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Post Date: 2015-10-27 20:10:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Back in 1999, a quarter of all 25-year-olds lived with their parents. By 2013 this number has doubled, and currently half of young adults live in their parents home. While the troubling implications for the economy from this startling increase are self-evident, and have been extensively discussed both here and elsewhere (and are among the key factors pushing both the US and global economy into secular stagnation), a just as important question is why are increasingly more young adults still living at home.   While we admit there is something morbidly grotesque in none other than the Fed taking an active interest in this most devastating development (for the simple reason that it has ...

"Smaller Suppliers Will Go Out Of Business": Hail Mary Time For Wal-Mart, As Vendors Pushed To Brink
Post Date: 2015-10-26 11:15:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Just last week, we revisited the Wal-Mart vs. vendors saga, noting that in the wake of the retail behemoth’s rather dramatic guidance cut, suppliers finally woke up to what’s going on.  “Now we know why they have been pushing so hard,"one executive at a major consumer goods supplier told Reuters. The reference there is to Wal-Mart’s move to squeeze the supply chain for every last penny of savings following the company’s (possibly misguided) decision to implement an across-the-board wage hike for its lowest-paid employees. Paying those who used to make $9/hour $10/hour going forward is set to cost Wal-Mart some $1.5 billion and as we’ve said too many ...

Investors worried as US debt default looms
Post Date: 2015-10-26 02:32:06 by Tatarewicz
RT... Federal workers demonstrate for an end to the U.S. government shutdown on the west front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, October 13, 2013. © Jonathan Ernst Federal workers demonstrate for an end to the U.S. government shutdown on the west front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, October 13, 2013. © Jonathan Ernst / Reuters Anxiety is growing in the bond market as the US gets closer to a potentially catastrophic default if Congress does not raise the $18.1 trillion debt ceiling by November 3. Neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate have offered a bill which would allow Washington to escape disaster. The US can avoid a default only if Congress either increases ...

Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse
Post Date: 2015-10-25 02:22:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne's crusade against naked short sellers in particular, and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in general, has long been known and thoroughly documented (most recently with his push to use blockchain technology to revolutionize the multi-trillion repo market). But little did we know that Overstock's Chairman Jonathan Johnson is as vocal an opponent of the fiat system, and Wall Street's tendency to create bubble after bubble, if not more than Byrne himself.  That, and that his company actually puts its money where its gold-backed money is and in preparation for the next upcoming crash, has taken unprecedented steps to prepare for what comes next. ...

Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse
Post Date: 2015-10-24 22:16:45 by Horse
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne's crusade against naked short sellers in particular, and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in general, has long been known and thoroughly documented (most recently with his push to use blockchain technology to revolutionize the multi-trillion repo market). But little did we know that Overstock's Chairman Jonathan Johnson is as vocal an opponent of the fiat system, and Wall Street's tendency to create bubble after bubble, if not more than Byrne himself. That, and that his company actually puts its money where its gold-backed money is and in preparation for the next upcoming crash, has taken unprecedented steps to prepare for what comes next. One ...

The Poor in the US Are Richer than the Middle Class in Much of Europe
Post Date: 2015-10-24 16:47:23 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In this week's debate, Bernie Sanders claimed that the United States has the highest rate of childhood poverty. CBS reports that Sanders said: "We should not be the country that has the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country and more wealth and income inequality than any other country,"As even CBS notes, according to UNICEF, which is probably the source of Sanders's factoid, the US has lower childhood poverty rates than Greece, Spain, Mexico, Latvia, and Israel, all of which are OECD countries or regarded as peer countries. The US rate (32.2 percent) is also more or less equal to the rate in Turkey, Romania, Lithuania, and Iceland. See page 8 of this ...

Dollar Destruction & The Coming Revaluation of Gold and Sliver
Post Date: 2015-10-24 14:12:23 by BTP Holdings
I have a special feature for you today... A full exposé on a major wealth transfer that will occur when silver and gold revalue themselves. You'll not only see why one of the world's foremost precious metals experts thinks gold could go to $6,000 and silver to $500, but you also discover three very profitable lessons about precious metals: Lesson #1: Why the dollar is headed for a perfect storm and how its debasement and destruction is the only result possible thanks to the Federal Reserve. Lesson #2: How to take advantage of the dollar’s demise to make once-in-a-lifetime profits. You'll see exactly how to buy precious metals to make the most money. Lesson #3: ...

A Mediocre Episode of The 5 (economic news)
Post Date: 2015-10-24 12:30:55 by BTP Holdings
A Mediocre Episode of The 5 By Dave Gonigam •Wall Street thrives, Main Street survives — barely •No recession now, but what about 2016? Rickards weighs in •China cuts rates — because it can! •Pot prohibitionists vs. crony capitalists •The Treasury postpones an auction… The 5 accused of “Kremlin propaganda”… individuals, not generations… and more! “The financial system has become so divorced from the Main Street economy that even as the latter grew poorer, the value of financial assets and especially the stock market averages clambered to new heights on the back of corporate financial engineering gone wild…” ...

