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Title: You Want Proof of the Zionist Control of Congress — Here it is!
URL Source: ... -congress-here-it-is_7031.html
Published: Jan 12, 2009
Author: Rep. David Duke
Post Date: 2009-01-13 01:18:05 by Liberate Jim Traficant
Keywords: Moshe Katzav, U.S.S. Liberty, Lavon Affair, You Want Proof of the Zionist
Views: 1474
Comments: 60

Pictured, the Israeli President Moshe Katzav two years ago presenting medals to the Jewish government terrorists who were caught and imprisoned after blowing up American installations in Egypt. The controlled American media never showed this picture or even mentions Jewish terrorist attacks against America.

In the second picture is the hulking remains of the U.S.S. Liberty after a surprise Israeli terrorist attack that took 34 American lives and burned and maimed 173 Americans. The U.S. Secretary of State at the time, the respected Dean Rusk, has always maintained that it was purposeful false flag terrorist attack on America in an attempt to blame Egypt so as to engage America into the 1967 war.

The Drawing Below; the latest victims of Israeli terrorism, thousands of Palestinian men women and children.

Listen to David Duke Take the U.S. Congress to Task MP3

You Want Proof of the Zionist Control of Congress -- Here it is!

On January 9th the U.S. Congress passed House Resolution 34 in support of the Zionist Terrorist Massacre in Gaza, a loss of life for Palestine proportionate to one thousand 9-11 attacks on America!

By David Duke

All you have to do is the look at the resolution recently passed by the House of Representatives (HRES 34 EH) with only 5 dissenting votes, to know who rules America. It condemns Hamas and the people of Gaza as terrorists but has no mention of the decades long Israeli occupation and strangulation of the West Bank and Gaza, or the bloody terrorism of tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children who have been killed, maimed, tortured or made homeless by years of Israel's terrorism.

The very recent human casualties of over 850 dead and over 4500 maimed from Israel's recent terror bombings of the 1.5 million people of Gaza would by their population percentage be equivalent to 175,000 murdered and 900,000 maimed Americans, more than one million American casualties. The percentage of Palestinian victims of Zionist terrorism over the past two weeks is proportionately one thousand times greater than the loss that Americans suffered in the 9-11 attacks!

The Jewish control of the United States Government and the mass media can be in clearly seen the exact wording of the resolution: In three places this short resolution endorses the survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish State with secure borders. That's a "JEWISH STATE," not a multicultural or multireligious state but a state exclusively dedicated to Jews. The controlled media had not a word in criticism of the resolution supporting Israel as an ethnic and religious state exclusively dedicated to Jews!

The resolution is the clear proof of Jewish supremacy over the U.S. government. One could not even imagine the U.S. Congress or the mass media tolerating a resolution which called for the control immigration and secure American borders so as to preserve an overwhelmingly White and Christian America. No high official or media pundit would tolerate a resolution aimed at the UK stating that Britain must remain a British State exclusively dedicated to the survival of the original British People, or for that matter would resolve that France must be a state exclusively dedicated to the people of French descent and to the traditional Christianity of France, or imagine for a moment a resolution that would proclaim dedication to the "survival of Germany as German State devoted to the preservation of the historical German people, religious traditions and culture. The media would be screaming "Nazi" at that suggestion.

Only naked Jewish supremacist power in politics and media could enable this hypocrisy to go on without any major dissenting voices.

The resolution also repeatedly talks about the preservation of Israel as a Democratic State. Israel is constantly referred to in the media as a "Democratic State." That is another obvious bald-faced lie. For over 40 years Israel has occupied the West Bank and Gaza, imprisoned and walled off its people, jailed and tortured them at will. These oppressed people have had not a single vote in the Israeli government that has oppressed them. When 4.5 million have no vote in the government ruling over them, that is the opposite of democracy. It is tyranny.

The reason that this lying resolution can pass and that Americans don't even realize these undeniable facts is simply the result of the incredible Jewish extremist power over the media and the American political process.

Israel is not Democratic. In fact, Israel is the opposite of what the Jewish controlled press expects America and Europe to be. It is a Jewish Supremacist State that has segregated schools, apartment buildings and even whole towns where Palestinians are not permitted to live. Israel has laws that make it illegal for Jew and a non-Jew to marry, and that even forbids marriage between a Kohanim (The most honored heritage among Jews) and person of the Jewish religion who is alleged to have even a drop of non-Jewish blood. (See the article on Not Jewish enough to marry a Kohanim) Although most people have no idea of it, Israel has a more stringent proscription against intermarriage than even Hitler's SS.

If the Palestinians would have gone after Israel's leadership and bombed and maimed 3,000 Israelis, the media and government of the U.S. would be screaming about Palestinian terrorism and undoubtedly America itself would have bombed and attacked Palestinian targets. But, when Israel does exactly the same thing we say we must support Israel.

We dissident Americans don't ask America to attack Israel, we don't want any more wars, but we demand that America condemns Jewish terrorism. Interestingly, to illustrate how the Jewish-dominated media has affected American views, If I or anyone else dares to use the term "Jewish terrorism" people cringe and invariably there are screams of anti-Semitism. Yet, "Muslim terrorism" is a term used constantly by the controlled media with not a whiff of criticism. It is used so much people think nothing about it.

Instead of condemning the Palestinians who are being murdered and maimed by the thousands by Israeli terrorism, a truly free American Congress would be issuing resolutions condemning Israel and its terrorism.

It would condemn Israel not only for terrorism it has committed for half of a century against the Palestinians and other Mideast people but also condemn Israel for its history of Israeli terrorism and treachery against the United States of America.

Israel should be condemned for the Israeli government's admitted purposeful terrorist attacks against America in the Lavon Affair and the shameful and murderous, bloody attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. Israel should be condemned for Israel's Jonathan Pollard spying case and the devastation of American interests with the stolen classified information. (Even the Jewish-descended American Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger, said it was the most terrible loss of American life resulting from spying in the history of the United States)

If you want to know who runs America, just look at the Jewish power exercised in the hastily-passed 700 billion theft to the mostly-Jewish, criminal international banks. In contrast it took a huge effort to get a small fraction of that amount, only 14 billion, for a loan to the American auto industry, a critical part of the American economy.

