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Rising Debt Means a Weaker Dollar
Post Date: 2024-07-01 12:02:18 by BTP Holdings

Federal Reserve Refuses To Provide Records Of Foreign Gold Holdings
Post Date: 2024-04-05 07:10:49 by Horse

Exploring the Risks and Rewards of Short Selling Trump’s Soaring Stocks
Post Date: 2024-03-31 21:10:38 by BTP Holdings

My dad is billionaire Steve Ballmer. Here's what it was like growing up rich — and being kind of ashamed of it.
Post Date: 2024-03-23 18:34:42 by BTP Holdings

Boeing Proudly Announces It Has Fixed Malfunctioning Whistleblower
Post Date: 2024-03-14 10:25:42 by Ada

Boeing whistleblower found dead in a parking lot right after his deposition with company lawyers…
Post Date: 2024-03-12 17:31:24 by Ada

New York Prosecutes Couple For Fraud For Listing Their House For $499,000 When It Ultimately Sold For $485,000
Post Date: 2024-02-25 08:57:03 by Ada

Hillary Releases New Line Of Cement Shoes
Post Date: 2024-02-19 04:40:09 by Ada

Want To Get Rich? Here Are 8 Things You Should Invest In As Soon As Possible
Post Date: 2024-02-06 07:31:43 by Ada
You may or may not be tired of living like just a regular, run-of-the- mill person, but in order to change your status, you need to be fabulously wealthy. What do you need to do to become fabulously wealthy? Get elected to the U.S. Congress. Unfortunately, that might not be a feasible option for many people, so you'll need to build your wealth some other way. The Babylon Bee is here to help by providing you with the following list of soon-to-be hot commodities you should invest in now: Razor wire: Between the need for it at the border now and the need everyone will have to put it around their houses soon, you'll make a fortune. That one limited edition Trump NFT of him dressed as ...

Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!
Post Date: 2024-01-23 04:51:23 by Ada
Select politicians, government officials, economic elites, and experts arriving at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland were greeted with an open letter signed by more than 250 billionaires and millionaires. The signers request their respective governments raise their taxes. The letter signers are concerned about “inequality” that they say “has reached a tipping point.” The cost of this inequality “to our economic, societal and ecological stability risk,” the letter continues, “is severe — and growing every day.” They may have a point. Since the 2008 market meltdown, resentment against those at the top of the income ...

Jim Rickards: Put on Your Crash Helmets - New Banking Meltdown Could Snowball into Global Crisis
Post Date: 2024-01-22 15:53:04 by BTP Holdings

hospital [blast from the past memorial]
Post Date: 2024-01-14 05:41:35 by Esso
Hello to all-- Richard asked me to tell you that he is out of circulation for awhile-- he broke his leg and is in the hospital, moved to rehab today. The leg shattered when he fell. He has a rod and a few screws in it. He'll be in touch when he's home and feels better I'm sure. Deb Poster Comment:I miss Arete and the old timey Market Wrap Up guys. I miss all the fellas on those threads. Except Cynicom. He was a crotchety old bastard as well as one of my surrogate fathers. He used to stir up some shit when he was spunky.

Boeing CEO Assures Nervous Fliers That All 737 Aircraft Are Built To The Highest Diversity Standards
Post Date: 2024-01-11 10:27:02 by Ada
SEATTLE, WA — Amid growing concerns over safety after several devastating mechanical failures on Boeing 737-9 Max aircraft, Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun assured hesitant travelers that all their aircraft are built according to the highest standards of diversity. "I know everyone is nervous about the doors of their planes blowing off the aircraft mid-flight or the entire fuselage buckling due to faulty parts, but let me assure you: Boeing is diverse," said Calhoun in a CNBC interview. "In fact, our design and manufacturing crews are the most diverse in our company's history. Nothing to worry about." Boeing is facing NTSB investigations after several mechanical ...

