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The Day All The ATMs Ran Out Of Cash
Post Date: 2015-11-29 11:03:54 by BTP Holdings
The Day All The ATMs Ran Out Of Cash Written by: Daniel Jennings Financial Image source: telegraph.com Money plays such an important role in our lives that most of us could not imagine surviving without it. Yet that is exactly what you need to do if you want to prepare for an economic condition called deflation. Deflation is the term economists use to describe a “general decline in prices, often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit.”[1] A good way to think of deflation is as the opposite of inflation. Inflation occurs when there is too much money in circulation, which destroys its value and raises prices. When deflation occurs, there is too little money ...

My Boss Just Sent Me A Strange Manifesto… and it’s terrifying for Americans
Post Date: 2015-11-29 09:16:31 by BTP Holdings
A couple days ago, I got a weird FedEx from my boss, who up till now was supposedly holed up on an isolated ranch in South America. It’s a 49 page document… some of it typed… some of it handwritten. But the research this manuscript contains has serious implications for each and every American. Because if what I’ve just read is true, you and I are about to see the biggest systemic change since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. Except this time it won’t be happening to “the other guy.” Ground zero for this shift will be right here in America. And the shockwave created by this event will sweep through every layer of American lift. I’ve ...

Less Urgent... but More Important
Post Date: 2015-11-28 10:20:09 by BTP Holdings
For the record: It took only 15 days for Uncle Sam to rack up another $100 billion in debt. We’ve been keeping an eye on the national debt all this month — ever since Congress and the White House agreed to suspend the debt ceiling (again) until March 2017. It didn’t much surprise us that the national debt grew from $18.15 trillion to $18.49 trillion between Oct. 30 and Nov. 2. It did surprise us when the total leaped $100 billion in the following three days, to $18.61 trillion. And only 15 days since crossing the $18.6 trillion mark — the most recent figure is last Friday — we’re now past $18.7 trillion. The figure would be even higher were it not for an ...

Iran’s biggest oil investment event opens
Post Date: 2015-11-28 09:23:26 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... An important conference opens in Tehran to lay out 50 oil and gas projects worth $185 billion for development through foreign investment which Iran hopes to trickle in with the lifting of Western sanctions. “Now, it is an appropriate time for the oppressive sanctions against Iran to be lifted and once again it is proved that sanctions against oil flow harm both the producer and consumer and that oil must not be threatened and sanctioned with a political attitude,” Petroleum Minister Bijan Zangeneh told the opening Saturday. As many as 250 representatives of companies from 33 countries are attending the conference which will also feature Iran’s introduction of a ...

Yellen tries to cover the Federal Reserve’s fraud
Post Date: 2015-11-27 07:04:47 by BTP Holdings
Yellen tries to cover the Federal Reserve’s fraud Posted on November 27, 2015 by Bob Livingston Either Fed Chairman Janet Yellen is a consummate liar or she is oblivious of the economic realities of her policies and those of her predecessor, Helicopter Ben Bernanke. Or, more likely, she is both. In a letter to Ralph Nader on Monday, Yellen said that zero interest rates had helped create millions of jobs by lowering borrowing costs for businesses and consumers. The truth is zero interest has decimated the livelihood of savers and the elderly living off retirement income, while making the 1 percent thousands of times richer. Yellen was responding to an open letter Nader wrote on his ...

Obama's Presidency Ends With A BANG!
Post Date: 2015-11-26 09:36:02 by BTP Holdings
President Obama Saved The Worst for Last The worst president of our lifetimes has cooked up a doozy of a final act, including an epic market meltdown that could wipe out 40% or more of your portfolio. Are you ready? My name is Dick Young. Meet Richard C. Young Description: Dick Young ’America’s Income Investing Leader’Dick Young is editor of Intelligence Report and has been on the cover of Money magazine, featured in Forbes, and profiled in The Wall Street Journal. For several decades, Dick was a keynote speaker at many of the major investor conferences around the world. And for more than 40 years, he has been helping individual investors just like you. His ...

