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Post Date: 2018-08-16 23:51:36 by X-15
There are certain words and phrases that have no fixed definition, so the use of them usually says more about the person using them, than the object they are being used to describe. Like “fascism” in modern times, the term “feudalism” was mostly a term of disparagement in the 18th and 19th century. According to scholars of the subject, the word “feudal” was first used in the 17th century, as in feudal order. It later came into more common usage in Marxist political propaganda in the 18th and 19th century. Just because feudalism was largely used as a meaningless epithet, it does not mean it did not exist. Scholars generally agree that feudalism was “a set ...

Big Tech Swings the Hate Hammer Again
Post Date: 2018-08-13 11:56:15 by Dakmar
“There’s a war on for your mind,” Alex Jones has insisted for years. If that’s true, several more shots were fired last week, many of them aimed squarely at Jones. Within hours of each other last Sunday, tech monsters Apple, YouTube, Spotify, and Facebook banned nearly all content from Jones’s media outlet Infowars. Pinterest and LinkedIn followed suit on Monday. Every last outfit justified their decision by claiming that Jones peddled false conspiracy theories and hate speech. It has been often said, but it apparently needs to be said so much more often and so much more loudly that ears start bleeding, that the endless calls to murder Donald Trump and to ...

Posters on SyriaPerspective
Post Date: 2018-07-31 05:10:13 by Tatarewicz
Muslim Dude In 2011 I was part of a website called Iraq-war.ru. My nick was ‘anti-zionazi’. One of the key posters there was called ‘Syrian’ who was – surprise, surprise – from Syria. He seemed to have certain inside sources and claimed the following all of which have proven to be true and this was 7 years ago. 1. Russia and China would be prepared to go to nuclear war over Syria. 2. Russia and China had made Syria a red line, this was caused by the fall of Libya and US duplicity over that country. 3. Russia, China, Iran and others felt Syria was also a struggle for their own survival and for humanity at large. 4. “Syrian” said Russia, China, Iran ...

Motherhood in the Age of Fea
Post Date: 2018-07-29 08:06:46 by Tatarewicz
Opinion NYT... Women are being harassed and even arrested for making perfectly rational parenting decisions. CHICAGO — I was on my way home from dropping my kids off at preschool when a police officer called to ask if I was aware there was an outstanding warrant for my arrest. “No, no,” I told him. “I didn’t know that.” I needed to call my husband, but my fingers were shaking. I don’t remember if I was crying when he answered, only that he was saying he couldn’t understand me, that I needed to calm down, to tell him what had happened. What happened began over a year before on a cool March day in 2011, at the end of a visit with my parents in ...

Koch Network Leaders Blast Trump White House As ‘Divisive’
Post Date: 2018-07-28 22:36:35 by Dakmar
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. ― Leaders of the Koch Network of conservative megadonors opened the group’s annual summer summit with harsh criticism of President Donald Trump, slamming his rhetoric as divisive and his push for a trade war as misguided. This year’s gathering of donors was the network’s largest ever, with more than 500 donors pledging more than $100,000 apiece toward the network’s efforts, which include everything from backing nonprofits and universities to lobbying for regulatory rollbacks to attacking Democratic senators. The network, which has spent millions over the past 15 years to shape the GOP in its image, has had an up-and-down relationship with ...

Still Don’t Believe in Russian Collusion? Let Me Give You a Few Facts, Friendo.
Post Date: 2018-07-27 15:43:45 by Ada
Click for Full Text!

America Is on Its Way to Becoming Stalin's Soviet Union
Post Date: 2018-07-25 09:13:25 by Ada
"This is like the bad old days when the Soviets would arrest and/or beat up anyone they suspected, fairly or not, of being a counter revolutionary" Nothing more sickening and offensive than the hypocrisy of a nation claiming to be the pinnacle of democracy and freedom while moving inexorably towards a state that embraces authoritarianism. And no, I do not mean that Donald Trump is the culprit. He is not. He is a weak man masquerading as a strong man while the BORG aka the Deep State pushes onward with its agenda to quash the spirit of liberty that once infused this great country. He is more a victim than an instigator. The latest outrage comes in the person of a 29 year old ...

America's near-term future - Syepers posters
Post Date: 2018-07-25 03:52:29 by Tatarewicz
Muslim Dude US POLITICAL CIVIL WAR UPDATE: 1. The socio-political civil war in the US is heating up. So far everything is fine in ordinary life for ordinary Americans and it’s just on the media and social media that people vent their anger at rival ideologies in terms of the ordinary populace. In terms of politicians there have been tensions including Democrat-run cities refusing to comply with certain federal (Trump) rules including regarding illegal immigrants. Relatively prominent US social media figure and journalist Liz Crokin tweets this: LIZ ThesePeopleRSick ‏ @LizCrokin 8h8 hours ago More LIZ ThesePeopleRSick Retweeted Stefan Molyneux This is war. There will be ...

