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United States Justice System To Close All Brick-And-Mortar Locations, Operate Exclusively On Twitter
Post Date: 2019-01-22 15:46:29 by Luke The Spook
United States Justice System To Close All Brick-And-Mortar Locations, Operate Exclusively On Twitter WASHINGTON D.C.—In a long-awaited move toward modernity, the United States Justice System is shutting down all brick-and-mortar courthouses and moving exclusively to Twitter. “This is where the country has been headed for years,” said Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter. “Twitter is where real justice happens, and it doesn’t take weeks, months, even years. It can get the job done in minutes.” His comments were met with enthusiastic applause. Dorsey said that administrative members of the court system had been in contact with him after seeing the expediency of justice ...

Are You Suffering From Toxic Masculinity? Know The Warning Signs
Post Date: 2019-01-22 15:40:46 by Luke The Spook
Are You Suffering From Toxic Masculinity? Know The Warning Signs More than 40% of men today suffer from it---and their loved ones pay the price. It's called "toxic masculinity," and it's the latest disease to plague the nation. It can affect every aspect of a toxic man's life. Worst of all, toxic masculinity is contagious, so if you're infected, you need to know right away so you can avoid spreading it to your friends and family. Are you or a loved one suffering from toxic masculinity? Know the warning signs so you can seek help: Even the faintest whisper of facial hair - If you have a mustache, schedule a check-up. If you find a goatee on your face, consider ...

Academia strikes back to protect its fraudulent disciplines
Post Date: 2019-01-10 20:47:57 by Ada
Peter Boghossian, a philosophy professor at Portland State University, is being threatened with official sanction or firing for the valuable and novel experiment he and two others began in 2017. In what has come to be known as the " grievance studies hoax," Boghossian submitted a number of obvious, ridiculous fake papers to academic journals that focus on gender, race, and sexuality. When seven of their 20 papers were peer reviewed and accepted for publication (four were actually published before the hoax was exposed by the Wall Street Journal), he had proven how corrupt and worthless some academic subjects and journals really are. The human subjects of Boghossian's real ...

Farewell to the Poisoned Dwarf and Four Pizzas
Post Date: 2019-01-03 20:40:58 by Dakmar
The demise of The Weekly Standard was a pleasure, not because I like to see print magazines go down the drain—to the contrary—but because of its parentage, William Kristol and John Podhoretz. These two unpleasant neocons are known as the “Poisoned Dwarf” and “Four Pizzas,” respectively, and rarely have I seen two bigger con men get away with more stuff than this pair. They are smarmy, loquacious, and incompetent except for self-promotion, and were the movers and cheerleaders for the worst foreign-policy decision Uncle Sam has made, with the possible exception of Vietnam. They, of course, have never apologized but insist to this day that going to war to ensure ...

Trump will reverse troop withdrawal from Syria: Analyst
Post Date: 2018-12-21 07:16:01 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... US President Donald Trump might retreat on his decision to pull American troops out of Syria, an American analyst says. Trump said on Thursday that US troops cannot stat in Syria "forever" and he would pull them out of the Middle Eastern country. PressTV-'Do we want to be in Syria forever?' Trump asks US President Donald Trump defends his decision to pull American troops out from Syria. James Petras, a political analyst in New York, told Press TV in an interview on Thursday that there is possibility that the troop withdrawal is not sustainable. He said taking into consideration Trump's history of going back on his moves when he meets opposition from the ...

The Lincoln Option
Post Date: 2018-12-02 21:38:03 by X-15
After two years in office, Donald Trump finds his presidency at a crossroads. His mode of operation as president has been a continuation of his style as candidate. He says a lot of flippant things about the establishment, many of which are true, but the response is mockery or possibly some pearl clutching. Otherwise, from a policy perspective, the Trump era looks like the Jeb Bush era. The donor class got tax cuts and regulatory reform, while the voters have thus far gotten nothing, other than more of the same. He can continue down the same path he has been on, reacting to the machinations of his enemies, like a hyper-active version of Richard Nixon, but that promises he will be a one-term ...

