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Silver Won’t Take Prisoners Once It’s Really Running
Post Date: 2020-09-17 19:22:22 by BTP Holdings
Silver Won’t Take Prisoners Once It’s Really Running by: David Morgan Money Metals News Service September 17th, 2020 Silver has experienced strong price momentum this year, but so far the white metal hasn’t been able to break through the key $30 per ounce level. For David H. Smith, senior analyst at the Morgan Report and a contributor to Money Metals, it’s only a matter of time before that happens, and investors should make sure their portfolios are ready. “The resistance level is around $30, and whether that happens within the next week or two, or it takes a month, (it’s) hard to say,” he told the Investing News Network. “Once it gets a couple ...

Sometimes You Must Show The People The [CB]/[DS] Economic Agenda - Episode 2276a
Post Date: 2020-09-15 07:47:40 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.14.2020 The [DS]/[CB] main agenda is not to help the people and to keep the economy from recovering. The D's will not pass a bill to help the people and businesses. Sometimes you need to show the people the true agenda. In PA a Federal Judge ruled it's unconstitutional to keep business shutdown.

Is Silver the Next Tesla?
Post Date: 2020-09-14 18:39:18 by BTP Holdings
Is Silver the Next Tesla? Jeff Clark, Senior Analyst, GoldSilver.com SEP 14, 2020 It’s no secret that one of the Nasdaq’s best performing stocks this year has been Tesla. Its meteoric rise, until recently, flashed dollar signs in the dreams of its investors. Given silver’s historical volatility, a question dawned on me: could silver log a similar runaway price advance in the not-too-distant future? It’s a fair question. Not only can silver be highly volatile, but potentially life-changing catalysts are staring us in the face. So let’s have a little fun and see if silver could have a comparable parabolic run… The Core Reason for Silver’s Volatility ...

How Do You Push The Economy Forward, You Let The People Keep Their Money - Episode 2275a
Post Date: 2020-09-14 18:11:30 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.13.2020 Trump and the patriots are helping the people, the unemployment program is going to pay up to 1800 in lost benefits. Trump is now deregulating, reworking tariffs, giving tax holidays for those who make under a hundred thousand and now reducing drug prices.

Top 5 Silver & Gold Products I Buy
Post Date: 2020-09-14 17:47:56 by BTP Holdings
Top 5 Silver & Gold Products I Buy The GoldSilver Team SEP 14, 2020 Want to know the bullion products Mike Maloney buys? Or what to focus on if you’re new? I asked Mike these very questions in this short video, packed with useful information. It includes the one product that comprises the vast majority of his holdings. Plus, why we buy most of our bullion in small denominations. What are the top 5 products Mike buys? #5: Junk Silver The potential advantage of owning 90% silver coins (called “junk” because they previously circulated as currency) is that they might be suitable for barter. A couple gas stations close to me accepted junk silver coins as payment ...

Hedge Fund Manager Stanley Druckenmiller Raises the Alarm on Inflation
Post Date: 2020-09-13 16:43:20 by BTP Holdings
Hedge Fund Manager Stanley Druckenmiller Raises the Alarm on Inflation NEW RADIO RELEASE September 11th, 2020 Meanwhile, a decisive move in the gold market is likely in the days ahead… Don't want to listen? Read the podcast below! Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason. As volatility shook Wall Street again this week, gold and silver markets advanced strongly into Thursday morning trading before encountering some mild selling. As of this Friday morning recording, gold shows a weekly gain of 1.1% to bring spot prices to $1,956 an ounce. Over the past month, gold has traded in a range with support around $1,900. Bulls have made a couple ...

China Unloads Dollars as Gold Tests Support
Post Date: 2020-09-13 12:33:08 by BTP Holdings
China Unloads Dollars as Gold Tests Support by: Stefan Gleason Money Metals News Service September 8th, 2020 Since posting new record highs in early August, the gold market has consolidated above $1,900/oz support. Gold Price (September 4, 2020) A close below the $1,900 level would carry bearish implications for the near term. Alternatively, a move back above $2,000/oz would likely be followed through to the upside with a rally to fresh highs. Silver, in turn, could be expected to run to new multi-year highs above $30/oz. These breakouts will happen eventually. The relentless mega trend of dollar depreciation (i.e., inflation) ensures hard money will gain value versus fiat Federal ...