Notice also how the biggest criminal theft of all time, the 50 billion dollar fraud by Jewish criminal Madoff (also a big donor to Israel and Jewish supremacist causes) faced the biggest media criticism for ripping off some of his fellow Jews. You would think from the news reports that all his victims were Jews while in actual fact Gentile firms and individual investors constituted most of the victims. The media was full of stories about his terrible ethnic betrayal of his own people. Could you imagine the media criticizing a Gentile criminal for betraying fellow Gentiles? Unthinkable.

If you want to know how Jewish extremists manipulate us then you should notice how there are dozens of major movies, all slavishly promoted by the Jewish media, about Jewish victimization in the Holocaust, but not a single movie about what every major historian admits was a far larger loss of human lives and the greatest human rights crimes of all time, the crimes of Bolshevism and International Communism. Most Americans aren't even aware of the fact that even Jewish historians admit that Jews dominated the ranks of the Bolshevik mass murderers.

There are books and movies pungent with the pathos of Jewish victims of the Second World War. It has gotten to the point that no one in the media will even expose obvious fraudulent Holocaust stories. An example is the supposedly true story, Surviving with Wolves, a book and movie about a seven year old Jewish girl who survived the Nazis by being raised and protected by a pack of wolves in a 3,000 mile journey across Nazi-occupied Europe! The book made 23 million dollars and was only exposed because of lawsuit between different Jewish parties over the proceeds. What kind of Jewish power exists that not a single reviewer dared to expose this obviously ridiculous story as a fraud? Journalists today don't dare disturb Jewish myths.

There is the very recent The girl with the apple story told repeatedly on Oprah about a Jewish victim of Auschwitz who survived because of a Jewish girl who threw him apples over the fence every day, yet they were reunited years later on the blind date and married. Oprah and the Jewish media cooperated in calling it the most moving love story of our time, but the author later admitted that the story was a lie. The Producers have stated that they are still proceeding with the movie. Why should the truth prevent another Jewish Holocaust movie meant to blind our eyes to the plight of the Palestinians.

What about the millions of true stories of the Palestinians and Lebanese and others who have suffered terribly from the terrorism, jailing, torture and murder of Israel. Are real Palestinians or Lebanese or even American victims of Israeli terrorism (such as the victims who suffered and died on the USS Liberty not worthy of any films or plays or books or commemorations?

The problem is those movies won't earn any sympathy and support for the Zionist terrorists in Israel and they certainly don't want any sympathy for Palestinians, why some might begin to think that Palestinians are people too! And, they sure don't want Americans to even know that we have also been victims of bloody Israeli terrorism.

Ask yourself, have you seen any recent movies or read any popular media promoted books about the massive ethnic cleansing, murder and terrorism that created and maintains the Israeli State? In fact, have any of you, in your entire life seen even one movie that shows the Jewish terrorism in its stark reality and horror? Ever heard about the massacre one of the most beastly and barbaric massacres of all time, where European International Red Cross representatives found that Jewish terrorists had even cut living babies from the wombs of Palestinian women?

You won't see the other side in popular media because the ones writing the books and making the movies, promoting them; the ones constructing our psychology about Jews and the Palestinians, Arabs the Mideast and even ourselves are mostly either Jewish supporters of Jewish terrorism or they are Gentile media hacks who have sold their souls to the Jewish supremacist for their careers and honors.

I have been falsely portrayed by the Jewish media as the worst of people, a racist, supremacist, hater and every other expletive that the pundits can think of. The truth is that I respect all races and certainly my own people. I do want to preserve my people's heritage and freedom just like anyone else who is decent and healthy. Palestinians want to preserve their heritage and freedom, so do the people of Tibet, so do the Indian cultures of the Amazon, many of those of African descent celebrate their heritage whether they live in Africa or the Caribbean or America. And of course, the people on earth most concerned about preserving their heritage and advancing their interests and agenda are the Jewish people.

No people, pound for pound, person for person has more influence in the media and in Government than the Jewish people. No people have more advocacy groups or work harder to produce media and educational programs to increase their solidarity and also stoke their loathing of Gentiles who they collectively blame for the Holocaust and every Jewish misfortune. Is not their whole culture imbued with the image of the evil Gentile, whether it be Pharaoh or Haman or Hitler?

They literally control who gets elected President of the United States. Jewish extremists boast of the fact they literally created the career and political success of Barack Obama and he has two most important advisers are the Jewish supremacists David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel.

They make an extraordinary effort to bend to their will every person who goes to Congress. If any politician strays just a hair off their Jewish extremist agenda they pounce on him like piranhas in a feeding frenzy. A tremendous array of media personal attacks and political sabotage both in influence and monetary will descend on the hapless soul. The same thing is true in media, God help even the most popular TV anchorman if he simply dared to say the truth that thousands of maimed or murdered Palestinian women and children are the victims of Jewish terrorism.

Ironically, these Jewish supremacists, who are the world's most virulent racists and most religiously intolerant, (they see to it in court that Christmas crosses are legally banned from the White House lawn but erect their own giant menorahs) maintain their power by destroying everyone else's sense of solidarity while constantly jacking up their own.

The average Jew (and Gentile today) grows up with a daily recital of the Holocaust and how Jews have to stick together to avoid another Holocaust which is always lurking in the dark hearts of Gentiles. At the same time, Gentiles are taught that any sense of love and loyalty to one's own people is treason against all of humanity, unless of course if you are Jewish, then it is a saintly.

And that my friends, is how they dominate all of us. In their media they push every kind of multiculturalism, multiracialism, deracination, every kind of subtle and not so subtle attacks on our traditions, our history, our sense of pride and self worth. Multiculturalism is their way to weaken us and to enable them to dominate the host people.

Jews are super-conscious of their 4,000 year history, of their persecutions and their achievements, their heroes and their enemies as Jews, while we are taught that our heroes have clay feet and that in reality we don't even exist ("there is no such thing as race").

If that is true that we don't even exist as a group, then why should we even be concerned about our people's welfare in the face of Jewish power, after all, our people don't even exist anyway, so why should we get excited?

