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Israel First or America First
Post Date: 2016-12-31 06:47:12 by Tatarewicz
PJB... Donald Trump has a new best friend. “President-elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear-cut support of Israel,” gushed Bibi Netanyahu, after he berated John Kerry in a fashion that would once have resulted in a rupture of diplomatic relations. Netanyahu accused Kerry of “colluding” in and “orchestrating” an anti-Israel, stab-in-the-back resolution in the Security Council, then lying about it. He offered to provide evidence of Kerry’s complicity and mendacity to President Trump. Bibi then called in the U.S. ambassador and read him the riot act for 40 minutes. Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer charged that not ...

The Facade Is Gone (Obummer/et al)
Post Date: 2016-12-30 23:56:24 by X-15
The waning days of the Obama Administration have revealed what has always been evident, had the fake news media not covered it up and Democrats had not supported it: Barack Obama is a Muslim, who was elected president on the basis of a fake birth certificate. Everything he has done in office is a fraud and should be thrown out immediately upon the assumption of power by Donald Trump. While I have always believed this, it was not too much of an issue with me, since the real problem was and is the fact that the un-American Democrats elected him, the anti-American media covered up his real agenda and the globalist Republicans refused to make it an issue. It is not the fraud of Barack Obama ...

A Sour Holiday Season for Neocons
Post Date: 2016-12-28 04:45:42 by Tatarewicz
A Sour Holiday Season for Neocons December 27, 2016 Exclusive: For the past couple of decades, the neocons have ruled the roost of American foreign policy, but they have now suffered some stunning reversals that have left them fuming, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry America’s extended Christmas holiday season, stretching through much of November and all of December, has not been a happy time for Official Washington’s dominant neoconservatives and their liberal-interventionist sidekicks. First, they had to lick their wounds over the defeat of their preferred U.S. presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton; then they had to watch as their “moderate” Syrian rebel ...

Why the West Should Give Thanks for Putin this Christmas
Post Date: 2016-12-21 17:59:05 by X-15
Since Donald Trump’s election there has been near hysteria from the Democratic Party about ‘Russian hacking’ of Hillary Clinton’s emails and ‘troll farms’ interfering with the United States elections to help get Donald Trump elected (archive here). There is incredibly powerful evidence of Russian innocence. Wikileaks, who released the emails, say they got the ‘hacked’ emails from Democratic staffers and it had nothing to do with Russia (archive here). They are backed in this by a former British ambassador, Craig Murray. The idea that one of the vipers in the toxic, writhing nest otherwise known as the Democratic Party is behind the leak is vastly ...

“Fake News” and Real Lives
Post Date: 2016-12-12 13:53:34 by Dakmar
Last week, suspected lesbian, part-time exotic jungle dancer, and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waddled like a postmenopausal penguin into DC and urged a captive crowd of lawmakers to beware of “fake news”: The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year—it’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. This isn’t about politics or bipartisanship. Lives are at risk. OK, Madame Secretary, I think I’m pickin’ up what you’re throwin’ down here—disseminating false information can kill people, is that about it? Would this include the time ...

Neocon John Bolton Calls Russian US Election Hacking Claim a False Flag
Post Date: 2016-12-12 13:04:25 by Stephen Lendman
Neocon John Bolton Calls Russian US Election Hacking Claim a False Flag by Stephen Lendman It’s intensely bashing Russia to pressure Trump from normalizing ties and cooperating with Putin in combating US-supported terrorism. But Bolton’s false flag characterization will do, maybe the only time he’ll back off from bashing Russia himself - unless appointed deputy secretary of state as reports suggest and ordered not to. Interviewed Sunday afternoon on Fox News, he suggested pinning responsibility on the Obama administration without claiming it in so many words. Below is a transcript of the interview: “Bolton: It's not at all clear to me just viewing this from the ...

