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The Federal Reserve’s Policy Is Mistaken
Post Date: 2022-07-06 07:38:14 by Ada
Normally, recessions are the result of a reduction in liquidity by the Federal Reserve, the central bank, which is signaled by a rise in interest rates. Normally, recessions are short-run affairs of 6 to 9 months. Unemployment, which is as costly in its way as inflation, causes the Federal Reserve to relent and to increase liquidity, which is signaled by a reduction in interest rates. This approach assumes that inflation is a monetary phenomenon–too much money chasing too few goods. But is the current inflation a monetary inflation? The Federal Reserve’s response to the financial crisis of 2008-2009, itself caused by the deregulation of the banking system, was to create $8.2 ...

This Signals SLINGSHOT Reversal In Silver & Miners | Michael Oliver
Post Date: 2022-07-01 22:14:16 by BTP Holdings
The gold market is holding up despite the recent downturn in silver, mining stocks, and the general equity market. "Why isn't gold collapsing with the stock market?" asks momentum analyst Michael Oliver. He speculates that large fund managers are giving up on paper assets in favor of gold. He sees a major reversal in the rest of the metals sector as more fund managers move away from stocks.

Two Examinations of US Economic Policy
Post Date: 2022-06-21 09:21:05 by Ada
Today I am pleased to present a double feature on economic policy. Michael Hudson leads off with an explanation of economic policy as a social cost to the working class, and I follow up with an explanation that US economic policy is an act of national suicide. A couple of definitions: A rentier economy is one in which monopolization or concentration of ownership permits profit without contributing to the welfare of society. Economic rent consists of payments or a rise in value of an asset in excess of its contribution to output or the cost of bringing it into production. An example of economic rent is a taxpayer financed road or transportation system. The rise in land values constitute ...

"It's Only Just Started" - End Of The Empire | Bob Moriarty
Post Date: 2022-06-19 08:46:30 by BTP Holdings
"It's only just started. The financial markets are so out of balance, it's going to get worse than anybody's dream," says financial author, marine, and naval aviator Bob Moriarty. The Federal Reserve "has painted itself into a corner." The only options going forward are hyperinflation or a market crash. Moriarty sees both may happen. Poster Comment:Germany wanted to repatriate its gold and Bernanke told them it would take 10 years to get it to them. Maybe the FED has leased out the gold.

Will Washington’s Sanctions Destroy the German Automobile Industry?
Post Date: 2022-06-18 08:08:22 by Ada
The last independent government Germany had was Hitler’s. Every succeeding German government has been a Washington puppet. As Mike Whitney writes, “Berlin will always march in lockstep with Washington rather than fulfill its business agreements or act in the interests of its own people.” https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/meet-the-new-boss-putin- reroutes-critical-hydrocarbons-eastward-leaving-europe-high-and-dry/ Germany is paying a high price and soon American owners of BMWs, Mercedes, Porsches, and Volkswagens will be too. The absurd sanctions against Russia are disorganizing the German economy. This week the sanctions caused a 40% reduction in natural gas to Germany via the ...

Euro On Brink Of Collapse | Alasdair MacLeod
Post Date: 2022-06-17 20:34:34 by BTP Holdings
Subscribe for our FREE newsletter - #1 place for gold & silver news & commentary: libertyandfinance.comPoster Comment:If the Euro collapses, Klaus Schwab might have a heart attack since that stodgy globalist would be ruined, and the European Union would be toast.

Betrayed Americans
Post Date: 2022-06-16 09:17:05 by Ada
Yesterday the Fed raised short term interest rates by three quarters of one percent, and the stock market rose. The stock market did not rise because of the rate hike. The stock market rose because the Atlanta Federal Reserve bank dropped its forecast for second quarter (ends June 30) GDP growth to zero — 0.0 — which means that technically we are in a recession. As interest rate hikes worsen recessions, the stock market has concluded that Fed tightening is over. Soon the Fed will be lowering interest rates to fight recession and unemployment. The real question is: why did the Federal Reserve raise interest rates on the same day it knew the economy had descended into recession? ...

The Fed Isn't Fighting Inflation, It's Fueling It
Post Date: 2022-06-14 10:44:16 by Ada
The media would like to believe the Fed is doing everything in its power to fight inflation, but it’s not true. Yes, the Fed raised rates by 50 basis points in May and, yes, the Fed is trying to sound as “hawkish” as possible. But these things are designed to dupe the public not to reduce inflation. Let me explain. The current rate of inflation in the US is 8.6%, a 40-year high. At its May meeting, the Fed raised its target Fed Funds Rate to 1%. Here’s the scoop: “The Federal Reserve recently announced that it’s raising interest rates by half a percentage point, bumping the federal funds rate to a target range of 0.75-1.00%.” (The Spokesman-Review) ...