Trump on the Fed: The central bank is "my biggest threat"
Post Date: 2023-12-26 17:24:59 by BTP Holdings
Trump on the Fed: The central bank is "my biggest threat" OCTOBER 17, 2018 / 8:47 AM EDT / CBS/AP President Donald Trump said the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates "too fast," calling the central bank "my biggest threat." Mr. Trump said he doesn't speak with Chairman Jerome Powell because of the Fed's political independence but he said, "I'm not happy with what he's doing because it's going too fast" in raising rates at a time when inflation has remained relatively low. Asked about his decision as president to replace Janet Yellen with Powell, Mr. Trump said: "Can I be honest, I'm not blaming anybody. I put ...

U.S. States Make Bold Move to Reclassify Gold and Silver
Post Date: 2023-12-26 10:01:08 by BTP Holdings
U.S. States Make Bold Move to Reclassify Gold and Silver Dec. 24, 2023, 04:00 AM Authored by Michael Maharrey via SchiffGold.com, Bills filed in the Oklahoma and Missouri legislatures for the 2024 legislative session would eliminate state capital gains taxes on the sale of gold and silver. The legislation would also take other steps to treat gold and silver as money instead of as commodities. In Missouri, Rep Doug Richey filed HB1867 on Dec. 11. Rep. Bill Hardwick filed HB1955 on Dec. 15. The bills are companions to SB735 filed in the Senate by Sen. William Eigel earlier this month. In Oklahoma, Sen. Shane Jett filed SB1507 and Sen. Nathan Dahm is running SB1508. The enactment of any ...

Fed Faces Perilous Sell-Off: $8 Trillion Asset Unloading Threatens Treasury Crash and Mortgage Rate Surge
Post Date: 2023-12-12 19:13:32 by Horse
The Federal Reserve, facing the daunting task of selling $8 trillion in assets acquired through freshly printed money, is inadvertently steering the financial system towards a potential crisis. The linchpin of our financial stability, the treasury market, could be at risk of a crash, with the added threat of exacerbating already soaring mortgage rates. The Fed’s misstep in financing over $6 trillion in federal deficits has left it trapped in a precarious situation, and the consequences will inevitably be borne by the public. The market is now engaged in a fierce battle with the Fed, unlike anything seen before. Market futures are currently projecting the Fed Funds Rate to conclude ...

Abolish the FTC
Post Date: 2023-12-06 08:04:07 by Ada
The FTC’s current lawsuit against Amazon is a perfect example of the statist mentality that undergirds antitrust laws. Amazon is an enormously big and hugely successful business enterprise. Therefore, according to statists, it must be an anti-competitive “monopoly.” The Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department, the argument goes, need to take judicial action against Amazon to “weaken it” by breaking it into independent competitive parts. In this way, America’s “free- enterprise” system will be strengthened. It’s all pure, unadulterated economic nonsense, oftentimes driven by envy and covetousness. In a free-market economy, a company ...

Alexandre Lindo (1742–1812), the tycoon of Kingston
Post Date: 2023-11-26 00:52:47 by Dakmar
Who has ever heard of Alexandre Lindo, the meganégrier? Not many people I imagine. Even Hugh Thomas [1] does not seem to know who this Lindo was, since he ranks him among the slavers who are “not very important”.This is to say if Jewish historians have been very discreet about this yet eminent member of their community. Alex Lindo. Sephardic Jew born in Bordeaux in 1742, the city where he grew up. As a teenager, as was the tradition with the S&P, he toured the slave ports (Amsterdam, London, Bristol) to learn his future trade.His years of training ended, he went to seek his fortune in the Caribbean (1765). Rather than settling in St Domingue, where the position of the ...

BOND MARKET CRASH? “Big Banks Have $650 Billion of Unrealized Losses” Noah
Post Date: 2023-11-11 19:30:15 by BTP Holdings
BOND MARKET CRASH? “Big Banks Have $650 Billion of Unrealized Losses” Noah by Noah 10 November 2023 Earlier today I brought you the report that Moody’s has DOWNGRADED the USA to a “Negative” outlook. The United States of America. Unbelievable. But we’ve been warning you as loudly as we can that this was coming! More on that below in case you missed it. But that’s not all the bad news out today…. No folks, it’s starting to look VERY ugly almost everywhere you look. We just had this happen, FEDWIRE going down, major issues, reports of hacking: It almost feels like they’re about ready to shut this current system off and roll us into ...

