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Title: Coral Snake's Bites of the Week 2007-23
Source: 00-Hotherp Reports
URL Source: [None]
Published: Jul 9, 2007
Author: Coral Snake
Post Date: 2007-07-09 03:34:22 by Coral Snake
Keywords: Al Gore, Global Warming, Crisis Management, Rapture Mon, Gun Grabbers, Depopulation
Views: 91
Comments: 2

Coral Snake's Bites of the Week 2007-23

This week we will be giving bites to Micro$oft billionaire bill gates for promoting Homosexuality and Depopulation with his cash and an assortment of prominent Globalists for their coming attempt to actually PROPOSE a North American Union to Congress. Al Gore Picks up two this time around, one for himself for promoting the New World Orders "crisis management" global warming "science" and he shares one with the Tavastock Institutes Rock 'n' Roll "music" industry for hypocritically promoting the "Live Earth" concerts, a sheeple training promotion which will have one of the biggest "carbon footprints" in history. The FDA shares one with Donald Rumsfeld for continuing to say that Aspartame is safe in the face of the newest evidence from Italy to the contrary. Rapture Monkeyism promoters Hal Lindsay, C C Carlson, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins, "Scooter" Libby's dirty book and this weeks WORST from rounds out this week's bites.

As always Remember the KEY and enjoy.

Bite One -> Bill Gates

It seems like Bill Gates has given up monopoly software in order to promote "Gay" porn and the homosexual agenda alone with his depopulation and gun grabbing schemes. According to an article posted at


Bill Gates Among Investors with $26 Million Share in Homosexual Activist Publishing Company

By John-Henry Westen

NEW YORK, July 5, 2007 http://( - The UK Independent revealed today that Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has acquired a major stake in a homosexual activist publishing company. SEC Filings reveal that Cascade Investment, which invests Gates' money, is among a group of investors that has bought a $26.2 million share in PlanetOut, a publishing company which runs Out magazine as well as the dating website which is used primarily for sexual "hook-ups" and all-gay RSVP Cruises.


Despite Gates' extensive funding of population control, he had until this point been considered relatively conservative. With this move, however, he has crossed over into areas that are highly controversial even in the mainstream media. The online material put out by the company features hard core homosexual pornography.

Gates' funding of population control groups such as his $57 million donation to the United Nations Population Fund in 2000, stems from the influence of his father. In a 2003 PBS interview Gates explained his funding of "reproductive issues".

"When I was growing up . . . my dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that," said Gates.

In the interview Gates said he was moved by seeing a "measurable impact" on "safe birth reproductive family planning issues".

Such figures have however been artificially manipulated by abortion advocates as a way of manufacturing public acceptance of abortion.

Well known former abortionist Bernard Nathanson, the co-founder and first president of National Abortion Rights Action League, after leaving the pro-abortion movement, confessed: "Repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public. The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually. The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000. These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans, convincing many that we needed to crack the abortion law."]


The Gates Foundation' commitment to population control funding was likely considerably strengthened with the $31 billion donation to the foundation last year by multi-billionaire Warren Buffet, a personal friend of Bill Gates. Buffett is especially concerned about world population and has given multi-million dollar donations to causes such as the production of the abortion pill RU-486, Planned Parenthood, and the misleadingly-named Catholics for a Free Choice.

Complete article here:

Bite Two -> Former Sen Sam Nunn / Richard Armitage / Zbigniew Brzezinski / Harold Brown / William Cohen / Henry Kissinger

This bite goes to all of those who are now openly proposing the North American Union before Congress. According to an article posted at


Globalists To Formally Propose Merger Of U.S., Canada, Mexico North American Union to be presented to Congress by powerful think tank

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, July 5, 2007

Globalist political heavyweights are preparing to formally propose to Congress the merger of the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union at the end of summer after they held secret meetings to devise a plan that will be presented to representatives of all three governments.

"A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc," reports World Net Daily.]


The report is entitled "North American Future 2025 Project" and was prepared in collaboration with the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), who were previously instrumental in the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994.

The plan outlines an agenda to unify the three countries into a European Union style power bloc.

Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) documents released under the FOIA show that a wide range of US administrative law is being re-written in stealth under this program to "integrate" and "harmonize" with administrative law in Mexico and Canada, just as has become commonplace within the EU.]