Hedge Fund Manager Stanley Druckenmiller Raises the Alarm on Inflation
Post Date: 2020-09-11 21:01:43 by BTP Holdings
Hedge Fund Manager Stanley Druckenmiller Raises the Alarm on Inflation NEW RADIO RELEASE September 11th, 2020 Meanwhile, a decisive move in the gold market is likely in the days ahead… Welcome to this week’s Market Wrap Podcast, I’m Mike Gleason. As volatility shook Wall Street again this week, gold and silver markets advanced strongly into Thursday morning trading before encountering some mild selling. As of this Friday morning recording, gold shows a weekly gain of 1.1% to bring spot prices to $1,956 an ounce. Over the past month, gold has traded in a range with support around $1,900. Bulls have made a couple unsuccessful attempts to retake and hold above the $2,000 ...

MSM/[DS] Has Taken The Bait, They Are Backing The [CB] - Episode 2272a
Post Date: 2020-09-10 08:57:08 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.09.2020 Jobs are coming back, each month there are fewer people temporarily laid off. Job opening have surged which means that more jobs are going to come online. Mortgage demand is also surging, the economy is in an incredible recovery and the MSM/[DS] are trying to stop it, since they cannot say its BO economy they have now turned towards the Fed.

The [CB] Fell Right Into The Patriots Economic Trap - Episode 2271a
Post Date: 2020-09-09 15:42:21 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.08.2020 The patriots have now set the trap, the elite, [CB] and corrupt politicians have now taken the bait and they have been trapped. The patriots have now exposed these individuals on how they don't care about the economy and the people. The [CB] has been brought down this path and there is no way out.

Middle East Countries Prepare To Decouple From The Petrodollar - Episode 2270a
Post Date: 2020-09-07 21:06:52 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.07.2020 The BREXIT talks are back on, Boris sets the dates. The economy is recovering, more jobs are coming back online and the unemployment is dropping. The middle east is now realizing that the days of becoming very wealthy via the petro dollar is coming to and end.

US Debt To Exceed The Economy For The First Time Since World War II
Post Date: 2020-09-05 22:50:48 by BTP Holdings
The following video is brought to you courtesy of the Fox News Business YouTube Channel. Click the play button to watch it now. National Taxpayers Union senior fellow Mattie Duppler discusses the U.S. debt becoming greater than the country’s GDP.

It All Backfired, Economic Panic Everywhere, Trump Loads Up The Fed - Episode 2268a
Post Date: 2020-09-05 11:36:27 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.04.2020 The entire agenda of destroying the economy is now backfiring on those that have tried. The people are now fighting back for keeping their businesses closed for no reason. The MSM/[DS]/[CB] are now panicking. Trump loads up the Fed, when the time is right, boom.

Pension Funds Join the Gold Party—Things Are About to Get Interesting
Post Date: 2020-09-04 13:11:38 by BTP Holdings
Pension Funds Join the Gold Party—Things Are About to Get Interesting Jeff Clark, Senior Analyst, GoldSilver SEP 4, 2020 Today, institutional participation – the enormous Wall St and global wealth management and investment firms and their clients from hedge funds to pension funds – in the gold market is minimal. But with interest rates near zero globally, we’re seeing signs that this is changing rapidly. The latest such news was first brought to our attention by our investor, Gold Bullion International, who services institutions like these: the Ohio Police and Fire Pension fund announced it will allocate 5% of its assets to gold. This follows on the heels of other ...

Keith Neumeyer First Majestic Silver CEO Interview: $300 Silver and Possible 5-10 Year Bull Run!
Post Date: 2020-09-03 11:30:07 by BTP Holdings
In this Keith Neumeyer First Majestic Silver CEO Interview we discuss future gold and silver prices. Keith Neumeyer silver price predictions are very bullish! For the last decade Keith Neumeyer has been calling for $100 Silver, but with Gold well over $2000 an ounce He believes that silver can go Much Higher. Keith Neumeyer is the founder and CEO of First Majestic Silver and the Founder and Chairman of First Mining Gold. Keith Neumeyer believes that the gold to silver ratio should be much tighter and reflect the actual supply and demand of the metals. Because silver is mined 8x more times than gold, Keith believe the GSR should be near that. When Keithe Neumeyer says that the silver ...

[CB]s Know What’s Coming, They Just Projected What Gold Is About To Do - Episode 2266a
Post Date: 2020-09-03 08:22:42 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.02.2020 The employment numbers are moving up, the economy is improving, ADP reports 428,000 jobs were created, next we will get the BLS numbers. The people are now leaving cities and mortgages are up 28%. Factory orders are up and the V is taking shape. Trump is making a move to stop people from being evicted. The [CB] banks always knew that their fiat system would fail, they have been preparing for a longtime

The Truth About Joe Rogan Getting Out of Dodge
Post Date: 2020-09-03 08:08:15 by BTP Holdings
What is the real reason that Joe Rogan had to flee California for Texas? It may be more important than you first thought. Join Mike Maloney as he analyzes why he, along with Joe Rogan and many others chose to ‘GET OUT OF DODGE!’ Download Mike's best-selling book for free here: pages.goldsilver.com/freeb oo kPoster Comment:Mike talks about Frederic Bastiat.

