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Screw Yahoo
Post Date: 2019-07-21 13:53:56 by Dakmar
Just posted two link to Yahoo in response to someone claiming Denmark is a socialist country 1. Socialism - Merriam Webster Dictionary 2. Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist - The Local (Denmark's news in English). Both links were removed within minutes. So much for a free exchange of information. Neither of these links were offensive, racist, nor contained any of my other usual characteristics :) The commies are terrified that someone might learn the truth.

No time to waste in saving the world’s rivers from drying up – especially in China
Post Date: 2019-07-05 08:55:10 by Tatarewicz
scmp... Brahma Chellaney writes that excessive damming and drastic overuse of water resources are causing the world’s major waterways to run dry

Debunking the rumors about Russia caving in to Israel
Post Date: 2019-07-05 05:58:42 by Tatarewicz
Saker... This Spring saw a sudden increase in the volume of articles in the so-called “alternative media and blogosphere” about Putin “selling out” Syria or Iran to the Israelis and their US patrons, or both. What was particularly interesting about this campaign is that it was not triggered by any kind of event or statement by Putin or any other senior Russian decision-makers. True, Israeli politicians made numerous trips to Russia, but each time they walked away without anything tangible to show for their efforts. As for their Russian counterparts, they limited themselves to vague and well-intentioned statements. Nonetheless, the “Putin sold out to Netanyahu” ...

Fourth of July should celebrate liberty, not politicians like Trump
Post Date: 2019-07-04 14:04:24 by Bill D Berger
by James Bovard President Donald Trump’s plan to give an Independence Day televised address from the Lincoln Memorial has outraged many pundits and plenty of normal Americans, too. There has rarely been a shortage of political buncombe on July Fourth but Trump could, as usual, break all records.For Trump’s extravaganza, the Pentagon is bringing out of mothballs some World War II-era Sherman tanks. Though the gun turrets look impressive, Allied soldiers nicknamed Sherman tanks “Ronsons” because they were death traps that “light first every time” in clashes with better built German tanks. But that painful fact, like many others, will be swept under ...

How to End the Wars for Wall Street & Israel
Post Date: 2019-06-29 19:46:26 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Because that's what these endless wars are for, Wall Street, which is making a killing off the killing and Israel, our Colonial Master, who treats our armed forces like they belonged to them, always passing on liesabout the next ME or SW Asian nation they want busted up for the glory of Zionism. But Americans are told that these wars are necessary, for our national security or some such BULLSHIT. So if national security is really at risk, that means EVERYONE needs to pitch in to help. So, we reinstate the draft, and that includes drafting women. And NO college deferments. Which means instead of hiding out at the University of Israel-Harvard campus or with their Skull & ...

Keep Jackson On The $20 Bill
Post Date: 2019-06-19 13:33:16 by X-15
Everyone these days seems to hate the founder of the Democratic Party. Andrew Jackson’s national historical turmoil first began in 2015, when Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced plans to replace a different dead white man, Alexander Hamilton, with a woman — any woman — on the $10 bill. Hamilton dodged erasure thanks to the popularity of a biographical Broadway hip-hop musical about him, prompting Lew to announce the following year that Jackson would lose his spot on the $20 bill to abolitionist and former slave Harriet Tubman. Leftists cheered the removal of a man they imagine to have perpetrated genocide against Native Americans. Many Republicans celebrated the monetary ...

WATCH: Very Funny Video Ridiculing the Assange Travesty
Post Date: 2019-06-02 07:27:58 by Ada
Published: Jun 1, 2019 Author: RI Staff This article from our archives was first published on RI in April 2019 This post first appeared on Russia Insider Two more years of this sort of thing, which is how long just the UK stage of Assange's legal battle will likely last, and the Deep State will be done for good. The Assange arrest might just be the best thing to happen for the cause of truth and justice in a long time. Very well done. Enjoy. Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

Syria’s resolve to free entire land sends warning to US forces: Analyst
Post Date: 2019-05-30 03:54:18 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Political commentator Jason Unruhe says Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar al-Ja’afari has sent a warning to the American forces illegally deployed to Syria by stressing the Damascus government’s resolve to rid the entire country of terrorists and foreign forces. The senior diplomat told a UN Security Council session on Tuesday that “Syria will liberate all its territory from terrorism and from any illegitimate foreign presence in the country.”

1:54 / 1:01:58 Beethoven, Sinfonía Nº 3 "Heroica". Wiener Philharmoniker, Christian Thielemann
Post Date: 2019-05-12 19:22:57 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:Beethoven originally dedicated the third symphony to Napoleon Bonaparte, who he believed embodied the democratic and anti-monarchical ideals of the French Revolution. In autumn of 1804, Beethoven withdrew his dedication of the third symphony to Napoleon, lest it cost him the composer's fee paid him by a noble patron; so, Beethoven re-dedicated his third symphony to Prince Joseph Franz Maximilian Lobkowitz – nonetheless, despite such a bread-and-butter consideration, the politically idealistic Beethoven titled the work "Buonaparte"History never repeats itself, it merely echoes.

