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Gran Sasso 1943: The Raid to Snatch Mussolini
Post Date: 2021-01-06 10:24:58 by BTP Holdings
Probably the most famous German special forces raid of the war, find out the story of Operation Eiche, the mission to rescue Italian dictator Benito Mussolini from atop a high and seemingly impregnable 7,000 foot mountain launched by a small team of German Luftwaffe paratroopers and Waffen-SS commandos.

How A Cargo Ship Helped Win WW2: The Liberty Ship Story
Post Date: 2021-01-05 21:59:50 by BTP Holdings
During World War Two, hundreds of cargo ships raced across the Atlantic in an effort to keep Britain supplied. But these ships were being sunk by German U-boats, warships and aircraft. In 1940 alone, over a thousand allied ships were lost on their way to Britain. The United States, while not yet at war, was playing a vital role in supplying Britain. But with ships being sunk daily, Britain and America desperately needed a way to keep all that material moving across the Atlantic. In response, 18 shipyards across the coastal United States mobilized to build thousands of large cargo ships known as Liberty Ships. They would be built even faster than the enemy could sink them. At one point ...

Post Date: 2021-01-03 15:58:13 by noone222
Poster Comment:I've mentioned here before that I had a long conversation with Ted Gunderson about child trafficking wherein he mentioned FBI and CIA Agents acting as transporters of children that were being abused by politicians in D.C. (One of which was George H.W. Bush).

The COVID Crematoria Conundrum
Post Date: 2021-01-03 08:36:20 by Ada
Uh-oh. Alarming news (is there any other kind these days?) suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has put a catastrophic strain on the world’s crematoria not seen since … well, we’ll get to that in a moment. Let us take these headlines at face value for the sake of argument: Zittau, Germany: Reports from this Saxony city describe a backlog of bodies in the first three weeks of December 2020 totaling 115 deaths, or about 5 deaths per day. “Despite optimised procedures and permanently working machines, the number of cremations necessary is higher than the capacity of the Zittau crematorium and its staff,” city officials warned. The city has allegedly resorted to ...

The Nobility of Savages
Post Date: 2021-01-02 11:27:44 by Ada
Cold Water on a Hot Topic As part of wokedom’s fantasy-ridden fascination with indigenes, sports teams, such as the Redskins and Braves, race to change names. (For Washington’s team, the Federal Folders has been suggested.) Outraged conservatives see the changes as nauseating prissiness by historically illiterate ninnies. It is every bit of this. Still, the teams should be renamed. What civilized nation would name teams after murderous, torturing stone-age savages? Which the Indians were. Yes, I know. Quite. Today one shouldn’t refer to torturing stone-age savages as torturing stone-age savages. No, the Indians were contemplative, spiritual beings at one with nature, ...

Operation Nordwind 1945 - The 'Other' Battle of the Bulge
Post Date: 2021-01-01 13:20:14 by BTP Holdings
The stories of the last big German offensives on the Western Front in WWII - Operations Nordwind and Sonnenwende in Alsace, France, January 1945.

History Buffs: Master and Commander
Post Date: 2021-01-01 13:05:23 by BTP Holdings
History Buffs is back! To thank you all for your patience while I've been away on holiday, I'm starting off with Master and Commander!

Ardennes SS Massacre - The Wereth 11
Post Date: 2020-12-23 19:10:12 by BTP Holdings
The tragic story of 11 African-American GIs captured by the 1st SS Panzer Division during the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944. Poster Comment:Mark Felton is doing yeoman's work on history of WW II.

Unsinkable ! Japan's Lost Battleship.
Post Date: 2020-12-21 07:06:16 by BTP Holdings
battleship, underwater archeology, archeology, boats, wrecks,#documentary #film #documentaryphotography #photography #streetphotography #photojournalism #street #covid #bnw #filmmaking #art #photooftheday #documentaryfilm #photographer #cinema #storytelling #filmmaker #movie #life #portrait #music #love #travel #photo #lensculture #blackandwhite #reportage #ig #nature #bhfyp

What Ancient Egyptian Sounded Like - and how we know
Post Date: 2020-12-15 06:03:16 by BTP Holdings
How did Egyptians pronounce the language behind the hieroglyphs? Poster Comment:Mecca Lecca High Mecca Hiney Ho!