Rollercoaster Crash: Top 4 Reasons For Deflation - Hidden Secrets Of Money 6 (Mike Maloney)
Post Date: 2015-11-22 05:10:07 by BTP Holdings
Watch the Bonus Feature here: goldsilver.com/hsom/ep6/ Conclusive proof a market crash bigger than 1929 is coming. There are 4 unmistakable signals a financial crisis of epic proportions is headed straight toward us. And to walk you through each of them, bestselling author Mike Maloney has released a shocking new video. It’s the first episode of the all-new season of the Hidden Secrets of Money. And it contains vital information for avoiding a stock market collapse. Of course, just like the first season which has over 20 million views and counting, these episodes are free. It’s all part of our mission to educate as many people as possible about how money really works. And ...

The 15 best businesses to operate in a collapse
Post Date: 2015-11-21 18:12:30 by BTP Holdings
The 15 best businesses to operate in a collapse Friday, November 20, 2015 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) When the economy collapses, you'll still need a way to generate goods or services that can be bartered with others for survival. While lots of people have gone to great lengths in the realm of prepping with stored food, medicine, water filters, precious metals, ammo and communications equipment, very few have realistically thought about what sort of business they might run in a post-collapse economy. In this two-part special report airing on TalkNetwork.com, I cover the 15 best businesses to operate in a collapse. A collapse doesn't mean just sitting around ...

The World’s First Cashless Society Is Here – A Totalitarian’s Dream Come True
Post Date: 2015-11-21 06:33:56 by BTP Holdings
The World’s First Cashless Society Is Here – A Totalitarian’s Dream Come True TOPICS:BankingNick Giambruno November 19, 2015 By Nick Giambruno Central planners around the world are waging a War on Cash. In just the last few years: Italy made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal; Switzerland proposed banning cash payments in excess of 100,000 francs; Russia banned cash transactions over $10,000; Spain banned cash transactions over €2,500; Mexico made cash payments of more than 200,000 pesos illegal; Uruguay banned cash transactions over $5,000; and France made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal, down from the previous limit of €3,000. The ...

High-speed rail to link China to Iran
Post Date: 2015-11-21 05:41:58 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Chinese authorities have proposed a high-speed railway connecting its western city of Urumqi to Tehran, the country’s biggest English-language newspaper, China Daily, says. The proposed Silk Road route will connect China to West Asia, stretching from Urumqi and Yining to Almaty in Kazakhstan, Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, Tashkent and Samarkand in Uzbekistan, Ashgabat in Turkmenistan to the Iranian capital. It was put forward by China Railway Corp authorities at a forum on the One Belt, One Road initiative -- the Asian giant’s bold scheme to rebuild Silk Road trade links with Europe and Asia. Iran is participating in the ambitious plan to resurrect the Silk Road, ...

“The Greatest Leap of Mankind… Unlimited FREE Energy” (Dr. Kent Moors’ Picks Revealed)
Post Date: 2015-11-20 05:38:11 by Tatarewicz
Yes, this is the stock that has almost singlehandedly destroyed a handful of hedge funds this year: SunEdison (SUNE). I used to know a little bit about SunEdison many years ago, back when they were MEMC Electronic Materials and were a producer of the high quality polysilicon wafers used in semiconductors and, later, solar panels. For a while there they had a nice pricing advantage, they got a good foothold on the wafer business partly because they were a serial acquirer, and demand was high… but the story has changed a bit in the years since then, they bought SunEdison back in 2009 and they’ve more recently moved to jettison the wafer production and become more of a ...

Central Bank Lunacy—-$26 Trillion Of Government Bonds Now Below 1% (interest) $6 trillion below zerp
Post Date: 2015-11-19 12:02:33 by Horse
Since Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in September 2008, the world’s central banks have injected more than $12 trillion under QE (Quantitative Easing) programs into financial markets. More than $26 trillion of government bonds are now trading at yields of below 1% with over $6 trillion currently yielding less than 0%. These policies, according to policy makers, have been crucial to the “recovery.” Stock market valuations have increased but remain reliant on low rates and abundant liquidity. The effect on the real economy is less clear. Policy makers argue that without these actions to support growth, employment and investment would have been weaker. It is a proposition that ...