The Palestinians haven't fallen for that idea yet, but many of our people have. By the blockades of food and medicine, by the checkpoints and by the mass bombing and resulting slaughter, Israel is endeavoring to make life so horrible for the Palestinians, that they simply leave Palestine and emigrate to other countries such as the United States or Europe. With the Palestinians immersed in the psychology engendered by the Jewish controlled western media, Zionists are counting on the Palestinians to assimilate, intermarry and slowly forget their ties of heritage to their suffering brothers and sisters who still remain.

The Jewish leadership on the opposite hand, works very hard at maintaining their identity and they believe that with time, other peoples will come and go but their own people will remain and get stronger. After all, over the course of 4,000 years as a small minority in a 99 percent Gentile world, they have preserved their heritage and their identity. They have done that through teaching intensive love of their own people coupled with intensive fear and loathing of non-Jews. This construct has not changed. The Holocaust is now a full-color, multimedia induced lesson of for them of Gentile perfidy. A modern movie is far superior to any motivation from musty old Talmudic texts of Haman and Pharaoh. The greatest difference between today and just a few centuries ago, is that today they dominate the mass media Jewish extremists can now not only motivate their own people, but at the same time to weaken the motivations of their enemies.

Europeans, Third Worlders, even Palestinians are awash in the flood Jewish propaganda in an electronic media sea that spans the globe. However, the underlying hypocrisies and lies can still be easily exposed. As in the children's tale, The Emperor's New Clothes, when reality is staring you in the face it only the takes a flicker of recognition to see the whole picture. It only takes exposing the hypocrisy such as the recent resolution of Congress in supporting the Gaza Massacre, and the blatantly hypocritical media response to it, to open millions of eyes around the globe. But, that can only happen if you like the young boy in the story of the Emperor's new clothes, spread this message much like the boy who pointed out that the Emperor was actually naked.

I hope and pray that this article of mine helps open your eyes to the worldwide threat of Jewish Supremacism. And my fervent desire is that those whom are already awakened will find in these words the fuel of motivation. We must strip off the media lies and expose the naked truth of the Zionist terrorism against Gaza.

I ask everyone reading these words to share them with your family and friends, and indeed the whole world.

Together we can expose the hypocrisy.

Together we can expose the evils of Jewish extremism and supremacism.

Together we can save the Palestinian people, the European peoples and all the heritages of the world.

Together we can move toward peace and decency and justice and not world of war, conflict and hatred.

Together we can change to the world.

--David Duke

PS If you want documentation on any subject mentioned in this article don't hesitate to use our excellent search engine at the upper right of which will give you supporting articles and sources for the facts we cite here! If you doubt anything I write or say here, I urge you to check further into the subject and use our copious footnotes and citations from mainstream sources that document what must seem very shocking to the average American. Just fully learning that Israel has committed terrorism and treachery against America should be enough to get any thinking person to question not only our policy but the Jewish-inluenced media that so manipulates us. And be sure to read My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism, two exceedingly well-documented books that go in depth on these issues. You can read the introduction to Jewish Supremacism and some sample chapters by going to the access buttons on the right hand side of -- DD

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#1. To: Liberate Jim Traficant (#0)

We dissident Americans don't ask America to attack Israel, we don't want any more wars, but we demand that America condemns Jewish terrorism. Interestingly, to illustrate how the Jewish-dominated media has affected American views, If I or anyone else dares to use the term "Jewish terrorism" people cringe and invariably there are screams of anti-Semitism. Yet, "Muslim terrorism" is a term used constantly by the controlled media with not a whiff of criticism. It is used so much people think nothing about it.

This is what I mean when I talk about mass mind control - conditioning the way people think and what is acceptable thought and speech.

However, Mr. Duke misses the point - the Jewish people are simply used as a front for those doing the controlling. Many of those controllers are ethnic Jews but practice occultism, the Kaballah, and are ethnically Jewish but not religiously Jewish. As well not all the elite controllers are Jewish - Rockefucker and the Royal House of England and Denmark come to mind.

""I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology...It's importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda...Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated." Bertrand Russel, Eugenicist and Logician

Original_Intent  posted on  2009-01-13   2:02:47 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#2. To: Original_Intent (#1)

However, Mr. Duke misses the point

I think "Mr." Duke has been compromised with $. No one does a more effective job in polluting legitimate dialogue/queries about Israel's behavior than Duke. As soon as Duke covers a subject it becomes verboten for discussion because of who he is.

scrapper2  posted on  2009-01-13   2:09:11 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#3. To: Original_Intent (#1)

Many of those controllers are ethnic Jews but practice occultism, the Kaballah, and are ethnically Jewish but not religiously Jewish.

The Hasidic Jews follow the Kabbalah, and they use it to become closer to God. Others misuse for their own personal gain at the expense of others.

Don't judge people for something that is not well understood by most.

In fact, it is these Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews who have protested Israel's Zionistic ambitions;

Jews against Israel

The Kabbalah is simply unwritten knowledge of the mystical side of the Jewish faith. I've read that Jesus was a Kabbalistic Scholar in fact.

From Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism

It is important to note that all of these magical effects were achieved through the power of G-d, generally by calling upon the name of G-d. These practices are no more "evil" than the miracles that Christians ascribe to Jesus; in fact, according to some of my mystically-inclined friends, Jesus performed his miracles using kabbalistic techniques. This fits in with historical evidence: many scholars believe Jesus was associated with the Essenes, a sect involved in Jewish mysticism.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   3:54:21 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#4. To: scrapper2, Zoroaster, Esso, Jethro Tull, Bluegrass (#2) (Edited)

As soon as Duke covers a subject it becomes verboten for discussion because of who he is.

Why does it become verboten? Who decides that?

Oh, it's not politically correct??

And exactly WHO are the current PC Police who lead people to think that a certain subject is verboten (or, even, that certain issues be verboten WHEN raised by an individual who has officially been labled "unacceptable" by the current PC police)?

As soon as Duke covers a subject it becomes verboten for discussion because of who he is.

IMO, that statement exemplifies perfectly what Duke is talking about.


wbales  posted on  2009-01-13   8:12:08 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#5. To: wbales (#4)

You nailed it.

