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Federal Reserve, top bank regulators flag 'significant' worries over crypto assets
Post Date: 2023-01-03 20:38:49 by Dakmar
The Federal Reserve, FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued a joint statement on Tuesday warning about "significant" risks crypto assets may pose to the broader banking system. “It is important that risks related to the crypto-asset sector that cannot be mitigated or controlled do not migrate to the banking system,” the agencies said in a joint statement. [Stay ahead of the market] “Given the significant risks highlighted by recent failures of several large crypto-asset companies, the agencies continue to take a careful and cautious approach related to current or proposed crypto-asset-related activities and exposures at each banking ...

One Big FTX
Post Date: 2022-12-26 12:00:09 by Ada
Regimeology is not just the art of interpreting the official pronouncements from the managerial elite, but it is also for interpreting their actions. Nothing they say can ever be accepted at face value, so nothing they do is on the level either. It is all signaling back and forth to communicate between nodes of the collective. If the regime happens to do something useful for the people, it is a happy accident. Most of what they do is about the internal dynamics of the regime. The Sam Bankman-Fried story is a good example. At this point everyone understands that this is not a corporate financial scandal. There is little chance that the sophisticated people involved with this guy and his ...

The Inflation Hoax
Post Date: 2022-12-16 06:47:36 by Ada
Yes, prices are rising, but not for the reasons the Federal Reserve says. When I say inflation is a hoax, I mean the purported cause is a hoax. The Fed is fighting a consumer inflation, a “demand-pull” inflation. But what we are experiencing is a supply-side inflation caused by the Covid lockdowns and economic sanctions that closed businesses, disrupted supply chains, and broke business relationships while reducing energy supplies to the UK and European countries, thus forcing up costs in a globalized economy. One of the many neglected problems of globalism is that inflations and recessions are no long simply a national problem. Interconnectedness sends adversity globally, ...

India: Economy Growing at “Fantastic” Rate While West Self-Destructs with Sanctions
Post Date: 2022-12-02 09:03:49 by Ada
The US was trying to bully India into “standing with the Ukraine.” They refused to do so, and it’s been very good for their economy. The US demands that everyone in the world suffer so they can promote gay child anal in the Donbass – but is that their true agenda? RT: India’s gross domestic product (GDP) for the July-September quarter of the current financial year was up 6.3% year-on-year, according to provisional estimates released by its National Statistical Office (NSO) on Wednesday. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its report earlier this month projected a growth rate of between 6.1% and 6.3% for the same period. … “Overall, if you can come ...

The economic outlook is just another manipulation
Post Date: 2022-12-01 06:55:05 by Ada
Dear readers, we have been told so many lies for so long that our rulers are desperate to suppress the First Amendment. Just consider the trouble that Elon Musk is in for returning free speech to Twitter. Consider the hell on earth Julian Assange has suffered from the “democratic” US government for more than a decade. Consider the ongoing persecution of doctors and medical scientists who warned of the dangers of the “vaccine” and who saved lives with HCQ and Ivermectin. Consider the immunity of the medical officials, politicians, and media who lied consistently about Covid and the “vaccine” while branding the truth “misinformation.” Consider the ...

The Digital Revolution Has Destroyed the Usefulness of Telephones
Post Date: 2022-11-19 08:12:26 by Ada
Today telephones are just invasive devices I remember when telephones were useful as telephones. Today they are used to surf the Internet and for text messages. Most people don’t answer the ring unless they recognize the number. Many never set up their email or message functions on their cell phones. I keep my cell phone off and only turn it on when I have to use it in order to report Internet or power outage or to receive a security code so I can sign on and connect with an Internet financial or payment site. I have ceased answering the house phone unless I am expecting a call. 95% of calls are intrusive scams or robo calls. The digital revolution has made it possible for your ...

Isn't it nice that the 'adults' in the White House and among Democrats are running things, instead of President Trump?
Post Date: 2022-11-18 08:19:45 by Ada
We are constantly told that the American consumer's balance sheet is in great shape. See here and here for that. The mainstream media and Joe Biden's minions claim this because jobs are coming back, the massive slush funds from the government are flowing, and student loan borrowers haven't had to make payments for years.  Isn't it odd then, that consumers are raising credit card and mortgage borrowing rapidly?  Household debt soars at fastest pace in 15 years as credit card use surges, Fed report says Ads by topple Learn More wearetopple.com Could it be that Americans are having to borrow because of high inflation and because real wages have been ...