Investing in Solar Energy Iniatives Newsletter
Post Date: 2015-11-19 06:28:32 by Tatarewicz
Special Report #1: Ride Solar’s $48 Trillion Energy Revolution! ($49 Value) Special Report #2: Harness Solar’s Emerging Super-Stars! ($49 Value) Special Report #3: The Solar Survival Guide: Avoid These 5 Solar Black Holes! ($49 Value) Special Report #4: Claim Your Own Energy Freedom! ($49 Value) Special Report #5: Life-Saving Solar Water: The Top 5 Plays! ($49 Value) These reports will give you all the details on the solar plays I told you about. The reports alone have a $245 value. And you get them for free – no strings attached! – when you give Energy Advantage a try. pro.moneymappress.com/EADSLR49/EEADRB22 Or if you prefer, call our staff at 800.672.0745 ...

Iran aims to boost oil exports without OPEC's blessing - minister
Post Date: 2015-11-19 01:15:01 by Tatarewicz
RT... Tehran will not negotiate with OPEC over increasing its oil exports once sanctions are lifted, said the country’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh. He told reporters that Iran plans to double oil exports and sell an additional 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) despite the low crude price as the country needs to win back market share. Tehran urges OPEC to reduce crude output to boost prices https://t.co/BFMbYpdxsxpic.twitter.com/Ycwe25L9xv — RT (@RT_com) October 20, 2015 "We have no worries about selling the 500,000 [bpd of oil – Ed.]. God willing it will be realized. And I should not be concerned about price, others should be," Zanganeh said. “We ...

If The Economy Is Fine, Why Are So Many Hedge Funds, Energy Companies And Large Retailers Imploding?
Post Date: 2015-11-18 22:26:03 by Southern Style
If The Economy Is Fine, Why Are So Many Hedge Funds, Energy Companies And Large Retailers Imploding? By Michael Snyder, on November 18th, 2015 If the U.S. economy really is in “great shape”, then why do all of the numbers keep telling us that we are in a recession?  The manufacturing numbers say that we are in a recession, the trade numbers say that we are in a recession, and as you will see below the retail numbers say that we are in a recession.  But just like in 2008, the Federal Reserve and our top politicians will continue to deny that a major economic downturn is happening for as long as they possibly can.  In this article, I want to look at more signs that a ...

Stunning breakthrough set to make OPEC obsolete
Post Date: 2015-11-18 04:15:52 by Tatarewicz
Money Morning A stunning breakthrough in chemical engineering has unleashed a massive supply of fuel... Enough fuel, in fact, to power the entire globe for over 36,000 years. This fuel is so revolutionary, it's poised to decimate Big Oil's obscene profits, make OPEC obsolete, and hand the United States 100% energy independence. In fact, the U.S. Department of Defense just invested $7 billion in a single day... Apple, Google, and Facebook are spending billions racing to implement this technology. And billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are going all in. The International Energy Agency predicts $48 trillion could soon flow into this sector, making it the #1 source ...

China inks $15bn deal to build nuclear reactors in Argentina
Post Date: 2015-11-18 02:44:14 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... A Chinese state-owned company has signed a contract worth nearly $15 billion to finance and build two nuclear power plants in Argentina. According to the deal, China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) will work with Argentina's state-run company, Nucleoelectrica, to build the South American nation's fourth and fifth nuclear reactors, AFP reported. According to a statement posted on the website of CNNC on Monday, the agreement was reached over the weekend during the G20 summit in Turkey. Based on estimates by the Argentine government, the project will require $15 billion in financing. The figure was announced by Argentina’s Economy Minister Axel Kicillof in a statement ...

Donald Trump and the end of the Fed
Post Date: 2015-11-15 11:11:01 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump and the end of the Fed by J. Reeves Editor’s Note: In today’s special Daily, we’re pleased to feature former U.S. congressman Dr. Ron Paul. The markets are gearing up for the Federal Reserve’s first interest rate hike in almost a decade. But Dr. Paul suggests an unexpected future for interest rates—and the U.S. economy—lies ahead... Bill Bonner From Ron Paul, founder, Ron Paul Institute: The week before last, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen hinted the Federal Reserve Board will increase interest rates at the board’s December meeting. The positive jobs report that was released following Yellen’s remarks caused many observers to say ...

We got your safe space right here
Post Date: 2015-11-14 12:47:29 by BTP Holdings
We got your safe space right here Posted on November 13, 2015 by Ben Crystal Poor little rich kid. Econ 101 for the gender studies majors. And let Hillary pay for it. Presented in 1080 hi-def, FOR FREE! It’s The Great Eight from the Personal Liberty Digest®!

