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Ukraine attacking key gas pipelines to Trkiye Putin
Post Date: 2023-09-05 11:25:53 by Horse
Russian pipelines transporting natural gas to Türkiye have faced constant attack by submarine drones launched from Ukrainian ports, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday. The Russian leader made the accusation during a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi. “Our ships guard these pipeline systems, and they are constantly under attack, including with the help of drones that are directed to these attacks from Ukrainian Black Sea ports,” Putin claimed, referring to the Blue Stream and TurkStream gas pipelines. The Russian Defense Ministry announced in May that it had repelled a Ukrainian attack on the Ivan Khurs, a vessel which guards the two ...

Bucharest Denies Ukrainian Claim That Russian Drone Hit Romania
Post Date: 2023-09-05 11:10:53 by Horse
NATO member Romania has strongly denied a Ukrainian claim that a Russian drone detonated in Romanian territory during an overnight bombardment on one of Ukraine’s ports on the Danube River. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko made the claim on Facebook. He said that according to Ukraine’s state border service, a Russian drone “fell and detonated on the territory of Romania” during an attack on the Ukrainian port of Izmail. “This is yet another confirmation that Russia’s missile terror poses a huge threat not only to Ukraine’s security, but also to the security of neighboring countries, including NATO member states,” Nikolenko said.

If U.S.-
Post Date: 2023-09-05 11:05:47 by Horse
The theory behind a democracy is that the public get to choose their leaders. If the theory has been adhered to — reflects the reality — then at least 50% of the public in such a country approve of their leader. Here are the actual latest polled approve-disapprove ratings of the national leaders of the U.S.-&-allied countries: issue-date 4 September 2023: Giorgia Meloni (Italy) 45% 50% (45% approve, 50% disapprove) Pedro Sánchez (Spain) 44% 50% Joe Biden (U.S.) 40% 53% Leo Varadkar (Ireland) 39% 52% Mateusz Morawiecki (Poland) 36% 57% Alexander De Croo (Belgium) 35% 48% ...

40% of Apparent Global Warming Since 1850 is Due to Urban Heat Corruptions, Major Study Finds
Post Date: 2023-09-05 10:35:07 by Horse
A major new study involving 37 scientists from 18 countries has concluded that global temperature estimates since 1850 have been heavily contaminated by the growth of urban heat where the thermometers are sited. The UN-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims that urban heat accounts for less than 10% of recorded global warming, but the scientists found that figure is nearer 40%.

Lancet Study Explodes Myth of Asymptomatic Spread
Post Date: 2023-09-05 10:30:58 by Horse
Asymptomatic people with Covid are only responsible for a tiny fraction of spread, a study in the Lancet has found, exploding a myth that formed a key part of pandemic social distancing policies and fear messaging.

Is the Almighty US Dollar About to Take a Fall?
Post Date: 2023-09-05 09:38:28 by Ada
BRICS alliance is seeking a multipolar global financial system August 23rd was a big news day all over the world. The western media’s focus on the events of that day was solidly on the unproven claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind the sabotage or shooting down of an executive jet that killed his former associate Yevgeny Prigozhin. In reality, however, there was a far more important story that was coming out of South Africa. In fact, Putin had a far more important job to do on that day due to his desire to make progress in stripping the United States of its dollar hegemony. Putin was engaged by videolink in the discussions taking place in Johannesburg regarding ...

Russian MOD estimates Ukraine's counteroffensive casualties
Post Date: 2023-09-05 08:13:06 by Horse
Ukraine has suffered heavy losses during three months of its summer counteroffensive against Russia but has failed to achieve its goals at any part of the front line, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has reported. Kiev’s forces have lost more than 66,000 troops and over 7,600 heavy weapons since launching their push in early June, the Russian official estimated on Tuesday. Despite the “colossal” cost in manpower and equipment, the Ukrainian government continues its operation because it desperately needs to show some kind of success to its Western sponsors, Shoigu also claimed. The most tense situation remains in Zaporozhye Region, where Kiev deployed brigades from ...

How to Ignore 4.5 Million Deaths
Post Date: 2023-09-05 08:04:57 by Horse
Brown University’s Costs of War project released a study this year estimating that US-led wars since 9/11 have contributed directly and indirectly to 4.5 million deaths in the targeted countries. Those countries—Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia and Syria—have also seen an estimated 40–60 million people displaced from their homes. This refugee crisis is as destructive as any war, and marks the largest number of refugees since the end of World War II. By all accounts, the US-led Global War on Terror has been a disaster for tens of millions of people. When the study was released in May, there was only one report (Washington Post, 5/15/23) in all of ...