The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now: “Useless eaters” must be eliminated, say globalists
Post Date: 2018-11-19 12:31:07 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Far beyond the distractions of political bickering and cultural trends, the big, big picture that’s unfolding across our world right now is a plan to exterminate 90% of the current human population in order to “save” the planet and protect what globalists see as the future of human survival on a cosmic scale. This plan is under way now due to two very important developments: #1) The rise of robotic systems that can replace human labor, eliminating the need for a world of impoverished human workers whose only reason for existence — from the point of view of the globalists — was to be exploited for cheap labor and manipulated votes. If you aren’t yet aware ...

America’s “UnAmerican Government”
Post Date: 2018-11-11 16:35:58 by Ada
“The 1940 Nationality Act Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, “shall lose his [U.S.] nationality by…voting in a political election in a foreign state.” This law was tested many times. In 1958, for instance, an American citizen named Perez voted in a Mexican election. The case went to the Supreme Court, where the majority opinion held that Perez must lose his American nationality. The court said Congress could provide for expatriation as a reasonable way of preventing embarrassment to the United States in its foreign relations. If Americans were ever polled on it—and they never are—the ...

Should the Women Who Made Knowingly False Statements
Post Date: 2018-11-06 19:53:35 by Ada
In the Kavanaugh Hearing Be Criminally Prosecuted? Grassley is demanding charges in reality which are serious and carry 5 years in prison per count for making false allegations which not just diverted resources causing millions of dollars of expenditures, but they led to an international embarrassment of the nation. Yet this has exposed the raw hatred that also exists in some aspects of the gender war than a portion of people seem to be involved in. Mix in politics, and we end up with a real mess and this entire incident, it NOT prosecuted, will become the new standard and nobody will ever seek any post if there we have lost all sense of civility. There were just far too many people who ...

Social Media, Free Speech, And Censorship pre & Post Pittsburgh.
Post Date: 2018-11-06 17:21:38 by X-15
Facebook, Twitter and many other social media platforms cost nothing to use, so how do these corporations turn a profit? Its no secret that they automatically data-mine and analyze all the information posted by their users, then package and sell this information to other corporations to help target their advertising. But the same automated processes that are exploited by advertisers are also used by these platforms to tilt the ideological playing field in favor of their own leftist so-called social justice agenda. As an example, I have been suspended from Facebook for six out of the past twelve months for posting memes that others report posting with no consequences, indicating that more ...

The United States of Empire
Post Date: 2018-10-23 00:23:15 by X-15
We’re getting close to the end now. Can you feel it? I do. It’s in the news, on the streets, and in your face every day. You can’t tune it out anymore, even if you wanted to. Where once there was civil debate in the court of public opinion, we now have censorship, monopoly, screaming, insults, demonization, and, finally, the use of force to silence the opposition. There is no turning back now. The political extremes are going to war, and you will be dragged into it even if you consider yourself apolitical. There are great pivot points in history, and we’ve arrived at one. The United States, ruptured by a thousand grievance groups, torn by shadowy agencies drunk on a ...

If Even One of the 7000 Cross Our Border – Trump Must be Removed from Office – Enough!
Post Date: 2018-10-22 23:57:21 by hondo68
American Nationals have had to endure the circus barking from Trump now for years, but we still are being inundated with illegal aliens, draining our natural resources, our jobs, resources that should be used for our own people, not some 300 pound pregnant WET BACK who never had any intention of respecting American ideals, heritage or for that matter, anything we have built to make our country great. It seems that Trump is a joke, always has been, always will be. This ass hat is a billionaire; he doesn’t give a damn about us, only himself. The office of the President is now an illegal alien clearing house, millions have entered our country over the years, so much so that we have ...

