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Robert E. Lee, Southern Heritage, Media Bias, and Al Sharpton
Post Date: 2017-08-23 01:37:11 by X-15
As you can probably surmise by my detailed caption, this article is a collection of random thoughts. It is typical at the beginning of a new year for people to reflect soberly on the state of events, and make optimistic resolutions and predictions for the future. Although I will try to maintain a hopeful outlook, I’m afraid I am unable to make any starry-eyed predictions. My random thoughts are heavily influenced by the anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s birthday, which falls on January 19th. The anniversary of the birthday of this remarkable man should be a very special day, not only for Southerners, but for all Americans who acknowledge true heroes. Unlike today’s ...

Pastor James David Manning's Warning Of God's Plan For Gay People's Buttholes
Post Date: 2017-08-20 16:47:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HT to FormerLurker. Sorry, I couldn't resist. This is just too precious ..

US coalition sharing guilt of Spain attacks: Pundit
Post Date: 2017-08-19 04:11:55 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Terrorist attacks in Spain have left at least 14 people dead and over 100 others injured. Press TV has interviewed Jim W. Dean, managing editor of the Veterans Today from Atlanta, and Michael Lane, founder of American Institute for Foreign Policy from Washington, to ask for their thoughts on the terrorist attacks. Dean said US wars, spread of Saudi Wahhabism and the use of Internet to attract people into terrorist cells have played a key role in radicalizing people all over the world. “It is a very difficult problem and there are many people that are sharing the guilt including those in the US coalition that say they are fighting terrorism, that look the other way when ...

In Defense of Our Blood
Post Date: 2017-08-05 19:43:44 by X-15
Shortly after we formed The League in 1994, I was a guest on the Alan Colmes radio show on WABC in New York. Colmes, who at that time was the liberal half of the TV show "Hannity and Colmes," asked me if we Southerners would physically defend ourselves if we were denied our rights, including the right to self-government and self-protection. He was startled when I answer unequivocally "Yes!" "You mean," he asked, "you Southerners would take up arms against the US government if they threatened your rights?" He simply could not believe that someone in modern America could contemplate actually defending themselves and their rights by force! You see, ...

Op-Ed: Trump's complaint that China not helping with DPRK issue is unjustified
Post Date: 2017-08-02 07:30:04 by Tatarewicz
People's Daily... After DPRK’s recent intercontinental ballistic missile test, U.S. President Donald Trump took to social media to complain that China is doing nothing to help although China can “easily solve this problem.” Trump believes the “greatest immediate threat” to the U.S. is North Korea and that China can “easily solve this problem,” but the real question might be why North Korea feels the need to arm itself to the teeth. In a commentary by the state-run North Korean government newspaper Minju Choson, North Korea accused the U.S. of developing an “insect-size micro robot weapon” to be used for a “beheading operation” ...

Post Date: 2017-08-01 03:29:36 by Tatarewicz
Veterans Today... Being a jihadi is no longer as much fun as it used to be [ Editor’s Note: I expected these “defeat” articles to pop up quickly with the publication of the Pentagon stating it would no longer support opposition groups that were not fighting ISIS. In The Century Foundation (CF) July 21 report excerpted below, Shahtahmasebi spotlights not the immorality of the analysis by the CF, but its amorality, a characteristic shared by many in the US coalition. They just don’t have any morals, so that is never an issue for them. The focus is on the Overthrow-Assad plan not having been handled right, as not enough effort was put into it early enough. And the CF ...

16 Facts That Prove That America Is In Deep, Deep Trouble
Post Date: 2017-07-28 09:28:45 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Is this the generation that is going to witness the end of America? If our country stays on the path that it is currently on, it is very difficult to see how we are possibly going to make it. Throughout human history every great society has eventually entered a period of decline, and sadly that is happening to us as well. My hope is that we can wake the American people up while there is still time, and that we can return to the values and the principles that this nation was originally founded upon. Below are 16 facts that prove that America is in deep, deep trouble. Many of these numbers come from my new book, and many of them seem almost too crazy to believe… #1 When Ronald ...

American Hammer and Sickle
Post Date: 2017-07-28 01:19:03 by X-15
Incremental collectivism is difficult to spot; it is sloth-like in its deliberation, but it does move and sometimes it helps to look back down the road to see how far it has come. Maybe that's also the only way to see where it's going. Americans continue to think they live in a republic, but the republic is alive only when the Constitution is being faithfully read and adhered to, not when it is largely disregarded or interpreted into nothingness, especially where case law is considered "settled." What clause allows for an establishment of a Department of Education? Well, the "necessary and proper" clause, of course. Except that the necessary and proper clause ...