"The 'uniter' has brought the entire world together - to despise and deride us." lodwick

Bub  posted on  2009-01-13   8:36:15 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#6. To: FormerLurker (#3)

The Kabbalah is simply unwritten knowledge of the mystical side of the Jewish faith. I've read that Jesus was a Kabbalistic Scholar in fact.

From Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism

It is important to note that all of these magical effects were achieved through the power of G-d, generally by calling upon the name of G-d. These practices are no more "evil" than the miracles that Christians ascribe to Jesus; in fact, according to some of my mystically-inclined friends, Jesus performed his miracles using kabbalistic techniques. This fits in with historical evidence: many scholars believe Jesus was associated with the Essenes, a sect involved in Jewish mysticism.

I think this is blasphemy, the one unforgiveable sin in fact. Please don't lead people down that path to hell.

Kabbalah is Satanic, is witchcraft

Illuminati Satanic Symbols of the Occult. These satanic customs and practices infiltrated Christianity through Kabbalah, ...

Kabbalah is Jewish Mysticism and the illuminati. Kabbalah a religious occult links all of the other occults together. Kabbalism is traditional sorcery of all occults. http://

Kabbalah and mind control - Page 6 - David Icke's Official Forums htm. .... http://


22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. 23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: 26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? 27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. 29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.

30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.

31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.....

Witchcraft & Sorcery The Forbidden Arts

"....We are told in Revelation 21:8 that sorcerers shall have their part in the "lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.

"The original Greek word for sorcerer is pharmakeus which means "an enchanter with drugs." This, in turn, comes from the word pharmakeia from which we get our modern English word pharmacy. The word in its original Greek means the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, illicit pharmaceuticals, trance, and magical incantation with drugs.

Why does God condemn those that practice these forbidden arts? To find the answer to this question we must return to the Word of God. 1 Samuel 15:23 says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Why does God equate the sin of witchcraft with the sin of rebellion? After all it is not murder or rape. To learn why, we must look at what witchcraft entails. It does not matter what you call it, witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, tarot reading, horoscopes, ouija boards or any one of a hundred other names, witchcraft is rebellion and therefore is a sin against God. The purpose of any one of these forbidden practices is to seek knowledge over and above that which is allowed by God, whether it be to foretell the future, to have power over others or to control things that belong to God. In short to be as God Himself. Our God is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14). In Deuteronomy 6:15-16 it says;

15 (For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. 16 Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God, as ye tempted Him in Massah......."

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   9:21:38 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#7. To: Liberate Jim Traficant (#0)

I hope and pray that this article of mine helps open your eyes to the worldwide threat of Jewish Supremacism. And my fervent desire is that those whom are already awakened will find in these words the fuel of motivation. We must strip off the media lies and expose the naked truth of the Zionist terrorism against Gaza.

I ask everyone reading these words to share them with your family and friends, and indeed the whole world.

Together we can expose the hypocrisy.

Together we can expose the evils of Jewish extremism and supremacism.

Together we can save the Palestinian people, the European peoples and all the heritages of the world.

Together we can move toward peace and decency and justice and not world of war, conflict and hatred.

Together we can change to the world.

Hear, hear.

Pair it with another snapshot of our future if we don't get a move on:

Coming Nuclear Attack On America

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   9:44:31 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#8. To: wbales, scrapper2, Zoroaster, Esso, Jethro Tull, christine (#4)

If it's any guide, Eustace didn't trust David Duke either.

Eff the Bankers

bluegrass  posted on  2009-01-13   11:14:57 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#9. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#6)

I think this is blasphemy, the one unforgiveable sin in fact. Please don't lead people down that path to hell.

And I think that people who allow a book written by those who reacquired the power of Rome by force, deception, and deceipt to rule their lives to be deluded and dangerously misguided. In fact, it is those sorts of people who are running the world, and that is why the world is in such a huge mess right now.

God didn't write the Bible, MEN did.

If you find the most pious men of God to be blasphemous, then I take just about anything you say with a huge grain of salt, especially when everything you say is simply an excerpt from that one book which you base your entire life and worldview upon. If you could give me some REAL critical thought and comments on why you feel the way you do, then perhaps I'd listen, but simply parroting the oftentimes mistranslated words of unknown men who lived thousands of years ago, well, that doesn't do it for me.

As far as satanism, why don't you go after REAL satanists who openly and freely admit that they worship satan. Go after Michael Acquino and his Temple of Set, go after those who worship satan and revere the satanic bible.

Don't feel yourself so holy and perfect that you have the right to condemn men who pray to God, and I mean the SAME God you THINK you worship with your holier than thou attitude and so-called holy book.

If anything, it is YOU that needs to worry about what might happen to your soul in the afterlife.

The entire goal of the people practicing actual Jewish Kabbalah is to become one with God. By becoming one, I don't mean taking over that which is God and doing what you desire, but to allow God to enter your soul and fill it with that which is Him, where His Will rules your thoughts and actions.

Jesus is said to have accomplished that goal, and THAT is why he could do what he did, in that he WAS one with God, and I mean the REAL God, not some half- baked man-god living in the clouds or whatever it is you think your Bible says.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   11:45:59 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#10. To: FormerLurker (#9)

I think that people......those who reacquired the power of Rome by force, deception, and deceipt to rule their lives to be deluded and dangerously misguided. In fact, it is those sorts of people who are running the world, and that is why the world is in such a huge mess right now.

Why do you think that?? They're of the same ilk as those "pious men" you extol:

Mystery Babylon the Great - Catholic OR JEWISH?

As far as satanism, why don't you go after REAL satanists who openly and freely admit that they worship satan. Go after Michael Acquino and his Temple of Set,

I've done that, years ago.

Don't feel yourself so holy and perfect

never said i was.

If anything, it is YOU that needs to worry about what might happen to your soul in the afterlife.

um, no.

The entire goal of the people practicing actual Jewish Kabbalah is to become one with God. By becoming one, I don't mean taking over that which is God and doing what you desire, but to allow God to enter your soul and fill it with that which is Him, where His Will rules your thoughts and actions.

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- -- and we are his chosen people." - The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976, The Hidden Tyranny

God didn't write the Bible, MEN did.