Post Date: 2022-06-13 18:31:08 by Horse
Well that escalated quickly. Apart from crude oil, almost all asset classes were clubbed like baby seals today as event risk anxiety (ahead of FOMC) combined with OpEx technicals ($3.4 trillion options expiration) and European 'fragmentation' fears and all the usual geo-political, geo-economic factors that are holding back the dip-buyers as the S&P drops into a bear market and US equities broadly test 2022 lows (while TSY yields push multi-year highs). The S&P closed down 22% from its highs and at its lowest since Jan 2021.. As Bill Blain noted earlier, the summer somnambulance should be upon us – investment desks and traders sitting back to watch their carefully ...

What If The Fed Fails To Tame Inflation? Fed-Watcher Axel Merk Is Skeptical It Will
Post Date: 2022-06-10 08:08:52 by BTP Holdings
Poster Comment:When the markets collapsed in 1929, brokers were jumping out of windows on Wall St. since they lost everything. This was the start of the Great Depression. Nikolai Kondratiev was a Soviet economist. He predicted the U.S. would emerge from its depression. When it was shown he was right, Stalin sentenced him to hard labor. That was later changed to death.

Empty Houses
Post Date: 2022-06-09 09:51:19 by Ada
In the Before – the years prior to what has been styled the “pandemic” (which it was, in the sense that metastatic hypochondria spread like cooties at a ’70s key party) when a house sold it was usually occupied shortly thereafter by the people who bought it. In the After – our now – when houses sell they often remain empty – sometimes for years. Which makes one wonder about who bought them. And why. There are two such houses on my country road, which is not far from the middle of nowhere, in rural SW Virginia. One of these was owned by a friend of mine who had to sell because he got divorced and lost his house. That was more than a year ago now – ...

Inflection Point Nearing: Fed To Pivot & Destroy Dollar | Steve Penny
Post Date: 2022-06-04 19:04:05 by BTP Holdings
Become a Silver Chartist member and be supporting LibertyAndFinance along the way! bit.ly/SilverChartistLiberty

‘Cash is still trash’ — Billionaire Ray Dalio says keeping money in a savings account is not safe. Here’s what he holds instead
Post Date: 2022-05-28 09:10:02 by BTP Holdings
‘Cash is still trash’ — Billionaire Ray Dalio says keeping money in a savings account is not safe. Here’s what he holds instead by Jing Pan Fri, May 27, 2022, 8:40 AM·3 min read Some say cash is king. But according to Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, it may not be wise to keep too much of your investment money in cash these days. “Cash is not a safe investment, is not a safe place because it will be taxed by inflation,” Dalio told CNBC last year. This week, when CNBC asked him about his current opinion on cash, Dalio’s response was unchanged: “Cash is still trash.” It’s easy to ...

Hard-Working Plumber Looking Forward To Paying For His Neighbor’s Gender Studies Degree
Post Date: 2022-05-24 10:03:22 by Ada
PADUCAH, KY—With Democrats proposing the mass cancellation of student debt, successful Americans around the country are really looking forward to paying taxes to relieve the debt of people who purchased expensive yet useless college degrees. One local plumbing contractor, Sam Caughorn, is really looking forward to paying the tab on his neighbor's $89,000 gender studies degree. "Listen, I'm just a plumber," he said. "I didn't go to college, but I work hard and support my family. I don't know about all that high- falutin gender stuff they teach in college, but I'm sure it must be important since it's so expensive! Happy to help out another person ...

Why It’s Time to Give Up on Government
Post Date: 2022-05-24 08:22:28 by BTP Holdings
Why It’s Time to Give Up on Government Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola May 24, 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Many are now starting to realize that we’re facing a multitude of catastrophes, sort of pancaked on top of one another > Gas prices are skyrocketing, the crypto market recently cratered, the stock market is starting to cave and inflation is rapidly rising > According to some financial analysts, our only choices now are prolonged inflation or a global economic meltdown > In 2016, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published several “predictions” for the future that are now starting to take shape. This indicates the WEF is responsible for, and is carrying ...

Post Date: 2022-05-21 19:12:45 by BTP Holdings
ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE FOR HUMANITY by Egon von Greyerz March 22, 2022 We are now at the end of an era of economic and moral decadence in a debt infested world built on false values, fake money and abysmal leadership. All hell will break loose. The consequences will be fatal for the world. There are eras in history which have produced great leaders and thinkers. But sadly, the current era has produced nothing of that kind. The end of an economic cycle produces no great leadership or statesmanship but only incompetent leaders. Looking at the Western world, the only notable statesman in the last few decades in my view is Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of the United Kingdom from ...

Kudlow: This is a big mistake from the Biden White House officials
Post Date: 2022-05-21 17:48:40 by BTP Holdings

The "Everything Bubble" Has Popped | David Morgan
Post Date: 2022-05-18 16:50:02 by BTP Holdings
"The everything bubble has popped," says top silver expert David Morgan. He sees potential for a more than 60% drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. When the stock market sells-off, typically metals follow initially. We could be nearing a bottom in the metals. The next support level for silver is $18, he says. As we approach a bottom, now may be a good time to slowly start accumulating more silver, he says.