Russia’s Evolving Grand Eurasia Strategy: Will It Work?
Post Date: 2017-07-24 04:27:01 by Tatarewicz
RI...Carnegie Moscow Center... To eventually achieve a Greater Eurasia, Russia’s strategy needs to be realistic in the near term Editor's Note: Like many Russia watchers, we have a soft spot for Dmitri Trenin. While we disagree with many of his observations and conclusions below, his non-ideological approach to Russia is certainly refreshing—and at times highly illuminating. With a shift in strategy, 2014 was a pivotal year for Russia’s foreign policy. It was then that Moscow began moving away from its traditional focus on Europe and the Atlantic, with secondary attention to the former Soviet borderlands. The Ukraine crisis served as the coup de grâce for the two ...

The Grand American Collapse Approacheth
Post Date: 2017-07-22 08:48:37 by Tatarewicz
RI... "To me, ... it’s looking more and more like the Salem Witch Frenzy meets the French Revolution with a spin of quantum confusion on top." The author is a prominent American social critic, blogger, and podcaster. He is known for, among other things, a series of science fiction novels describing life after the collapse of modern society, an event which he believes is quite possible, as you can tell from this article. He has a new novel out about the counter-culture movement in the late '60s. If you like this author's work, please consider supporting him on Patreon. Thanks to the author for pointing out this important point - 18% of the US economy is complete BS, ...

Op-Ed: The malfunctioning of the US system is making China “great again
Post Date: 2017-07-18 08:27:46 by Tatarewicz
People's Daily... You do not need to be a political scientist to know that Washington is a total mess. The power fight that began before the general election lingers on, and with no clear end in sight. Not only has the country been thrust into political chaos, but the nation is more divided than ever. As a result, the new government cannot get anything meaningful done. In addition, US foreign policy is in total disarray, and world regard for the US has plummeted. Indeed, America is making China “great again.” But it is not just the fault of the Trump Administration; the US system is malfunctioning. Trust and confidence in US leadership and governance has been damaged by its ...

The Subterfuge of Socialism
Post Date: 2017-07-17 12:51:19 by X-15
If you feel like you are being attacked every time you walk out the door, you are. The part of freedom that no one born after the 1970's can possibly understand is how much our fellow citizens, at the behest of their collectivist puppet masters, have entered our lives and decided what we were able to say, think and do. This is a direct attack, not on your house, or your car, but on you specifically as a human being. People like to think about the government as an amoeba, but it is populated by your neighbors, the ones who go to meetings and the PTA. They are the sort of people who lust after a spot on the Home Owners Association board. As I have said elsewhere, the people in power are ...

Republican, Democratic elite seeking to break Russia up: Analyst
Post Date: 2017-07-17 06:30:02 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... US President Donald Trump is faced with a “widespread opposition” organized by Republican and Democratic “elites” who are upset with his attempts to forge closer ties with Russia, says an American analyst. Don DeBar, a New York-based political commentator and radio host, told Press TV on Sunday that anti-Trump rallies and other acts of protests against the new president were in fact an angry reaction that Democrats and liberals would have had to the election of any Republican into the White House. On Saturday, anti-Trump rallies were held in at least 20 US cities, including Atlanta, New York City, New Jersey, Chicago, Phoenix, Washington, Boston, Portland ...

1st amendment Audits
Post Date: 2017-07-10 20:29:01 by titorite
So do any of yall watch 1st amendment audits? If not their is a link up above,...Their are dozens upon dozens of people doing this now. Its a great push back against tyrannical government. It is people Utilizing the first before they have to resort to the second.... Now the above is from High Desert Community watch based out of California but the Majority of 1st amendment auditors are based out of Texas. California comes in second then everyone else across the union comes in third. But their is at least one 1st amendment auditor for every state , even states like Jersey and lousyanna. They risk their freedom and lives to film what public officials do in their public capacity in public ...

Happy Independence Day
Post Date: 2017-07-04 19:33:57 by X-15
Enjoy the fireworks, to whatever extent your local government allows. Raise a glass to the spirit of freedom, as long as you don’t get on the wrong side of the law for public intoxication. Celebrate the freest country in the world, while being careful not to say anything that might attract the attention of the NSA, FBI, IRS, CIA, or other surveillance agency whose existence is currently being kept secret. Create some joyful booms and bangs of your own, subject of course to those 20,000+ federal, state, and local laws (which surely you’ve memorized), and the completely scrupulously fair and understandable regulations of the ATF. Drive home safely from your celebrations. And ...

The Error of Civility
Post Date: 2017-07-02 20:33:51 by X-15
Susan Collins, Senator from Maine just tweeted that the three branches of government and the media need to be civil. Well, that's the problem, even senators consider, in some way, the media to be a part of the government. That is evident in more ways than one, it is why Republicans often betray their own base, their own constituents in order to pander to the press, to appear to be good, cooperative people at a time when the media is trying to inspire assassinations of opposing politicians. Civility is something arrived at through mutual respect and a sense of decency, something of which the collectivists are incapable. Their whole program requires the destruction of traditional ...