If you find the most pious men of God to be blasphemous, then I take just about anything you say with a huge grain of salt, especially when everything you say is simply an excerpt from that one book which you base your entire life and worldview upon.

Since you reject the word of God, there is not much else to talk about. HIS WORD has proven true over and over again, often fulfilled in your "pious men":

"....5 Thus saith the Lord GOD; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her. 6 And she hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them. 7 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye multiplied more than the nations that are round about you, and have not walked in my statutes, neither have kept my judgments, neither have done according to the judgments of the nations that are round about you; 8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations. 9 And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations. 10 Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments in thee, and the whole remnant of thee will I scatter into all the winds. 11 Wherefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD; Surely, because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable things, and with all thine abominations, therefore will I also diminish thee; neither shall mine eye spare, neither will I have any pity. 12 A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.

13 Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them. 14 Moreover I will make thee waste, and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee, in the sight of all that pass by. 15 So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. I the LORD have spoken it. 16 When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread: 17 So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee: and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I the LORD have spoken it....."

Now, if you don't think His words were fulfilled, maybe you'll believe another "pious man", a Pharisee by the name of Josephus:

Wars of The Jews

Flavius Josephus

The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   12:46:49 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#11. To: bluegrass (#8) (Edited)

If it's any guide, Eustace didn't trust David Duke either.

Some folks like Duke and some don't but I think he does a tremendous job so I defend him -

I must say this about Eustace I also remember him talking bad about Duke on a DBS radio program with Eric Huckshmit one time but it seemed to me that he was being manipulated or led to say those things, DBS and Eric had it in for just about everybody from Jeff Rense to Mike Rivero who was criticizing Jewish power (except for themselves) to the point that it was obvious they were agents. Although I would have a hard time producing the particular MP3 I remember Eustace taking back all those statements he made about David Duke when he was on a Michael Collins Piper program a couple of years ago --

Liberate Jim Traficant  posted on  2009-01-13   14:24:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#12. To: scrapper2 (#2) (Edited)

As soon as Duke covers a subject it becomes verboten for discussion because of who he is.

If somebody has to be approved by the MSM before you consider listening to them then that is your problem. When someone is on the outs with the establishment and media this helps their credibility in my eyes and I want to hear what they have to say and there is no one more hated by the media and establishment than David Duke!

Liberate Jim Traficant  posted on  2009-01-13   14:27:08 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#13. To: bluegrass (#8)

If it's any guide, Eustace didn't trust David Duke either.

did he say why?

christine  posted on  2009-01-13   14:27:30 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#14. To: Liberate Jim Traficant, scrapper2, christine (#11)

Eustace's reason (this is from memory during a discussion on his porch) was one that's always rung true for me no matter who the person is:

If someone is flying around the world unimpeded, collecting awards and degrees, selling books, etc., while openly discussing Jewish power, it's a safe bet that they're someone's witting or unwitting agent.

He said the same about LaRouche too. Both Duke and LaRouche go to jail for financial issues and come out doing better than ever.

Eff the Bankers

bluegrass  posted on  2009-01-13   14:37:06 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#15. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#10)

Why do you think that?? They're of the same ilk as those "pious men" you extol:

I was speaking about the Hasidic Jews. You HAVE heard of them haven't you?

BTW, who wrote the Bible?

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer "

Most self-righteous Christians do not like to admit it, but their God is the Sun God of various pagan religions.

The true Jesus was an Essene. The Essenes were a very peaceful, spiritual people, and WERE mystics from what can be determined by various ancient texts.

The Essenes were hunted down and exterminated by various Roman emperors and later the Roman Catholic Church. Those few who survived were forced into hiding, and the sect was largely lost. Many modern so- called Essene writings are nothing but bastardized forgeries of what once existed.

Now why would such a good and holy people such as the Christians do such a thing? Ever wonder "what if those apostles never really existed", and that the Gospels were written by Roman authors in order to create a religion which they could use to control the world? What if everything you THINK you know about Jesus and God is a lie?

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   14:39:51 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#16. To: christine (#13) (Edited)

did he say why?

It was something concerning a mix up about a ride back from one of David's EURO conferences as I remember. It takes a stupendous amount of effort put on a conference in this day and age, I can attest to that as I attended his 2008 conference and there may indeed have been some confusion -

2008 EURO Conference Held Against All Odds! endured-against-all-odds_5579.html

Hear the Inspiring 2004 EURO Conference MP3s! inspiring-2004-euro-conference-mp3s-scroll-down_4607.html

Liberate Jim Traficant  posted on  2009-01-13   14:44:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#17. To: Liberate Jim Traficant (#12)

If somebody has to be approved by the MSM before you consider listening to them then that is your problem.

b. When someone is on the outs with the establishment and media this helps their credibility in my eyes and I want to hear what they have to say and there is no one more hated by the media and establishment than David Duke!

Wrong. I don't have a problem, but truth does when Duke is associated with it in any shape or form.

When truth is sidelined, marginalized due to a self-designated spokesman's high profile unsavory personal baggage then it becomes difficult if not impossible for truth to ever see the light of day.

And do you honestly believe that Duke does not realize this rather obvious fact of life? Duke knows he brings nothing but bad karma, negative publicity to any subject he touches. So why does he continue to do it? Think, think, think.

scrapper2  posted on  2009-01-13   14:48:11 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#18. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#10)

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- -- and we are his chosen people." - The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976, The Hidden Tyranny

And BTW, I just looked up some references to what you posted here, and you're parroting bullshit from a person that CLAIMS Rosenthal said those things, yet the actual "tape" has never surfaced.

There could well be SOME elements of truth in terms of a global ZIONIST conspiracy, but to say that the God of the Torah (ie. Old Testament) is Lucifer is beyond absurd, and for you to believe that indicates you are certifiable.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   14:53:37 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#19. To: scrapper2 (#17)

So why does he continue to do it?

Ego gratification. It's not about the truth for Duke.

Eff the Bankers

bluegrass  posted on  2009-01-13   14:57:59 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#20. To: scrapper2 (#17) (Edited)

I don't have a problem, but truth does when Duke is associated with it in any shape or form.

