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Trump ‘killed justice’ with pardon of ‘war criminals’: Twitter erupts with disgust as Blackwater contractors walk free
Post Date: 2020-12-23 09:52:19 by Ada
Trump ‘killed justice’ with pardon of ‘war criminals’: Twitter erupts with disgust as Blackwater contractors walk free Donald Trump’s decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors involved in the 2007 slaughter of Iraqi civilians was met with a tsunami of anger and resentment online from people calling it a travesty of justice. President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday evening that he is issuing 15 full pardons and commuting the punishments of five convicts to time served. Four of the people given clemency were former employees of the infamous private military company Blackwater. They were serving lengthy prison terms, including a life sentence in one case, ...

What Donald Trump has said about Jews
Post Date: 2020-12-23 09:25:17 by BTP Holdings
OPINIONWhat Donald Trump has said about Jews by Ryan Cooper President Trump.Illustrated | SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images April 18, 2019 Anti-Semitism is on the rise. One major force behind this increase is surely President Donald Trump, who has frequently pushed anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories, and repeatedly refused to condemn anti-Semites. Let's review some history, broken into four categories. 1) Israel loyalty In the recent controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) criticizing Israel, conservatives accused her of perpetuating anti-Semitic tropes about Jews having "dual loyalty" to Israel. While she never actually said anything like that, as Eli Valley ...

Op-Ed: 3 Vital Things About Kyle Rittenhouse That Most People Don't Know
Post Date: 2020-12-08 11:00:37 by BTP Holdings
Op-Ed: 3 Vital Things About Kyle Rittenhouse That Most People Don't Know Kyle Rittenhouse sits while listening during an extradition hearing in court on Oct. 30, 2020, in Waukegan, Illinois. (Nam Y. Huh - Pool / AP) By Matt Trewhalla Published December 7, 2020 at 4:33pm I am amazed at how many of my fellow Wisconsinites do not know the actual facts of the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings or only know the false narrative the dishonest media has painted for them to believe. Most have never watched the actual video footage showing Kyle being pursued by violent men while he was retreating to avoid confrontation. Most believe the early narrative of the media that he was a white supremacist ...

Democrat hypocrites are undermining COVID with ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ attitude
Post Date: 2020-12-04 13:31:15 by Ada
As the nation tires of quarantines, boredom and loneliness, the same politicians who find glee in slapping wrists and dooming small businesses regularly break the rules, in letter and in spirit, when they want to. California Gov. Gavin Newsom dining maskless and indoors with lobbyists at the tony French Laundry restaurant the same week he warned against Thanksgiving gatherings. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot having her hair done and joining in a riotous Joe Biden victory celebration in violation of her own restrictions — then having the gall to call her actions “essential ­activities.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unmasked at a hair salon that wasn’t even supposed to ...

As NY politicians eye new taxes on the rich, high earners eye the exits
Post Date: 2020-11-29 10:51:21 by Ada
With Gov. Cuomo now threatening to go for “soak the rich” tax rates if he doesn’t get a federal bailout as ginormous as he wants, it’s well worth remembering just how much New York already depends on these citizens — who can easily afford to move away. Indeed, many have decamped temporarily during the pandemic — but they’re still paying taxes as New York residents. What if that changes? Enter a new Manhattan Institute report by Michael Hendrix and Don Boyd, which looks at the fiscal consequences just for New York City — which leans on top earners less that the state government — if the 1 percent wave bye-bye. The nearly 660,000 New Yorkers ...

Victor Davis Hanson: If Trump Is Playing Politics with COVID, It Doesn't Hold a Candle to What Dems Have Done
Post Date: 2020-11-22 14:13:02 by BTP Holdings
Victor Davis Hanson: If Trump Is Playing Politics with COVID, It Doesn't Hold a Candle to What Dems Have Done Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks during his daily media briefing on July 23, 2020, in New York City. (Jeenah Moon / Getty Images) By Victor Davis Hanson Published November 18, 2020 at 10:03pm Where has the coronavirus gone? Nowhere. The pandemic has gained a second wind, even as it is mysteriously scarcer in post-election headlines. If anything, COVID- 19 seems more contagious as cold temperatures arrive, people stay indoors and perhaps their vitamin D levels taper off. Whatever one’s views on the virus — whether it remains an existential threat or, ...

