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RFK Jr. vs. I.F. Stone on the Kennedy Assassinations
Post Date: 2023-07-31 10:25:36 by Ada
Under the right circumstances, even an unsuccessful Presidential campaign can serve as a powerful lens for focusing public attention upon issues normally avoided by the mainstream media. I think that the success or failure of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s longshot Democratic Party primary challenge to President Joseph Biden should best be considered in such terms. Kennedy bears the name of the most famous political family in modern American history and that legacy, together with his leadership role in criticizing our controversial Covid public health policies and his #1 Amazon best-seller in 2022, quickly established him as a serious candidate in the race. The early polls gave him ...

Apache Prisoner | What it's Like to be Kidnapped by the Most TERRIFYING Indian Tribe
Post Date: 2023-07-30 20:37:54 by BTP Holdings
The true story of an 11 year old boy is captured by Apache Warriors and becomes one of them on his path to survival. An excerpt from the introduction of Lehmann’s book, Nine Years Among the Indians, will tell the story just as well as I can. “He was captured by a band of Apache Indians when he was about eleven years old, and lived with this tribe for four years; later he became involved in difficulties with members of the tribe and was forced to flee for his life. He went out into the wilderness, where alone in the mountains he remained for about a year, and later he went to the Comanches, into which tribe he was adopted, and he remained with them until he was finally restored ...

Forgotten 2nd D-Day - Operation Dragoon 1944 (WW2 Documentary)
Post Date: 2023-07-15 13:18:37 by BTP Holdings

They Don't Dare Tell You What the 4th Is About
Post Date: 2023-07-04 09:37:30 by Ada
From the Tom Woods Letter: Independence Day is tomorrow, and I wonder how many people really get why it matters. In school, we were told this: “No taxation without representation.” Zzzzzzzz. The real principles were more like the following. (1) No legislation without representation. The colonists insisted that they could be governed only by the colonial legislatures. This is the principle of self-government. This is what the War for Independence was all about: local self-government. Yet today, when the Supreme Court says the federal government has no authority over a particular issue and that it is better decided at the state level, instead of being pleased that the ...

More Truth About World War II
Post Date: 2023-07-03 10:58:31 by Ada
Last week I noted some facts that puncture the myth of the neocons who control the government that World War II was the “good war,” a battle of good against evil, that shows the need for perpetual war. We must fight Russia and China, they say: we don’t want another “Munich,” do we? The facts tell a different story. The war in Europe began after Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. These countries had issued a guarantee to Poland of its border with Germany, and Germany’s invasion on September 1 triggered the guarantee. As Murray Rothbard points out, the guarantee was a colossal mistake. There was no possibility Britain and France ...

Tora! Tora! Tora!
Post Date: 2023-07-02 14:45:36 by BTP Holdings
Tora! Tora! Tora! is the Japanese signal to attack - and the movie meticulously recreates the attack on Pearl Harbor and the events leading up to it. Opening scenes contrast the American and Japanese positions. Japanese imperialists decide to stage the attack. Top U.S. brass ignore it's possibility. Intercepted Japanese messages warn of it - but never reach F.D.R.'s desk. Radar warnings are disregarded. Even the entrapment of a Japanese submarine in Pearl Harbor before the attack goes unreported. Ultimately the Day of Infamy arrives - in the most spectacular, gut-wrenching cavalcade of action-packed footage ever. You'll see moments of unsurpassed spectacle and heroism: U.S. ...

Trump only living US president not descended from slaveholders – Reuters
Post Date: 2023-06-28 07:04:49 by Ada
An ancestor of Joe Biden owned an enslaved 14-year-old boy, according to a genealogical study Five of the six living US presidents are direct descendants of slaveholders, according to an investigation by Reuters published on Tuesday. The comprehensive study, released just days after the country celebrated the ‘Juneteenth’ federal holiday on June 19, which commemorates the emancipation of African American slaves, details that Donald Trump is the only living current or former US head of state not to have familial links to slavery. The ancestors of current President Joe Biden, as well as Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, are all descended from ...

The Truth About World War II
Post Date: 2023-06-26 09:51:27 by Ada
The neocons who control brain-dead Biden tell us over and over that World War II was the “good war.” Didn’t we have to stop Hitler from conquering the world? They say this in order to justify their plans to start a nuclear war against Russia and China. If you look at the facts rather than neocon propaganda, World War II looks very different. Jacob Hornberger points out some of these “discomforting facts” in an article written in 2019: “Given the predictable accolades regarding the 75th anniversary of D-Day in World War II — it’s important for Americans to keep in mind some discomforting facts about the so-called good war: Prior to U.S. entry into ...