Complete article here:

Bite Three -> Al Gore

The Repukes have no corner on the market when it comes to treason and the NWO. These days the main way the DemocRATS are promoting it is through the fraudulent man made "global warming" and "climate change" theories of modern NWO "science". To understand how the DemocRATS are using "global warming" to promote the one world police state you have to understand the basic fear based way the NWO and its masters the Jesuits use to herd the sheeple in the direction they want them to go. The basic system is known as the "Crisis Management" or "Problem, Reaction, Solution" system and it basically works like this.

1. The NWO creates a crisis of some kind real or imagined in order to start a new program to guide the sheeple in the direction of the One World Police State.

2. They use their control over the main stream media, the public schools and the university systems both public and private and so called "official" scientists (Read scientists who are members of or sympathetic to the NWO.) to promote the crisis as a and herd the sheeple into the view that "something" has to be done about immediately.

3. The NWO then provides the "solution" usually in the form of international treaties and/or national laws that take away basic liberties, increase state/governmental power and ultimately lead to the NWO. The sheeple are then led to form "grass roots" organizations to deal with the crisis along NWO mandated lines.

The "war on terror" is the current NWO "crisis management" scheme promoted by the Repukes while "global warming" is the NWO "crisis management" scheme currently being promoted by DemocRATS and when it comes to "global warming Al Gore is at the forefront of the NWO media campaign promoting it. According to an article posted at


"Global Warming" is yet another outrageous hoax being perpetrated by the globalists to create panic and terror among the populations of nations in order to justify unjust laws and consequences legitimized by the legislative and executive actions of uninformed, ignorant and bribe-taking politicians. And even if global warming was a truly scientific phenomenon, it would never succumb or be rectified by human action. Simply comparing the human condition to its effect on the entire planet is to launch an anti-God irreverence and human arrogance that can only be described as hideously astonishing.

Three quarters of our planet is ocean. We, the human species, inhabit only a quarter of the globe on land. Considering uninhabitable portions of the land mass, such as jungles and the massive deserts, we are basically an invisible film on the land surfaces of the planet. Comparing astronomical sizes, Earth is roughly the size of a copper BB next to the comparable size of a basketball that is our Sun. What effect can invisible scum occupying much less than one quarter the size of a BB have upon our solar system? Even if madman Cheney launches World War III by attacking Iran with nuclear weapons, that will produce virtually the same no-effect on either Earth or our solar system. Humanity might be wiped out, but it will have little effect upon our universe.

The problem with the global warming theory is that it sees Man's involvement not only as a factor, but as a major factor. That's pure nonsense! Even without any modicum of scientific critique, this loony theory should be dismissed as a hoax just on the basis of ordinary common sense. It is a "theory" engineered and manufactured to denigrate American industrial might in order to set US back to a Third World Status. It should be classified within that same genre of misguided political ventures of Third World anti-Americanism as GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the North American Union.]


So in spite of scientific pronouncements and evidentiary proclamations from trained and non-politicized scientists and experts, Al Gore's The Assault on Reason is rising in the charts. You would think that people committed to reading books would have more sense than to invest in a non-scientific book on science written not only by a non-scientist, but by an ax-grinding clueless politico. And as it doesn't say much for Gore as an expert, it says even less for our learned book-consuming public!

In an article published in Madison, Wisconsin's The Capital Times and posted on their website June 18, 2007, Samara Kalk Derby writes: "Reid Bryson, known as the father of scientific climatology, considers global warming a bunch of hooey. The UW-Madison professor emeritus, who stands against the scientific consensus on this issue, is referred to as a global warming skeptic. But he is not skeptical that global warming exists, he is just doubtful that humans are the cause of it." And clearly, therefore, if we are not the cause, we cannot effect a solution!

The article entitled, "Local scientist calls global warming theory 'hooey,'" goes on: "There is no question the earth has been warming. It is coming out of the 'Little Ice Age,' he said in an interview this week. 'However, there is no credible evidence that it is due to mankind and carbon dioxide. We've been coming out of a Little Ice Age for 300 years. We have not been making very much carbon dioxide for 300 years. It's been warming up for a long time,' Bryson said."

Derby continues: "'The Little Ice Age was driven by volcanic activity. That settled down so it is getting warmer,' he said. 'Humans are polluting the air and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but the effect is tiny,' Bryson said. 'It's like there is an elephant charging in and you worry about the fact that there is a fly sitting on its head. It's just a total misplacement of emphasis,' he said. 'It really isn't science because there's no really good scientific evidence.'" This aligns with the argument I offered even before reading Bryson's statement; specifically, our impact is miniscule.]