Another Mass Shooting, Just In Time.
Post Date: 2020-11-20 23:17:18 by TommyTheMadArtist
So In Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, there was a mass shooting. 8 people shot and injured, white suspect in his 20’s or 30’s is supposedly the shooter. Shooter is at large. 12 shots fired. Considering what is going on, and considering how things are, the timing of this little event is quite suspect all things considered. Wisconsin is being investigated for voter fraud, and suddenly there’s not only a lockdown but a mass shooter. Just in time so that Biden can get Beto involved and demand we all disarm. I wonder how quick we’ll hear the Chinese making that demand too? I fully expect there to be a mass shooting or multiple mass shootings happening once this Trump Election ...

Op-Ed: Neither the Media Nor the Electoral College Calls Races -- the GSA Does & They've Been Silent
Post Date: 2020-11-19 06:01:25 by BTP Holdings
Op-Ed: Neither the Media Nor the Electoral College Calls Races -- the GSA Does & They've Been Silent Neil Cavuto of Fox News hosts "Your World With Neil Cavuto" at Fox Business Studios on Nov. 14, 2019, in New York City. (Steven Ferdman / Getty Images) By Tom Venesky Published November 16, 2020 at 1:44pm I was hopeful that the mainstream media couldn’t sink lower than the night of Oct. 16, 2016. That’s when CNNs Chris Cuomo was disc ussing some of the emails hacked from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. Prior to delving into the content of the emails, Cuomo sternly reminded us that “it’s illegal to possess these stolen ...

We Will Win in the End.
Post Date: 2020-11-18 20:29:11 by Dead Culture Watch
Makes good points. An antidote to doomscrolling.

The Grand Alliance, a.k.a. The Deep State
Post Date: 2020-11-16 19:07:27 by X-15
The pattern for modern American politics was set by Lincoln and his cronies in the 1850s—1870s, although it took an immense war against other Americans to make it stick. The pattern involved making the federal government (not the “Union” or the Constitution) the center of power and the fount of good (and goods). This meant, in everyday terms, that the victory of Lincoln’s Republicans established control by those who regard the government as a machine to make money for themselves, covered by a blasphemous religion of Americans as the chosen people who are to lead all mankind into what a later Republican would call “global democracy.” Until Lincoln there had ...

My latest Mask Foray...
Post Date: 2020-11-16 13:23:07 by TommyTheMadArtist
Before I go off on my tear, please understand that this is not Ageist as I am an old man myself, but it definitely will be anti-idiot, and anti-liberal. Last night I had to make an impromptu grocery run as I was missing 3 things from my house that would improve my dinner. Shredded Cheese, Cilantro, and Liverwurst. The liverwurst is for my dogs, who have figured out that Pill pockets mean medicine they don’t want to take. My older Shepherd has allergies, to what I do not know. That being said, it was a tactical run as I had come off the range from teaching firearms instruction and was dressed accordingly. Those who know me, know that I do not wear a mask. I choose not to wear a mask ...

A Doctrine of Americanism
Post Date: 2020-11-11 10:53:39 by X-15
Communists are fanatics. They will do 100 percent more to tear down and destroy our government than we will to uphold it and defend it. Furthermore, they are well organized, although few in number. There are probably not more than a million Communists and Communist sympathizers in the United States. The reason I abhor Communism, perhaps more than most, is that I am naturally somewhat of a liberal. I believe in the right of the people to govern themselves and in the preservation and extension of democracy, whereas Communism is the most despotic form of government in the world, backed by force and terror, where the people have no rights and no liberties of any kind, such as we know them in ...