You’ll Never Guess Which BIG American Bank is Going Bankrupt NEXT
Post Date: 2015-11-14 12:29:17 by BTP Holdings
70-times more leveraged than Lehman Brothers... You’ll Never Guess Which BIG American Bank is Going Bankrupt NEXT And just like Lehman Brothers, the government won’t save them Dear Friend, Imagine it’s 3 p.m. on a Friday afternoon and you’re sitting at your desk... The markets are about to close and you’re catching up on few things before the weekend arrives. A call comes in. It’s your wife. She wants to know when you’ll be home. Then this headline hits your computer screen... One of the World’s Biggest Banks Just Collapsed At first it seems like a hoax. Perhaps a misprint. But the familiar face of a well-known financial journalist hits ...

FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE This is where WWIII starts...
Post Date: 2015-11-14 10:18:31 by BTP Holdings
FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE This is where WWIII starts... STEVE MEYERS: My name is Steve Meyers. And I want to thank you for taking part in this exclusive Money Morning interview with Jim Rickards, the Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor for both the Pentagon and CIA. Recently, all 16 branches of our Intelligence Community have come together to release a shocking report. These agencies, that include the CIA, FBI, Army, and Navy, they've already begun to estimate the impact of the fall of the dollar as the global reserve currency. And our reign as the world's leading super power being annihilated in a way equivalent to the end of the British Empire, post-World War ...

The Stench Of Freddie Mac Is Back——An $18 Billion Spree Of Crony Capitalist Thievery
Post Date: 2015-11-13 08:07:45 by Ada
Washington’s capacity to foster crony capitalist larceny and corruption never ceases to amaze. But according to the Bloomberg story below, Wall Street’s shameless thievery from US taxpayers is about to get a whole new definition. To wit, Freddie Mac is handing three private equity billionaires deeply subsidized debt financing in order to undertake $18 billion in rental apartment deals. According to no less an authority than Morgan Stanley, the subsidy embedded in this cheap financing amounts to 150 basis points or roughly $150 million per year on the loan amounts in play. Yet this largesse will serve no discernible public purpose whatsoever. Indeed, over the 10-year term of ...

Something Very Strange Is Taking Place Off The Coast Of Galveston, TX
Post Date: 2015-11-12 11:56:52 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Having exposed the world yesterday to the 2-mile long line of tankers-full'o'crude heading from Iraq to the US, several weeks after reporting that China has run out of oil storage space we can now confirm that the global crude "in transit" glut is becoming gargantuan and is starting to have adverse consequences on the price of oil. While the crude oil tanker backlog in Houston reaches an almost unprecedented 39 (with combined capacity of 28.4 million barrels), as The FT reports that from China to the Gulf of Mexico, the growing flotilla of stationary supertankers is evidence that the oil price crash may still have further to run, as more than 100m barrels of crude oil and ...

Post Date: 2015-11-12 07:02:45 by BTP Holdings
COLLAPSE 2016 The White House Snubbed Our Founding Fathers' Warning When They Intentionally Broke This #1 Rule. Now, They Have Triggered An Unstoppable Economic Collapse. See Why This Millionaire Economist Is Sounding The Alarm Bells And What He's Doing To Protect His Finances And Family... Take a look at this sandcastle. It looks amazing, doesn't it? And at first glance, America looks amazing, just like this sandcastle. We have our oversized homes, two cars in every garage, cellphones, laptops and flat-panel TVs. We have health care and education for everyone, top-of-the-line infrastructure to help business prosper, and modern luxuries that most of the world can only dream ...

U.S. to Help Iran Rebuild Nuclear Reactor
Post Date: 2015-11-11 03:47:11 by Tatarewicz
PressTV...The United States and other global (idiot) powers are helping Iran to update and reconstruct a nuclear reactor that has been suspected of helping the Islamic Republic produce enough material for a potential nuclear weapon, according to regional reports and statements from the State Department. The United States’ goal is to work with Iran to refit the reactor in such a way that it can no longer produce weapons grade material. However, Iran maintains that the United States and other partner nations will soon provide “advanced equipment” for the reactor, which is located near the Iranian industrial city of Arak. A spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of ...

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