I Was In The Biggest Tank Battle In History And It Was Brutal
Post Date: 2023-06-22 17:35:30 by BTP Holdings
I Was In The Biggest Tank Battle In History And It Was Brutal Poster Comment:We had a Sudeten-German as a foreman on state highways. He was captured by the Russians and was one of the few to be repatriated. He told us once, "In the old country we didn't have pot holes. We had cobblestones." One time they were out filling potholes. They ran out of asphalt and he was calling on the radio for more cold patch. I grabbed the mic for the radio and said, "Ya, in ze old country ve had za cobblestones." The guy in the pickup with him told me when that came over the air he said, "Dammit!" ROTFLOL

More Falsehoods of World War II
Post Date: 2023-06-19 08:10:25 by Ada
World War II ranks as the greatest military conflict in human history and became the shaping event of our modern world, with the account told in many tens of thousands of books. But over the last five years I’ve published a long series of articles providing elements of the story that are sharply—sometimes even shockingly—at odds with the standard narrative. About a year ago, I’d produced print collections of my writings and made them available on Amazon, with one of those volumes including most of my World War II essays. Even if someone had previously looked at a few of my articles when they’d originally appeared four or five years ago, the impact of reading ...

The two Lives of Hans Kammler | Hitler's Secret Weapons Manager
Post Date: 2023-06-18 13:29:56 by BTP Holdings
Hitler's Secret Weapons Manager shows a deep dive into the life of Hans Kammler, one of the most mysterious figures in Nazi Germany. As the man responsible for the development and construction of Hitler's most advanced weapons, Kammler was at the forefront of the regime's technological efforts. Through rare archival footage and expert interviews, we explore Kammler's rise to power within the Nazi party, his involvement in the construction of concentration camps, and his pivotal role in the development of some of the most advanced technology of the era. From the V-2 rocket to the Nazi UFOs, Kammler was at the forefront of it all. But as the war ended, Kammler's fate ...

Ukrainian SS In Britain - Postwar SS-Galizien Division Refugees
Post Date: 2023-06-18 12:24:29 by BTP Holdings
The largely unknown story of the first Ukrainian refugees in Britain - an entire SS division composed largely of Ukrainians who arrived in 1947, with many later emigrating to Canada - the 14th SS Galizien. Why did the British Government permit them to settle, and why are they today considered national heroes in Ukraine? Poster Comment:Those who fail to know history are doomed to repeat it.

An unearthed bronze sword more than 3,000 years old is in such great condition it 'almost still shines,' preservation officials say
Post Date: 2023-06-17 13:03:00 by BTP Holdings
An unearthed bronze sword more than 3,000 years old is in such great condition it 'almost still shines,' preservation officials say Story by nmusumeci@insider.com (Natalie Musumeci) • 16 June 2023 2:13 PM This more than 3,000-year-old bronze sword has been recovered from a burial site in Germany. Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments © Provided by INSIDER > Archaeologists made a rare find when they recently unearthed a more than 3,000-year-old bronze sword. > The blade is in such pristine condition that it "almost still shines," according to preservation officials. > The sword was discovered at a burial site in Germany that contained ...

Only BABY BOOMERS will REMEMBER these things
Post Date: 2023-06-16 07:55:48 by Esso

How "Squatter Democracy" Created America's First Welfare Program
Post Date: 2023-06-14 11:05:39 by Ada
With the rise of homeless camps and tent cities in many American cities, the issue of squatting has become a cause for alarm among many residents and policymakers. In many cases parks, sidewalks, and other public rights-of-way have been taken over by people living in tents or makeshift shelters, rendering the areas unusable to most area residents. In other cases, some of these homeless people have taken over empty businesses and homes that were left unattended long enough for squatters to take over. The use of the term “squatter” to refer to those living on land they never paid for is generally not used to suggest approval. In modern parlance, squatters are often regarded as ...

America Has Suffered a Coup
Post Date: 2023-06-14 08:54:08 by Ada
A while ago I reported to my readers that for several years the most widely read articles on my website were those presenting the overwhelming evidence that Germany did not start World War II, so striking were the facts from the false narrative we had been told. Ron Unz has also exposed the false World War II narrative, and he returned to the subject on June 12. For those of you who missed the true story, you can begin your journey to reality here: www.unz.com/runz/why-ever...ow-about-world-war-ii-is- wrong/ Be certain to watch David Irving’s lecture, which is included in Unz’s article and can be found here: Click for Full Text!

