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(vid) Bird? no. Plane? Not really. It's a flying ...
Post Date: 2013-06-28 16:27:43 by PSUSA2
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Those wacky Norwegians

12-Year-Old Girl Banned From School Football Team for 'Inciting Lust'
Post Date: 2013-06-26 09:47:12 by PSUSA2
By Dan Carson (Featured Columnist) on June 25, 2013 108k reads 110 Image via Facebook Twelve-year-old Maddy Paige has been kicked off her football team. The reason? Lust.  Paige has been asked by the heads of Strong Rock Christian, a K-12 private school in Locust Grove, Ga., to leave her football team as a preemptive measure against inciting lecherous and debauched temptations in other 12-year-olds.This article from Maureen Downy of the Atlanta Journal Constitution was spotted by Rick Chandler of SportsGrid, and it only gets more interesting as the reasoning behind the decision unfurls. Paige was an active player on Strong ...

Boycotting General Mills
Post Date: 2013-06-15 03:56:06 by Big Meanie
Readers of TOO [The Occidental Observer] have by now no doubt read about the recent controversy of the Cheerios commercial featuring a mixed race family (Black father, White mother, mixed child). This has provoked a so-called “racist backlash” from people justifiably outraged by this celebration/promotion of miscegenation. Of course, the “racist backlash” has itself provoked the usual hysterical hand-wringing from the “morally superior” denouncing the “backwards backwoods racist rednecks.” Let us make no mistake – there is an agenda behind the Cheerios commercial. General Mills – the company that owns the Cheerios brand – and their ...

Bus tour commemorating Sandy Hook takes gun control on the road
Post Date: 2013-06-14 14:29:52 by PSUSA2
The ceremony kicking off the Newtown, Conn., bus tour on gun control. (WIll Holt) Six months after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, victims’ families, elected officials and faith leaders gathered in Newtown, Conn., for the launch of a nationwide bus tour to step up the pressure on politicians for stronger gun-control laws and to commemorate those who were killed. At the pretour ceremony on Friday morning, crowds gathered in front of Newtown’s Edmond Town Hall. There, a ticker counted the number of people killed by gun violence since the Sandy Hook shootings that claimed the lives of 20 students and six educators. When the ceremony commenced, that number was 6,003. ...

'I listened to Marilyn die': Private eye who bugged Monroe's house reveals details of her final hours in his diary
Post Date: 2013-06-10 07:18:01 by noone222
Files shedding new light on Marilyn Monroe's last night alive and her relationships with President John F Kennedy and his younger brother Bobby have emerged 51 years after her death. Documents belonging to the late Fred Otash, one of Hollywood's most notorious private detectives, were uncovered by his daughter Colleen after being found in a suburban storage unit. According to Otash, who died in 1992, Monroe had a sexual relationship with the brothers and complained about being 'passed around like a piece of meat'. Otash, who had installed bugging devices in her Los Angeles home, has long been derided by Kennedy admirers for his claims to have listened to a tape of ...

Grim Reaper draws back the scythe, ready to harvest ex-pope (my title)
Post Date: 2013-06-09 16:30:43 by PSUSA2
VATICAN CITY — Just months after becoming the first pontiff in nearly 600 years to resign, reports are surfacing that Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI is in poor health with diminished stature and energy. After a brief hiatus at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Benedict returned to live in a converted monastery on the edge of the Vatican gardens last month. Already, some of his visitors have commented on the former pope's physical deterioration. "Benedict is in a very bad way," said Paloma Gomez Borerro, a veteran Vatican correspondent for Spain's Telecino who visited the former pope in late May. "We won't have him with us much longer." blah ...