Confessions of a Public Servant
Post Date: 2015-10-24 08:46:57 by Ada
The Free Market 13, no. 5 (May 1995) You’re looking for a job. You want to get paid several times your worth, come and go when you please, work only when you feel like it, take as long a lunch as you want, and get ten paid holidays per year and six weeks paid vacation per year. There’s only one way to go: work for the federal government. Few Americans, I’m afraid, have any idea, what it’s like. If they did, there would be a political earthquake. As a member of the Parasitic Class for 15 years, I have witnessed and participated in this corrupt and grotesquely unfair system first hand. I am both qualified and morally obligated to expose it. You could, of course, call me ...

COFCO to build two 100,000-tonnes warehouses in Russia
Post Date: 2015-10-23 23:11:01 by Tatarewicz
Want... China's state-owned food processing company, China National Cereals, Oils, and Foodstuffs Corp. (COFCO Group), has announced plans to build two warehouses, each with a capacity of 100,000 tonnes, on the most southeastern region of Russia bordered by China and North Korea, Shanghai-based Guancha Syndicate reports. The company is especially interested in the Mikhailovsky priority development territory in Russia's Primorsky Krai. It is the only territory focusing on food production, processing and agricultural logistics among the nine priority development territories permitted by the Russian government, said Chi Jingtao, vice president of COFCO Group, during the China-Russia ...

JP Morgan Chase Increases Its Silver Holdings Tenfold!
Post Date: 2015-10-23 21:38:17 by BTP Holdings
JP Morgan Chase Increases Its Silver Holdings Tenfold! Find Out Why the Country's Largest Investment Bank Is Stockpiling Silver. 2015 Silver Report, Silver: It's a Buyer's Market and Silver Bars What Does JPMorgan Know That We Don't? •In 2012, JPMorgan held 5 million ounces of SILVER. •In just 3 YEARS, they've increased that amount to 55 MILLION OUNCES! •CEO Jamie Dimon wrote to shareholders, "there 'WILL BE' another crisis, and its 'IMPACT' will be felt throughout the financial markets." •Historically, SILVER has been a hedge against volatile stocks, government debt, and geopolitical tensions. •Currently, ...

Will Latest Central Banker Blitz Work … When All Others Failed?
Post Date: 2015-10-23 18:48:54 by BTP Holdings
Will Latest Central Banker Blitz Work … When All Others Failed? Mike Larson | Friday, October 23, 2015 at 4:22 pm Central bankers are blitzing the markets with all they have! It started yesterday when European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and his pals didn’t cut rates, but DID strongly hint they would act later this year. Among the options he put on the table: An extension of Euro-QE beyond its current expiration date of September 2016 … an expansion of the type and quantity of bonds the ECB will buy … or even a cut in interest rates deeper into negative territory. The bank’s deposit rate is currently minus-0.2%. That caused the euro to plunge by two ...

Canada’s liberal Trudeau may weigh in against fossil fuels (Keystone pipeline)
Post Date: 2015-10-22 21:06:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In the wake of liberal Justin Trudeau's election as Canadian prime minister, TransCanada is still committed to finishing the Keystone XL project. Trudeau is on record as supporting Keystone XL, but Trudeau is also urging action to combat climate change, and environmentalists argue that production from Canadian tar sands would contribute to what they call climate change or global warming. News outlets are reporting skepticism as to whether Trudeau will fight environmentalists and other groups over the pipeline.Mark Cooper, spokesman for TransCanada, tells OneNewsNow the company is already set to progress with further developing the pipeline."[We are] 100 percent looking to ...

Russia - Iran Deveopment Bank
Post Date: 2015-10-22 05:43:41 by Tatarewicz
RT... Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak is in Iran to discuss energy cooperation. Among the proposals is setting up of a bank to boost joint projects. "One of the most important issues that have a negative impact on the development of our trade relations [with Iran] is the financial issue. Today, we paid attention to this, and also discussed a number of proposals to ensure that our joint projects will be financed properly," said Novak, adding the bank was among the proposals. "Iran is an important and large trading partner, we are now at a new stage, a new level of development of our relations,” he added. Novak’s two-day visit to Tehran will include talks ...

Chinese president underscores socialist path, peaceful development
Post Date: 2015-10-22 05:18:00 by Tatarewicz
LONDON, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed Wednesday that the socialist path China has followed is "correct," and it is the choice of the "history and people." Citing the remarkable achievements China has made over the past 37 years when it initiated the reform and opening-up policy, Xi noted that it only took several decades for China to complete the journey the developed countries have gone through for centuries. "That fully shows that the Chinese people are following a correct path," the president said while addressing a banquet hosted by Lord Mayor of the City of London Alan Yarrow on Wednesday evening. Meanwhile, he pledged that ...

Why I Prefer ETFs Over Mutual Funds
Post Date: 2015-10-21 21:36:28 by BTP Holdings
Why I Prefer ETFs Over Mutual Funds Posted on October 21, 2015 by Brad Hoppmann There’s no sugar-coating the hit that Exchange-Traded Funds took to their collective reputation this summer. After all, I don’t think many people will soon forget that it was just about two months ago that ETFs suffered perhaps their biggest black eye ever. The date was Monday, Aug. 24, and by the looks of the bright red pre-market trading screens that day, it was shaping up to potentially be another dreaded "Black Monday." That fear was thought to be confirmed at the outset, as the Dow plummeted some 1,100 points in just the first five minutes of trading. The huge point slide was ...