I respectfully disagree, what I posted above was one of the greatest truthpackages I've ever read JMHO

Liberate Jim Traficant  posted on  2009-01-13   15:05:11 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#21. To: bluegrass (#19)

Ego gratification.

And $.

scrapper2  posted on  2009-01-13   15:05:52 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#22. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#10)

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- -- and we are his chosen people." - The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976, The Hidden Tyranny

And BTW, I find it awfully odd that Mr. Rosenthal would be killed while on a fact finding mission, ONE MONTH after allegedly giving this interview. Nice way to shut him up so that he can't refute it, eh?

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   15:06:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#23. To: Liberate Jim Traficant (#20)

I respectfully disagree, what I posted above was one of the greatest truthpackages I've ever read JMHO

Who cares whether it's truth or not? How many main-stream regular people would read or believe anything associated with David Duke and StormFront? Sorry not many. I wouldn't and I think I'm fairly representative of a well educated middle class person. I would rather walk on hot coals than cite David Duke as a source of information in any serious discussions I have about politics with family and friends. David Duke is a national pariah and as such is the kiss of death to any subject he touches. He knows it. I'm surprised you don't.

scrapper2  posted on  2009-01-13   15:18:05 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#24. To: FormerLurker (#15)

The true Jesus was an Essene. The Essenes were a very peaceful, spiritual people, and WERE mystics from what can be determined by various ancient texts.

The Essenes were hunted down and exterminated by various Roman emperors and later the Roman Catholic Church. Those few who survived were forced into hiding, and the sect was largely lost. Many modern so- called Essene writings are nothing but bastardized forgeries of what once existed.

Now why would such a good and holy people such as the Christians do such a thing? Ever wonder "what if those apostles never really existed", and that the Gospels were written by Roman authors in order to create a religion which they could use to control the world? What if everything you THINK you know about Jesus and God is a lie?

Okay, you forced me to go read an article that keeps popping up at thetruthseeker [for the most part, a very good site]. This is as far as I got before wanting to hurl:

"..... And then many sick and maimed came to Jesus, asking him. 33;if you know all things, tell us, why do we suffer with these grievous plagues? Why are we not whole like other men? Master, heal us, that we too may be made strong, and need abide no longer in our misery. We know that you have it in your power to heal all manner of disease. Free us from Satan and from all his great afflictions. Master, have compassion on us.33;

And Jesus answered- 33;Happy are you that you hunger for the truth, for I will satisfy you with the bread of wisdom. Happy are you, that you knock, for I will open to you the door of life. Happy are you, that you would cast off the power of Satan, for I will lead you into the kingdom of our Mother's angels, where the power of Satan cannot enter.33;

And they asked him in amazement: 33;Who is our Mother and which her angels? And where is her kingdom?33;

33;Your Mother is in you, and you in her. She bore you she gives you life. it was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. For the power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys Satan and his kingdom, and has rule over all your bodies and all living things.

33;The blood which runs in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds; leaps from the womb of the earth; babbles in the brooks of the mountains; flows wide in the rivers of the plains; sleeps in the lakes; rages mightily in tempestuous seas.

33;The air which we breathe is born of the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her breath is azure in the heights of the heavens; soughs in the tops of the mountains; whispers the leaves of the forest; billows over the cornfields; slumbers in the deep valleys, burns hot in the desert.

33;The hardness of our bones is born of the bones of our Earthly Mother, of the rocks and of the stones. They stand naked to the heavens on the tops of mountains; are as giants that lie sleeping on the sides of the mountains, as idols set in the desert, and are hidden in the deepness of the earth.

33;The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother; whose flesh waxes yellow and red in the fruits of the trees, and nurtures us in the furrows of the fields.

33;Our bowels are born of the bowels of our Earthly Mother, and are hid from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth.

33;The light of our eyes, the hearing of our ears, both are born of the colors and the sounds of our Earthly Mother; which enclose us about, as the waves of the sea a fish, as the eddying air a bird.

33;I tell you in very truth, Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and from her did the Son of Man receive his whole body, even as the body of the newborn babe is born of the womb of his mother. I tell you truly, you are one with the Earthly Mother; she is in you, and you in her. Of her were you born, in her do you live, and to her shall you return again. Keep, therefore, her laws, for none can live long, neither be happy, but he who honors his Earthly Mother and does her laws. For your breath is her breath; your blood her blood; your bone her bone; your flesh her flesh; your bowels her bowels; your eyes and your ears are her eyes and her ears.

33;I tell you truly, should you fail to keep but one only of all these laws, should you harm but one only of all your body's members, you shall be utterly lost in your grievous sickness, and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I tell you, unless you follow the laws of your Mother, you can in no wise escape death. And he who clings to the laws of his Mother, to him shall his Mother cling also. She shall heal all his plagues, and he shall never become sick She gives him long life, and protects him from all afflictions; from fire, from water, from the bite of venomous serpents. For your Mother bore you, keeps life within you. She has given you her body, and none but she heals you. Happy is he who loves his Mother and lies quietly in her bosom. For your Mother loves you, even when you turn away from her. And how much more shall she love you, if you turn to her again? I tell you truly, very great is her love, greater than the greatest of mountains, deeper than the deepest seas. And those who love their Mother, she never deserts them. As the hen protects her chickens, as the lioness her cubs, as the mother her newborn babe, so does the Earthly Mother protect the Son of Man from all danger and from all evils. ......"

Hopefully you will be able to recognize it as the nonsense it is.

If you think these are the "bastardized" versions, and you have some other "Essene gospels", please share.


The proof of Christianity:

Mic 3:12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed [as] a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest.

Mat 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Isa 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, [that] the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

Mic 4:1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, [that] the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.......

Mic 4:9 Now why dost thou cry out aloud? [is there] no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.

Mic 4:10 Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go [even] to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

Mic 4:11 Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.

Mic 4:12 But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.

Mic 4:13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.


"The enduring legacy of the First Landing

Posted: April 27, 2007

By Doug Phillips © 2009

Four hundred years ago yesterday, the world changed for the better.

A cross was planted in the ground and a prayer was offered to heaven. The cross was planted literally, but it was also planted spiritually.

The event was the first landing of the Jamestown settlers. One hundred and four of them arrived at Cape Henry on April 26, 1607. We remember the event as the "First Landing," but it might be better known as "Covenant Day" for America.