What Happens After Crossing The Rubicon
Post Date: 2018-07-24 14:05:45 by X-15
No one sane on our side (and everyone isn't, sadly) wants armed open conflict, or is sanguine about it, least of all this author. Having been there first hand, the guy least enthusiastic about jingoistic saber-rattling is the guy riding the landing ship towards the beach. But ultimately, that's a bilateral deal, and the Left isn't even that sane. They don't just want it and fantasize about it frequently and publicly, they brag and gloat about unleashing it. Our side understands that sort of posturing as a precursor to it actually breaking out, because we, unlike they, understand human nature and the behavior of flawed human beings. And/or the aggression rituals of chimps ...

Either Trump Fires These People Or The Borg Will Have Won
Post Date: 2018-07-21 20:21:40 by hondo68
President's Trump successful summit with President Putin was used by the "resistance" and the deep state to launch a coup-attempt against Trump. Their minimum aim is to put Trump into a (virtual) political cage where he can no longer pursue his foreign policy agenda.One does not have to be a fan of Trump's policies and still see the potential danger. A situation where he can no longer act freely will likely be worse. What Trump has done so far still does not add up to the disastrous policies and crimes his predecessor committed.The borg, financed and sworn to the agenda of globalists and the military-industrial-media complex, has its orders and is acting on them. The ...

A Garden of Idiots
Post Date: 2018-07-21 13:01:51 by X-15
It is axiomatic that the political class of a society is a reflection of the culture. That culture is what grows out of the biology of the people, but there is an interplay between culture and biology. The ethnic differences between Swedes and Danes, or even Swedes and Prussians, are trivial, at least in the purely biological sense, but, the culture of Swedes, Danes and Prussians are different in important ways. For that matter, the culture that produced The Lion of the North was very different from that of modern Sweden. Another way of looking at this is that the type of men in leadership of a society are a reflection of the political culture. At the Founding, the political class of the ...

A food revolution is needed to ensure the Earth’s survival
Post Date: 2018-07-19 06:44:16 by Tatarewicz
Taipai Times... In 1984, I gathered the most successful musicians of the time to form a “supergroup” called Band Aid to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia. The next year, an even larger grouping was formed for Live Aid, a major benefit concert and music-based fundraising initiative that continues to this day. At last month’s International Forum on Food and Nutrition, held by the Barilla Foundation, the enduring — and increasingly urgent — need for efforts to strengthen food security could not be more obvious. The fate of the Easter Islanders illustrates the world’s problem. Some time in the 12th century, a group of Polynesians found their way to a ...

Enlightened Free-Loaders and the Pathological Altruists Who Love Them
Post Date: 2018-07-18 16:10:11 by X-15
“I am just a vigilant citizen In a house that no one is living in I am just a vigilant citizen In a bed that everyone’s pissing in”-Cruel Hand, “Vigilant Citizen” “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” -Aristotle What is it about European civilization, and the Anglo-Saxon tradition in particular, that makes it so unique in the history of the world? There is a stunning cathedral in the center of York, England, called the York Minster that offers the perfect metaphor. Originally a Roman fortress, in 627 AD a wooden church was hurriedly constructed to be able to baptize King Edwin of Northumbria. A more permanent, but still humble, ...

Trump Calls Off Cold War II
Post Date: 2018-07-17 14:05:38 by X-15
U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- Beginning his joint press conference with Vladimir Putin, President Trump declared that U.S. relations with Russia have “never been worse.” He then added pointedly, that just changed “about four hours ago.” It certainly did. With his remarks in Helsinki and at the NATO summit in Brussels, Trump has signaled a historic shift in U.S. foreign policy that may determine the future of this nation and the fate of his presidency. He has rejected the fundamental premises of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War and blamed our wretched relations with Russia, not on Vladimir Putin, but squarely on the U.S. establishment. In a tweet ...

Theresa May Might be Ousted Over Brexit Failure
Post Date: 2018-07-09 07:47:40 by Ada
The British government under the leadership of Theresa May has been a total disaster. She’s now facing a potential no confidence vote from within her own party due to her failure to deliver on Brexit. Express: Letters are being lodged with Graham Brady, Chairman of the influential 1922 Committee, ahead of a Tory Party showdown on Monday. The fallout comes amid mounting fury from disgruntled Conservative backbenchers following publication of Mrs May’s 12-point Brexit manifesto. Leave MPs are furious at what they see as Mrs May’s caving in to demands from the Remain wing of the party to steer Britain towards a soft Brexit. On Sunday, ITV’s Robert Peston tweeted: ...