More Russia Bashing Over Nonexistent Cyberattacks
Post Date: 2016-12-10 07:53:11 by Stephen Lendman
More Russia Bashing Over Nonexistent Cyberattacks by Stephen Lendman On October 7, a joint Department of Homeland Security/Director of National Intelligence (DHS/DNI) statement irresponsibly charged Russia with cyberattacks “intended to interfere with the US election process.” It was a Big Lie. No evidence was cited because none exists. Accusations without proof are baseless and despicable. Making them is longstanding US practice, especially against sovereign independent states like Russia. It had nothing to do with hacking DNC emails or interfering in America’s presidential election in any other way - nor meddling in the internal affairs of any country, longstanding US ...

New Navy Ship Leaking Tax Dollars
Post Date: 2016-12-06 05:41:27 by Tatarewicz
/consortiumnews... Exclusive: The New Cold War with Russia provides a stronger budgetary lifeline for the Military-Industrial Complex than the War on Terror does while helping to quiet critics of wasteful spending, as Jonathan Marshall describes. The world’s mightiest navy is at risk of being sunk — not by a superior enemy, but by its own inability to acquire ships that work at a price that even the richest military on the planet can afford. The U.S. Navy today has only 272 deployable warships — a decline of more than 50 percent in just the last three decades — of which fewer than a third put to sea at any given time. Although the U. S. Navy remains by far the ...

WaPo Covers "false flag terrorism" and conspiracy theories
Post Date: 2016-12-05 22:35:30 by Artisan
see link Poster Comment:I am not going to paste this here. This is kond of a funny article. they actually have an understanding of what a false flag event is and explain it pretty well if someone had never heard of it.

Have you ever been unfriended on facebook?
Post Date: 2016-12-03 11:31:48 by Artisan
I don't use this creepy jew- run surveillance site for family or friends but rather only political stuff. Even I have a fake name on there. (By the way, Facebook's owner once mocked his users, calling them "Stupid fucks - they "trust me!") He even later admitted saying that. But one time, I messaged somone who was a relative of my best friend who had tragically died young 2 years ago. This guy is a protestant preacher . I never met him until the funeral of my friend,. He is my friends older half-brother. I gave the eulogy at my friends funeral. Afterwards the half brother joined my wife and I during the after funeral- lunch.; He sat at our table and was very friendly. ...

‘We’re at most dangerous moment in history of humanity,’ Stephen Hawking warns
Post Date: 2016-12-03 09:27:00 by Ada
The rise of Donald Trump and Britain’s Brexit vote come at “the most dangerous time in the history of the human race,” renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has warned. Writing in an op-ed for the Guardian newspaper, the Cambridge professor said the political shift shows the majority of people are sick of the status quo and felt they had been “abandoned by their leaders.” British scientist Stephen Hawking © Niklas Halle'n Humans won’t survive 1,000 more years without escaping ‘fragile’ Earth – Hawking “It was, everyone seems to agree, the moment when the forgotten spoke, finding their voices to reject the advice and ...

A Few Notes On Trump's Pick Of Swamp-Dweller Neocon "Elaine Chao" As Head Of Dept. Of Transportation, From A Real (Non-PC) Trucker
Post Date: 2016-11-30 16:33:37 by Artisan
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Elaine Chao to be his Secretary of Transportation, the head of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Chao served as President George W. Bush's Secretary of Labor for Bush's full 8- year presidency. Chao is married to neocon Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. I have some comments on this, as a trucker, business owner and someone who is literally affected by all the absurd edicts of the DOT every day. If you"re politically-correct or easily offended, I'm warning you, leave now. This is directed also to those in the so-called "alt- right" who see Trump as their knight in shining armor who will fight for the white middle ...