Trump: The Way Forward
Post Date: 2017-06-29 11:29:16 by X-15
With the recent developments in the current plot to depose Trump, the president must now take a different tack to see the end of his term. The incestuous relationship between Robert Mueller and James Comey precludes the possibility of the former having any untainted findings or decisions. The legacy media has now morphed itself into some demented Fifth Column super-PAC that produces assassination porn and is in no small part responsible for the recent attempt on GOP Congressmen. I find it difficult to believe that they would be any sort of bulwark against purely political findings by Mueller. The tattered remains of the political norm inside the Beltway were shredded when Comey admitted to ...

The Real Purpose Behind The Russian/Trump Conspiracy Propaganda
Post Date: 2017-06-27 17:27:20 by X-15
Just after the US presidential election in 2016 I published an article titled 'Order Out Of Chaos: Defeat Of The Left Comes With A Cost', covering a rather difficult subject matter, namely the concept of “4th Generation Warfare” and how it is used by establishment elitists to defeat popular resistance to their agenda of centralization and globalization. 4th Gen tactics are confusing to many because most people think in terms of single movements and direct correlations; they think that a punch thrown is a punch intended to strike, rather than intended as a feint or misdirection. I'll put it another way – some people play chess and they only see the attack in front ...

Eugenics and Abortion
Post Date: 2017-06-27 07:32:26 by sneakypete
I see and have seen passionate as well as sometimes intelligent discussions about these issues for years,but NEVER see any pros to oppose the cons. So I am going to state some in order to start a discussion where the OTHER side of the arguments is also stated. We all know the anti-eugenics and anti-abortion points,and they ALL seem to be based entirely on emotions and religious beliefs. I am NOT claiming those are bad reasons,just trying to state what *I* think are the basic facts. The Eugenics people base their intellectual (mostly unspoken) argument on some pretty solid facts,namely that there is a finite amount of resources available on the planet,and the sick,the lame,the stupid,and ...

Democracy at risk in U.S., Great Britain
Post Date: 2017-06-26 23:50:15 by Tatarewicz
UPI... Make no mistake: Two explosive charges were set off in Washington and Great Britain last week that have created the beginnings of what could become political avalanches of gargantuan proportion. The riveting testimony of former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was an accelerant to the smoldering investigations of the Trump administration over Russian interference and potential collusion in the 2016 presidential elections. These investigations could, and the operative word is could, become 21st century successors to the Watergate scandal that forced President Richard Nixon to resign his office in 1974 especially if these turn out to be ...

Are we headed for a mini-world war in Syria?
Post Date: 2017-06-26 04:01:31 by Tatarewicz
The prospect of fighting all our enemies at one time, in the same place, is not the stuff of fiction, it is lining up before our very eyes. China, Russia, Iran, and Syria all have military forces on the very same battlefield that America and some of our NATO partners are engaged in combat. It is in Syria, that China, Russia and Iran all want a shot at taking on America, for various reasons. Any circumstance could be the trigger that sets off a much larger war. The chances of making an error that leads to that mini-world war can be anything from one NATO fighter being downed by a Chinese made anti-aircraft missile, fired from an Iranian air defense launcher, to a Russian fighter shot down ...

Thank You for Your Service (Actually means, thank you for your killing)
Post Date: 2017-06-24 04:02:51 by Tatarewicz
PatriotRising One of the most interesting bromides to enter the American political lexicon after the 9/11 attacks has been the line that Americans have been taught to say to American soldiers: “Thank you for your service.” Yet, hardly anyone ever makes a critical examination of what exactly the “service” for which they are expressing gratitude actually consists. It’s just automatically assumed that the service consists of “defending our country” or “protecting our rights and freedom.” My hunch is that when the bromide is expressed, most people have in mind Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s because oftentimes the bromide is accompanied by a ...

The SCO Just Became the World's Largest Political Organization
Post Date: 2017-06-23 05:08:33 by Tatarewicz
RI... A tectonic geopolitical shift happened in Astana, Kazakhstan, only a few days ago, and yet barely a ripple registered in Atlanticist circles At the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), founded in 2001, both India and Pakistan were admitted as full members, alongside Russia, China and four Central Asian “stans” (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan). So now the SCO not only qualifies as the largest political organization – by area and population – in the world; it also unites four nuclear powers. The G-7 is irrelevant, as the latest summit in Taormina made it clear. The real action now, apart from the G-20, also lays in this ...

Why They Are After Trump…Revisited
Post Date: 2017-06-20 10:26:58 by Ada
For several months, I have felt that the Trump=Russia witch hunt was a diversion. Sure, they want Trump out, but not for the stated reason – not for Russia. They want Trump out because what he represents is a voice for people who are tired of seeing every libertine, immoral, property rights and wealth destroying progressive platform agenda shoved down their throats. Trump ran against almost every plank of this life-destroying force. I wrote on this topic in March; from the conclusion: Russia is a diversion; it is useful as a means to an end. It isn’t the end. The end is the salvation of the many pillars of the progressive agenda; the end is the final destruction of western, ...

How Politics Works
Post Date: 2017-06-20 04:42:11 by sneakypete

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