ELECTION DAY OMEN! The Very Wealthy and Powerful Rothschild Scion Dies on November 8th
Post Date: 2022-11-08 14:13:01 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild dies aged 91: Financier and philanthropist who helped unite British and French arms of famous banking dynasty and was one of the Queen’s financial advisers passes away ‘peacefully at home’ Sir Evelyn de Rothschild died ‘peacefully at home’ his family has confirmed He was the CEO of the NM Rothschild and Sons Ltd bank between 1972-2003 Under his watch, the family bank’s assets ballooned from £40m to £4.6bn He was knighted by the late Queen in 1989 for services to banking and finance By TOM COTTERILL FOR MAILONLINE British financier Sir Evelyn de Rothschild has died at the age of 91, his family has said in a statement. ...

"Lotto Madness" Sweeps Across America As Powerball Jackpot Hits Record $1.9 Billion
Post Date: 2022-11-07 17:48:30 by Esso
Let's first get out of the way the fact that the lottery is a tax on poor people. Those who can do simple math understand the odds are against them, though it's widely played by low-income Americans hoping to break free from debt and poverty. The lottery preys upon hopes and dreams. With a one in 292 million odds of winning tonight's $1.9 billion Powerball jackpot (yet another record), imagine all the people tapping their resources to play the silly game that most everyone will lose. Advancing Time blog's Bruce Wilds said Americans are being inflicted with "lotto madness" as the Powerball jackpot continues to soar. He said, "for many people a Powerball ...

It’s Happening: Elon Sieges Twitter Carrying a Sink! Ye WINS!
Post Date: 2022-10-28 08:45:53 by Ada
Previously: It’s Over. Ye Wins. Total Aryan Victory. When I first saw the video of Elon Musk barging into the Twitter HQ with a sink, I thought he was going to start bashing people over the head with it. Regrettably, he did not do that, as it possibly would have been illegal (bashing people with a sink is illegal in many districts). It’s unclear why he brought a sink (it appears to be a normal sink, as opposed to some kind of special sink that he needs for his work processes), but it made for iconic imagery. Late Thursday night, Elon finished the deal and became the official owner of Twitter. He then fired all of the top executives immediately, including that Paki Arwarg and ...

Are Gold and Silver Money?
Post Date: 2022-10-19 09:33:46 by Ada
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke answers no. And so do America’s youth. Awhile back I posted videos of a podcaster who would offer Americans a one-ounce gold coin worth approximately $1,800 for one piece of chewing gum, only to be refused. The youth, who pay with credit cards, not with cash, think money is digital. Consequently a bitcoin is worth many times the value of a gold coin despite the fact that a bitcoin’s value is nebulous and can decline thousands of dollars in a day. And, apparently, gold and silver are not money for people worried about inflation that is allegedly so serious that the Federal Reserve is engineering a recession and pension fund and Big ...

The Government Also Taught Us to Lie
Post Date: 2022-10-13 07:18:13 by Ada
Yesterday I wrote about how the government taught us to steal. Today the lesson is the government taught us to lie. Can any reader identify one issue of consequence about which the government told us the truth? World War I? World War II? The Korean War? The Vietnam War? The assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King? 9/11? The war in Afghanistan? The Iraq War? The destruction of Libya? Assad’s use of chemical weapons? Covid? The Covid “vaccines”? Ukraine? Readers will find it easier to add to this list than to find one instance of the government telling the truth. Yet, despite government’s 100% lie record, ...

The Rule of Power
Post Date: 2022-10-12 06:41:39 by Ada
Last week PayPal, an online service for making and receiving payments, announced that at PayPal’s “sole discretion” $2,500 would be seized from accounts of those PayPal decided were guilty of spreading misinformation. “Misinformation” is whatever some speech control office at PayPal doesn’t like or dissent from official narratives. In other words, PayPal announced a policy of thought control as described in George Orwell’s 1984. www.rt.com/news/564310-paypal-threatens-deplatform- misinformation-policy/ and sputniknews.com/20221008/...l-to-fine-users-2500-for- spreading-misinformation-1101644714.html Moreover, $2,500 would be seized for each bit of ...

