. To: noone222 (#86)

He was the Clark Kent half of superman, the mild mannered reporter ... but never leapt a tall building in a single bound.

Superman dates a person.

I know who did the voice of Superman, that really dates me.

Worthless information, interesting regardless.

Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   5:31:22 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#89. To: Cynicom (#88)

Superman dates a person.

I'd consider it if I were queer ! hahahahaha !!!

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-13   5:43:15 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#90. To: noone222 (#89)

Well now, a true Superman fan would remember that he and Lois Lane were a number.

Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   5:46:28 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#91. To: Cynicom (#90)

Well now, a true Superman fan would remember

I couldn't claim to be a fan. I never cared for comics as it was fiction.

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-13   6:03:44 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#92. To: noone222 (#91)

I couldn't claim to be a fan. I never cared for comics as it was fiction.

Ever watch TV, listen to radio news, read newspaper?

Fiction at its finest.

Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   9:28:50 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#93. To: noone222 (#91)

The guy w/beard and hat, in court with the female judge is now speaking with Joyce Riley on the PowerHour broadcast.


“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.” ~ H. L. Mencken

Lod  posted on  2013-12-13   10:13:45 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#94. To: GreyLmist (#85)

ok, points taken.

To question is to value the ideal of truth more highly than the loyalties to nation, religion, race, or ideology.

christine  posted on  2013-12-13   11:39:57 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#95. To: noone222 (#87)

Me: How about the Constitutional Embassies suggestion? Can I get a "Yes" vote from you on that?

You: I don't understand the question.


Me at #67: on what grounds [do] you base your complaints about the money system, or anything else the .guv scalawags do or not anarchically, if you really think the Constitution doesn't exist because they defiantly act like it doesn't.

You at #68: There is a Constitution, it's just that hardly anyone qualifies for its protection because they've opted to act in an environment where no constitution exists.

Me at #73: Like "Free Speech Zones" and "Constitution Free Zones" 100 miles in from our borders? I have to disagree. Am thinking, though, that it would be a good thing if we established some Constitutional Embassies in every State.

You at #76: All of the nonsense about free speech zones and etc., is applicable to everyone that has some nexus agreement of any sort that ties them to the FED Govt.

Me at #79: How about the Constitutional Embassies suggestion? [Ref. #73] Can I get a "Yes" vote from you on that?

Embassies/consulates of the Constitution in our States could serve as reminders for the public that America is not a "Constitution Free Zone" and could serve too as information centers about our real form of government. Constitutionalists could all be considered Ambassadors. Perhaps they could even intervene diplomatically in matters of rights violations.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   11:42:49 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#96. To: christine (#83)

yeah, and so what?? it's time. wtf cares what MSM says? Paul had no chance anyway and he knew it. he could have done a lot more by standing up to and challenging the corruption that has existed for decades. he of all people knows that without legitimate, honest elections we have NOTHING. it's all a big charade.

Anyone that cares to look at Ron Paul with an open mind, needs to go back to 2008 on the internet, take a look at many people at the time, wondering if in fact Paul was a stalking horse for someone else.

That he was not a candidate for President at all. That just perhaps he was there to ward off any true conservative from running.

Closed minds would not accept even if Paul admitted to such. There is no room for such in politics.

Approaching idolatry in politics becomes very dangerous as reality escapes many individuals.

The very basic premise of Pauls effort was...THE FEDERAL RESERVE.... of whom 90 per of voters had never heard of. That in of itself indicates the man was never sincere.

Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   12:33:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#97. To: GreyLmist (#95) (Edited)

if you really think the Constitution doesn't exist because they defiantly act like it doesn't.

If you'll recall, I said there is a Constitution, but very few qualify for the protections it offers.

The original form of government was a democratic republic under the Constitution. Incrementally the people optioned out by making arrangements generally for some form of security or convenience.

The STATES have become subsidiaries (like counties) belonging to the FEDERAL (not national) Government in Washington, D.C. ... that's why the judges in STATE courts do business utilizing commercial paper rather than gold or silver coin.

You can get by using the paper currency (FRNs) because there's no signature on anything that can be used as evidence of a contract with the strawman signed and authorized by the (natural man) agent. (Bank Accounts and Credit Cards always require a sig-nature. (Mark of the natural man).

Truth is if you don't want to go to hell, don't do business with the devil.

I've argued that an honest judge would simply come out and give the precise reasons the constitution doesn't apply in any given case ... but they don't.

EDIT: I asked about the driver license thing because it's the most common of violations charged and all of the OLD court cases refer to it as something commercial, not requiring a license. That being said, the courts rule against all constitutional claims knowing that the appellate process is ridiculously complex and time consuming so that few will ever survive the guantlet. Somewhere aling the line they'll find a nexus between commerce and the appellant.