The rude wooden cross they stuck in the Virginia ground was more than an ebenezer of thanksgiving to God's providence. In fact, it was an actual gauntlet thrown in the face of the enemies of Christianity. It was a legal and spiritual challenge to all comers that declared, "This land now belongs to Christ and His people." [ / ]

The man who stood with the colonists and directed his men in prayers to the Lord was the Rev. Robert Hunt, a man of impeccable character and heartfelt faith who was described by Capt. John Smith as "that honest, religious, courageous, divine."

Hunt represented the heart of the mission of the Jamestown colony. The Virginia Charter of 1606 made it clear that while enterprise and prosperity were important goals of the colony, Gospel evangelism was the first mission of the settlers. Through his personal example, winsome dialogue, and spiritual leadership, Rev. Hunt worked to make this purpose for colonization a reality at Jamestown. He would take the message of covenant faithfulness to God, communicated so powerfully at the First Landing, and implement the principles supporting this covenant in the daily life of Jamestown.

When the settlers actually arrived at Jamestown, Rev. Hunt again walked his men to the shore and "gathered his flock around him without delay." Here again, prayer was the first order of the day. Standing in their midst under the trees, Hunt declared for the first time in the Western world the solemn invocation: 'The Lord is in His Holy Temple [ ]; Let all the earth keep silence before Him" (Habakkuk 2:20).

Each morning and evening, Rev. Hunt lead his people in the following prayer:

Almighty God, ... we beseech Thee to bless us and this plantation which we and our nation have begun in Thy fear and for Thy glory ... and seeing, Lord, the highest end of our plantation here is to set up the standard and display the banner of Jesus Christ, even here where Satan's throne is, Lord, let our labour be blessed in labouring for the conversion of the heathen. ... Lord, sanctify our spirits and give us holy hearts, that so we may be Thy instruments in this most glorious work."

The First Landing was a public declaration before the heathens of the land [Psalm 2:1] and the angels of Heaven ........"

4um: Christ is King of Israel, and Christians are the Israelitic Race... Jan 4, 2009 ...

oops, sorry, don't believe in the word of God.

oh well, once, the words of Paul, my hands are clean.

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   16:00:25 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#25. To: Liberate Jim Traficant (#0)

Two words. Jonathan Pollard.

Old Friend  posted on  2009-01-13   16:11:32 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#26. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#24) (Edited)

If you think these are the "bastardized" versions, and you have some other "Essene gospels", please share.

I don't know if you would or could refer to the Dead Sea Scrolls as "Gospel", but they do shed some light on what the Essenes believed. As I said, I doubt ANYONE in this day and age would have access to the actual Messianic era Essene writings, as those writings were all destroyed.

For a bit of history on the Essenes, check this URL;

uence_behind_the_new_testament.htm+Essenes+roman+persecution&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=10 &gl=us

The actual site has a bandwidth exceeded message, but the page is still available in Google cache if you cut and past the above link into a browser.

I can not say with any certainty what is or isn't valid Essene doctrine, but I can say with a bit of authority that the Essene sect broke away from Pharisee Judaism and that is the sect that Jesus of Nazareth was part of.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   16:17:55 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#27. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#24)

What it comes down to friend, is that neither you nor anyone else can prove that what you consider canon or "gospel" to be anything other than the writings of men, which may in fact not even be the men you think they are.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   16:20:07 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#28. To: scrapper2 (#21)

And $.


Eff the Bankers

bluegrass  posted on  2009-01-13   16:36:54 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#29. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#24)

oops, sorry, don't believe in the word of God.

I don't believe men who proclaim themselves to be the word of God, no.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   16:38:15 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#30. To: FormerLurker (#15)

I was speaking about the Hasidic Jews. You HAVE heard of them haven't you?

Before my computer totally crashes, are you holding these people up as "pious"?

I had to look it up to be sure....but they are CHABAD LUBAVITCHERS who are antiChrist and antiChristian, the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, promoters of the SATANIC NOAHIDE LAWS and want to chop off our heads if we don't fall down and worhsip these Satanic Jews and their Satanic rules!

Now the Government Can Legally Kill Christians Mar 21, 2008 ... The goal of the organization is to enforce the Noahide Laws on every Gentile, making them slaves under the “rule” of the Hasidic Jews, ...

"....G-d gave Noah and all his descendants (B'nei Noach or "children of Noah") seven commandments to obey. These seven universal laws (known as the "Seven Noahide Laws") were reaffirmed with Moses and the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai in what is now known as the Oral Torah, establishing modern observance of these laws. These seven commandments (mitzvos), actually seven categories of hundreds of specific laws, are G-d's will for all non-Jews.

Non-Jews who (1) reject all idolatrous ideas and accept the kingship of the One G-d, (2) accept the priesthood of the Jewish people as the guardians and teachers of Torah, and (3) commit to following the Seven Noahide Laws as revealed in the Oral Torah from Mt. Sinai are "Hasidic Gentiles" or "Noahides." The term "Hasidic Gentile" is derived from a classic commentary by the Rambam, Rav Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides), in The Laws of Kings 8:11:

"Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of these Seven Mitzvos [commandments] and is precise in their observance is considered one of the hasidei umos ha'olam ["Hasidim of the nations of the world"] and will merit a share in the World to Come."......"

"..... Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;

Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as "Education Day. U.S.A.". The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

Approved March 20, 1991.

The doctrines of the Lubavitch Movement are derived from the Kabbalah, the source book of Jewish mysticism or Gnosticism. The Encyclopedia of Religion states that the Lubavitch Hasidic interpretation of the Lurianic system of Kabbalah is among those taught in traditional Jewish institutions:

"The dominant brand of Qabbalah in the modern Qabbalistic Yeshivot (traditional Jewish academies) is the Lurianic system. It is studied according to the interpretations offered by Mosheh Hayyim Luzzatto, by Eliyyahu ben Shelomoh Aalman, by Habad, the Lubavitch Hasidic Movement and by the Sefardic Qabbalists of the Beit El Academy in Jerusalem." 1.

