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Yes, Jesus Would Have Been Branded a Domestic Extremist Today
Post Date: 2022-12-20 09:13:50 by Ada
“When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.”—Howard Thurman, theologian and civil rights activist The Christmas story of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one. The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary traveled to the little town of Bethlehem so that they could be counted. There ...

Softly and Tenderly (Jesus is calling)
Post Date: 2022-12-18 11:51:31 by Lod
Poster Comment:Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday ~

The Gospel of Taki
Post Date: 2022-12-17 19:46:33 by Ada
It’s nice to be back in good old Helvetia again, but as the holiest of holy days approaches, I cannot help but think of my friend Jeremy Clarke and his struggles. Philosophers have dealt with life’s problems starting with the Greeks, yet not one of them was able to pin down man’s ultimate defeat: death, that is. The one who did manage it was no philosopher, just a simple carpenter, and his take on it has given more comfort and hope to us mortals than all the eggheads put together. Nowadays we have doubters who see us believers as dark-age ignoramuses; you know the kind I’m talking about—smelly, bearded, lefty, conceited know-it-alls. But even Charles Darwin ...

Malignant Jew Goofball Dennis Prager Says You’re Going to Hell If You Don’t Believe His Ridiculous Gas Chamber Hoax
Post Date: 2022-12-08 07:52:27 by Ada
The malignant and malicious “right-wing Jew” Dennis Prager has penned a syndicated op-ed claiming that belief in the Holocaust is what determines if a person goes to Heaven. You know the verse, Jew 3:16: “For Hitler so hated the Jews (for no reason) that he gassed the six million, and whosoever believes in homicidal masturbation machines shall not parish but have eternal life.” The Holocaust is the single most important article of faith for the liberal world order, and they’ve finally begun to freak out over the fact that it was so long ago now that really no one cares about it, and Ye can just go out there and say “that’s factually inaccurate, ...

I Love to Tell the Story
Post Date: 2022-12-04 12:48:44 by Lod
Poster Comment:Wishing a blessed day for everyone here.

Conservative Christian Intellectual Is An FBI Disinformation Operative
Post Date: 2022-12-03 06:24:26 by Ada
A battle between different factions of gossip-mongering Christian nationalist thought leaders has erupted into a full-scale controversy that indirectly reveals the intimate connection running through the religious right, US intelligence and organized Jewry. The saga began earlier this week, when Alistair Roberts of the Theopolis and Davenant Institutes wrote a Southern Poverty Law Center style attack on a rival Christian nationalist, accusing him of privately harboring unauthorized beliefs about Jews and race. His target, Thomas Achord, was the headmaster of Sequitur Academy, a Baton Rouge based private school that specializes in Christian Classical Education. A number of Christian ...

On Marriage, Betrayal
Post Date: 2022-12-01 07:12:02 by Ada
Twelve Republicans voted to recognize a definition of marriage unknown in human history until the cosmic equivalent of yesterday. On Tuesday, the Senate voted to suspend debate on an amended version of the "Respect for Marriage Act." The bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, require states and those acting "under color of law" to recognize other states' marriage licenses, and create a private right of action for “any person who is harmed” by a state's or an organization's failure to recognize their "marriage." As far as the legal status of homosexual marriage, nothing will change with the bill's passage and eventual ...

Chinese Sheep Walking in a Perfect Circle for Days
Post Date: 2022-11-20 10:23:43 by Ada
I just thought you should know that sheep in China are walking in a perfect circle, and have been doing so for days on end. Official Chinese media announced this last week, and posted video from CCTV. Someone also went there and filmed it. They said no one knows why they’re doing this. Sometimes one goes in the middle and stands while the others circle around it. The sheep are perfectly healthy, and they take breaks to sleep and eat, then get back up and get into the circle. But some among them are keeping the circle going 24/7. It’s been going on for nearly two weeks now. This is not something that sheep do. No one has ever seen sheep do this before. This has to mean ...

Prostitutes in the Temple
Post Date: 2022-11-18 09:38:38 by Ada
What are drag queens doing in church? “God is GOOD all the time! That means God is a DIVA…and girl…Jesus is FIERCE!” Thus spake Serenity Jones, drag-queen-in-residence at First Church Somerville, a Massachusetts church which has hosted Jones and other drag performers for an annual “Drag Gospel Festival” since 2011. Advertisement “What do drag queens or drag kings have to do with Jesus or the gospel? We at FCS believe ‘God don’t make no junk.’ So whether you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or still playing hard to get, Jesus loves you and so do we! Amen BABY! So come and get yours at this here church!” FCS might ...

URGENT ACTION NEEDED N-O-W: Takes literally seconds!
Post Date: 2022-11-16 10:15:19 by NeoconsNailed
Tell Your Senators to Vote NO on the “Respect for Marriage Act” www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm Tomorrow {TODAY], the U.S. Senate is set to vote on the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.” This deceptively named bill is designed to enshrine same-sex marriage into the American legal fabric, going far beyond the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell. If signed into law, this bill would jeopardize the religious freedom of millions of Americans who have sincerely held beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman. And early reports say proponents have the votes they need... Learn more about the harms of the “Respect for Marriage ...

Ye is Back! They Can’t Control Him! It’s Up! Illuminati Conspiracies! Jesus is King!
Post Date: 2022-11-13 16:37:48 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Ye is Back! They Can’t Control Him! It’s Up! Illuminati Conspiracies! Jesus is King! Andrew Anglin November 12, 2022 Ye was gone for a while, but he’s back with a new video interview from his car. The entire clip that is currently available is here. He was clearly talking longer than this, but only 2 minutes can be found on the internet. Ye says he wants to talk to Minister Farrakhan, who he claims slighted him in a recent statement. This was apparently a reference to a recent clip from the Minister about Ye and Kyrie Irving. Farrakhan seemed respectful in the clip, so I don’t really understand what the issue was. It would have been nice to have the whole clip to ...