Bryson goes on to refer to the current global warming theory as more religion than science, and acknowledges as well that opinions can and do differ within the scientific community. But Bryson sticks to his guns offering that there are many scientists who both believe and oppose the current ginned up panic being spread primarily by non-scientist Al Gore. When asked if he had seen Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," Derby documents his reaction: "'Don't make me throw up. It is not science. It is not true.'" Derby quotes others in the scientific community at Bryson's Madison institution that disagree with him.]

Complete article here:

Bite Four -> Donald Rumsfeld / Food and Drug Administration / Federal Drug Administration

Ever since it was legalized by Donald (Depleted Uranium is good for you) Rumsfeld's hand picked FDA Commissioner Arthur Hayes that particular government agency which is heavily into the depopulation movement has promoted the deadly poison Aspartame as a safe substitute for sugar. However once again they are being proven wrong in an Italian study connecting Aspartame to various forms of cancer and other degenerative diseases. According to a United Press International posting:


LE BUGUE, France, July 2 (UPI) -- Two years ago, Italian researchers at the prestigious Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences published a study that showed feeding rats aspartame at levels per body weight close to those of humans led to an increase in brain tumors, lymphomas and leukemia in the females.

Aspartame, familiar to consumers as brand names NutraSweet and Equal, is an artificial sweetener found globally in approximately 6,000 products.

It's contained in candy, desserts and yogurts. It's in diet sodas and hot chocolate and those sugar-free packets for coffee and tea in restaurants. It's also in some pharmaceutical products, like cough lozenges and vitamins. Some chewing gum is aspartame-sweetened.

At this level of saturation, it represents 62 percent of the artificial sweetener market.

As reported by Eat To Live last May, the FDA rejected the foundation's conclusions, saying they weren't consistent with other studies that the FDA had evaluated that confirmed aspartame was safe as a sweet alternative to sugar.]


So the Ramazzini Foundation went back to the drawing board.

This time, it put 4,000 rats on doses of aspartame equivalent in respective body weight to the amount consumed by some people.

With this second investigation, they also began exposing rats to aspartame before they were born. And they allowed them to live until they died a natural death, instead of killing them at two years as in other studies elsewhere.

Their conclusions have just been published in Environmental Health Perspectives, the journal of the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Parents should take particular note.

Again, they found significant increases in lymphomas and leukemia. When fetuses were exposed to the sweetener, the potential carcinogenic effects increased.

A study last year from the National Cancer Institute involving 340,045 men and 226,945 women found no significant link between aspartame and cancer.

But the men and women studied were all between the ages of 50 and 69 and had only begun consuming the sweetener in adulthood.

Children are considerable consumers of aspartame through Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Kool-Aid, Jell-O gelatin dessert and pudding mixes and certain Popsicles.

According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, the acceptable daily intake of aspartame is equivalent to a child weighing 50 pounds drinking two cans of diet soda daily, or a 150 pound adult drinking just over seven.

It encourages people not to panic. Just to stop buying products containing aspartame.

However, the Ramazzini Foundation researchers write in their study: "On the basis of the present findings, we believe that a review of the current regulations governing the use of aspartame cannot be delayed.

"This review is particularly urgent with regard to aspartame-containing beverages, heavily consumed by children."]


The FDA says it has not yet reviewed the report. But it appears it still finds no reason to revise its opinion or advice to consumers. (Bolding by Coral Snake)

(Coral Snake) Can anybody say DEPOPULATION???!!!, I'm sure you can.

Complete article here:

Bite Five -> Al Gore / The Popular Music Establishment

A prime example in Al Gore and NWO Rock Music hypocrisy is the so called "Live Earth concerts". The amount of fossil fuels needed to keep what is essentially yet another gigantic entertainment and sheeple training event have got to be simply enormous. Indeed Rock 'n' Roll music itself as well as all of its relatives (a product of the sheeple training Jesuit front known as the Tavistock Institute has got to have the biggest "carbon footprint" of any means of mass public entertainment yet devised with its dependence on massive electric amplification of every instrument it debases from guitars to pianos and massive truck and jet liner travel emissions tied to getting those electrically amplified instruments and the performers that use them to the locations they are required to be at for their sheeple training "concerts". This hypocracy on the part of Al Gore and the Tavistock Institute controlled "music" industry is the subject of a article:


Live Earth is promoting green to save the planet - what planet are they on?