An Open Letter To Joe Biden And Democrats
Post Date: 2020-11-09 23:32:43 by TommyTheMadArtist
“Why Your Call For Unity Is A Joke.” This morning I woke up like any other Monday where my bleary eyes knew immediately that should I look at the news, I was going to be angry. I was not disappointed as there are more crises now than ever with regard to Covid 19 here in Minnesota than ever. Our governor is going to be rolling out a very restrictive set of rules this week as he works to destroy this state, small business and break the will of the citizens of Minnesota. All because he thinks that the election is over, and that Biden is the defacto ruler. That’s the thing about leftists, communists, socialists, and every other tyrant that has ever walked the earth. Once they ...

Trust The Plan? There is is no Plan
Post Date: 2020-11-06 21:43:00 by Ada
While there's so much still unresolved about the US Presidential Election one thing has been finally resolved: QAnon is a fraud. Once again The Plan has been shown to be a fantasy as Joe and the Hindu Dindo look set to seize control of the Presidency. There is no Plan. And The Storm (originally scheduled for November 3, 2017) was of the teacup variety. Despite my doubts expressed on this blog for some time I had still retained a glimmer of hope in Q. But this Election has been the final straw. In fact I wonder how I had retained even that glimmer of faith given Q's catastrophic record, going right back to the start of Trump's term which we were lead to believe would see the ...

Opinion: We will always have to answer for how we act now.
Post Date: 2020-11-01 01:10:56 by X-15
As time goes on our government seems to be jumping through bigger and bigger hoops in order to maintain normalcy and control, so one has to ask himself “where we are headed?” I don’t claim to know the future and I’ll certainly not wager a guess on any specifics, but what I can say is this; our government can’t keep pulling rabbits out of hats forever. At some point, there will have to be consequences for the choices that have been made to produce the society we live in. So currently we are dealing with a viral pandemic that has caused the government to shutdown our society, causing major upheaval to the economy in the process. This in turn has required new attempts ...

A Neo-Confederate Prediction of Post-Election America
Post Date: 2020-10-30 23:50:33 by X-15
The political chaos that has accompanied President Trump’s first term will not abate anytime soon. From the Russian Collusion hoax to rioting in the streets to the public policy responses to the Covid-19 so-called pandemic, there appears to be something afoot that does not bode well for the future. Whether the motivation is ideological, economic, official incompetence, or a toxic mix of all three, be prepared for chaos qua politics for the foreseeable future. Many are alarmed and have warned about an impending new civil war. The alarm is well warranted by the evidence. Politics is essentially the struggle for power. The greater the power, greater the prize for those that capture it ...

The Bad Year May Get a Whole Lot Worse
Post Date: 2020-10-27 08:33:44 by Ada
In November and beyond, there is as much cause for worry as there is for hope. Whichever way it goes, we'll be on the front lines. As the annus horribilis of 2020 comes to a close, we find ourselves facing not a rebound after having hit rock bottom, but a turn for the even worse: the prospect of a constitutional crisis and, if the past few months are any guide, significant violence and civil unrest. We hope that by the time you receive the next issue, the country will know who the president is going to be for the next four years, but even that seems less than a sure thing. If President Trump leaves office in January, it will mark the end of the only brief period in the history of ...

A Nation Cannot Live on Basketball & Rape Alone
Post Date: 2020-10-13 13:02:32 by X-15
As someone who is both obsessed with race and filled with hatred, I am often accused of being filled with racial hatred. For reasons that have nothing to do with trying to absolve myself in the eyes of people naive enough to think that “racism” not only exists but is both evil and ubiquitous, I’ll attempt to explain why such an accusation is imbecilic. It’s true that I hate black people, but not for being black — it’s because they’re people. I suppose my worldview is religious in the sense that with very few exceptions, I see humanity existing in a fallen state. People are overwhelmingly shallow, dumb, and so dishonest that they need to tell themselves ...

Columbus Day / Since You Lie / We Won't Comply
Post Date: 2020-10-12 12:04:32 by noone222
This is just my commentary related to all of the tripe I've been fed for the entirety of my life. First I'll say I'm fed up with the bullshit. I'm tired of the excuses given for the poor conditions of America today but more importantly I'm sick of giving the lawyers a pass as they have sat idly by and allowed the obvious crimes that have allowed the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK to even exist in violation of the Constitution for over 100 years. It starts with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. I'm not going to elaborate on these lies only to say they are obvious and international lies that acclimate children to lies at the first opportunity. So, today is ...