Trump's Win Brings an End to Kissinger's US-Led 'New World Order' Dream
Post Date: 2016-11-24 07:47:48 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... There is a big controversy surrounding the prospects of Sino-American relations and Washington's Asia-Pacific policies under Donald Trump. "Trump wants business" and he will most likely kill the TPP, Malaysian academic Mathew Maavak told Sputnik, adding that there is more to Trump's foreign policy shift than meets the eye. Trump's win in the US presidential election has not come as a surprise for Asian intelligentsia, Mathew Maavak, a doctoral researcher in Risk Foresight at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and regular Op-ed contributor to China's CCTV, told Sputnik, adding that the US now has a chance to be a major partner in the economic ...

The Last Betrayal
Post Date: 2016-11-23 13:58:01 by X-15
From the latest statement from the Trump Transition team that Trump might be able to deal on the idea of Global Warming, there is a lack of will to fight the war and it is a war. We are engaged in a social civil war as important and as deadly as any civil war. For the past hundred years or more the collectivists have been engaged in a war against the American culture largely ignored by the culture itself. It is analogous to the Islamist jihadists who had carried on a war against America for decades before the towers came down. The collectivists have infiltrated the schools, news organizations, universities, labor unions, local, state and federal governments. Many in the political ...

Beware Of Trump Tolls: Pundits Praise Trump's $1 Trillion Dollar 'Public-Private Partnership' Infrastrcture Repair Plan; Involves Tolls, User-Fees On America's Highways
Post Date: 2016-11-23 12:09:50 by Artisan
Many people are discussing how Trump's infrastructure plan will take shape and most importantly, how it will be paid for. Two Trump advisors released a detailed plan last month. Libertarian pundits are praising the public- private partnership plan's use of new tolls and added user fees across the country. But they also note that the fuel tax, which is supposed to be used to repair infrastructure, will not be repealed, since that would be too 'radical.' So essentially under this proposal, drivers would be charged and taxed out the ass to drive on roads which we have already paid for and which the fuel tax is supposed to be allotted for. As a small business owner in the ...

We are gonna need justice Trump.
Post Date: 2016-11-20 23:02:31 by titorite
One of the worst things to come out in this last election was not pussy grabbing, was not pay for play, was not even Bill Clintons previous sexual assaults although that is on par. No the worst thing that came out was pizzagate. The WikiLeaks have opened up a pedophile sex ring among Washington elites that include the Clintons, bushs , and many more. The election is over but the crimes remain. Pizzagate has been exposed. Donald Trump, it is your duty to pursue this, expose them, bring them all to justice. Make America great again.... do so by insisting upon justice.

Liberals hope that if their lies are repeated often enough they will become the truth
Post Date: 2016-11-19 03:21:06 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
November 19, 2016 Synthetic News Today the lying liberal mainstream media is reporting breathlessly on “fake news” that may have assisted the Trump presidential victory. And under the guise of eliminating such “fake news”, social media sites such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook are even reported to have begun a purge of some conservative accounts -- never mind that anti-Trump hate speech flourishes on those same websites virtually unchecked. More recently the world was sickened by the lies conjured out of nothingness by the liberal mainstream media against conservative Steve Bannon to obstruct his effectiveness as White House chief strategist. One might even submit ...

What does the media gain out of it
Post Date: 2016-11-18 19:40:28 by titorite
What does the media gain out of it? What does it gain out of still vilifying Trump? People ae beating up the elderly, the homeless, Children, and the media says nothing and just continues to promote anti trump sentiment. Encouraging folks to riot and block highways... Its way too far gone. Even Dumb shit Hillary supporters up here in NY are having to admit that shit is going to far. Why is the media encouraging violent stupidity? One reason I can guess at is the fact that the majority of the mass media was trained at Quantico. CIA. The CIA has a program to train folks to be media people, then they give them fake identities send them abroad to return here and report news thus making ...

