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French Troops Reportedly Given Until September 3 to Withdraw From Niger
Post Date: 2023-08-30 23:36:33 by Horse
Niger's National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP) has reportedly demanded the complete withdrawal of French troops from the West African country by September 3. Earlier in the day, Saudi media reported the CNSP had announced the annulment of all security and military agreements with France. By the end of the week, supporters of the pullout are going to stage an indefinite protest against the presence of the French military in Niger. Some residents have reportedly demanded that the authorities cut water and power supply to the French base, as well as halt food deliveries. Last week, the Nigerien Foreign Ministry called on French Ambassador Sylvain Itte to leave the ...

The NHS Pays Diversity Officers Up to £75,000 a Year.
Post Date: 2023-08-30 22:37:52 by Horse
No Wonder it Can't Afford to Treat Patients Why is the NHS advertising diversity officer jobs for up to £75,000 a year when it is supposedly cash-strapped and failing to treat patients?

A new study shows covid injections cause VAIDS in children
Post Date: 2023-08-30 22:33:08 by Horse
A study published last Friday showed that Pfizer’s covid injections cause VAIDS in children. The study aimed to investigate the effects on the functioning of children’s immune systems after being injected with Pfizer’s covid “vaccines.” It found that covid-vaccinated children had decreased immune system responses to a variety of commonly encountered pathogens 28 days after the second dose. Many specific immune reactions declined by a factor of over ten times. Decreased immunity to pathogens caused by vaccination is what is referred to as Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or VAIDS.

Former BBC Chief, Who Covered Up Jimmy Savile Pedophilia Scandal,
Post Date: 2023-08-30 22:30:50 by Horse
Appointed as CEO of CNN CNN appointed Mark Thompson as CEO, the notorious former BBC director general who was in charge when the network decided to cover up the crimes of the celebrity pedophile Jimmy Savile, while he was still actively abusing children. Poster Comment:Covering up for pedophiles is part of the job description.

A Dangerous Escalation In The Russia-Ukraine War by Portfolio Armor
Post Date: 2023-08-30 22:12:18 by Horse
Maybe Viktor Orbán Was Right In his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán offered a stark warning: This is a very dangerous moment now," he concludes, adding that it should be obvious to everyone that "the third world war is knocking on our door. Hot on the heels of Orbán's warning, a new kind of strike hit Russia. Russians With Attitude @RWApodcast Big fire at Pskov International Airport, looks like fuel. There are a lot of unconfirmed reports right now, two planes have supposedly been damaged, some sources are reporting that the drones came from the west, which would imply that they were launched from Latvia or ...

"The Lights Are Going Out": Albert Edwards And The "Maddest Chart That Explains So Much"
Post Date: 2023-08-30 21:19:25 by Horse
"The resilience of corporate profits has been a key reason this recession has been delayed – especially as companies are now a net beneficiary of higher rates. Yet beneath the mega-caps the vast bulk of companies are in big trouble." Poster Comment:SEE CHART of net interest payments. This is behind their paywall but the chart says it all.

German Real Curve Shows Why ECB May Not Be Able To Stop Hiking
Post Date: 2023-08-30 09:38:31 by Horse
Authored by Ven Ram, Bloomberg cross-asset strategist, The European Central Bank may have reached a point of hesitancy in its fight against inflation, but real rates suggest that it won’t be able to put a full stop to its tightening just yet. At the heart of the ECB’s efforts will be how much of a restraint its policy rate poses on the economy, with inflation-adjusted rates set by the markets providing the most direct read-out. For instance, inflation-adjusted rates in Germany are only mildly positive as you go further out the curve, in sharp contrast to the US, where the rates are significantly positive. Germany’s two-year bonds are now trading at a premium to where ...

Former CIA Analyst Says Zelensky Could Face Military Coup Soon
Post Date: 2023-08-30 09:33:49 by Ada
I’ve long been saying that it’s shocking that the Ukraine people are willing to continue dying in these numbers, and it’s shocking that there is not some kind of revolt. It seems like if they were going to do it, they would have done it already. RT: Failures on the battlefield could push the Ukrainian military to move against President Vladimir Zelensky, retired CIA analyst Larry Johnson has said. “Zelensky very well could be ousted in a coup within the next three to four weeks, because of the great disgruntlement among troops on the eastern front,” Johnson told Redacted host Clayton Morris in an interview posted over the weekend. This seems ambitious. So ...

Biden admin flounders on Hungary steps in
Post Date: 2023-08-30 09:11:34 by Ada
The Biden administration has shown repulsive indifference to the victims of the tragic Maui fires that have laid waste to Lahaina and taken the lives of more than 100 people, with hundreds more are still missing. On two separate occasions, when President Biden was asked about the tragedy, he responded, "No comment." When he finally deigned to interrupt his most recent vacations and make an hours-long appearance in Lahaina, he told those who had lost everything that he could relate to them because he once had a small kitchen fire in his home. The entire episode was yet another example of government ineptitude. Local officials made a series of almost incomprehensible errors. ...

Biden administration announces additional $250 million in Ukraine aid
Post Date: 2023-08-30 09:08:19 by Horse
The Biden administration unveiled another $250 million aid package meant for Ukraine Tuesday as the eastern European nation’s counter-offensive against invading Russian forces grinds on. Materiel set to be dispatched to the war-torn country include AIM-9M missiles for air defense, 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition, munitions for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), more than three million rounds of small arms ammunition, and ambulances, according to the State Department. “Russia started this war and could end it at any time by withdrawing its forces from Ukraine and stopping its brutal attacks,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.Biden ...