The "Lurianic system" of Kabalah was developed by Rabbi Luria (Ari). Rabbi Luria is identified by the Encyclopedia of Religion as the most influential of the Kabbalist/Theosophists: "The success of Luria's thought was instantaneous: his theosophy was accepted unanimously . . . and his Qabbalah was regarded as superior to the Cordoverian system." 2.

H.P. Blavatsky traces the Kabbalah to the ancient mysteries of Babylon and Egypt: "As is well known, the Kabala never originated with the Jews, who got their ideas from the Chaldeans and the Egyptians." 3. Blavatsky stated in her Theosophical Glossary: "The kabalist is a student of 'secret science',... This secret doctrine is identical with that of the Chaldeans, and includes at the same time much of the Persian wisdom, or 'magic'... [T]he Kabala is derived directly from the primeval Secret Doctrine of the East; through the Vedas, the Upanishads, Orpheus and Thales, Pythagoras and the Egyptians. Whatever its source, its substratum is at any rate identical with that of all the other systems from the Book of the Dead down to the later Gnostics." ......."


Pardon me, if I don't share your high estimation of these "pious men in black". They and their Babylonian religion can go to hell.

oh, yeah...and here's the source of your "Sun-god" theory:

"......Two other groups (both with Masonic connections) use the cross and crown. Charles Taze Russell was a Mason who started the Jehovah Witnesses.'4' He used the red cross and other distinctive features of the Knights Templar logo.'"

He also used the Masonic symbol of the winged sun-disk with snakes and he is "buried in a pyramid with masonic symbols on its capstone." 149 ....." and here:

Jews created Freemasonry, and they created the Catholic Church, which created Islam. It all began with those "pious men".

Jer 8:1 At that time, saith the LORD, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves:

Jer 8:2 And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.

Jer 8:3 And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain of this evil family, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts.....

Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

More proof of Jesus.

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   17:29:54 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#31. To: FormerLurker (#18)

There could well be SOME elements of truth in terms of a global ZIONIST conspiracy, but to say that the God of the Torah (ie. Old Testament) is Lucifer is beyond absurd,

Judaism is recycled Phariseeism.....according to the Jewish encyclopedia.

and for you to believe that indicates you are certifiable.

that's puts me in good company:

Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

they didn't believe Him either.

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   17:35:38 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#32. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#30)

Do you believe women should have their heads shaved and obey their masters, their husbands?

1 Corinthians 11

3: But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Any man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, 5: but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled dishonors her head -- it is the same as if her head were shaven. 6: For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil. 7: For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. 8: (For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 9: Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.) 10: That is why a woman ought to have a veil on her head, because of the angels. 11: (Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; 12: for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.)

13: Judge for yourselves; is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14: Does not nature itself teach you that for a man to wear long hair is degrading to him, 15: but if a woman has long hair, it is her pride? For her hair is given to her for a covering. 16: If any one is disposed to be contentious, we recognize no other practice, nor do the churches of God. 17: But in the following instructions I do not commend you, because when you come together it is not for the better but for the worse.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   17:46:07 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#33. To: FormerLurker (#26)

For a bit of history on the Essenes, check this URL;

when i get some bandwidth, i'll try to check it out, if it hasn't disappeared by then

I can not say with any certainty what is or isn't valid Essene doctrine, but I can say with a bit of authority that the Essene sect broke away from Pharisee Judaism and that is the sect that Jesus of Nazareth was part of.

oh, and what authority would that be, pray tell?

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   17:46:12 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#34. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#31)

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

It is the false religion of Paul that you worship, along with the influences of the Pharisees.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   17:46:55 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#35. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#33)

oh, and what authority would that be, pray tell?

Every legitimate historical scholar has indicated that much at least.

Apparently you like to cut and paste a lot of goobly gook and attempt to use what suits you, but you ignore the fact that those words have no basis in truth.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   17:49:26 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#36. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#31)

Judaism is recycled Phariseeism.....according to the Jewish encyclopedia

Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

So you believe that Jesus worshipped Lucifer? What exactly are you trying to say, that the Old Testament was a satanic bible?

Well, perhaps the very Essenes you apparently ridicule DID feel that mainstream Judaism was out of whack, and did create their own scripture. Thanks to your heroes, the Romans, most of them were wiped out and their documents burned or otherwise destroyed however.

Maybe I could find some interesting links that DO lead to pages that haven't exceeded their bandwidth...

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   17:53:07 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#37. To: FormerLurker (#32)

the point is not that she should shave her's not saying that at all.

the point is that God created the governmental hierachy we should be governed goes back to the garden of Eden.

I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

there is a flip side to that: - 32.

If you have a problem with do a lot of people. You can be ruled by God, or tyrants. You can have eternal life, or the lake of fire. That's the choice.

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   17:57:36 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#38. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#31)

they didn't believe Him either.

Him being whom, the Roman scribe who wrote it, or Paul who murdered many of the Ebionites, aka Nazarenes, aka Essene Nazarenes?

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   18:01:59 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#39. To: FormerLurker (#35) (Edited)

Every legitimate historical scholar has indicated that much at least.


i haven't had a chance to read this yet:

JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT AN ESSENE! « Jesus Christology Sep 1, 2007 ...… ... The Essene life was open to adult males. Jesus Christ specifically sought to include women and ...

you ignore the fact that those words have no basis in truth.

the fact that they have proven true over and over again proves to anyone with an ounce of sense they do.

" long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech /

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-01-13   18:03:33 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#40. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#37)

Again, there is no authority in what you cut and paste, it is simply the words of SOME men who more than likely are not who you think they are, but Roman authors creating a belief system used to control medieval populations.

You claim that Jews are satanic, so you've got some serious reconcilation to do since Jesus was an Essene Jew.

You can babble that men are better than women all you want, just because a heretic wrote it doesn't make it true.

"The real deal is this: the ‘royalty’ controlling the court, the ones with the power, the ones with the ability to make a difference, with the ability to change our course, the ones who will live in infamy if we pass the tipping points, are the captains of industry, CEOs in fossil fuel companies such as EXXON/Mobil, automobile manufacturers, utilities, all of the leaders who have placed short-term profit above the fate of the planet and the well-being of our children." - James Hansen

FormerLurker  posted on  2009-01-13   18:06:19 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  


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