PayPal Automatically Pulls $2,500 In Reparations From All White People's Accounts
Post Date: 2022-10-11 09:52:31 by Ada
SAN JOSE, CA — Last week, PayPal faced backlash after including verbiage in its Acceptable Use Policy that allowed the company to fine users $2,500 for "misinformation." While the company has said that the verbiage was posted "in error" and they never intended to fine users for misinformation, the online community has spotted additional fine print allowing PayPal to levy $2,500 fees against white people for reparations. "Acceptable Use Policy infractions include…being white, for which infraction reparations of $2,500 will be automatically withdrawn from users and redistributed to historically oppressed groups." PayPal's terms of service were ...

12 Genius Ways For Congress To Pay Off The $31 Trillion National Debt
Post Date: 2022-10-06 10:04:08 by Ada
America's national debt just passed $31 trillion for the first time in history. Yikes! Don't worry though, we at The Babylon Bee have a few brilliant money-raising ideas up our sleeves that Congress probably hasn't heard of yet. You're welcome, America! Burn down the Lincoln Memorial for the insurance money: A foolproof plan. Sell the moon to China for $31 trillion: Maybe throw in California for good measure. Nobody will miss it! Two words: BAKE SALE! If we sell around 10 trillion brownies, we'll have that debt licked in no time! And we hear Ted Cruz makes a mean brownie. Get Russia to invade us and watch the aid money roll in: The surest way to untold riches! Ask ...

PayPal Could Be Legally Prevented From Banning People For Their Political Views
Post Date: 2022-09-27 09:19:25 by Ada
New law would end discrimination. PayPal could be prevented by law from banning people over their political views, after the company faced a backlash following its decision to terminate the accounts of several high profile groups. Although PayPal has been banning conservatives and right-wingers for years, its recent move to terminate accounts operated by the Free Speech Union and other groups in the UK that opposed lockdowns and vaccine mandates has apparently been a step too far. Following the controversy, dozens of Conservative Party MPs, including Michael Gove, David Davis and Sir Iain Duncan Smith, signed an open letter to Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Business Department demanding that ...

9 Reasons Not To Worry About The Tanking Economy
Post Date: 2022-09-27 07:36:00 by Ada
The economy is in the toilet! What will you do? Relax! This is nothing to worry about. We're all just transitioning to a brighter future together! Here are 9 reasons not to worry about the tanking economy: Biden and Kamala have totally got this: Never has there ever been a more brilliant pair of politicians than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They have something up their sleeve to save us all! ...Right? $4 gas won't be a problem once you've been forced to buy a $100,000 electric car: The Great Green Transition is underway! Money isn't real anyway: Relaaaaxxxx! You're probably fat and could use a few weeks without food: The economy is doing you a favor, fattie! You ...

The Fed Is Aiding the Democrat’s Coup
Post Date: 2022-09-25 09:38:19 by Ada
Dear friends, The Federal Reserve is not conducting an anti-inflationary policy. It is conducting an anti-people policy. The rising prices are not due to excessive consumer demand that needs to be curtailed by choking off credit. The rise in prices are the direct consequence of the idiot Biden regimes’ unnecessary Covid lockdowns and the idiot Biden regime’s Russian sanctions which have disrupted the globalism on which the Washington fools have based our economy. Putting people out of work cannot prevent higher prices due to supply constraints. The Federal Reserve is causing higher prices by further reducing supply. If the Federal Reserve does not know this, the Federal ...

Blain: UK Grieves As Economic Crises Loom
Post Date: 2022-09-15 13:07:31 by Horse
Authored by Bill Blain via MorningPorridge.com, “Give ‘em the old razzle dazzle, give them an act with lots of flash in it..” As London grieves we’re not paying much attention to politics and markets – but we should. The outlook is deteriorating. Confidence is declining and will likely get worse if the new government’s lack of awareness and sensitivity continues. London this week has been extraordinary. It will become more so as literally millions of us are prepared to queue to pay our respects in whatever the weather throws at us. The great affection in which the Queen was held, and our hopes for King Charles, have come to the fore – giving the whole ...