Insider Col L Fletcher Prouty discusses the JFK assassination and America's clandestine history
Post Date: 2023-06-11 19:01:14 by BTP Holdings
This 1992 interview has excellent insights into the ongoing fight against oligarchy that we are involved in. Colonel Prouty gives us a look at the inner workings of the US intelligence community from the inside. If you don't have time to read his book, "The Secret Team: The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of The World," watch this video. His description of the period after WWII leading into the Vietnam War is critical for Americans to understand.

How Did Norwegian Rebels Resist Nazi Occupation? | Europe's Secret Armies | War Stories
Post Date: 2023-06-03 16:54:43 by BTP Holdings
From covert operations to acts of sabotage, discover how Norwegian rebels fought back against their Nazi oppressors during World War II. Poster Comment:The Swedes were playing both ends against the middle. They were selling their high grade iron ore to Germany and they had camps in the mountains where Norwegian resistance fighters were trained but the camps were disguised as police training camps.

Arikara vs. Mountain Men : The Sandbar Massacre of 1823
Post Date: 2023-06-02 19:21:08 by BTP Holdings
Mischievous mountain men anger the Arikara, and are caught in a deadly ambush.

Jordan Peterson's Critique of the Communist Manifesto
Post Date: 2023-05-29 19:12:12 by BTP Holdings
On February, April 19, 2019, I debated Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek in Toronto, April 19 at the Sony Centre. I started with a critique of The Communist Manifesto, which is the central revolutionary document of the Marxist movement. Dr. Zizek is a Slovenian philosopher and professor at the Institute for Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, whose works on cultural studies, psychoanalysis, and, above all, for the purposes of our debate, Marxism, are world-renowned. The topic? Happiness: Marxism vs Capitalism. A good article, I think, on Zizek: www.iep.utm.edu/zizek/#H2Poster Comment:When the Nazis were burning books, they specifically burned books by Karl Marx.

The Brutal Battle At Uvalde Canyon : A Fight To The Last Man Standing
Post Date: 2023-05-29 18:59:24 by BTP Holdings
Legendary Texas Ranger Jack Hays leads a band of Texas Rangers and Mexican citizens in pursuit of a Comanche raiding party that has been terrorizing the city of San Antonio. What follows is a ruthless, bloody fight to the finish.

A WWII soldier was killed in France. Family never knew why until now.
Post Date: 2023-05-29 10:04:32 by BTP Holdings
A WWII soldier was killed in France. Family never knew why until now. Story by Justin Wm. Moyer • 29 May 2023 A WWII soldier was killed in France. Family never knew why until now. © Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post For decades, Charles Simpson’s family didn’t know much about how his uncle James died near the end of World War II. James’s death seemed like a cruel twist of fate. The Arkansas soldier was captured in France in 1945, then liberated from a German prison months later. While waiting to return to the United States, the Simpson family was told, he was accidentally shot by a U.S. military police officer trying to break up a fight between two Black ...

Indian Jones and A Pile of Woke
Post Date: 2023-05-23 20:13:39 by Original_Intent
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/asDE">http://www.youtube.com/embed/asDE </a> yW7WzOU"</a> title="Indiana Jones 5 Destroyed - The Final Nail In Lucasfilm's Coffin" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen> Ye: “The CIA Backs Pixar And Disney Films” - www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/ye-cia-backs-pixar- disney-films/">http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/...backs-pixar-disney- films/ Poster Comment:Despite the massive amount of money ($300,000,000) spent in making this woke exercise in excrement it is a ...

Wyatt Earp speaks on gunfighting on the frontier Narration by Steve Berwick
Post Date: 2023-05-21 17:52:59 by BTP Holdings
Wyatt Earp gives his thoughts on survival in the old west, he speaks on gunslinging and gunfights. Narration by Steve Berwick Poster Comment:When I lived in Chicago the guys in the neighborhood always said they could tell when I was packing a pistol. It was a matter of life and death. I knew a couple of guys that got shot and killed.

Mountain Man vs. Comanche Warriors : The Killing of Jedediah Smith
Post Date: 2023-05-21 15:11:30 by BTP Holdings
A legendary mountain man comes out of retirement for one last trip, only to meet a terrifying end.

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