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Is Trump Is The Pied Piper ?
Post Date: 2017-03-13 22:34:23 by Tatarewicz
Is Trump Is The Pied Piper PMF... Permit me to set the scene. This has all been set up by the Deep State, over a period of many years, in fact. To begin with, Donald Trump is not an outsider, he's an insider, and has been for a long time. He's a New York City multi-billionaire with numerous business and personal contacts in industry, high finance and government at all levels. That has been true for decades, even before he ran for political office. The Trump brand was conspicuously pre-positioned before the public's eyes for decades. It's called product placement and in this case the product being sold is Trump. It's a familiar advertising technique. Very few people ...

Anyone remember Ruby Ridge and Randy Weaver? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2017-03-08 16:07:36 by sneakypete
This is a pretty balanced 1 hour PBS documentary about the events that led up to the cluster-bleep at Ruby Ridge Idaho,what happened once some Fed panicked and shot teenage Sammy Weaver's dog that was barking at him,and the final result. Pretty well balanced and has interviews with all of the main players except for Lon Horiuchi ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Horiuchi[/url]), a piece of semi-human garbage that I sincerely hope someone tracked down and gave him what he so richly deserved. Since he is not mentioned,I am assuming that he is unfortunately still alive and still in hiding. AFAIK,the feral government has never identified the US Marshall that shot 14 year old Sammy ...

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance
Post Date: 2017-03-06 13:30:33 by X-15
President Trump recently tweeted claiming that former President Obama wiretapped him during his campaign. One can only imagine how nuts the media would have gone if the roles had been reversed: President Trump wiretapping either Obama or the Clintons, though his DOJ could have authority to do just that given the expansive leaks of intelligence information by Obama and Clinton supporters the last few months. Heck, he could wiretap the media at this point, legally and legitimately, as the sources of these unlawful leaks, for which Obama himself set precedent. Do liberals understand what Pandora’s Box Obama opened up by Obama using the powers of the NSA, CIA and FBI to spy on his ...

What’s So Bad About Globalism?
Post Date: 2017-02-28 09:24:07 by Dakmar
As far as I can tell, globalism is a scheme concocted by the rich to destroy the working and middle classes through worldwide financial imperialism. I have a strong hunch that globalism is also a plot hatched to obliterate indigenous cultures and real human differences under the deceptive ruses of “multiculturalism” and “diversity.” This is why I’m confused whenever I hear someone say they hate “the rich,” oppose “imperialism,” and support “the working class” while being an unquestioning cheerleader for open borders and global government. Like Marxism’s pipe dreams about an eventual and irreversible dictatorship of the ...

Automatic Justice
Post Date: 2017-02-27 06:34:58 by Ada
When it comes to letting defendants out on bail, computers make far better decisions than judges, a new study shows. One important decision a judge must make is whether to let a defendant out on bail until the trial. Flight risk is one major concern; most states also instruct judges to consider the threat to public safety. But what if we used computers make that decision instead of judges? We’d see dramatically better results, at least according to a new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. In fact, we could reduce the crimes these people commit by a quarter while jailing the same number of people. Alternatively, according to the study, we could reduce ...

God help us if Chelsea Clinton runs for office
Post Date: 2017-02-26 17:15:54 by X-15
Chelsea’s also promoting her new, co-authored book “Governing Global Health,” with a soft-focus Q&A in the Sunday New York Times and an eight-city tour in April. It’s a more high-profile push than the one for her last, a 2015 YA book called “It’s Your World,” which focused on low-key school visits — exercising, perhaps, an abundance of caution during her mother’s presidential campaign. This was, for decades, the Clinton strategy: Say as little as possible, avoid unforced errors. While stumping for her mother in 2008, Chelsea took it to new levels, refusing to answer this question: “Do you think your dad would be a good ‘first ...

Post Date: 2017-02-21 18:39:39 by sneakypete
WOLF! Wolf! It just occurred to me the left and their neo-con buddies plans to demonize Trump just might end up being the biggest backfire in history. I base this on the old fable about the boy who cried "wolf!" so many times where there were no wolves around that nobody believed him when the actual wolves showed up and started dining on people. At the rate the Globalist Fascists of both the Dim and the alleged Republican Parties are going,by next week they will have accused Trump of so many false things that he will then be free to do any damn thing he wants to do politically because nobody will believe all the little boys in the media,congress,and the Senate screaming WOLF! ...

Reality Check
Post Date: 2017-02-20 21:31:08 by sneakypete
We all have difficulties. Some are related to age,some to health,some are financial,and some to injuries. We all complain about these things,but most of us just learn to live with them and we even develop a sense of humor about them because what else CAN we do. Was shopping at a local hardware store today for a strap wrench,and noticed a really fat woman shopping with a girl who was obviously her teenage daughter. Girl also had read hair,and looked to be maybe 17. I have seen film of women released from Nazi labor/death camps from WW-2 that looked fat compared to this girl. She was maybe 5'7" or so,but I seriously doubt she weighed 80 lbs. They ended up in the checkout line ahead ...