Lying liar Anthony Weiner’s underage girl problem
Post Date: 2013-06-07 14:08:25 by Big Meanie
Touchy, touchy. Despite Team Anthony Weiner’s best efforts at political rehabilitation, there’s just no way to shore up his sorest scandal spot. As the New York Post reported this week, Weiner had a bit of a snit fit when a local Democratic official boldly slammed his sexting habits with underage girls. Chris Owens, the Dems’ state committee member in northwest Brooklyn, called out the skeezy ex-congressman at a mayoral candidate forum. “I am outraged and disgusted by you,” Owens told Weiner. “Both by what you did and by the fact that you have the arrogance to run for mayor. I want to understand how you explain to us how you used a public facility to tweet ...

Marine Le Pen To Be Prosecuted In France For Crimethink
Post Date: 2013-06-03 20:24:23 by Big Meanie
From the BBC: French far right leader loses immunity, faces charges French far right leader, Marine Le Pen, could face criminal charges for inciting racism, the BBC has learnt. The French authorities opened a case against Mrs Le Pen in 2011 after she likened the sight of Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation of France. As a European Parliament member (MEP), she enjoyed immunity from prosecution. However, this protection was removed by a European parliamentary committee in a secret vote this week.BBC chief political correspondent Gary O'Donoghue says he has been told that the vote to remove her immunity was "overwhelming". It will need to be ...

Pope leads Catholics in first worldwide 'Holy Hour', prays for everyone but their pedophile victims (my title)
Post Date: 2013-06-03 10:43:28 by PSUSA2
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis led Roman Catholics on Sunday in the first worldwide "Holy Hour," in which participants prayed at the same time around the globe for those suffering from war, slave labor, human trafficking and the economic crisis. The Vatican asked Catholics to join him between 5-6 p.m. Rome time (11.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m. ET) in what is known as a Eucharistic adoration - praying before a consecrated communion host. They were asked to gather in cathedrals, neighborhood parishes and monasteries to pray for two general intentions penned by the pope, who prayed in St. Peter's Basilica. One was for those "who still suffer slavery and who are victims of ...

FBI Ran Pedophile Ring to Nab Pedophiles
Post Date: 2013-05-31 06:00:52 by noone222
As late as last year, the FBI ran a child pornography operation in an attempt to nab its customers. The service ran for two weeks "while attempting to identify more than 5,000 customers, according to a Seattle FBI agent's statements to the court." Court records indicate the site continued to distribute child pornography online while under FBI control; the Seattle-based special agent, a specialist in online crimes against children, detailed the investigation earlier this month in a statement to the court. The methods used in the child pornography ring depart from traditional investigations, "historically, child pornography investigations stem from tips made to law ...

Is This a JEW running the Papal Bank ??? (my title)
Post Date: 2013-05-31 05:48:29 by noone222
On his last full day of a troubled papacy, Benedict XVI bade farewell to his household staff lining up in the Vatican, greeting cleaners, drivers and gardeners, before stopping to exchange just a few words with a newly arrived fellow German. “I got a rosary. He wished me strength,” recalls Ernst von Freyberg, who two weeks earlier had been named head of the Vatican bank in the Pope’s last major appointment before his historic abdication in February. Mr von Freyberg will need plenty of prayer and strength as he sets out to rescue the scandal-torn reputation of the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), as the bank is formally known, and help bring the Holy See in line ...

'Doctor Who has a strong track record of diverse casting': BBC hits back at accusations the sci-fi series is 'thunderingly racist'
Post Date: 2013-05-28 13:36:09 by Prefrontal Vortex
'Doctor Who has a strong track record of diverse casting': BBC hits back at accusations the sci-fi series is 'thunderingly racist' By Chris Hastings and Emily Sheridan PUBLISHED: 10:54 EST, 28 May 2013 | UPDATED: 10:54 EST, 28 May 2013 The BBC has hit back at accusations that Doctor Who is 'thunderingly racist', insisting the sci-fi show has a 'strong track record of diverse casting'. Following claims by a group of academics in a new book Doctor Who And Race, fans have rushed to dismiss the criticisms as ‘groundless’ and ‘ridiculous’. The BBC pointed out the casting of Freema Agyeman as the Time Lord's first black assistant in 200 ...