NEW EVIDENCE of Templar Survival | Buried: Knights Templar & the Holy Grail (S1, E3) | History
Post Date: 2020-12-11 11:52:31 by BTP Holdings
Join Lawrence Fishburne as he uncovers the truth behind the strangest mysteries of all time in History’s Greatest Mysteries: Solved - histv.co/HGMS

Harry Truman: Advancing the Revolution
Post Date: 2020-12-08 08:41:32 by Ada
[Excerpted from “Harry S. Truman: Advancing the Revolution,” in Reassessing the Presidency: The Rise of the Executive State and the Decline of Freedom] A “Near-Great”? When Harry Truman left office in January 1953, he was intensely unpopular, even widely despised. Many of his most cherished schemes, from national health insurance (socialized medicine) to universal military training (UMT), had been soundly rejected by Congress and the public. Worst of all, the war in Korea, which he persisted in calling a “police action,” was dragging on with no end in sight. Yet today, Republican no less than Democratic politicians vie in glorifying Truman. When historians ...

"TRUMP this" whether good or bad !
Post Date: 2020-12-06 12:40:31 by noone222
Poster Comment:Just watch and comment afterwards !

The First War To Be Photographed | Crimean War | Timeline
Post Date: 2020-12-05 20:06:46 by BTP Holdings
The bloody conflict that pitted Russia against a large European coalition is shown here to be part of a chain of long-held antagonisms that continue to this day. Poster Comment:The Crimean War was the bloodiest one for the British until the Great War (WW I) which started in 1914 with the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria by Serb separatists in Sarajevo.

Mr. Lincoln’s “Lost Speech”
Post Date: 2020-12-02 19:16:40 by X-15
“May 29, 1856 “Abraham Lincoln, of Sangamon, came upon the platform amid deafening applause. He enumerated the pressing reasons of the present movement. He was here ready to fuse with anyone who would unite with him to oppose slave power; spoke of the bugbear disunion which was so vaguely threatened. It was to be remembered that the Union must be preserved in the purity of its principles as well as in the integrity of its territorial parts. It must be “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.” The sentiment in favor of white slavery now prevailed in all the slave state papers, except those of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri and Maryland. Such was the ...

Why Did Lincoln Issue a Proclamation Suspending Habeas Corpus?
Post Date: 2020-12-01 21:13:30 by BTP Holdings
Why Did Lincoln Issue a Proclamation Suspending Habeas Corpus? By Robert Longley Updated June 03, 2020 Shortly after the start of the American Civil War in 1861, President of the United States Abraham Lincoln took two steps intended to maintain order and public safety in the now-divided country. In his capacity as commander in chief, Lincoln declared martial law in all states and ordered the suspension of the constitutionally protected right to writs of habeas corpus in the state of Maryland and parts of the Midwestern states. In taking this action, Lincoln was responding to the arrest of Maryland secessionist John Merryman by Union troops. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. ...

The Indian System: Pathway to War in Minnesota
Post Date: 2020-11-26 23:16:58 by NeoconsNailed
From: "Brasscheck TV" To: "Nelson" Subject: Broken treaties with natives just the tip of the iceberg =================== BrasscheckTV Report =================== Stealing from Native People has been a national pastime in the US since the beginning, but it really hit the accelerator in the 19th century. Broken treaties are just the tip of the iceberg. Video: www.brasscheck.com/video/...h-century-get-rich-quick- system/ - Brasscheck TV P.S. We can't make this unique news service available without the help of our subscribers. Please consider joining the ranks of BrasscheckTV.com supporters Thanks! Details here: ...

Have a Historically Accurate Thanksgiving!
Post Date: 2020-11-26 10:27:58 by Ada
As every public school child knows, the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when our Pilgrim forefathers took a break from slaughtering Peaceful, Environmentally Friendly, Indigenous Peoples to invite them to dinner in order to infect them with smallpox, before embarking on their mission to fry the planet so that the world would end on Jan. 22, 2031. (Copyright: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) Consider this description of the Pilgrims’ treatment of the Indigenous peoples: “They were the worst of conquerors. Inordinate pride, the lust of blood and dominion, were the mainsprings of their warfare; and their victories were strained with every excess of savage passion.” Except ...