UK Daily Mail Saturday July 7, 2007

As Madonna bounds on to the huge Wembley stage to save the planet, how the assembled Greenies will cheer.

The superstar is today fronting the massive Live Earth event, with nine concerts played over 24 hours across seven continents before an audience of two billion.

The much-hyped bid to save the world is being masterminded by former U.S. vice president Al Gore - who helped focus attention on the environmental movement with his Oscar-winning film, An Inconvenient Truth - and features artists including The Police, Red Hot Chili Peppers, UB40 and Metallica.

No doubt to rapturous applause, Madonna will call for mass global change to reduce carbon emissions and to tackle 'climate crisis'.]


Watching the veteran star lap up the adoration, her entourage could, however, be forgiven for exchanging slightly jaded glances - having witnessed her jet in for the concert from New York.

For her 2006 World Tour, she flew by private jet, transporting a team of up to 100 technicians and dancers around the globe. Waiting in the garage at home, she has a Mercedes Maybach, two Range Rovers, an Audi A8 and a Mini Cooper S.

Indeed, Madonna's carbon footprint is dwarfed only by her ego - she has vowed that she will 'speak to the planet' at Wembley. In fact, an apology might be in order - for the superstar's energy consumption is only the tip of the iceberg in this epic vanity-fest.

The Live Earth event is, in the words of one commentator: "a massive, hypocritical fraud".

For while the organisers' commitment to save the planet is genuine, the very process of putting on such a vast event, with more than 150 performers jetting around the world to appear in concerts from Tokyo to Hamburg, is surely an exercise in hypocrisy on a grand scale.

Matt Bellamy, front man of the rock band Muse, has dubbed it 'private jets for climate change'.

A Daily Mail investigation has revealed that far from saving the planet, the extravaganza will generate a huge fuel bill, acres of garbage, thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions, and a mileage total equal to the movement of an army.]


The most conservative assessment of the flights being taken by its superstars is that they are flying an extraordinary 222,623.63 miles between them to get to the various concerts - nearly nine times the circumference of the world. The true environmental cost, as they transport their technicians, dancers and support staff, is likely to be far higher.

The total carbon footprint of the event, taking into account the artists' and spectators' travel to the concert, and the energy consumption on the day, is likely to be at least 31,500 tonnes of carbon emissions, according to John Buckley of, who specialises in such calculations.

Throw in the television audience and it comes to a staggering 74,500 tonnes. In comparison, the average Briton produces ten tonnes in a year.

The concert will also generate some 1,025 tonnes of waste at the concert stadiums - much of which will go directly into landfill sites.

Moreover, the pop stars headlining the concerts are the absolute antithesis of the message they promote - with Madonna leading the pack of the worst individual rock star polluters in the world.

Sepermodel Kate Moss, another profligate polluter through her use of private jets, is producing a T-shirt for the event. Yet, Gore is touting the concerts as 'carbon neutral'. So how can that be?

Let us start with some facts. Worldwide, an audience of around 1,268,500 is expected to attend the concerts - making it one of the largest global events in history.]

Complete article here:

Bite Six -> Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach (Current Jesuit Superior General or Black Pope) / Hal Lindsay / C C Carlson / Tim LaHaye / Jerry B Jenkins

In the process of the NWO training of sheeple in the Christian community into accepting the One World Police State without a fight NOTHING has been more effective than the doctrine of "Rapture Monkeyism" the "Pre tribulation Rapture doctrine in particular. As we have seen in previous bites the "Futurist" or "Future Antichrist" doctrine from which all Rapture Monkeyism dirives weather Pre Trib, Pre Wrath or Post trib was the invention of a JESUIT intellectual in the 16th century to remove the Antichrist stigma the Reformation was placing on the Papal "dynasty" that was refined into the various current Rapture Monkey doctrines by people such as Charles Nelson Darby and Cyrus Ingerson Schofield. This bite which also originates from an an article at takes the formation of the Rapture Monkey movement into modern times with exposures of its most well known current promulgators, Hal Lindsay, C C Carlson, Tim LaHaye, Jerry B Jenkins.

Basically these four saw in the Rapture Monkey movement a way to make big federal reserve notes and as an effective witnessing tool for Chrisitianity. According to the article:


The Rapture or Millions Missing!!

In the Futurism system of Ribera and Bellarmine, Antichrist is an evil superman who emerges just 7 years before the end of time and causes all kinds of havoc.