Meet the Depressed host Chuck Todd and John McLunatic/Leon Panetta discuss Trumps incompetence
Post Date: 2017-02-19 12:50:07 by sneakypete
Just watched Chuck Todd "interview" John McLunatic on Meet the Depressed,and Todd did everything but blow him on live TV. EVERY question was a set up for McLuntic to agree that Trump can't be trusted because he is incompetent. He even has McLunatic calling for a Congressional investigation on Trump. The final question was to aske McLunatic "Trump has said that ABC,CBS,NBC,and CNN were not HIS enemy,but were the enemy of the American People",and of course McLunatic then crawled up his ass and took a nap while kissing Chuckie's ass on the way in and out. Then Leon Panetta came on and said the intelligence community can't trust Trump. Panetta was VERY careful ...

Iran Is ‘World’s Biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism’, Says World's Biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism
Post Date: 2017-02-17 02:49:20 by Tatarewicz
RI... If there's one thing that the United States truly excels at — aside from diabetes and predatory lending — it's psychological projection. For those uninitiated in this ancient art, psychological projection "involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone (or something) else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings." It's a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with your own bullshit, to put it simply. So, for example, when you terrorize half a dozen countries with flying bomb-dropping robots, or are caught operating secret torture dungeons in Africa and Eastern Europe, or arm Takfiri maniacs in hopes of destroying ...

Liberals; They Hate Us and They Despise Christianity
Post Date: 2017-02-13 12:08:37 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Click to hear this week’s Power of Prophecy program by Texe Marrs FREE: With over 12,000 tweets calling for the assassination of President Donald Trump, why hasn’t the Secret Service conducted mass arrests? Irreconcilable Differences—The “Other America” of Leftists and Liberals; They Hate Us and They Despise Christianity (Order your personal copy of this powerful program in either Tape or CD)

Thanks, Liberals, For Making This So Much Easier
Post Date: 2017-02-12 20:24:34 by X-15
Let me count the ways: 1. We don’t have to try to be fair anymore For many years I have been consumed by righteous indignation and thrown many a time into high dudgeon over the intolerance of liberals, especially on our college campuses.Far from being book-burning, speech-suppressing Nazis, our people are genuinely fair-minded and willing to give the other side a hearing. When given a position of some influence over a campus speakers’ organization (years ago), I strove to present both sides of issues. Thanks, liberals, for liberating me from my naïveté. Finally, completely, and absolutely you have demonstrated to the world that you are irredeemable scoundrels. You ...

LEFTARTS! – Leftwing America-hating Radical Terrorist Socialists
Post Date: 2017-02-06 15:18:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
LEFTARTS! – Leftwing America-hating Radical Terrorist SocialistsPosted on November 24, 2016 by dustyk103 A leftist by any other name is still a deceiving, uninformed, delusional socialist whose dysfunctional logic is based on false premises leading to America’s decline. Leftists are always trying to label the Right as they see us – racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, Islamophobic haters – and they call patriots the evil people of the nation as white, Christian men who want to steal the rights of the people of color.  They divide the nation by every demographic group calling themselves minorities while attempting to form a majority of diversity rather than the ...

Clif High-March Chaotic for Dollar & Bonds & 2017 Truth Bombs
Post Date: 2017-02-05 06:01:41 by EoghanG

Simple truth is Canada's mass shooters are usually white and Canadian-born:
Post Date: 2017-01-31 06:51:12 by Tatarewicz
CBC... For a short, hopeful moment Monday, Trumpian conservatives were clucking and warbling triumphant tweets at one another. Rumours swirling about the slaughter at the mosque in Quebec City had the shooter yelling "Allahu Akbar," albeit in a strong ​Québécois accent, as he killed and reloaded. So why wasn't the fake-news liberal mainstream media concentrating on that instead of portraying it as an anti-Muslim hate crime encouraged by President Trump's crackdown on Muslim immigrants? Maybe it was a Shia/Sunni thing: the sort of atrocity that takes place all the time in countries where ISIS operates. Maybe it was Muslim-on-Muslim terror. Names of ...

Never Look a Gay Mexican in the Mouth
Post Date: 2017-01-27 21:49:43 by X-15
For a few years in the bloom of youth a crew of us would periodically attend a local NFL home game. The point of which being much less to exhort the efforts of African mercenaries than to leer at cheerleaders and enjoy the camaraderie of drunken bullshitting. Though there was one game when even those pleasant diversions seemed insufficient, and so we trooped out of the stands looking for misadventure. One of our party suggested the day would be a complete loss if the second half were to commence without our viewing it from one of the stadium’s lavish luxury boxes. We all agreed that was certainly the case, with the only acknowledged impediment being our lack of box-seat ...

I Knew Chelsea Manning in Basic Combat Training. Here’s the Story You Haven’t Heard
Post Date: 2017-01-27 21:12:56 by X-15
January 2017 – as one of his final acts in office, President Obama yesterday commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning down to just four years with a scheduled release date of 17 May 2017. For supporters, it must have been an unbelievable victory, and for her critics, an outrage. For those that have known her, there’s an added dimension of anecdotes, personal interactions, and concrete memories of her conduct, all of which color the quality of that commutation. She is a hero to some, a traitor to others. Either she was an idealistic do-gooder who was intent on revealing state-sponsored human rights violations while exposing the darkest corners of the U.S. Government, ...