Trump is impotent
Post Date: 2019-04-29 01:54:24 by Tatarewicz
I have heard it joked about in Iran that, while US President Donald Trump has attempted to undo every major achievement of his predecessor, President Barack Obama, he will himself be leaving behind nothing that a future president could roll back, because, well, he will be leaving nothing behind. More than three years into his presidency, Mr. Trump can hold up nothing as either a domestic or foreign policy coup. His promise to build a wall on the border with Mexico, and to have Mexico pay for it, has not been fulfilled. And it is unclear how long his policy of deploying troops to stop migrants at the US’s southern border can be sustained. President Trump’s diplomacy with North ...

The Threat to Notre Dame
Post Date: 2019-04-22 08:08:51 by Ada
Monday’s fire was bad enough; the restoration could be worse. President Macron’s speech to the French nation about the fire that destroyed so much of Notre Dame contained a terrible threat: he said that the cathedral would be rebuilt, to be even more beautiful than before. This might seem an innocuous, even laudable aim, but the announcement of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe that a competition would be held to design “a spire suited to the techniques and challenges of our time” should send a chill down the spine of anyone familiar with the efforts of modern architects in Paris, the effects of which can be seen all around the city. The monumental public ...

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. What price will society pay for China’s social credit system?
Post Date: 2019-04-18 08:01:22 by Tatarewicz
We are now witnessing this frightening social trend being rolled out in a big way in mainland China, which has begun to experiment with a “social credit system”, which many observers have warned could ultimately increase the collection and sharing of data about all citizens, to their detriment. The central government first announced the scheme in 2014, with a nationwide roll-out expected next year. So far, the blacklisting of citizens has been applied to limited travel for some low scorers. And a few dozen cities have already tested their local social credit scoring schemes. The central government says it is just a way to make society more harmonious by incentivising citizens, ...

Why ageing China won’t overtake the US economy as the world’s biggest – now or in the future
Post Date: 2019-04-10 03:11:34 by Tatarewicz
SCMP... Growth trajectories must take into account that China is ageing faster than the US. The experiences of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea bear out the correlation between growth and demographics, and economists optimistic about China’s growth prospects should take note China's GDP growth slowed from 9.5 per cent in 2011 to 6.6 per cent in 2018. The slowdown can be blamed on a variety of factors, but the first and probably most important is that China is getting older. Photo: Reuters In 2010, China replaced Japan as the world's second-largest economy. Many economists believe it is just a matter of time before China dethrones the United States as the world’s biggest ...

It's not fake news; it's simply yellow journalism: Analyst
Post Date: 2019-03-22 03:27:48 by Tatarewicz
US President Donald Trump is correct in the overall denunciation of the news media as fake, but a much better and more accurate term for it is yellow journalism, according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist. Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday after Trump described the mainstream media as "fake news" and the "absolute enemy" of the people and the country. Trump renewed his attacks on mainstream media on Tuesday. He labeled the "Fake News Media" as "dishonest" and "corrupt," lamenting that "there has never been a time like this in ...

Media Magic: How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’
Post Date: 2019-03-07 19:50:18 by Dakmar
Strangely, the media have suddenly taken an intense interest in the case of pedophile and major Democratic donor Jeffrey Epstein. In 2005, the Palm Beach police were told by the mother of a young girl in West Palm Beach that her daughter had been brought to the Democratic donor’s mansion and asked to have sex with him for money. This kicked off an intensive, one-year undercover investigation. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1540311543171-0'); }); The police sifted through Epstein’s garbage and interviewed 17 witnesses, including the housemen, who told of sex toys and dildos left behind after the underage girls left. One of Epstein’s ...

The New Narrative
Post Date: 2019-02-25 18:27:37 by X-15
Spend time in a small business that has stood the test of time and you will learn the origin myths of the company and the founders. These myths will have plenty of truth content, but a lot will be fanciful or exaggerated. One reason is the story is inevitably told by the founder or his heirs, so it is self-serving. Another reason is the story is intended to give meaning and purpose to the people in the company. For an origin myth to work, it has to be inspirational and reflect well on the people in the organization. People always have origin myths, of course. The most famous of which is the story of the Jews. The whole chosen people business is obvious nonsense. The flight from Egypt is at ...

Heroic Italians Call Out Franco-Germanic Hypocrites on Venezuela
Post Date: 2019-02-09 11:13:02 by Ada
"We go to battle against the plutocratic and reactionary democracies of the West." It’s comically ironic. France has now recalled its ambassador from Rome in a mounting row over Italy’s alleged “interference” in French internal political affairs. This is at the same that France and other European states are joining in a brazen campaign by the United States to overthrow the elected president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. Irony doesn’t come much thicker than that. The row between France and Italy is but the latest in a long-running spat between French President Emmanuel Macron and the newly elected coalition government in Rome. The Italian government is an ...