Post Date: 2023-10-22 21:05:17 by BTP Holdings
If you have any U.S. dollars in your bank account... You must see this shocking video exposing the government's new plan to recall the U.S. dollar. The official announcement could be weeks away... As Business Insider says, this dollar recall "could be imminent." That means if you don't prepare now... You could end up holding a bunch of worthless U.S. dollars. ick here to see the three urgent steps you must take now to protect your life savings. Regards, Andrew Packer Analyst, Palm Beach LetterPoster Comment:They are pushing Etherium.

What a Gold Standard does to America
Post Date: 2023-10-22 13:25:04 by BTP Holdings
What a Gold Standard does to America by Peter St. Onge October 16th, 2023 Gold Flirts with $2,000 on Middle East Conflict, New Spending Demands Audio Alert: Gold Flirts with $2,000 on Middle East Conflict, New Spending Demands What would America look like it we return to the gold standard? Would we return to the stone age, would innovation end as Wall Street bankers and government's paid economists claim? It's easy to talk about the catastrophes unleashed on humanity by paper money. The permanent inflation, the endless parade of recessions, the exploding debt. The progressive impovertization and the predatory governments who don't care if the people starve or the cities ...

Inside The Last Moments Before FTX Collapsed: ‘Holy S–T, The Company Is Probably Broke’
Post Date: 2023-09-30 15:29:48 by BTP Holdings
Inside The Last Moments Before FTX Collapsed: ‘Holy S–T, The Company Is Probably Broke’ By Truth Press | Published 24 September 2023 A former software engineer who worked at cryptocurrency exchange FTX’s sister trading firm, Alameda Research, has told of the moment he realized it was about to go collapse, after a company credit card used to order takeout wouldn’t go through. It was November last year when Aditya Baradwaj was working in the firm’s Hong Kong offices awaiting news of FTX’s fate after the $32 billion company filed for bankruptcy. Workers at the firm had long been showered with extravagant perks thanks to 31-year-old FTX CEO Sam ...

Post Date: 2023-09-30 09:28:59 by Ada
“The statement that “Joe Biden wasn’t involved in Hunter Biden’s business,” is absurd in its face. Joe Biden was Hunter Biden’s business.” —Margot Cleveland Understand: no amount of political blustering will bring this gaslit nation into daylight when there is no more money and no more credit and no feasible way to feed the blob that ate our government. The equation is simple. Our country can’t handle normal interest rates; and the value of the dollar can’t withstand more ultra-low interest rates. Someone, please, ask Congress to stop screwing that pooch over there! Oh, and that “can” we’ve been kicking down the road turns ...

Exclusive: Rep. Matt Gaetz Blasts ATF for Allegedly Retaliating Against Congressional Witness
Post Date: 2023-09-08 10:39:50 by Ada
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is blasting the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for allegedly retaliating against a Congressional witness. In a letter to ATF director Steven Dettelbach, dated September 7, 2023, and shared exclusively with Breitbart News, Gaetz wrote: It has come to my attention that yesterday, September 6, 2023, ATF agents once again aggressively targeted and harassed one of my constituent federal firearms licensees (FFL), Chris Smith of Gulf Coast Gun, this time apparently in violation of federal law. Chris has held an FFL in Florida for years with no issues, and yet the ATF has aggressively audited him without merit and accused him of various clerical ...

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary made one prediction that spells doom for Joe Biden
Post Date: 2023-09-04 07:27:59 by BTP Holdings
Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary made one prediction that spells doom for Joe Biden Photo by Mike Petrucci from Unsplash Joe Biden is presiding over one of the worst economies in decades. One ticking time bomb is set to go off. And hark Tank star Kevin O’Leary made one prediction that spells doom for Joe Biden. Rising interest rates from the Federal Reserve to combat inflation are wreaking havoc on the economy. The cost of borrowing money is soaring and lenders are tightening their standards leaving businesses struggling to find capital. Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary warned that “real chaos” is coming to the economy this fall during an appearance on Fox ...

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