In the English speaking world, Edward Irving and John Nelson Darby further elaborated on this system by inventing a secret rapture 7 years before the end. They correctly taught that the Christians are restraining evil?in this case Protestant Christians? who will be removed from the earth before the Antichrist will be revealed. In popular literature it is called the Rapture or catching away!!

Those who are LEFT BEHIND will get another chance to be saved ... if they choose death rather that accept the mark of the beast!!

If you think this is some kind of hoax or fantasy think again....This teaching is held by millions of "Protestant" Christians and is the foundation of a multi-million dollar publishing and movie empire.]


Hal Lindsay and C.C. Carlson

The first book to really bring Futurism to the masses was a book entitled The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey and C.C. Carlson which appeared in 197O. That book has sold over 35 million copies and was translated into 54 languages:

Hal Lindsey is known as the father of modern "Bible" prophecy. His famous Late Great Planet Earth sold over 35 million copies and spawned the billion dollar end-times industry whose books and videos repeat his dispensational theme and are patterned after his novel writing style. Lindsey actually is a Jesuit in disguise as 2 of his daughters attended Jesuit Gonzaga University.

Hal Lindsay, father of modern "Bible" prophecy.

The mysterious C. C. Carlson? ghostwriter for Lindsey's book's?finally turns out to be a woman....She should be called the MOTHER of modern "Bible" prophecy.

In Protestant Christianity, it is very unusual for a woman to write a prophecy book. Prior to 1971, you could count them on one hand. Elliot and Spurgeon surveyed history and listed the best expositors in Horae and Commentating on Commentators. Neither man mentioned a woman.


Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins

When it became apparent that Futurism was the road that led to fame and riches, many jumped on this "Bible" prophecy bandwagon....2 of the most famous false profits are "Reverend" Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins who originated the Left Behind publishing empire.

These men are laughing all the way to the bank due to the phenomenal success of their Left Behind series. Most libraries in the U.S. have copies of their books . . . but fortunately they are listed under "Christian" FICTION.

In their books, the Rapture has already taken place and the hero and heroine battle the evil Antichrist named Nicolae Carpathia from the country of Romania!!

The phenomenally successful Left Behind serious features over 8 full length books and 2 Hollywood movies.

If this was nothing more than trivial entertainment it might be OK, but there is something far, far more sinister behind the Left Behind series.]


Tim LaHaye and the Council for National Policy

In 1981, Tim LaHaye was the founder of a highly secretive conservative think tank called the Council for National Policy dedicated to turning the nation to the right. One of the founding members was named Edgar Prince, father of Erik Prince, the secretive founder of the Blackwater mercenaries:

"But Erik Prince's philanthropy has certainly not been limited to Catholic causes. The Prince family was deeply involved in the secretive Council for National Policy, described by the New York Times as "a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country [which has] met behind closed doors at undisclosed locations for a confidential conference" three times a year "to strategize about how to turn the country to the right." The Council was started in 1981 by the Rev. Tim LaHaye, one of the founders of the modern right-wing Christian movement in the United States and author of the apocalyptic Left Behind novels."' The idea was to build a Christian conservative alternative to the Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations, which LaHaye considered too liberal. CNP membership is kept secret, and members are instructed that "The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before or after a meeting." (Scahill, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, p. 16).]


Erik Prince is the founder of Blackwater mercenaries

Erik Prince is the son of a billionaire Michigan industrialist named Edgar Prince. His father was a generous contributor to right-wing evangelical"Protestant" causes and Erik became a major contributor to Catholic organizations....He founded Blackwater in 1998.

Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater.

"In June 1997, ground was broken on the Blackwater compound, and in May 1998, the company officially opened for business. Though the company's name sounds ominous, it actually was inspired by the black waters of the Great Dismal Swamp?a 111,000-acre peat bog stretching from southeastern Virginia to northeastern North Carolina?close to where Blackwater was constructed. While many later accounts from company executives and others would portray the early days of Blackwater as slow going, its volume of "black" and confidential contracts makes that difficult to confirm. As Clark remembers it, the company hit the ground running. "The SEAL community came down, because we came from the SEAL community and they were aware of it. They came down at least for the shootouts and the ranges to run their training. It filtered into a lot of law enforcement; the FBI came down, as word got out. The facility was the initial draw to a lot of them because it was something new and big and close by," Clark said." While Blackwater was constructed on a swamp, it was strategically located a half-hour from the largest naval base in the world, the forty-three-hundred-acre Norfolk Naval Station and not far from the epicenter of the U.S. intelligence and federal law enforcement communities." (Scahill, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, pp. 33-34).]