The Social Credit System is the Elite’s Means of Control
Post Date: 2022-05-17 07:39:07 by Ada
Duff Cooper, Viscount Norwich, was the only British minister who resigned over the Munich Agreement of 1938. His autobiography was titled Old Men Forget. I expect they do, but I remember. I remember when business, even large business, operated on handshakes without contracts. Business could operate this way because people in those days had good character and integrity. A person who welched on a handshake was finished in business. I grew up when America was still America. We were taught that you had to be able to look yourself in the mirror every morning. That required that you were truthful and honorable in your relations with others. Today you can’t look yourself in the mirror ...

That Giant Sound You Just Heard Was The Housing Market Starting To Crack
Post Date: 2022-05-15 12:40:56 by BTP Holdings
That Giant Sound You Just Heard Was The Housing Market Starting To Crack May 12, 2022 by Michael It is happening again. More than a decade ago, we witnessed an absolutely unprecedented “housing bubble” in the United States followed by a horrific crash that resulted in millions of Americans losing their homes and a financial catastrophe on Wall Street that we still talk about today. But instead of learning our lessons from that disaster, we are repeating history instead. The “housing bubble” that we are currently experiencing is far larger than the one that burst in 2008, and everyone knew that if mortgage rates rose high enough it could cause the bubble to burst. ...

Stablecoin crash drags crypto ideals back to earth
Post Date: 2022-05-15 07:58:41 by BTP Holdings
Stablecoin crash drags crypto ideals back to earth By Liam Proud May 11, 2022 11:20 AM CDT Last Updated 4 days ago 3 minute read Bitcoin Conference 2022 in Miami Beach An attendee wears a t-shirt with the logo of bitcoin that reads "hodl", slang in the cryptocurrency community for holding a cryptocurrency rather than selling it, during the Bitcoin Conference 2022 in Miami Beach, Florida, U.S. April 6, 2022. REUTERS/Marco Bello LONDON, May 11 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Do Kwon had one job. The self- titled “master of stablecoin” designed a popular digital token, TerraUSD, that was supposedly pegged to the dollar. On Wednesday its value slumped below 30 cents. The ...

Crypto “HOLDers” getting SUICIDAL as entire life savings now VANISHING in accelerating crypto carnage
Post Date: 2022-05-14 19:05:12 by BTP Holdings
Crypto “HOLDers” getting SUICIDAL as entire life savings now VANISHING in accelerating crypto carnage Saturday, May 14, 2022 by: Ethan Huff Tags: bitcoin, Collapse, crypto, crypto collapse, ethereum, finance, greed, HODLers, investing, Stablecoin, suicide, Terra Luna This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://citizens.news/619019.html Image: Crypto “HODLers” getting SUICIDAL as entire life savings now VANISHING in accelerating crypto carnage (Natural News) People who lost everything in Terra (UST) and Luna are now contemplating suicide after having their lives ruined by more ...

Western Economies Heading for "Deep Recession"
Post Date: 2022-05-14 12:24:38 by BTP Holdings
The same officials who lied about "transitory inflation" are now saying that job figures show a coming recovery. However, they are ignoring that, due to inflation, real wages are declining, and there was the biggest drop in productivity in the last quarter since 1947! Instead of addressing the systemic collapse underway, western governments are making it worse, by pouring money into a war intended to destroy Russia, which is now backfiring against their own economies. And a note about why celebrations of VE Day, commemorating the victory over the Nazis in World War II, are low-key in the west this year, as NATO governments are pouring weapons into Ukraine that often end up in ...

Lobbyists Concerned Over Rising Cost Of Politicians
Post Date: 2022-05-13 08:58:28 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In increasing numbers, lobbyists say they are not exempt from the rising costs for food, gas, and other necessities. Paying off congressmen is more expensive than ever, lobbyists confirm, due to inflation and economic mismanagement. “We got comfortable,” confessed Exxon Mobil Lobbyist Flitch Vandersneed. “We thought D.C. would always continue being a wretched hive of graft and corruption where we could buy and sell congressmen for cheap. Now, with inflation and increased competition from China, it can cost millions to buy out a corrupt senator to vote our way on a bill.” The lobbyist went on to bemoan how a simple “bada-bing, bada-boom, pay ...

Possibility of ‘large’ economic shocks in future, Yellen warns
Post Date: 2022-04-29 08:36:34 by Ada
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged countries to build in ‘recession remedies’ to protect people. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Thursday the global pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine highlight the possibility of big economic shocks in the future, adding that downturns are “likely to continue to challenge the economy”. Her address at the Brookings Institution looked at lessons learned from economic downturns of the past and said countries need to build in “recession remedies” to protect people in the United States and globally going forward. With “large negative shocks” inevitable, she said, policymakers have learned ...

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