Fitness Enthusiasts Are Dying Suddenly. 16 Sudden Deaths Examined
Post Date: 2023-09-05 08:03:30 by Horse
Personal trainers, fitness instructors & influencers, jiu-jitsu, crossfit, gym goers - high risk of sudden death!

Cuba uncovers trafficking ring for Russia-Ukraine war
Post Date: 2023-09-05 06:37:16 by BTP Holdings
Cuba uncovers trafficking ring for Russia-Ukraine war Story by By Vanessa Buschschlüter - BBC News • 5 September 2023 Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez (left) met his Russian counterpart in April © Getty Images The Cuban foreign ministry says it has uncovered a human trafficking ring aimed at recruiting Cubans to fight for Russia in its war in Ukraine. It said that Cubans living in Russia and "even some in Cuba" had been "incorporated into the military forces taking part in the war in Ukraine". Cuba is a close ally of Russia, but it stressed in its statement "it does not form part of the conflict in Ukraine". There has not yet ...

Setback for Russia: Putin’s “Alligator” crashed over Sea of Azov
Post Date: 2023-09-05 06:14:45 by BTP Holdings
Setback for Russia: Putin’s “Alligator” crashed over Sea of Azov Story by Jack Walls • 5 September 2023 Setback for Russia: Putin’s “Alligator” crashed over Sea of Azov © Provided by Z-LIVE NEWS Int. A Russian combat helicopter has crashed over the Sea of Azov. The model is a Ka-52 helicopter, also known as “Alligator”. This reports the German news website n- with reference to the online media portal Baza. According to Baza and responsible rescue personnel, the two pilots of the affected Ka-52 helicopter escaped with their lives. The helicopter is believed to have crashed over the Sea of Azov about 1.5 kilometers from the coast ...

Hitting A BRICS Wall And Surviving
Post Date: 2023-09-05 02:09:08 by Horse
In 2024 the NATO countries plus Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand will hit a BRICS wall. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,China and South Africa) just added 6 nations. In 2024 they could add 40 more. They have already added Saudi Arabia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates who have abundant oil and natural gas. Other oil and natural gas producing nations would like to join including Algeria, Mexico, Bahrain and Kuwait. The first consequence of hitting the BRICS wall will be the demise of the Zelensky regime. They have experienced nearly 400,000 war deaths. And Zelensky just announced the creation of a new national cemetery that will accommodate 400,000 more men. Russia is adding ...

Almost nobody in Haiti died from COVID because almost nobody there got “vaccinated”
Post Date: 2023-09-04 10:44:16 by Ada
The impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti remains protected from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the reason being that almost nobody in the country got "vaccinated" for it following the launch of Operation Warp Speed. According to reports, Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, also happens to have the world's lowest COVID death rates. As of the end of April, just 254 people have died in Haiti from what authorities agree constitutes COVID – and even this figure is likely overblown considering SARS-CoV-2 has never even been isolated and proven to exist. Compared to the United States, which currently has a COVID death rate of around 1,800 per one million ...

Soros’ Son Complains That Another “MAGA-style” Presidential Victory Would “Imperil” Globalist Vision
Post Date: 2023-09-04 10:12:52 by Ada
Says populist leadership in U.S. would "undermine the Ukraine" Alex Soros, son of arch globalist Open Society founder George Soros writes in an op-ed that he is worried that another Trump victory, or “MAGA style” victory in a U.S. election will endanger the “unity” of globalists in Europe. “I believe a MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S.” the younger Soros writes. He continues, “Such an outcome will imperil European unity and undermine the progress achieved on many fronts in response to the war in Ukraine.” What progress? ...

Poland begins to extradite to Ukraine men who left it after February 24, 2022
Post Date: 2023-09-04 07:03:40 by Horse
The Polish authorities have started extraditing to the Ukrainian authorities men of conscription age who illegally left Ukraine since February 24, 2022 the Rzeczpospolita daily reports. According to the newspaper, based on an agreement with Ukraine, Poland has already extradited citizens of that country who are involved in smuggling illegal migrants to Europe.