When you understand the Social Security is an INSURANCE SCHEME and that all insurance is commercial it becomes clear that everyone with a driver license also has an SSN and is involved in commerce.

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Thomas Jefferson

noone222  posted on  2013-12-13   12:51:01 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#98. To: christine, noone222, Artisan, 4 (#94)

ok, points taken.

:) While I'm here, am posting (for those with concerns about Ron Paul and his stance on 9/11) a short review regarding his recent interview with Jesse Ventura on that subject at the Ron Paul Channel, a link for the 38 second Preview video there that shows pics of JFK and 9/11 as he makes a reference to "the greatest conspiracies of our time", and also a 5.75 minute YouTube video of Jesse Ventura speaking out about 9/11 at Ron Paul's separate 2008 Convention (Rally for the Republic) in Minneapolis, Minnesota -- most likely with Ron Paul's "OK" to do that:

Review at on Wed, 10/09/2013 | Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura discuss 9/11

I just watched Ron's interview with Jesse on the Ron Paul Channel.

I knew Jesse's views on 9/11 but I was surprised to hear Ron talk about it more openly than I've heard him do so before. He sounded more like a truther than I had believed him to be. He even mocked people who use the word "truther" as an insult. After all, truth is treason in an empire of lies, as he said.

I know Ron always talked about how we need a new investigation but he never gave me the impression that he believed anyone other than Bin Laden did it. But in this interview both he and Jesse made it clear that they don't believe the official version of the Kennedy assassination or 9/11, and that the commissions that investigated both were nothing but cover ups.

Great stuff.

Preview video ["Jesse Ventura: Exposing Government Lies" dated October 8, 2013] currently on Pg. 2 of the Interviews at the Ron Paul Channel.

YouTube video: Jesse Ventura Speaks About 9/11 at Ron Paul Rally (9/2/08)

Description: At the Ron Paul Rally for the Republic in Minneapolis, Minnesota former governor Jesse Ventura expressed his concerns about 9/11 to a receptive crowd of nearly 10,000 people.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   13:45:08 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#99. To: Cynicom (#96)

just perhaps he was there to ward off any true conservative from running.

You keep saying that without ever stating which true conservative(s) you think were constrained by him from running. He was the only true conservative.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   13:58:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#100. To: noone222 (#97)

I see the UCC cottage industry of strawman-boondoggle adherents as reinforcers of fictional rule by those moving to overthrow our Constitution. So, was that like a "No" vote on the Constitutional Embassies/consulates suggestion?


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   14:20:25 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#101. To: GreyLmist (#98)

yeah, since paul's a mason he cannot be trusted.

people may deny he's a mason, but since his wife and daughters are admitted masons, duh, hes a mason. if I ever had the chance to see him, I would ask him on video if he is a mason. id ask the same of randy too.

"Even to the death fight for truth, and the LORD your God will battle for you". Sirach 4:28

Artisan  posted on  2013-12-13   14:24:11 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#102. To: GreyLmist (#99)

He was the only true conservative.

Go back to the Trotsky memo...


Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   14:29:14 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#103. To: GreyLmist, noone222, Christine (#98)

Ron Paul, Trotsky memo...

" I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them..... But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican".........

Anyone that wears the badge of the pub party would of course go to the wall with Paul.

There is but ONE party, following either wing is the cause that is ruining this country.

Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   14:39:02 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#104. To: Cynicom (#103) (Edited)

We've been over your so-called "Trotsky Memo" misperceptions numerous times, apparently all to no avail. So what's the point you're trying to make now? That Republicans can't be Conservatives? Who then are the Conservatives which you keep speaking of as having been warded off from running by Ron Paul? You still haven't identified even one.

Anyone that wears the badge of the pub party would of course go to the wall with Paul.

I can only conclude from your statement there that you somehow missed all of the vote riggings against him by...the Republican Party. And you seem determined to rob us even of the legacy of his educational efforts to alert others about Federal Reserve problems.

Edited next to last sentence of paragraph 1.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   15:21:51 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#105. To: GreyLmist (#104)


Good heavens...

I swear there is no alternate meaning to..."I am a republican and will remain a republican".....

Plain and simple.

Cynicom  posted on  2013-12-13   15:37:17 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#106. To: Artisan (#101)

yeah, since paul's a mason he cannot be trusted.

people may deny he's a mason, but since his wife and daughters are admitted masons, duh, hes a mason. if I ever had the chance to see him, I would ask him on video if he is a mason. id ask the same of randy too.

I thought I saw a pic of you shaking hands with him. I'm not as convinced, as you've become, that he must be a Mason if his close family members are. Just tell me, please, who you think can be trusted.


"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC

GreyLmist  posted on  2013-12-13   15:44:24 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  


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