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Sandusky's Grandson Comes Forward With Allegations of Sexual Abuse
Post Date: 2011-11-27 00:29:49 by Original_Intent
The allegations towards accused Penn State pedophile Jerry Sandusky continue with his grandson now coming forward with claims of sexual abuse. A complaint was filed against the former assistant coach by the wife of one of his adopted sons, Matt Sandusky with Pennsylvania's Children's and Youth Services, his lawyer told ABC News. “The allegations are ridiculous and unfounded. Jerry has absolutely denied any inappropriate contact with his grand kids.” Sandusky's attorney Joseph Amendola said. Sandusky's daughter-in-law filed for a restraining order after his November 5 arrest to prevent her children from sleeping over. Sandusky has been charged with abusing eight ...

Abuse victim claims Penn State pedophilia predates Sandusky, current scandal by decades [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-11-27 00:19:01 by Original_Intent
Abuse victim claims Penn State pedophilia predates  Sandusky, current scandal by decades LARRY MCSHANEWednesday, November 16, 2011 An Arizona man claims he was sexually abused 30 years ago by a Penn State professor — and the university refused to investigate his claims. Paul McLaughlin, now of Phoenix, says the abuse began when he was just 11 and lasted from 1977-81, with an education professor and two other predators targeting him. The victim told ABC News that he made audiotapes in 2001 of conversations where Prof. Jack Neisworth admitted performing oral sex on him. “Although I had clear evidence of abuse by this professor, the university refused to act,” charged ...

Paterno Passed On Home to His Wife for $1
Post Date: 2011-11-16 15:02:20 by Original_Intent
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Joe Paterno transferred full ownership of his house to his wife, Sue, for $1 in July, less than four months before a sexual abuse scandal engulfed his Penn State football program and the university. if (typeof NYTDVideoManager != "undefined") { NYTDVideoManager.setAllowMultiPlayback(false); } function displayCompanionBanners(banners, tracking) { tmDisplayBanner(banners, "videoAdContent", 300, 250, null, tracking); } Multimedia Interactive Feature Timeline: The Penn State Scandal Related In Sandusky’s Birthplace, the Man They Knew (November 16, 2011) The Tv Watch: Sandusky Turns to TV to Break Silence (November 16, 2011) The ...

International Free Range Chicken Ranches of The Apocalypse
Post Date: 2011-11-14 18:54:38 by Original_Intent
Monday, November 14, 2011International Free Range Chicken Ranches of The Apocalypse Dog Poet Transmitting....... May your noses always be cold and wet.After the Franklin Scandal and the Portuguese pedophile scandal and The Dutroux Scandal and The French Pedophile Scandal and the U.K. Pedophile Scandal and the world wide Israeli sex trafficking trade of all sexes and ages and many more too numerous to mention comes the Sandusky sex ring for underprivileged old, rich white men, which also includes a murder. It also gets much darker than that and even darker than this. We can factor in the abuses of The Catholic Church, which requires no links because if you don't already know more than ...

Penn State to Get Hit With Civil Suit, Sources Say [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-11-14 14:59:04 by Original_Intent
Alleged victims of former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky are working with at least two legal teams to prepare civil lawsuits against the university—seeking damages from the university over administrators’ failure to take action. “This may be the most high-profile sexual abuse case ever,” says Benjamin Andreozzi, a Harrisburg, Pa., lawyer who is representing at least one of the victims listed in grand jury filings. Adreozzi noted that once other potential victims see that they’re “not alone,” perhaps they’ll come forward, too. A second lawyer who requested anonymity told The Daily Beast he was representing another alleged victim. Eight victims of ...

