Anyone care to contribute to the cause? If so, confirm with me first and we'll make sure we don't have 2+ people renewing simultaneously & confusing things. I don't want to give out the ID & PW for access to the domain rights, so PP might be the best way. But I can work something out with a CC if desired.
This domain name will expire on February 1, 2022:
Domain names must be renewed each year to remain active. If you don't renew, it will be deleted from the Internet and may be used by someone else.
The renewal cost is $16.92 for a single year. You'll receive a discount if you renew for multiple years:
1 year: $16.92 total ($16.92 per year)
2 years: $31.84 total ($15.92 per year)
3 years: $44.76 total ($14.92 per year)
4 years: $55.68 total ($13.92 per year)
5 years: $64.60 total ($12.92 per year)
6 years: $71.52 total ($11.92 per year)
7 years: $83.44 total ($11.92 per year)
8 years: $95.36 total ($11.92 per year)
9 years: $107.28 total ($11.92 per year)
You can renew your domain name with a credit card using our secure server. Just go to this page on our Web site:
Login with your domain name and password, then click "Renew Domain Names".
- the name of each domain you're renewing
- the number of years you're renewing for
You can renew your domain name with a PayPal payment if you wish. Just send the payment to "" with a note telling us the domain name(s) you're renewing.
If you don't want to renew, you can simply ignore this message. The domain name will be deleted and you won't be charged anything.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reply to this message.
We appreciate your business!
-- Tiger Technologies