Complete article here:

Bite Seven -> Lewis "Scooter" Libby

While he may have been convicted and virtually pardoned in the Valary Plame CIA case there is in fact another thing "Scooter" Libby belongs in prison for. This is his highly probable extreme sexual perversion which he more than adequately showed in his book entitled The Apprentice. The prominent dirty scene in this book is highly improbable (A male bear is more likely to EAT a ten year old prostitute trainee locked up in a cage with him than do what this foul scene depicts in any reasonable natural reality.) but it shows a definite pedophilia power relationship between the girl and the bear with "Scooter" Libby himself in all probability seeing HIMSELF as the bear. I would not allow this man within the rifle range of any ten year old relative of mine.

Bite Eight -> Gun Guys

Finally to round out the week's Bites here is this week's WORST from the gun grabber site


The Tragedy of the AK-47

There?s a new book out about ?The People?s Gun,? aka the AK-47. This is a cheaply built and cheapily bought assault weapon that not only targets Americans from coast to coast, but people all over the world. And as this review in the UK?s Telegraph says, this gun's influence is widespread, and its effects are utterly depressing.

"The AK47 has become a global brand, the Adidas or Coca-Cola of small arms, with about seven million of them in Sudan alone. In Iraq there is one legally owned Kalashnikov per household; not counting those in the hands of Iraqi insurgents and al-Qa?eda terrorists. In video recordings Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri are never seen without one, straddled across their laps or propped against the cave wall.

Among the black gangs of New Orleans who have watched too many Rambo films, the AK is celebrated in rap songs: ?You heard it on the radio, you seen it on the TV show. A to the K? A to the motherf Z?. This resulted in several mindless killings before and during the Hurricane Katrina floods.

The AK47's chief merits are a mere eight moving parts, four-kilogramme weight, and medium-calibre shells that spin through flesh so that a peripheral wound leads to death or horrendous injury. Even if immersed in water or covered in dust and mud, the AK47 remains reliable.

Since it is not engineered to the final degree, any semi-competent tinsmith in Baghdad, Quetta or Peshawar can easily repair one. The only demerits are a trigger that takes longer than one expects to fire, a tendency to pull to the left, and a noisy safety catch as it switches from automatic to single fire, but that can be muffled with a bit of tape, as the Viet Cong discovered."

This is clearly a gun that doesn?t belong in our country or any others. In fact, it has already been made illegal in the United States once, but now it?s legal yet again. Why? Because the NRA, pushed forward by a gun industry hellbent on making profits rather than keeping Americans safe, has encouraged our Congress to let the assault weapons ban that used to be on the books fall away. We should not have this firearm in our borders. But the NRA pushes legislations towards our own Congress that encourages the sale of this firearm and guns just like it.

This firearm is the product of a culture that wants to kill, cheaply and quickly and easily. That?s not a culture we want in our communities or any other. This firearm should be illegal to anyone looking to buy it, because its widespread popularity means nothing but more and more widespread death.

"Hodges discusses the sheer ubiquity of AK47s in Africa?s many conflicts, partly by using the story of former Sudanese child soldier Emmanuel Jal, the rapper who was too gritty to adorn Mr Geldof?s Hyde Park Live 8 concert. Jal succinctly explained the attraction of the AK47 to Hodges: ?The gun had made me feel like a man. I knew people would do what I said, because I had an AK. With an AK you can get food, respect, anything you want. Even when you are nine years old.?

Only the legend of the AK47 can explain the semi-suicidal bravado with which Palestinians or Iraqis pop out from behind walls to shoot Israeli or US troops armed with sniper rifles and night vision, Apache helicopters with ?Hellfire? guided missiles, or ?Bushmaster? chain-guns whose heavy explosive rounds leave nothing of the human body, a sight the operator follows on a computer screen within an armoured vehicle.

Due to its Soviet-era origins, and use throughout the Third World, the Kalashnikov AK47 assault rifle has acquired an unmistakable air of radical chic. Its shark-like silhouette has spread from the panels of Afghan rugs, to a new range of vodkas, and even a fashion line called ?Prada-Meinhof?, with the gun?s shadowy outline tastefully imprinted on luxury scarves to evoke the Baader-Meinhof group.