Op-Ed: If Babies Have Other Rights Before Birth, Why Don't They Have the Right to Life?
Post Date: 2020-10-12 11:09:04 by BTP Holdings
Op-Ed: If Babies Have Other Rights Before Birth, Why Don't They Have the Right to Life? The Supreme Court is seen in Washington, D.C., on Monday. (J. Scott Applewhite / AP) By Don Brown Published October 11, 2020 at 11:55am As Senate confirmation hearings begin for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, one word energizes and mobilizes Senate Democrats above all others: Abortion. What began in Roe v. Wade as a bizarre, illogical scheme of validating some abortions by allowing or denying state abortion regulations depending on the trimester of pregnancy in each abortion case has now slithered into something far more insidious: a blood-sucking monster featuring (1) late-term abortion-on-demand, ...

Let’s face it, US politics is just a showy soap opera laced with enough nepotism and corruption to make a banana republic blush
Post Date: 2020-10-11 09:39:27 by Ada
It’s four weeks to election day. Chaos reigns in the White House. The contagious president still doesn’t wanna wear a mask. Will Donald have to be dragged out by force? Find out in the season finale of... ‘The Banana Republic.’ There was an American show that ran on pretty much every TV set in the whole wide world in the 1980s called ‘Dynasty’ – pronounced ‘die-nasty’ by Americans, who like to mangle the English language. The main images that immediately spring to mind are all teeth and hair. Perfect teeth, perfect hair. Male or female. Oh, and the theme tune. And money. Money, money, money. I can’t remember a single plot line though, ...

It had something to do with helicopters...
Post Date: 2020-10-10 23:04:01 by Esso
This is the best I can do. Poster Comment:Gawd, I thought Dana Delany was so hot. She's probably a lesbian feminist. I want to go home.

Op-Ed: If Biden Let Trump 'Bully' Him, What Will Happen if Biden Faces Putin, Kim Jong Un or Others?
Post Date: 2020-10-06 13:50:35 by BTP Holdings
Op-Ed: If Biden Let Trump 'Bully' Him, What Will Happen if Biden Faces Putin, Kim Jong Un or Others? President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House on Sept. 18, 2020, in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong / Getty Images) By Tom Venesky Published October 5, 2020 at 6:28pm It wasn’t hard to predict the mainstream media’s response to the Sept. 30 debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. It wasn’t difficult to predict what was going to happen during the debate, either. After being lambasted, criticized, attacked and investigated constantly during his first term in office, ...

“Fahrenheit 451” Predicted People Would Demand Tyranny
Post Date: 2020-10-01 06:48:15 by Bill D Berger
By Barry Brownstein Even if it has been a while since you read Fahrenheit 451, you might remember Ray Bradbury’s classic for its portrayal of a dystopian future in which an authoritarian government burns books. Read Fahrenheit 451 again to discover why people wanted their tyrannical government to burn books. Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 in 1953, yet the parallels to today’s social climate for censorship are haunting. Bradbury’s protagonist is Guy Montag, who, like all firemen in Bradbury’s future, burns books. In Bradbury’s dystopia, firemen became “custodians of our peace of mind, the focus of our understandable and rightful dread of being inferior; ...

Covid trade-offs
Post Date: 2020-09-28 12:02:29 by Ada
"You might have the right to endanger your own life but you have no right to endanger the lives of others". To the strutting, preening Covid Karens this represents the ultimate argument in favour of masks and lockdowns. But as with everything else to do with the Covid hoax this argument falls at the first hurdle. Because we do have the right to engage in activities that potentially endanger the lives of others. The most glaring example lies is driving a motor vehicle. Every time we drive off into traffic the lives of others are potentially at risk. (Note: If my wife is at the wheel these odds soar). Even in a small country like Ireland we could save over 300 lives every year by ...

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