The Gangster State
Post Date: 2018-07-08 13:15:25 by X-15
The defining feature of gang life is personal loyalty trumps all else. This is true for low level street gangs, as well as highly complex organized crime gangs. The rules are not written down or agreed to by consensus. They are imposed top-down by a group of men loyal to one man. The head of a drug cartel has lieutenants to enforce discipline on the the sub-groups down the line. The rules within those groups are similarly enforced by lieutenants loyal to the guy in charge of the group. This continues down to the street level gangsters. The effect of this is a chaotic lawlessness. The punishment for the exact same transgression may be wildly different in two different cases. It all depends ...

4th of July Zombies
Post Date: 2018-07-05 19:54:29 by Lod

Today's Toons
Post Date: 2018-07-03 18:45:10 by Lod

America Heads For A Showdown Over Freedom Of Association
Post Date: 2018-06-29 00:18:53 by X-15
First we had the Supreme Court take a skeptical view of one of the gay cake cases. In this case, the gay cake was for a gay marriage supporting event, which forced the baker to endorse a viewpoint even more than simply endorsing a gay marriage. That was too much for the legal eagles, so they declared it acceptable to refuse. Then the events at the Red Hen and apparently also across the street unfolded. In this case, a Leftist restaurant owner told a conservative spokeswoman that she could not eat at her restaurant. Despite a bit of moral posturing on both sides, it seems that America accepted this one, too. Now we have set the stage for a future where you do not have to serve or sell to ...

How The South Won The Civil War
Post Date: 2018-06-26 01:03:42 by X-15
Most people have trouble separating cause and effect because it requires diligence, analysis, and creativity to understand that a cause is separate from related events. For example, a proposed plan may have disadvantages, but the causal question is whether or not it achieves what it intends to achieve. In the same way, people have trouble understanding historical causes versus pretexts, touchstones, and political justifications for war. Many still think that the Civil War was about slavery, when in fact it centered on the issue of autonomy for the states. The North wanted to capture the Southern economies because, as producers of cotton, the South was charging high prices for the raw ...

Are you paying attention to the events in Leon Valley?
Post Date: 2018-06-24 06:32:14 by titorite
I dont know if any of you keep up with the 1st amendment Audit movement , but you should. It is how you resist tyranny with out resorting the second amendment. We use the first , Filming what public officals do in public places. It all started with one of our auditors being told that he was allowed into a public space at the police station to film. Filming inside and out of police stations in the unrestricted areas is something common we do. While our auditor was filming the Chief of Leon Valley , Joseph Salvaggio, came out asked him what he was doing then attacked him and confiscated his phone. This prompted more attention from us. More people were attacked, more stuff was confiscated, ...

I give my congresscritter a piece of my mind
Post Date: 2018-06-20 00:19:56 by X-15
John Ratcliffe, I see that nobody is going to be arrested in the matter of the Obama administration attempting to overthrow President Trump's victory in 2016. 1. Hillary Clinton broke uncountable federal laws from using her unsecured e-mail server and handling of classified information. It's plainly apparent at this point that We, The People, will never know how many nations (Israel, China, et al) hacked into that server and downloaded tens of thousands of e-mails and sensitive documents. 2. Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett actively conspired to use a host of FedGov employee's to spy on candidate/president-elect Donald Trump. 3. Cheryl Mills, Loretta Lynch, and a host of ...

Certain people should not vote, says the Supreme Court
Post Date: 2018-06-16 20:22:41 by Dakmar
Larry Harmon is a software engineer and a Navy veteran who lives in Ohio. Harmon voted in the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections but he choose not to vote in 2012 because he says he was unimpressed with the candidates. In 2015 a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana was on the state ballot. Harmon discovered that his name had been struck from the Ohio state voting rolls, thus forbidding his vote on this issue. In 2011 the state of Ohio sent a mailed note to him, asking him to confirm his eligibility to vote. Harmon did not respond to this notice. In 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Court in Cincinnati ruled in Harmon’s favor, stating that Ohio had violated the ...

The Wages of Sin
Post Date: 2018-06-14 10:49:16 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
The Wages of Sin (YouTube Video) Insightful and telling: E. Michael Jones on why the elite are promoting the gay “lifestyle” Published on Jun 12, 2018 An E. Michael Jones compilation on America the Gay Disco. E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine. www.culturewars.com Poster Comment:[American soldiers are fighting around the world to promote the Gay Disco. Jews are behind it all.]. bet this one won't last long on jootube.

Trump's accomplishments make Obama look even worse
Post Date: 2018-06-12 16:31:35 by X-15
In the 2012 presidential election, I recall a close friend who is a successful businessman in his own right, telling me the reason we had to support Mitt Romney was because he was a successful businessman. My friend insisted that we needed a businessman as president if we were to see the economy turn around. I agreed with my friend’s assessment, but I disagreed with his belief that Romney was that businessman. The difference between Obama and Romney can be reduced to Obama’s alleged immoral behavior in the seamy underbelly of Chicago’s bathhouses. President Trump, however, is a different story. As I’ve said before, President Trump is a blue-collar billionaire who ...

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