U.S. Incomes Fail to Grow for Second Year in a Row, Census Figures Show Households facing highest inflation in decades recorded median 2021 income of $70,800
Post Date: 2022-09-14 08:48:21 by Ada
Americans as a whole have experienced two years in a row of flat or declining household income, new government data showed Tuesday, reflecting the pandemic’s lingering economic pain as inflation is also taking the largest bite out of pocketbooks in four decades. In its annual assessment of the nation’s financial well-being, the Census Bureau said median household income of about $70,800 in 2021 wasn’t different in a statistically significant way from the inflation- adjusted 2020 estimate of about $71,200. The lack of any real growth for 2021 follows a decrease in incomes recorded in 2020, the first year of the pandemic. Totals in 2020 and 2021 were boosted by significant ...

Inflation Continues to Skyrocket as Fed Claims Raising Interest Rates Will Fix It
Post Date: 2022-09-13 22:57:34 by Ada
I have said that raising interest rates is actually going to increase inflation. People have confronted me about this, but what I’ve said is actually very simple and obvious: Raising interest rates lowers the wealth of the people, and while it should also reduce inflation, it actually means that more entitlements are necessary, which means the government printing more money than the interest rates save. Very simple. Raising interest rates is only a valid way of digging out of an inflation spiral if you do not have entitlements. New York Post: US inflation rose by a higher-than-expected 8.3% in August despite falling gasoline prices — adding pressure on the Federal Reserve as ...

America Says Offer To Trade Biden For The Queen Still Stands
Post Date: 2022-09-10 09:36:12 by Ada
LONDON — Trade representatives in the United Kingdom were surprised to learn that the offer made by the United States to trade President Joe Biden for Queen Elizabeth II still stands, even after the Queen passed away yesterday at the age of 96. "We just assumed that the offer was only valid as long as Her Majesty was still living," said Sir David Cathcart, the recently appointed Minister of Human Trades for the British government. "The offer was initially taken into consideration quite seriously due to Mr. Biden being significantly younger than the Queen, but after doing our research, it became evident that his mental capabilities had degraded to a rather absurd ...

The Public Will Be SHUT OUT Of Gold & Silver | Andy Schectman
Post Date: 2022-08-24 07:07:02 by BTP Holdings
Sign up for the New Orleans Investment Conference and be supporting LibertyAndFinance along the way: bit.ly/3SP58Xu "By the time the herd catches on the insiders are probably already moving in the other direction," says Andy Schectman, CEO & president of Miles Franklin Precious Metal Investments. The COMEX 50-day average rate of gold withdraws just hit a new record high. The wealthy are now taking delivery of physical precious metals. The big money and insiders are making their moves early, but at the end, "the public will just be shut out," says Schectman.

China just ran into something that could be even more devastating for its supply chains than COVID-19 lockdowns: A record heat wave
Post Date: 2022-08-20 13:33:21 by BTP Holdings
China just ran into something that could be even more devastating for its supply chains than COVID-19 lockdowns: A record heat wave BY WILL DANIEL August 20, 2022 at 6:00 AM CDT Video Poster COVID-19 lockdowns in China threw a wrench into global supply chains earlier this year, causing shipping and production delays worldwide, and hindering economic growth. Now, the country is facing another major threat—and this one could be even worse for the economy. China has been coping with its worst heat wave in 60 years this month, with temperatures in several provinces routinely reaching 40°C (104°F). But one key province is experiencing the worst financial repercussions from the ...

The absurdity of the NY AG’s investigation of Trump’s valuations of his properties
Post Date: 2022-08-11 07:56:09 by Ada
The NY AG, Federal Justice Department and other Democrats have been targeting Trump in search of a crime. The NY AG is accusing Trump of inflating his net worth and value of properties. If everyone who thought that they and their net worth and properties were worth more than they are were guilty of fraud, the Jails would be very crowded. If Trump committed fraud the banks would have destroyed him. Banks don’t just take the word of someone who comes in for a loan. They are required to get financial statements, tax returns, and appraisals before they make loans of all sizes, let alone the amounts the Trump Organization borrowed. I was a financial regulator for three years and have ...

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