No more cucking, cucky
Post Date: 2017-01-27 14:33:03 by X-15
Back in mid-2015, Hateful Heretic explained, to conservatives, what cuckservatism is, and why it is a complete dead end. It remains every bit as true and relevant today. "A cuckservative is a self-styled "conservative" who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them. The Platonic form of the cuckservative is the UK's David Cameron, who famously proclaimed that it is England that needs to adapt to Islam and not the other way around. A cuckold is a perfect metaphor for this mewling, loathsome stain of a man. It's not just one thing. It's not ...

And Now The Left’s War On Normal Americans Truly Begins
Post Date: 2017-01-22 21:28:56 by X-15
President-elect Donald Trump replaces President Faily McWorsethancarter Friday, but we’re not going to be able to Netflix and chill in the fight for freedom. The left and its establishment allies are desperate to regain the power they see slipping away, and we need to understand that the only way to stop them is to beat them to a pulp and leave them whimpering in the fetal position, crying out for their genderfluid mommies. The left’s strategy is simple – deny normal Americans normalcy. After all, that’s what we really want, a return to normal. We haven’t experienced real normal since the Democrats denied the legitimacy of W’s election in 2000 – you know, ...

I propose a Million Man's March on DC" for leftist males
Post Date: 2017-01-22 13:12:10 by sneakypete
Instead of wearing pink pussy hats on their heads to identify themselves,they could wear pale pink strap-ons,and call themselves "Dickheads".

Extremist Israeli Settlers Invited to Trump's Inauguration
Post Date: 2017-01-14 12:25:31 by Stephen Lendman
Extremist Israeli Settlers Invited to Trump’s Inauguration by Stephen Lendman Settlers live illegally on stolen Palestinian land. It’s like you or I taking over a neighbor’s home, expelling its owner, claiming it as our own henceforth - a flagrantly lawless act. Settler leaders and their followers are zionist zealots, members of Israel’s lunatic fringe. Yesha Council chairman Oded Revivi is among those leading a settler delegation to Trump’s inauguration. It’s a militantly hardline racist group, committed to unlimited settlement expansions, wanting Palestinians displaced toward achieving an exclusively Jewish Greater Israel. Revivi said he looks forward to ...

Israeli attack on Syrian airport declaration of war: Analyst
Post Date: 2017-01-14 02:47:57 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... A huge explosion rocked a Syrian Air Force installation southwest of the capital Damascus, after the Israeli regime launched a rocket attack against a designated target at the site in the early hours of Friday morning. Scott Bennett, a former US army psychological warfare officer, believes Israel’s attack on the Mezzeh airbase is “a declaration of war,” and the Tel Aviv regime is trying to provoke a response from Damascus in order to create a conflict. “The Zionist fanatics under the [Benjamin] Netanyahu regime are trying to trigger a response by Syria so that these Zionist fanatics in the United States Congress can rush America into again another inflated ...

DON'T BE FOOLED By Rand Paul, the Zionist Shill Phony
Post Date: 2017-01-11 08:51:28 by Artisan
Rand Paul Decries $42,917 State Dept. Grant For 'Adaption of Palestinan Poetry Into Performance Art' While Never Mentioning BILLIONS Annually Given To Israel Just to be clear up front- I'm all for eliminating the IRS, the income tax and the federal reserve, cutting waste and stopping the theft of American taxpayers. Rand Paul, by the way, has never officially or legislatively advocated for abolishing the IRS or the income tax or the federal reserve. And he actually said he wants to make the Fed more effective ", a story I reported last year. I have no problem with libertarian ideals. Matter of fact this website was launched in 2007 specifically to promote Congressman Ron ...

Op-Ed: Trump's claim that China-U.S. business ties are 'totally one-sided' is nonsense
Post Date: 2017-01-04 06:55:33 by Tatarewicz
People'sDaily.. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump started off the New Year with some more fearmongering in his latest round of threat inflation about China. He wrote on Twitter, “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice!” Trump’s words are alarming, but his claim is groundless. The Boeing Company sees China as a $1 trillion market. Chinese President Xi Jinping toured the company’s commercial airplane factory in Everett, Washington, in September 2016. At the welcome ceremony, President Xi noted Boeing’s cooperation with China and praised the win-win ...

Safety Pin Resistance
Post Date: 2017-01-03 14:03:39 by Dakmar
Ah, the late 90s. Rosie O’Donnell was “the queen of nice.” Ellen Degeneres was controversial, rather than the comforting television friend of housewives who want to watch Hillary Clinton awkwardly dancing to hip-hop. And Keith Olbermann was the guy from the Boston Market commercials, making fun of self-important, fashion-conscious poseurs by telling them to “eat something!” Now, the failed sportscaster who used to rhapsodize about the joys of “four ooey-gooey cheeses” has proclaimed himself the head of “The Resistance,” striking what is presumably meant to be a defiant pose wrapped in an American flag. Unfortunately, he looks more like a homeless ...

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