Congressional Insider Trading Gone Wild
Post Date: 2011-11-14 08:40:36 by bush_is_a_moonie
Back in May we penned, "Why A Hedge Fund Comprised Of Junior Congressional Democrats Should Outperform The Market By 9%" in which the simple conclusion was that insider trading is not only rampant in Congress, but completely unregulated, as it is perfectly legal for Congressional staffers to trade at their leisure on inside information: an exemption which the beta chasing 2 and 20 crowd on Wall Street would sell their first through fifth born to be granted, now that their glaring inability to generate alpha is laid out for all to see. Tonight we were happy to see that 60 Minutes has finally brought this gross and criminal injustice to the general public, and we expect that ...

Paul Drockton: Penn State and Boystown Cover-up Similarities
Post Date: 2011-11-13 01:20:16 by Original_Intent
As the pedophile scandal continues to unravel at Penn State University, it is important to recognize other interesting connections in this story:Wendell Courtney: Courtney represented both Penn State University and "The Second Mile" charity founded by indicted pedophile Gerald Sandusky. "According to the Grand Jury presentment, Courtney was at the least made aware of the allegations against Jerry Sandusky that were leveled in 1998. ”Schultz testified that the 1998 incident was reviewed by the University Police and “the child protection agency” with the blessing of then-University counsel Wendell Courtney,” it reads.“Courtney was then and remains ...

Penn State - The Sex Scandal of Children being raped. In history, the "elite" have started charities for children where the children become used for Sex going to the top of Politicians/White House. List of the Board of Directors for Sandusky's Charity - It's a Who's Who [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-11-12 16:20:09 by Original_Intent
Penn State - The Sex Scandal of Children being raped. In history, the "elite" have started charities for children where the children become used for Sex going to the top of Politicians/White House. List of the Board of Directors for Sandusky's Charity - It's a Who's Who The whole Penn State information about Sandusky is horrendous! The man set up a charity for kids, just so he could have access to boys to rape and pimp out. The Grand jury information is here, read only if you have a strong stomach. I have not read it, because I just can't deal with what happened with the boys. I have read enough elsewhere to know I don't need to read the graphic details! All ...

The Shock Doctrine
Post Date: 2011-10-28 06:39:06 by noone222
Poster Comment:In the final analysis it's important to realize that massive funding is required for the many programs instituted by the various intelligence agencies around the world and it all originates in central banks or is laundered through these banks. Regardless of what Glenn Beck (the huckster) or Rush Limbaugh say, these banking entities are the foremost enemy of mankind.

5 NYPD officers arrested in gun-smuggling sting
Post Date: 2011-10-26 08:41:58 by noone222
NEW YORK (AP) -- Five New York Police Department officers smuggled firearms and slot machines they thought were stolen and some even used bolt cutters to pilfer hundreds of boxes of cigarettes from tractor-trailers as part of a 12-person theft ring that was under federal surveillance the entire time, authorities said Tuesday. Three retired NYPD officers and a New Jersey correction officer are among the other defendants named in a federal criminal complaint alleging an undercover agent paid them more than $100,000 to moonlight as gun runners while under FBI surveillance. Three current officers also participated in a brazen theft of cigarettes they were told were worth $500,000, the ...

Rush Goes to War
Post Date: 2011-10-20 13:03:53 by Turtle
The place: Rush Limbaugh's front porch. Rush: (watching TV) Okay, now throw the ball here. Now throw it there. Soldier: What're you doing, Mr. Limbaugh? Rush: Directing the war from my armchair! Oops! Another brave patriot just made the ultimate sacrifice to protect Israel! And to bring Jesus back! And to make sure my SUV has plenty of gas! Say, how do you like my $20 million mansion? Pretty good for a loudmouth and college dropout, huh? Soldier: You've been drafted, Mr. Limbaugh. Rush: Ha, ha! Very funny! Hand me my putter, will you? I need a break from running the war from this side of the world. Soldier: I'm serious, Mr. Limbaugh. You've been drafted. You'll ...