Australian cardinal admits it was wrong to support pedophile priest. He's very sorry.
Post Date: 2013-05-27 15:01:28 by PSUSA2
CARDINAL George Pell has conceded it was "a mistake" for him to appear in court during the trial of convicted Victorian paedophile Father Gerard Ridsdale in the 1990s. In 1994, Father Ridsdale was jailed after pleading guilty to numerous charges of sexually abusing children in his care in Victoria. During the trial Cardinal Pell, the Australia's only Archbishop in the Catholic Church, appeared in court supporting Father Ridsdale. He said at the time Father Ridsdale had committed "terrible mistakes", but did not refer to the criminality of Ridsdale's actions. On Monday, Cardinal Pell appeared before the Victorian parliamentary inquiry into sexual abuse in the ...

Pope proclaims first saints, says Christians still persecuted (lol)
Post Date: 2013-05-12 09:25:37 by PSUSA2
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday proclaimed as saints some 800 Italians killed in the 15th century for refusing to convert to Islam, and said many Christians were still being persecuted for their faith. The Vatican seemed at pains not to allow the first canonizations of Francis' two-month-old papacy to be interpreted as anti-Islamic, saying the deaths of the 'Otranto Marytrs' must be understood in their historical context. The 800 were killed in 1480 in the siege of Otranto, on the southeastern Adriatic, by Ottoman Turks who sacked the city, killed its archbishop and told the citizens to surrender and convert. When they refused, the Ottoman commanding officer ...

The lying liars who lie about psychiatry
Post Date: 2013-05-07 16:51:19 by Original_Intent
The lying liars who lie about psychiatryDees IllustrationJon RappoportActivist Post These days, we are witnessing an acceleration in the use of psychiatry to target Americans, to label them as dangerous, to take away guns they own, to blame gun violence in the US on mentally ill people. (see also this story by Dan Roberts). It’s a winning strategy, because most Americans don’t have a clue about the way psychiatry actually works or its pose of being a science. The public hears techno-speak and nods and surrenders. If psychiatrists are experts on the human mind, mice can navigate the Arctic in canoes. But psychiatrists are educated to be able to talk a good game. And politicians are ...

Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel documentary on high level Pedophelia)
Post Date: 2013-05-06 20:50:23 by Original_Intent
Poster Comment:The sick bastards in power do not want you to know of their crimes.

Pope encourages protection of children from abuse
Post Date: 2013-05-05 12:40:11 by PSUSA2
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis is calling for courageous defense of children to protect them from abuse. Francis made no mention of the church scandals in many countries in which clergy abused children and hierarchy covered up for them. At a Mass he celebrated Sunday in crowded St. Peter's Square, Francis said abuse victims are in his prayers. He stressed that all must work with courage so that children, who are among the most vulnerable people, be always defended and protected. Ignoring sometimes heavy rain, Francis toured the square in a popemobile, but left the vehicle to embrace disabled adults and children along his route. In a surprise, he ventured beyond the ...

Post Date: 2013-04-26 13:33:12 by Turtle
Poster Comment:This is one of the reasons conspiracists disgust me. Ghouls trying to score points off of a man who had his legs blown off. Oh, they're fake! I hope someday some conspiracist loses some body parts and is on the receiving end of the hate and mockery they direct at other people.

Feminism Leads to Spinsterdom
Post Date: 2013-04-23 21:12:15 by Turtle
"The cycle of societies past their prime degenerating into leftist decadence and general weakness and experiencing a population decline will inevitably give way to new rightist ideologies of strength emerging from the ashes. One standpoint is associated with the decline, the other with ascension." - Peter Wiggin To the Dark Side feminism leads! Screw all of us over it will! And has! (And when the Dark Side takes over, some people just give up and play video games in their basement all day long because they have no hope of jobs and women - what Freud described as essential: Love and Work.) I see a fair number of spinsters these days: never married, no children, no home (apartment ...