The Liar Christine Ford
Post Date: 2018-10-09 13:11:06 by X-15
The forces of darkness and hate have receded just a bit from their full-throated screaming fits surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation. Their bullying tactics of doxing of Senators and threats of constant harassment of individuals did not yield the outcome they sought. These are the acts of communists determined to destroy the political machinery of the republic. It is a mistake to believe that the protesters were in the halls of Congress out of some sense of injustice. Communists do not function that way. Communists are proactive, they design (and in many cases, including this one, PAY for) the protest before they have a cause, because it is not an action that communists protest, it is ...

Fascism And Bolshevism
Post Date: 2018-10-03 21:10:51 by X-15
Everyone reading this has been indoctrinated in the cult of anti-fascism, where Hitler is a mysterious super-villain, with magical powers. The Nazis are a hyper-efficient military machine designed to kill all that is good in the world. It borders on the ridiculous, but it has been effective in establishing fascism as the worst evil imaginable. There’s not much worse than being called a Nazi, other than having been an actual Nazi. Outside of prison, Nazis are considered the worst thing possible, even worse than child molesters. On the other hand, Bolshevism has never been given the same treatment, despite the body count. The Nazis killed a lot of people, but the Bolsheviks were every ...

If US takes offensive action against Iran, it might ignite WWIII: Scholar
Post Date: 2018-09-29 01:46:31 by Tatarewicz
Presstv... If the United States takes an offensive action against Iran, it might well ignite World War III, because Russia and China cannot stand by and see the Islamic Republic attacked by the West, according to James Fetzer, a US academic and analyst. Fetzer, a retired professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV while commenting on retired US General Wesley Clark's old prediction of an American invasion of Iran. “When Wesley Clark warns that the United States is on the path to war with Iran, it must be taken seriously. It was he who upon his return from the supreme commander of Allied Forces in Europe, to the Pentagon ...

Sypers posters on Zionist menace
Post Date: 2018-09-24 06:51:31 by Tatarewicz
Pacificnorthwest The White Helmets need to be hunted down and killed one by one beginning with the MI6 British agent who founded them. I am filled with deep sorrow for my country…. occupied and ruled by an alien ideology and system. America is a Zionist Occupied state. Until the American people rise up and throw these AIPAC and allied bums out of town we will remain so. I wonder if the US helicopter pilots who ferried these terrorrist killers ftom a certain death, felt sick to their stomach as they followed these evil orders? durlin585 www.counterpunch.org/2016...onized-the-united-states/ I have posted this before PN, but I felt like it needed to be posted again. I feel no sorrow, ...

Are Social Media Companies Banning Because Of What Happens In "Real World"? (Face to Face, not online)
Post Date: 2018-09-20 20:31:01 by hondo68
The fourth nail in the social media coffin of Alex Jones came when Twitter forever banned the Infowars founder and host. But it is why Twitter suspended Jones that we should pay attention to, because it affects every one of us. Are social media companies banning users because of what they do in "real world" situations and not because of abuse of their platforms? Lets give it a Reality Check. Poster Comment:So if you say something to someone at the grocery store, you can be be banned from Twitter for not being politically correct? I'm boycotting Trump tweets! Jack Patrick Dorsey is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of ...

The Black Death
Post Date: 2018-09-15 21:47:02 by X-15
Way back when I still had a cable sub and still watched television, I was watching an episode of Red Eye, the late night Fox News show, and the topic was crime. One of the guests was a black libertarian, who said something along the lines of, “In order to have a sensible discussion about crime, the first thing we have to do is put aside the issue of race.” All of the nice white people on the panel fell all over themselves agreeing with the black, of course, mostly because they were grateful that he let them off the hook. My recollection of my own reaction was to wonder why they would bother talking about crime at all, if they are not going to consider the primary element. After ...

Putin’s Three Front War – Donbass, Syria and against Russian Atlanticists
Post Date: 2018-09-11 00:42:27 by Tatarewicz
2,961 Fort Russ... [Editor’s note: As of 12 hours ago, the Russian Air Force began its aerial campaign upon terrorist strongholds in Idlib, following a tremendously successful diplomatic and media campaign to gain support from necessary allies as well as endemically vacillating states like Turkey. In this must read article, Bentley explains among other things, that we are at this very moment facing the possibility of an all out war on three simultaneous fronts. The final liberation of Idlib can see a concerted effort on the part of the US deep state to push again on the Donbass. FRN has closely reported on the rebuilding of the Ukrainian Army, which was obliterated previously at ...