UN food agency ends its malnutrition prevention program in Yemen
Post Date: 2023-09-04 07:01:21 by Horse
The UN World Food Program has officially ended its malnutrition prevention program in Yemen, a move that health officials say will lead to a surge in malnutrition cases across the impoverished nation. Poster Comment:That ends the UN's credibility.

British Court Rules That Competent & Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life-Sustaining Treatment Against Her Will
Post Date: 2023-09-04 06:51:49 by Horse
The logic of the decision is chilling...

Pepe Escobar: No respite for France as a 'New Africa' rises
Post Date: 2023-09-03 18:22:22 by Horse
Like dominos, African states are one by one falling outside the shackles of neocolonialism. Chad, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and now Gabon are saying 'non' to France's longtime domination of African financial, political, economic, and security affairs. By adding two new African member-states to its roster, last week's summit in Johannesburg heralding the expanded BRICS 11 showed once again that Eurasian integration is inextricably linked to the integration of Afro-Eurasia. Belarus is now proposing to hold a joint summit between BRICS 11, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). President Aleksandr Lukashenko's vision ...

100 km or more. New shells are being created for Russian self-propelled guns
Post Date: 2023-09-03 18:05:46 by Horse
As it became known, the Russian industry is working on the creation of promising ultra-long-range artillery systems. They will be based on the newest self-propelled gun 2S35 "Coalition-SV", and the required characteristics will be provided with special projectiles. According to the domestic press, new types of ammunition will be able to hit targets at ranges of more than 100 km. Poster Comment:100 kms = 62 miles. Russia has improved many existing weapons TOS flamethrower has a range of 12.5 kms. KA 52 helicopter rockets now have a range of 14.5 kms. They can only be shot down if they get closer to the target than the recommended range. The new Lancet drone will attack in ...

Russian Military Delegation Visits Burkina Faso
Post Date: 2023-09-03 17:52:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:BRICS moving fast in Africa.

Dr. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity talks with Mike Adams about currency, ENERGY, supply chains and how this chapter of history ends in catastrophe
Post Date: 2023-09-03 14:22:25 by BTP Holdings

French fighters shot down Italian passenger jet that mysteriously crashed in 1980 killing 81 people:
Post Date: 2023-09-03 10:48:15 by Horse
Attempt to assassinate Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi went disastrously wrong and was covered up, ex-Italian PM reveals Former two-time premier Giuliano Amato said the aircraft was attacked by mistake over the Mediterranean Sea and a Libyan military jet was the real target. Amato appealed to French President Emmanuel Macron to either refute or confirm his assertion about the cause of the crash of Itavia flight 870 on June 27, 1980.

CIA Vet: US Aiding Ukrainian Drone Attack on Russian Nuclear Power Plants
Post Date: 2023-09-03 10:44:47 by Horse
A Ukrainian drone attacked the town of Kurchatov, home to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, on September 1. Kiev is using the Pentagon's intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems to conduct the strikes, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson told Sputnik. Ukraine's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was confirmed to have hit a non-residential building in Kurchatov, causing minor damage to the facade. There were no casualties. Commenting on the attacks, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated: "The Ukrainian forces' drones that attacked objects on Russian territory would not have been able to fly such a distance without information from Western ...

US Officials Keep Boasting About How Much The Ukraine War Serves US Interests
Post Date: 2023-09-03 10:21:31 by Ada
One of the most glaring plot holes in the official mainstream narrative on Ukraine is the way US officials keep openly boasting that this supposedly unprovoked war which the US is only backing out of the goodness of its heart just so happens to serve US interests tremendously. One of the most glaring plot holes in the official mainstream narrative on Ukraine is the way US officials keep openly boasting that this supposedly unprovoked war which the US is only backing out of the goodness of its heart just so happens to serve US interests tremendously. In a recent article for the Connecticut Post, Senator Richard Blumenthal assured Americans that “we’re getting our money’s ...

How Bad Is It For Ukraine?
Post Date: 2023-09-03 10:03:19 by Horse
Larry Johnson If you want to gauge the desperation of the Ukrainian situation, just read this interview with Polish volunteer who just returned to Poland from the front: Polish volunteer Slawomir Wysocki traveled to Ukraine, returned home and in an interview for the media told what is really happening with the counter-offensive, which is so publicized by the Ukrainian authorities. “The human losses of the Ukrainian side are huge. Western equipment is burning like matches. Things are much worse than is commonly imagined. I counted the graves in Lviv. In the old part of the cemetery there are about 100 graves, in the new part there are more than 600. In the villages this proportion ...

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