We Need New Words
Post Date: 2016-11-17 14:08:33 by X-15
I was in the Imperial Capital yesterday and that meant sitting in traffic for long periods. I tuned into talk radio and some guy was going on about how Trump is not a conservative. He was not being critical, he was simply making a point. The people who hold the rights to Official Conservatism™ have declared Trump outside their club. A caller claimed that Trump is a liberal because that’s the only other option, if you are not a conservative. I was not paying close attention, but there’s no denying that Trump does not fit into either bucket. Of course, most people don’t fit neatly into either bucket and that’s mostly because the labels have meanings that no longer ...

Post Date: 2016-11-17 09:35:03 by Horse
Until the nationwide protests of the last few days, I had no idea how bad the problem was, but our nation is drowning in drama queenery. The immediate reaction of most celebrities to Trump's victory was: "THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR MY TAKE ON THE ELECTION!” Aaron Sorkin and David Remnick, in matching pink housecoats and fuzzy slippers, wrote hysterical jeremiads about the cataclysm of Trump's election. Sorkin was especially irked that Trump was supported by white men who don't appreciate rap music. As proof that the end was near, he triumphantly reported: "The Dow futures dropped 700 points overnight." After a brief drop, the Dow surged to historic highs, ...

Die Schadenboner
Post Date: 2016-11-16 16:33:06 by X-15
“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemy, to drive him before you, to rob him of his wealth and possessions, to see his cities in ashes, to see those dear to him bathed in tears, to clasp to your breast his wives and daughters.” ~ Genghis Khan And, yes, some of us are very, very happy right about now. The following, however, is about and largely addressed to those who are very, very unhappy right about now. Modern, young, metrosexual, multicultural, social justice mongering lefties are idiots. They are idiots wherever found, all over the world. They are spoiled children; ill-mannered, ill-bred, weak, ignorant, and stupid. They are historically illiterate. They have no ...

SPLC running scared in wake of Trump victory
Post Date: 2016-11-13 21:58:27 by X-15
The Montgomery (Ala.)-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) appears to be running scared in the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning Presidential victory this past Tuesday. Richard Cohen, SPLC President, noted in a statement on the group’s blog on 9 November: “If he means what he says, Mr. Trump must make absolutely clear to them [i.e white nationalists and the alt-right] that neither their ideas nor anyone affiliated with them will have any influence or voice in his administration. That is the first thing he must do to begin binding the wounds of division that his campaign has caused.” Sounds like a very nervous plea to me. Wow! Imagine the reverse. Clinton wins and a ...

Sign of the Times: Progress For What It's Worth (on Trump)
Post Date: 2016-11-12 20:31:28 by X-15
America's founders made it quite clear that America was founded by Whites for Whites. Europeans came to America and they fought the Indians. The White settlers here did not submit to the Indians' atrocities against their women and children. And they did not surrender when they realized that some of the Indians were friendly -- that not every Indian got off on kidnapping White settlers and torturing them to death. They didn't quit when it dawned on them that they would have a hard fight ahead to civilize North America. They fought and civilized the continent, building a country where we today now could live and work, where we could go to school and raise our families in a ...

US-Russia Declining Power and End of Superpowers' Era
Post Date: 2016-11-11 04:58:27 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian political commentator says US and Russia are in decline and now regional powers are rising and reining in world developments, stressing that both Moscow and Washington are vying to reclaim their previous position in the international scene. "…the United States is not anymore a superpower and it is in a dramatic decline and that is what Donald Trump is picking the point,” Dr. Abu-Mohammad Asgarkhani told Basirat Center for Political Studies in a debate on US-Russia relations. He added, "…the term superpower is not anymore relevant to our international system and, to be frank, the international system; its structure, its logic and ...

Dr. David Duke & Pastor Mark Dankof on Magnificant Trump Victory
Post Date: 2016-11-09 21:33:22 by Artisan
Dr. David Duke and Pastor Dankof discuss the Magnificent victory of Donald Trump against the globalist warmongers and criminals! Poster Comment:Dr. Duke has a very good hour long weekday show which I listen to often. Archives here http://www.renseradioarchives.com/dduke/

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