Harbinger of a New Age
Post Date: 2019-01-30 09:27:25 by Ada
Against the outcries and warnings of the mandarins of the establishment, the President is withdrawing all US troops from Afghanistan. America’s longest war ends in a in a deal that was offered years ago but was rejected by the same dead-enders in the Pentagon who are pouting mightily at the moment. Meanwhile Trump continues to hurl regular fusillades at deadbeat NATO, and, most important of all, he continues the process begun at Singapore – pulling the rug out from under a longtime bastion of the military-industrial complex. His meetings with Kim Jong un are a dire threat to the incredibly lucrative cornucopia of cash, careers, and elite prestige that comes out of that ...

Trump Attacks Queen Ann and Fox News for Telling Him to Build a Wall
Post Date: 2019-01-29 09:33:55 by Ada
He made the comments to the Paywall Street Journal, so we’ll have to get the quote from somewhere else. Washington Post: In a Wall Street Journal interview published Sunday, Trump hit back at Ann Coulter, a conservative author whose threats about the defection of the president’s base were credited with pushing him to his once-uncompromising stance. When he backed down on Friday, she called him a “wimp.” “I hear she’s become very hostile,” Trump told the Journal. “Maybe I didn’t return her phone call or something.” No, bud. I think it’s mainly that you told her you were going to build a wall and then didn’t do it. That is ...

The Kulaks Must Be Liquidated as a Class
Post Date: 2019-01-28 12:39:37 by Dakmar
Elizabeth Warren is not proposing a tax; she’s proposing asset forfeiture. History is very short, if you look at it the right way. The American Revolution seems like it was a very long time ago, but looked at with the right kind of eyes, it was the day before yesterday: The revolution of Washington and Jefferson inspired the French Revolution, which unhappily perverted the classical-liberal principles of the American Founders and created instead an ersatz religion purporting to be a cult of pure reason — le Culte de la Raison — which culminated in fanaticism, terror, and dictatorship. The French Revolution inspired the Russian Revolution, which created its own cult of pure ...

Out With a Bang, Not a Whimper (Part 1 of 2) | Joel Skousen
Post Date: 2019-01-27 11:34:22 by BTP Holdings
Are we headed into a debt-fueled catastrophic financial collapse, or will the markets be unnaturally sustained until a designed geopolitical conflict cripples our military, disrupts our society, and ushers in global government and a sweeping loss of liberty? Political scientist, expert on strategic site selection and defensive architecture, and author of multiple authoritative books on disaster preparedness, Joel Skousen, visits Reluctant Preppers for this first time to give the rationale that leads to his conclusion of which of these bleak futures is more likely. In part 2, Skousen goes further to describe essential elements to consider when seeking a safe location, and low cost / ...

Watch teens harass older gentleman at Kavanaugh hearings
Post Date: 2019-01-24 21:12:34 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:No outrage from the media on that one. Can you imagine if the kid from Covington had smacked the drum out of the hands of Chief Crying Wolf?

The High School Deplorables
Post Date: 2019-01-23 09:07:53 by Ada
MAGA hats, the March for Life, Covington Catholic—and the mob. Of the most culturally deplorable boxes one can check in progressive America in 2019, the boys of Covington Catholic High School have most of them: white, male, Christian, attendees at the annual March for Life in Washington, and wearers of MAGA hats. What’s not to dislike? So when four minutes of video footage emerged online this weekend showing the students appearing to harass a Native American Vietnam veteran named Nathan Phillips, America’s media and cultural elite leapt to judgment. A short video clip of student Nick Sandmann supposedly “smirking” as Mr. Phillips banged his drum in the ...

Domestic violence austraila responds to the gillitte ad
Post Date: 2019-01-23 05:37:49 by titorite
In the wake of gillittes man shamein new ad campaign domestic violence Australia has responded. And wow its a dozy. youtu.be/-X94TPrzWsI

Woman Didn’t Know Progress On Toxic Masculinity Would Turn Boyfriend Into Such A Weepy Little Pansy
Post Date: 2019-01-22 15:56:08 by Luke The Spook
Woman Didn’t Know Progress On Toxic Masculinity Would Turn Boyfriend Into Such A Weepy Little Pansy APPLETON, WI—Expressing disbelief at her romantic partner’s dramatic behavioral shift, local woman Emily Kittleson, 30, told reporters Friday that she had not expected her boyfriend’s attempts to recognize and curtail toxic masculinity would eventually turn him into a “weepy little pansy.” “Christ, I know the dope is trying to be conscious of the effects of his words and actions and to be more open and honest with his emotions, but there’s got to be a limit,” said Kittleson of her boyfriend Shane Magnusen, 31, whose efforts to reject toxic ...

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