Obama's Latest War
Post Date: 2011-10-15 14:30:12 by Turtle
From Reuters: President Barack Obama said on Friday he was sending about 100 U.S. military advisers to Uganda to support central African allies pursuing Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, and other rebel commanders. ... "Subject to the approval of each respective host nation, elements of these U.S. forces will deploy into Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo," he said. The Bush Administration sent 17 unarmed advisers to Uganda, but Obama is sending 100 armed soldiers. It seems as if Uganda -- Yoweri Museveni, Proprietor (since 1986) -- is pretty good at invading the Congo, but not so hot at putting down a ...

Romney will be the Republican candidate
Post Date: 2011-10-15 14:05:47 by Turtle
If Hillary runs against him Romney will lose and Hilliary will win. A kaffir followed by a dyke. God help us all.

The Amazing Wackety! Wackety! Money Machine
Post Date: 2011-10-12 15:27:27 by Turtle
Alan Greenspan: Wackety! Wackety! Wackety! Pizza Deliverer: Hello? Did someone here order --- AHHH!! What the hell are you?! Greenspan (chuckling): Scary, ain't I? Deliverer: Dude, you look like an reanimated corpse! Kinda like that guy with all the knives in "Hellboy!" Greenspan: Been like this all my life. Even Ayn Rand said I looked like an undertaker, and she was pretty much a catastrophe in the looks department herself. But I have some consolations. Like this! (points to machine) Know what this is? Deliverer: I have no idea. Greenspan: It's the Federal Reserve Bank printing press. See, I turn the crank, it goes wackety! wackety! wackety! and billions of paper ...

Glenn Beck - The Pied Piper of Punditry Offers His Fan Club Skull and Bones-Wear.
Post Date: 2011-10-11 05:37:02 by noone222
Glenn Beck has a new clothing line that sports the skull and bones insignia. He and his squad of laughing hyenas will make some bank by having their retarded listening audience attending Beck functions in their fashionable skull and bones-wear that they can get from "the hemorroid." While these pukes may be laughing now the last laugh is the best one. Poster Comment:Ya just can't make this shit up !

Morris Fishbein, Enemy of World Health
Post Date: 2011-09-27 14:14:54 by Turtle
Dr. Morris Fishbein (1889-1976) originally studied to be a clown. Realizing he could make more money as a doctor, he entered medical school (where he failed anatomy), then barely graduated. He never treated a patient in his life. Why is he so important? Because he became head of the AMA, a position that he used to enrich himself and crush legitimate therapies out of existence. He appeared to be motivated solely by money and power. As head of the AMA (and editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association from 1924-1949), he decided which drugs could be sold to the public based only how much advertising money he could extort from drug manufacturers, whom he required to place ...

Rick Perry the Pornographer
Post Date: 2011-09-24 17:53:28 by X-15
Maybe it’s time for Ben Bernanke to actually be concerned about Rick Perry’s warnings that things are going to get ugly. Or, at least, perhaps the head of the Fed might want to ask for clarification: Is that “Big Tit Brotha Lovers 6”-ugly or “Bisexual Barebacking Vol. 1”-ugly? It turns out that those are just two of the titles that have been released by Movie Gallery, at one time the largest domestic distributor of pornography in the country. Oddly enough, it turns out that Texas governor and GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry has invested quite a pretty penny into the porn-pushers. Yes, that’s bible-thumpin’, Jesus lovin’, ...

Huh?! Gov. Rick Perry Floated Idea For Bi-National Health Care With Mexico
Post Date: 2011-09-04 17:06:34 by noone222
Ten years ago Governor Rick Perry spoke in south Texas at a border summit with Mexico. And what was on his agenda? One of the ideas he floated was a study to explore “the feasibility of bi-national health insurance” which would provide coverage for residents from both countries along the border. (Who the heck he proposed paying for this was never discussed.) At the event he also proudly announced that he had signed a Texas DREAM Act to give in-state tuition rates to the children of illegal immigrants. You can read more about it here and here. Poster Comment:Who knows, it sounds like Perry ???