Britain Should Be in the Dock Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia
Post Date: 2018-09-07 19:47:55 by Ada
The latest announcement by British authorities of two named Russian suspects in connection with the alleged poison assassination of a former Russian spy and his daughter is more absurd drama in a long-running tawdry saga. No verifiable evidence is ever presented, just more lurid innuendo and more refusal by the British authorities to abide by any due process and international norms of diplomacy. It is all scurrilous sound and fury aimed at smearing Russia. This week, Britain’s Metropolitan Police released video shots of two alleged Russian men purporting to show them arriving at London’s Gatwick airport on March 2. Other video shots purport to show the same men walking the ...

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
Post Date: 2018-09-05 17:58:34 by Ada
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations. The Times today is taking the rare step of publishing an anonymous Op-Ed essay. We have done so at the request of the author, a senior official in the Trump administration whose identity is known to us and whose job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. We believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only way to deliver an important perspective to our readers. We invite you to submit a question about the essay or our vetting process here. President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader. It’s not just ...

The Kavanaugh Hearings
Post Date: 2018-09-04 15:04:20 by X-15
The long, end of summer holiday weekend is over and that means the circus has returned to the Imperial Capital. Congress is back in town after a month back home lying to the public. They kick off this week with the much anticipated confirmation hearings on justice Brett Kavanaugh. Given that the Democrats have had all summer to prepare, everyone thinks they will be in peak form. These confirmation hearings are like catnip to the freaks and weirdos that now constitute the Democrat Party. It promises to be a riot. Of course, in a constitutional republic, which is allegedly our system of government, this sort of spectacle would never happen. After all, the legislature would debate and pass ...

Pulling Their Clearances Is Only the Start – It’s Time to Stamp out Elite Privilege
Post Date: 2018-08-21 17:24:01 by X-15
Help, I’m being oppressed! My freedom of speech was been utterly stripped from me because when I retired from the Army those fascist monsters took away my TOP SECRET security clearance. See, a security clearance is a special privilege I should be entitled to exploit for as long as I want to because… well, shut up peasant, that’s why. I learned this in my Con Law class, right after we studied the Constitution’s text enumerating the rights to abortion, wedding cake baking servitude, and to be called by the bizarre pronoun of your – I mean “xir” – choice. Oh wait, all of that – except the giving up my clearance part – is utter nonsense. But ...

The Last Gasp of a Dying Man
Post Date: 2018-08-18 12:27:58 by Ada
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.” – The Godfather: Part II The Godfather - The Co... Best Price: $19.11 Buy New $16.02 (as of 12:12 EDT - Details) The New York Times is out with an interesting pleading: A Free Press Needs You. Answering a call last week from The Boston Globe, The Times is joining hundreds of newspapers, from large metro-area dailies to small local weeklies, to remind readers of the value of America’s free press. I don’t know. I don’t think you ever have to remind someone of your value if you are actually providing value. So, why is this necessary, you wonder? Let me help: five letters, starts with a “T” and ends ...

How Turkey's Currency Crisis Came To Pass
Post Date: 2018-08-17 05:41:50 by Tatarewicz
Moon Of Alabama... President Erdogan of Turkey often asserts that 'foreign powers' (meaning the U.S.) want to bring him down. He says that the 'interest lobby' (meaning (Jewish) bankers), wants to damage Turkey. He is somewhat right on both points. Since last week the Turkish lira is on an extended down-slide. Today alone it lost nearly 20% of its value. It will likely take the Turkish economy with it and Erdogan need someone to blame for it. But while foreign powers and banks surely use the crisis for their own aims, it its Erdogan's economic policy that is foremost to blame. The long boom he created with borrowed foreign money is finally turning into a bust. Here ...

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