Another Double Whammy
Post Date: 2022-11-03 09:38:54 by Ada
I have pointed out many times that the Sunday before Memorial Day, otherwise known as Military Appreciation Day No. 1; the Sunday before Independence Day, otherwise known as Military Appreciation Day No. 2; and the Sunday before Veterans Day, otherwise known as Military Appreciation Day No. 3; are holy days in most conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist churches. As we know, Memorial Day is always celebrated on a Monday. However, when Independence Day or Veterans Day happens to fall on a Sunday, it is a high holy day because of the extra blasphemy and idolatry that takes place. Yes, blasphemy and idolatry in conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist churches that claim to be ...

Onward Christian Cowards
Post Date: 2022-10-27 08:10:58 by Ada
By Let’s get right to the point: Where are all the splashy full-page ad campaigns from purported Christian “leaders” condemning the moral degeneracy of this Biden administration? Or does being a “prophetic witness” to the “political class” only gain renewed interest in elite evangelical sectors when the person occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has an “R” next to his name? For context, let’s rewind back to 2017. Shortly after Donald Trump assumed office, he issued an executive order that suspended travel into the United States from seven countries and paused most refugee resettlements for 120 days. The order was largely temporary, and ...

Jordan Peterson Leaves Stephen Fry SPEECHLESS On God
Post Date: 2022-10-27 03:35:23 by Horse

An-Cap Mennonites
Post Date: 2022-10-13 08:50:04 by Ada
Many wonder if voluntarist communities that avoid state entanglements are workable. Critics of anarcho-capitalism ponder whether this idea is a pipe dream and a libertarian utopian fantasy. Voluntarists might try to refute this line of thinking by looking for concrete examples of such communities throughout history or in the present day. Few possibilities are usually mentioned from the present day, but many a podcast or an article has explored this topic citing such places as the Republic of Cospaia, the free cities of medieval Europe, medieval Iceland, the American Old West, and Gaelic Ireland. There are, however, right here in the U.S., many Conservative Mennonite and Amish communities ...

In the Sweet By and By
Post Date: 2022-10-09 11:15:19 by Lod

Christian votes must line up with Christian voices
Post Date: 2022-09-29 09:23:57 by Ada
According to James 1:8, A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Christians must never abdicate biblical responsibilities upon entering the voting booth. While we render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, we must first render to God what is His. God instituted religion and politics; therefore, he has Supreme Authority over both. The Christian who attempts to separate the influence of faith over politics, forgets that Caesar is subject to God as are we. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 The biblically minded will not cast votes based on political party preferences, but based on biblical precepts and our commanded ...

Just A Closer Walk with Thee
Post Date: 2022-09-25 14:44:21 by Lod

George Soros: The Man Behind The Curtain
Post Date: 2022-09-20 07:43:07 by Ada
Billionaire George Soros is that rare megalomaniac who not only believes he’s a god but revels in behaving like one. “It’s a sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” he once boasted to The Independent. This god complex, combined with his downright amorality and bizarre ideas about society, makes the 92-year-old extremely dangerous to democracies, especially America. The warning comes loud and clear in Matt Palumbo’s recent book, The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, which documents Soros’sdecades of financial ...

The Pledge Still Ought to Be Scrapped
Post Date: 2022-08-26 20:28:54 by Ada
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” A Fargo, North Dakota, school board has decided that the Pledge of Allegiance has to go because of inclusivism and diversity. Said the school board’s vice president Seth Holden: The word ‘God’ in the text of the Pledge of Allegiance is capitalized. The text is clearly referring to the Judeo-Christian god and therefore, it does not include any other faith such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, all of which are practiced by our staff and students. The pledge is a “non-inclusionary ...

Ivy League Jews Call for Abolishing the US Constitution in NYT Op-Ed
Post Date: 2022-08-23 10:46:18 by Ada
“We always knew it would come to this” is a very common phrase these days. We are seeing it all over, as Democrats under Joe Biden go buckwild with Jewishness and the Jewish media, academia, and health establishment push child trannies and forced vaccination. Just so, we always knew that the Jews would eventually call to simply abolish the US Constitution so they can have their way with us, without anything in between – which is what two law professors called for in the New York Times last week. Harvard’s Ryan D. Doerfler and Yale’s Samuel Moyn said that the Constitution is “famously undemocratic” and therefore needs to be overthrown and replaced with ...

Amish farm under threat from U.S. federal govt for refusal to abandon traditional farming practices
Post Date: 2022-08-22 13:59:58 by Ada
Amos Miller, the farm's owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the United States government doesn’t see things that way. Miller's Organic Farm, located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in- Hand, Pennsylvania, has been around for almost 30 years. The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food. The private food club members appreciate their freedom to get food from an independent farmer that isn’t processing his meat and dairy at ...

A Reflection From My Past - interesting read
Post Date: 2022-08-22 09:47:17 by Lod

In the Garden
Post Date: 2022-08-21 12:33:10 by Lod

The Last Living Holocaust Mass Murderer
Post Date: 2022-08-16 09:22:48 by Ada
At 92 years old, George Soros is the last human experientially connected to the Holocaust who’s still actively taking lives. Sure, there are a few elderly ex-Nazis being dragged before German courts, but they’re insignificant (secretaries, bookkeepers) and their murderous exploits, if any, ended with the war. Soros, a Jew who survived the Holocaust by posing as a gentile, kills people daily. How many? I think it’s safe to say that at least once every few days in cities ruled by Soros DAs an innocent person is murdered by a criminal who’s roaming the streets due to Soros’ machinations. Soros himself has admitted that he bases his life’s work on his wartime ...

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