Italian Supreme Court President Blames Bilderberg For Terrorist Attacks
Post Date: 2013-04-12 05:56:44 by noone222
Document says secretive group was involved in “strategy of tension” Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com April 11, 2013 Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the man who prosecuted the case involving the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II, has sensationally accused the Bilderberg Group of being behind terrorist attacks in Europe. Ferdinando Imposimato. Image: Flickr In an interview with the ArticoloTre website, Imposimato, who was also involved in the case involving the kidnapping and murder of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, said that he “found a document that left me appalled” ...

Rand Paul Bringing His Message to Howard University
Post Date: 2013-04-11 11:30:03 by Prefrontal Vortex
Rand Paul Bringing His Message to Howard University Colbert King, Washington Post, April 8, 2013 With studies, research and the future hiring of outreach workers, Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus wants to rebrand and market his party to important minority voting blocs that have voted heavily Democratic in the past. Now, though, Sen. Rand Paul is beating Priebus to the punch. On Wednesday morning, the conservative Kentucky Republican and tea party favorite will take his message of freedom and economic opportunity to the campus of Howard University in Washington. This will be Paul’s first visit to a historically black college or university, the senator told me in an ...

Ford India apologises for Berlusconi advert
Post Date: 2013-03-25 08:27:19 by Ada
In the advert Mr Berlusconi was shown in the driver's seat of the car Continue reading the main story Related Stories Ford boss on India's car market Watch Gujarat state in the fast lane of Indian economy The Indian unit of Ford Motor Company has apologised for an advertisement showing former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with a group of bound women in the trunk of a car. The advert, showing three women bound and gagged in the trunk of a Ford Figo car, appeared on a website. Mr Berlusconi was shown in the driver's seat with a slogan: "Leave your worries behind with Figo's extra-large boot." The advert has not been used commercially. Reports say ...

Occultist perv George W. Bush sends naked self portraits to his sister
Post Date: 2013-03-08 14:48:25 by Artisan
Audacious Hack Exposes Bush Family Pix, E-Mail Hacker breached AOL account of ex-president's kin http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/bush-family-hacked-589132 The hacker also intercepted photos that George W. Bush e-mailed two months ago to his sister showing paintings that he was working on, including self-portraits of him showering and in a bathtub. Another image shows the former president painting at the family’s Maine retreat (his subject is St. Ann’s Episcopal Church, a historic seaside chapel down the road from the sprawling Kennebunkport compound). The hacker contends that “The feds” began investigating him a “long time ago,” and that he has ...

NYPD Lied Under Oath To Prosecute Occupy Activist
Post Date: 2013-03-05 09:04:02 by Ada
An Occupy Wall Street activist was acquitted of assaulting a police officer and other charges on Thursday after jurors were presented with video evidence that directly contradicted the NYPD’s story. Michael Premo was found innocent of all charges this week in regards to a case that stems from a December 17, 2011 Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Lower Manhattan. For over a year, prosecutors working on behalf of the New York Police Department have insisted that Premo, a known artist and activist, tackled an NYPD officer during a protest and in doing so inflicted enough damage to break a bone. During court proceedings this week, Premo’s attorney presented a video that showed ...

Why People Identify with Jordan Dorner
Post Date: 2013-02-09 19:38:04 by Turtle
Trample, trample, trample, kick, shoot, punch, beat, murder, laugh, get away with it. No one in his right mind agrees with Jordan Dorner murdering people, but I have met a lot of people who are living through him vicariously. They don't much care - or don't care at all - as long as he's killing police officers. They don't even much care he's murdered innocent people - because they are the relatives of people that Dorner thinks humiliated and abused him. The next question is, of course, why are people getting a vicarious thrill out of this? It's got to the point where many police forces are deadly corrupt. They get away with murdering innocent people, shooting or ...

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