Before You Act, Living in Truth and Dignity
Post Date: 2011-08-27 20:12:41 by CadetD
Principles and Perspectives of Practice At B4U-ACT, we believe that the following guiding principles are crucial when mental health professionals work with minor-attracted people: 1. DEVELOPMENT. We understand that the attraction to children or adolescents is both sexual and emotional, and that individuals do not choose to have these feelings. People who are attracted to minors usually recognize their feelings in adolescence or young adulthood, and feel that they are very different from other persons. 2. INDIVIDUALITY. We realize that other than their sexual and emotional feelings toward minors, minor-attracted people do not have any particular characteristics in common. They vary as do ...

US Inquiry Eyes S&P Ratings of Mortgages
Post Date: 2011-08-18 04:40:40 by noone222
The Justice Department is investigating whether the nation’s largest credit ratings agency, Standard & Poor’s, improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years leading up to the financial crisis, according to two people interviewed by the government and another briefed on such interviews. The investigation began before Standard & Poor’s cut the United States’ AAA credit rating this month, but it is likely to add fuel to the political firestorm that has surrounded that action. Lawmakers and some administration officials have since questioned the agency’s secretive process, its credibility and the competence of its analysts, claiming to have ...

Common Sense Shows Guns Dont Kill People, Blacks Do!
Post Date: 2011-07-30 14:54:33 by Turtle
The right to own a firearm “is subject to common sense regulation just like most of our rights are subject to common sense regulation,” said candidate Obama in 2008. “The City of Chicago has gun laws, so does Washington, DC,” he continued. “The notion that somehow local jurisdictions can’t initiate gun safety laws to deal with gangbangers and random shootings on the street isn’t borne out by our Constitution.” {snip} {snip} Because to the left, “…there is a regular relationship between the availability of weapons to the general public and the rate at which crime[s] occur…” In short, more guns=more crime, irrespective of who ...

A Fire Bell in the Night for Norway
Post Date: 2011-07-26 10:59:27 by Turtle
"Like a fire bell in the night," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1820, "this momentous question ... awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the knell of the Union." Jefferson was writing of the sudden resurgence of the slavery issue in the debate on Missouri's entry into the Union, as foreshadowing a civil war. And that massacre in Oslo, where a terrorist detonated a fertilizer bomb to decapitate the government and proceeded to a youth camp to kill 68 children of Norway's ruling elite, is a fire bell in the night for Europe. For Anders Behring Breivik is no Islamic terrorist. He was born in Norway and chose as his targets not Muslims whose ...

A World of Man-Hating Dykes
Post Date: 2011-07-25 11:00:55 by Turtle
Let’s do a thought experiment and imagine a world of nothing but feminists. Since feminism was mostly founded by man-hating lesbians, let’s make that world one of ugly man-hating bull dykes with crew cuts, hostile looks, tattoos, and hairy legs and armpits. The science fiction writer Norman Spinrad, back in 1979, wrote a satire, A World Between, about what he called “the Pink and Blue War,” a war between the Femocrats and the Transcendental Scientists. In Spinrad’s world, the Femocrats were not surprisingly lesbians who kept a few broke-dick males around, apparently in cages, for breeding purposes. They wanted to take over every world and impose their lifestyle. ...

Tuskegee re-examined
Post Date: 2011-07-22 11:52:18 by Turtle
A cultural anthropologist offers a counter-narrative to the infamous story of US government scientists allowing black men to suffer from untreated syphilis. It is said of Thucydides, the great ancient Greek historian, that his recording of human events during the Peloponnesian War is 'marked by accuracy and a studied impartiality'. Some of the intellectual virtues we associate with a Thucydides, or with a Socrates (a principled commitment to explore the other side) are at risk of being sacrificed in our contemporary public policy forums. All too often these days one witnesses the triumph of identity politics over critical reason. All too often a rhetoric of evil and moral ...

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