Hello friends. In the last year some of yall may of noticed that I no longer post here as often as I used too. The reason for that is my Ex-wife. I've been concerned about her using my political views against me in her effort to deprive our son of a relationship with me, his father. Ever since this divorce started her sole concern has been revenge against me utilizing any means available to her, including and especially our son.
While the Spam email,magazine subscriptions, and solicitor phone calls have been annoying the true pain comes from being deprived contact with our son. Currently, she allows contact Once every two weeks by skype if she feels like it. Often times she does not feel like it and when she doesn't feel like allowing communication she doesn't inform me. I am just left in the dark waiting. And If I need to change the time I can't because she won't discuss it. Not that I have a phone number or address because I don't. To this day she is still hiding him in secret to maintain control over him.
The divorce has been finalized but the courts insist that the custody aspects of it must be heard in Quebec Canada. So I must travel back to Quebec as soon as I can , before she schedules the custody hearing in my absence.
To that end I am selling everything I own. sanmarcos.craigslist.org/bar/4827960646.html
Not everything I have is in the pictures there so if your interested in doing some "picking" we can arrange a time for that.
If you would like to help out but don't wanna buy anything I have also set up a charity www.gofundme.com/kvu8pw
If you would like to help out but have no money you can still help by sharing those links on your social media websites.
At stake is the welfare and well being of an innocent four year old boy who has done nothing wrong and deserves so much better than this. He has a right to his father just as much as he has a right to his mother. Unfortunately his mother does not quite seem to agree and is doing all in her power to deprive him to get even with me. HE deserves better.
So, be sure to check out the links and share them around and any and all help you can give is appreciated beyond words.
Thank you.