Appalled by the suffering his gun has inflicted on civilians, apparently General Mikhail Kalashnikov now wishes he had invented a lawnmower instead. But it is too late for that, as this infinitely depressing book reveals."

No matter how much of a cultural impact the AK-47 has made, the suffering caused by it and weapons like it are simply not worth it. This weapon should be illegal within the US, without question.

(Coral Snake) This article basically omits two things that are important in the story of the AK-47 and its relatives. 1. That the terror, genocide and depopulation associated this weapon was the product of one of the most evil states in history, the Soviet Union and sister State of Communist China and their client states created after World War II and by assorted third world "wars of liberation". 2. That the Soviet Union, Communist China were able to practice such terror, genocides and depopulations based purely on their MONOPOLY ON LETHAL FORCE created by "gun control" laws. This is typical of how gun grabbers lie, by telling PART of the truth but leaving out RELEVANT ESSENTIALS that would blow their case. You just simply can't tell the whole truth about the history of the Kalashnikov rifles without telling people of about the nature of the state under which they were invented and the MONOPOLY OVER THEM by that state through "gun control" laws that allowed that state and its relatives to practice their terror, genocides and depopulations unimpeded by any effective opposition.


Jesse Jackson Plans National Protest on August 28th

Finally today, the Reverend Jesse Jackson wants to expand his Chicago protest all over the country? he's calling for a national protest on August 28.

"Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., founder and president of Rainbow PUSH Coalition, announced today he will organize a national day of protest in 25 cities on Aug. 28, 2007, to rally support for legislation to restrict gun sales.

?We have the right to live safe and secure, no matter where we live in America,? Rev. Jackson said during a prayer vigil at Chuck?s Gun Shop in this Chicago suburb.

?Our marching does not kill people; people who buy guns from gun shops kill people,? Rev. Jackson said.

Chuck's Gun Shop sells more guns than any other gun dealer in the nation, according to the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation.

Current laws are not protecting the nation's youth, Rev. Jackson said, as is clear from the fact that in Chicago alone, more than 30 young people have died this year from gun violence."

He's exactly right? the American people have had enough. Day after day, week after week, the numbers of gun deaths rise higher and higher, and still our legislators do nothing to stop them. Still, they stand by the NRA rather than their constituents. We do have the right to live safely and securely, and that right is far more important than the NRA's perceived ?right to bear arms.?

It's time for our citizens, all together, to stop being the silent majority on firearms and start being the vocal majority. We need to take action to let our legislators know that the time to allow this gun violence is over. No longer can we let the NRA dominate our gun policy.

"Rev. Jackson said the nationwide rallies would represent a grassroots effort to press state and federal legislators into passing ?common sense? legislation to stem the flow of handguns and military-style automatic weapons.

?I encourage anyone running for the presidency to address this issue in their next debates,? Rev. Jackson said. He favors tighter restrictions on who is allowed to buy guns, better background checks, longer waiting periods for gun purchases, and restrictions on how many guns an individual may buy within a calendar period.

The National Rifle Association, a powerful special-interest lobbying organization and chief proponent of lax rules for gun ownership, is promoting a federal bill that would, among other things, eliminate any limits on the quantities of guns an individual may purchase.

?We should all be outraged at the number of young people killed,? said Annette Holt. ?Where is our conscience? Any mother or father who shares my pain should stand with me and take action.?

We can only agree. This August, on the 28th, prepare to make your voice heard in support of stronger gun laws all over the country. It?s time to take back our Congress from the NRA? we?ve got to stand together with one voice and get done what needs to be done.]


Philadelphia?s Black Caucus Cowers to NRA on Confrontation over Guns and Budget

Bad news from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania? just when we thought legislators from the Philadelphia Black Caucus were ready to show some backbone against the NRA, they walk out of a meeting with the gun lobby, and it seems they?ve drunk the koolaid again.

The president of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus said yesterday that after meeting with House Democratic leaders and the National Rifle Association, he would not seek to hold up the state budget over gun-control legislation.

?They have made a commitment to doing something, maybe not today or next week, but next month,? said Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D., Delaware), chairman of the 17-member group.

Kirkland said late yesterday that he had yet to discuss the results of the meeting with the members of his caucus and did not know if they stood with him on his budget pledge.

Last week, Kirkland and other members of the caucus forced a floor debate on gun violence, threatening to withhold critical votes on the budget unless the chamber took action on gun-control bills.