David Morgan: The Coming Great Depression Will Make the Last Look Like a Small Technical Correction
Post Date: 2020-09-02 11:32:44 by BTP Holdings
To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit palisaderadio.com Tom welcomes back David Morgan, who is always an enlightening guest when it comes to the precious metals sector and silver in particular. David discusses the aviation problem of being "behind the power curve" (aka coffin corner), which occurs when an aircraft is doomed to stall, fall, and certainly crash. This is an excellent analogy for today's markets, and David says, "all of this money printing will only exacerbate the problem." Holding stocks in a currency panic is preferable to being in cash. However, that will only reduce some of the effects of high inflation. ...

Lynette Zang: The Currency Reset is Here
Post Date: 2020-09-02 11:17:43 by BTP Holdings
To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit palisaderadio.com Tom welcomes a new guest to the program, Lynette Zang. Lynette is the Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading. Lynette discusses how the Fed has been unable to hit their 2% inflation target, but she says, "The Fed is getting prepared because they expect to lose control of inflation soon." The Fed plans to quietly introduce a cashless system with an 18 step plan early in 2021. This new system will enable the Fed to deposit money directly and will give them absolute control of their policies. This coming UBI stimulus scheme will be the fuel that starts hyperinflation fire since we are a ...

We Are Now Watching The Economic Boomerang, The Economy Is Pushing Forward - Episode 2265a
Post Date: 2020-09-02 10:57:58 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 09.01.2020 The [CB]/[DS]/MSM push to bring down the economy has boomeranged on them. Instead of destroying the economy they have now destroyed their own economy in their state or city. The economy is moving forward, we are seeing V recoveries and the recoveries are getting stronger. The [CB] is panicking their system is failing, they need to cover it all up

Real Estate Is Now About Location, Location, Isolation
Post Date: 2020-09-02 08:51:20 by Ada
Valuations are holding up for all-new reasons Home values have held up better in suburban than urban areas in recent months, data show. Real-estate searches are looking a lot different lately. For years, home values have been greatly influenced not only by finished square footage and acreage, but also by walk scores and community. The pandemic is turning those factors on their head—at least for now. Airbnb, for example, is now touting its ability to enable users to work from anywhere, no matter how remote, after years of inviting its guests to “live like a local.” Last week, it even said it would provide its employees with stipends to allow for their own escape from San ...

Pension Funds Start Looking to Gold to Avert Disaster
Post Date: 2020-09-01 15:43:34 by BTP Holdings
Pension Funds Start Looking to Gold to Avert Disaster by: Stefan Gleason Money Metals News Service September 1st, 2020 Public and private pension plans face a dual crisis. The first and most obvious threat to pensioners is that defined- benefit vehicles are severely underfunded. By one estimate, pension systems taken as a whole are $638 billion in the red. Some are in better shape financially than others. But all pension plans will have to reckon with a second huge challenge going forward. Namely, they are already entirely unable to meet their stated return objectives by owning conventional “safe” interest-bearing instruments such as Treasury bonds. Fed Declares War on ...

Buying A House With Silver Coins
Post Date: 2020-08-31 18:32:08 by BTP Holdings
Buying A House With Silver Coins The GoldSilver Team AUG 31, 2020 Can you buy a house with silver coins? How much silver will it take? They are two of the most common questions we get at GoldSilver.com, tune in to today’s update and get Mike Maloney’s thoughts on how this could play out.

The People Are Catching On, Police/Fire Pension Fund Move Into Gold - Episode 2263a
Post Date: 2020-08-31 08:33:32 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com Report date: 08.30.2020 The economy is recovering, those areas where the Gov and Mayors are making difficult for people to go back to work is now in focus, these states are in trouble. NJ is raising their gas tax by 22.5%. Retail stats coming, all they need to do is show an improvement. The IRS has now given guidance on how not to pay tax. The people are catching on, police/fire pension move into gold.

Grenell Reveals The Globalists Plan To The World - Episode 2261a
Post Date: 2020-08-27 20:49:53 by BTP Holdings
Get news throughout the day visit x22report.com Report date: 08.27.2020 The economy is now firing on all cylinders, we are seeing V recovery in many of the economic sectors. The Altanta Fed is now predicting a rebound in the GDP numbers. US 8 class truck sales are recovering. Grenell speaks out against the globalists and tells the world what their plan was.

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