What If The Whole Of Modern American History You Know Is Wrong? And What Of COVID-19?
Post Date: 2020-11-21 09:46:12 by Ada
I know Americans young and old haven’t the time to listen to the late Professor Antony C. Sutton’s 39-minute interview that runs counter to what has been taught in school about America, the land of the free. Modern history schoolbooks portray the U.S. as a hero country that saved millions from despots that dominated foreign lands. So, allow me to summarize what Dr. Sutton said a few years ago: US industry was behind the re-arming of Russia – -the “cold war” was contrived; and U.S. companies financially and industrially backed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. America profits from both sides of wars. Young American army soldiers were dying for what? ...

B-17 The Bloody 100th Bomb Group - Firestorm in Dresden / Documentary
Post Date: 2020-11-20 02:36:44 by BTP Holdings
B-17 The Bloody 100th Bomb Group - Firestorm in Dresden / Documentary On 1 June 1942, the Army Air Forces activated the 100th Bombardment Group (Heavy) (100th BG) as an unmanned paper unit assigned to III Bomber Command. On 25 June 1943, the 100 BG flew its first Eighth Air Force combat mission in a bombing of the Bremen U-boat yards -- the beginning of the "Bloody Hundredth"'s legacy. The group inherited the "Bloody Hundredth" nickname from other bomb groups due to the amount of losses it took. In the early summer of 1943, 100 BG became a "marked outfit" by Luftwaffe fighters after a B-17 pilot first lowered his landing gear to surrender to three ...

Nazi Leader's Daring Escape to Spain 1945 (Leon Degrelle)
Post Date: 2020-11-15 15:55:00 by BTP Holdings
Find out how Belgian SS leader Leon Degrelle managed to escape from Norway to Spain in May 1945. Poster Comment:Leon Degrelle died of a heart attack after the Jews burned Liberty Library and destroyed the manuscript for his book. The Jews are at the heart of all the upheaval and discord in the world today.

Post Date: 2020-11-14 21:23:47 by noone222
Poster Comment:Raspy, obnoxious, cuts callers and guests off all of the time, he was the first one banned everywhere on social media, and still wound up being the last man standing. Today in Washington D.C. a great turnout for President Donald J. Trump occurred because of Alex Jones, InfoWars and his extended family of patriots. He's a hero to me because he has taken the systems best shots and shoved them right back up their asses. After all of these years of trying to make Americans give a shit about their future he's being proven "right again" but it may be too late !

Wings of the Red Star - "Duel Over Korea" (MiG-15 vs F-86)
Post Date: 2020-11-12 22:12:52 by BTP Holdings
Episode 2 of "Wings of the Red Star." Discussing the MiG-15 in combat against the F-86 Sabre in the skies over Korea.

Teutoburg Forest 9 AD - Roman-Germanic Wars DOCUMENTARY
Post Date: 2020-11-12 21:25:41 by BTP Holdings
Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: ow.ly/lMEM30noz0c The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a web browser to almost anyone in the world and optimized for the US, UK, and Australian markets. The Great Courses Plus is currently working to both optimize the product globally and accept credit card payments globally. In our previous historical animated documentaries we have covered the Cimbrian War, and although the Roman empire was a clear victor, the conflicts between the Romans and the Germanic tribes continued well into the imperial era. During the reign of Augustus, the Romans expanded beyond the Rhine river and that led to one of the most ...

The Boy Who Became a World War II Veteran at 13 Years Old
Post Date: 2020-11-12 08:59:41 by Ada
In 1942, Seaman Calvin Graham was decorated for valor in battle. Then his mother learned where he’d been and revealed his secret to the Navy. Just months after her christening in 1942, the USS South Dakota was attacked relentlessly in the Pacific. Photo from U.S. Navy / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain. With powerful engines, extensive firepower and heavy armor, the newly christened battleship USS South Dakota steamed out of Philadelphia in August of 1942 spoiling for a fight. The crew was made up of “green boys”—new recruits who enlisted after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor—who had no qualms about either their destination or the action they were likely to ...

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