But yesterday, with budget negotiations at a standstill two days into the new fiscal year, Kirkland said he was satisfied with the progress made during yesterday?s unusual meeting with the NRA, the powerful interest group that has stood firmly on the opposite side of gun-control measures.

Please. One more month in Philadelphia means more shooting, more gun violence, and sadly, more dead children. We can?t wait any longer for the NRA to decide (or, more likely, to pretend to decide) any longer whether they?re going to stand for or against the safety of American citizens. The people of Philadelphia have suffered too long under the policies the NRA has implemented in Harrisburg (including a law that actually makes it illegal for the Philly city council to pass their own gun laws and fix the problem), and so Kirkland?s feeble explanations on behalf of the NRA are unacceptable.

If he actually believes the junk about ?a commitment,? then he?s just eating the NRA?s lies right out of their hand. They claim they want to work for a compromise, but then they blast even the most reasonable of firearms legislation proposals.

The NRA?s Pennsylvania lobbyist agreed.

?We both want the same results; we want to attack crime in Pennsylvania, particularly in Philadelphia,? said John Hohenwarter. ?We are hoping to come to agreement on a package that fulfills everyone?s needs.?

But the most controversial bill, to limit handgun purchases to one a month, and other gun-control measures that Philadelphia lawmakers and Gov. Rendell believe can have the greatest impact on gun violence were not part of the discussion.

Hohenwarter called one-handgun-a-month laws a ?fraud? and contended they had failed in states where they had been tried.

No legitimate firearms owner needs more than one-handgun-a-month, period. 12 handguns a year from gun dealers is plenty, and if you need more than that, you?re buying too many firearms. And while one-handgun-a-month laws in states bordering Pennsylvania haven?t kept firearms out of criminal hands, they haven?t ?failed? at all? criminals are still getting their guns from Pennsylvania, where gun laws are so loose that criminals can buy crates full of handguns and transfer them into states all across the nation.

But still our legislators preach compromise, when what we need is relief.

Rendell, amid budget negotiations last week, has remained unmoved, saying he would make the passage of gun-control legislation a priority in the fall. In Philadelphia, as of 11:59 p.m. Sunday, the death toll stood at 203 for the year.

House Majority Leader Bill DeWeese (D., Greene), a gun-rights supporter, said he was willing to continue talks and to negotiate on several bills involving penalties and sentencing that ?meet the threshold of compromise.?

There's nothing to compromise about. 203 people have died in Philadelphia alone this year, and thousands more all across the country with firearms obtained from ?legal? gun dealers in Pennsylvania. Citizens need relief, plain and simple. There?s no reason to compromise about it? legislators in Harrisburg need to start standing up for their constituents and carry out on their promises. Anything less is simply kowtowing to the NRA. It?s fine if you call that hypocrisy (after all, we just called the NRA out for not budging on even the most reasonable of gun legislation). But after all these years of death in Philadelphia, there?s no reason citizens should have to give in to the NRA and their inane policies any more. The NRA?s policies and the firearms they put in the hands of criminals have already taken enough.]

(Coral Snake)

How I pick the WORST for this bite every week:

Basically I have seen by my constant surveillance over this "Gun Guys" site a new strategy on the part of the gun grabbers that I believe requires a new strategy similar to that of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership to fight successfully. Unlike most gun grabber groups like the Brady Campaign/Million Mom March this "Freedom" States Alliance behind the "Gun Guys" site does not lobby Congress or state legislatures directly. Rather they attempt to the process of the demonization based brainwash to form local "grass roots" organizations in order to spread that very brainwash and change the basic American attitude about guns == freedom. The articles from "Gun Guys" I choose to post here are the WORST because they most epitomize this new tactic. It is my belief that this tactic must be met by equally demonizing "GUN CONTROL" Through the same formula ie GUN CONTROL == GENOCIDE/DEPOPULATION/STATE MURDER. So far the Jewish pro firearms group JPFO is the only one following this strategy and I believe that it is high time for the "goy" or Gentile pro gun groups to start following suit.

More next week.
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#1. To: Coral Snake (#0)

I always feel like breaking something when I read this...oh goes ;-)

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

IndieTX  posted on  2007-07-09   4:17:43 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#2. To: Coral Snake (#0)

"Our marching does not kill people; people who buy guns from gun shops kill people," Rev. Jackson said.

Great bites - thanks.

Trying to pick the looniest of all these outrageous bites, I finally settled on JJ's blather.

Join the Ron Paul Revolution

Lod  posted on  2007-07-09   11:09:48 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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