Is this the End of Natural Health Information? Google, Meta Ban News in Canada
Post Date: 2023-08-30 09:04:01 by Horse
Canada has enacted a new law called the Online News Act that forces social media companies to compensate domestic news organizations for content shared on their platforms. To comply with the new law, Meta banned all news — both national and international news stories — from appearing in Facebook and Instagram feeds in Canada as of June 1, 2023 Google is also blocking all Canadian news from its search, news and discover products in Canada as of June 29, 2023 According to a citizen journalist, X (formerly Twitter) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are working together to censor people on the platform. The ADL has also been influencing crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to ...

FT Discovers 71-Year-Old Ukrainian In NATO Training Program
Post Date: 2023-08-30 08:55:47 by Horse
Strangely, defense ministry "boasts" that men "In their 50s, 60s & beyond" being sent to frontlines... Poster Comment:Zelensky is grabbing wounded men from hospitals and sending them to the frontlines. They do draft men up to age 65. This 71 year-old must be a volunteer.

No Final Draft
Post Date: 2023-08-30 07:00:58 by Ada
It would be easier to ask America’s young to defend a democratic republic than to advance a reckless empire. Washington is fighting a proxy war-plus with Russia, threatening China over Taiwan, mobilizing troops to confront Iran, and promising to use nuclear weapons to defend South Korea. Yet the Pentagon is failing to recruit sufficient numbers of men and women. As the all-volunteer force runs short on manpower, some policymakers are thinking the once unthinkable, a return to conscription. A half-century ago, Richard Nixon ended the draft and withdrew the last combat forces from South Vietnam. Despite a rough start, the all- volunteer force delivered the highest quality military ...

Children Are The Most Valuable Product:
Post Date: 2023-08-29 13:29:54 by Horse
How Human Trafficking Has Become Another Export Item For Ukraine Ukraine has long been a hub for pediatric “black” transplantology and human trafficking, and the military conflict certainly accelerated this distasteful trade. Yet the sale of children for organs in Ukraine did not begin yesterday. The first cases were recorded as long ago as the 1990s. At that time, an organized criminal group (OCG) from Lvov sold children abroad, for their organs. This was organized by the doctor of the emergency hospital, Bogdan Fedak. It is thought that 130 babies were sent abroad, with each child estimated to be worth one million dollars. The typical ploy was to falsely inform women that ...

The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance
Post Date: 2023-08-29 12:44:23 by Horse

Always Opposing Past Wars But Never The Present One
Post Date: 2023-08-29 10:54:57 by Ada
One day it will be permissible to say in mainstream circles that it was wrong for the US empire to deliberately provoke the war in Ukraine and keep it going as long as possible to bleed Russia, but it’s taboo to say that now, because the empire hasn’t yet accomplished all its goals in Ukraine. A lot of empire sycophancy hides behind the fact that it’s always permissible to retrospectively oppose US wars that already happened, but not the current one. It’s permitted now to say the destruction of Vietnam and Iraq and Libya were mistakes, for example, but if you said it at the time people would treat you like a monster and call you all kinds of names. And it’s ...

Iran, Iraq reach agreement to disarm, relocate 'armed terrorist groups' in Iraq's Kurdistan region
Post Date: 2023-08-29 04:56:00 by Horse
Iran's Revolutionary Guards fired missiles, drones at militant targets in Iraq's Kurdish region last September Iran and Iraq have reached an agreement that "armed terrorist groups" in Iraq's Kurdistan region will be disarmed and relocated next month, Iran's foreign ministry said on Monday. "An agreement has been struck between Iran and Iraq, in which Iraq has committed to disarm armed separatists and terrorist groups present in its territory, close their bases, and relocate them to other locations before the 19th of September," ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said at a weekly briefing. The spokesperson did not specify where the militants would be ...

US Knew Saudis Were Slaughtering African Migrants At Border But Kept Quiet
Post Date: 2023-08-29 04:02:34 by Horse
Mass slaughter of civilians...

France Ready To Support Military Action In Niger, Won't Pull Ambassador: Macron
Post Date: 2023-08-29 03:59:13 by Horse
French ambassador refuses junta's order to exit country... Poster Comment:This can end badly for Macron. Wagner PMC Africa was given over to the control of a Russian intel op. Russia is coming out with a new drone that could wipe out those American and French bases in Niger.

The Western World Is About To Deliver Some Very Bad News To Its Young Adults
Post Date: 2023-08-29 03:54:16 by Horse
Telling young people that they need to pay a higher proportion of their stagnant incomes to fund the pensions of people who are wealthier than they are ever likely to be is sure to go down like a lead balloon...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-08-28 21:58:31 by Horse
"There is a fourth function of money: as a means of social control." - William Michael Cunningham Economist & Author Poster Comment:money consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange.

Powerful Russian Ad For Ukrainian Soldiers Titled: "It's Your Last Chance"
Post Date: 2023-08-28 19:52:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is not a TV ad. They play these on the Internet. The soldiers see them on their phones.

Netflix & Amazon Just BANNED Sound Of Freedom From Their Platforms!
Post Date: 2023-08-28 18:04:47 by Horse

Leftist Heads Explode:
Post Date: 2023-08-28 10:15:10 by Horse
Tucker Carlson Is in Negotiations to Interview Vladimir Putin

Meat Grinder:
Post Date: 2023-08-28 10:13:17 by Horse
Ukraine Loses 4,855 Men Last Week, 785 on Saturday Alone As Counter-Offensive Inches Forward Poster Comment:The Ukrainian have all of their reserves at the front. In a couple of weeks at this rate of loss, they will be done. I expect a Russian offensive in Sumy to block all electrical power lines and railroad lines to Kharkov and the northern Donbass. A big push from west of Kharkov could attack the Donbass from the rear taking tens of thousands prisoners.

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