Hedge Fund Darling Valeant Massacred, Sparking Bio-Bloodbath!
Post Date: 2015-10-21 20:00:32 by BTP Holdings
Hedge Fund Darling Valeant Massacred, Sparking Bio-Bloodbath! Mike Larson | Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 4:23 pm It was a bio-bloodbath today, one sparked by an all-out massacre at hedge fund darling Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (VRX). The biotechnology firm was already under political pressure due to its strategy of buying up competitors, then dramatically hiking prices for the drugs those firms sold. Federal and state prosecutors recently subpoenaed the company, looking for information on its drug distribution and pricing strategies. Then today, Valeant shares plunged a whopping $28.13, or 19%, after a leading short-selling research firm questioned the firm’s sales ...

WHAT WILL THE ROYAL PRINCE REPROBATES DO? - Saudi Arabia Will Be Broke In 5 Years, IMF Predicts
Post Date: 2015-10-21 14:54:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As crazy as it sounds, the Saudis are going broke. Of course you wouldn’t know it if you read the account of King Salman’s latest visit to Washington which included booking the entire DC Four Seasons and procuring a veritable fleet of Mercedes S-Class sedans. You’d also be inclined to think that everything is fine if you simply looked at SAMA holdings (i.e. FX reserves) which still total nearly $700 billion.  The problem however, is the outlook.  Fighting wars costs money and so does bribing the citizenry to ensure you don’t get some kind of Arab Spring-type uprising. When you endeavor to artificially suppress the price of the export that is the source for ...

Income Inequality Is Irrelevant In A Country Like America [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-10-20 11:55:13 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
"It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered." – Aeschylus The fundamental issue behind income inequality could be boiled down to a single question: Are poor Americans better or worse off because Bill Gates ($79 billion net worth), Oprah Winfrey ($3 billion net worth), Michael Jordan ($1 billion net worth) and Mark Zuckerberg ($40 billion net worth) are living in the United States? Certainly, having them living in America creates more income inequality. It also hurts the poor by….oh wait, having them here doesn’t hurt the poor at all. None of these people made their money off the backs of the poor (How could they? The ...

HOW WILL 'MERIKA SURVIVE? - Wal-Mart Squeezes Suppliers For Price Cuts As Earnings Sag
Post Date: 2015-10-19 19:51:59 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Suppliers of everything from groceries to sports equipment are already being squeezed for price cuts and cost sharing by Wal-Mart Stores (WMT.N). Now they are bracing for the pressure to ratchet up even more after a shock earnings warning from the retailer last week. The discount store behemoth has always had a reputation for demanding lower prices from vendors but Reuters has learned from interviews with suppliers and consultants, as well as reviewing some contracts, that even by its standards Wal-Mart has been turning up the heat on them this year. "The ground is shaking here," said Cameron Smith, head of Cameron Smith & Associates, a major recruiting firm for suppliers ...

Unwanted Deposits and Bank Reshufflings
Post Date: 2015-10-19 19:20:16 by BTP Holdings
Unwanted Deposits and Bank Reshufflings Oct 19, 2015 8:30 AM EDT By Matt Levine No one wants your cash. A bank is a magical place that transforms risky illiquid long-term loans into safe immediately accessible deposits. Like most magic, this requires a certain suspension of disbelief. We live in skeptical times, though, and people who would once have gazed with childlike wonder on the magic being worked by banks are now all like, well, that is kind of a risky mismatch, you should really hold a lot more capital against all those flighty demand deposits. And so you get stories like "Big Banks to America’s Firms: We Don’t Want Your Cash": Many businesses have large ...

Incredible Silver News You Aren't Seeing
Post Date: 2015-10-19 16:34:10 by BTP Holdings
Incredible Silver News You Aren't Seeing By Adam English | Here is a little pro tip that applies to every aspect of life. Never stop reading. Ever. I know, broad and vague, but this week I want to use a quote from an otherwise useless article to keep you filled in on rumblings about silver that are coalescing into a much larger story. It should come as no surprise that people involved in finance are utterly hopeless news junkies. Half of our job is to constantly read, and we're always taking that portion of work home. We'll read just about anything to find that one nugget of information that is worth remembering. If you've ever perversely looked forward to wading into ...

What’s Oxford Club’s $25 Billion “Miracle Molecule?”
Post Date: 2015-10-19 08:18:07 by Tatarewicz
This pitch is not all that tough to decipher for those who are seasoned biotech investors, but it’s generating a lot of questions for us today so I thought we’d get a quick answer out for you — it’s certainly a stock that gets plenty of attention, so you won’t need much of a head start on your research from yours truly on this one. The pitch is that there’s a “Miracle Molecule” which will save millions of lives, and that one company has “exclusive patent rights” — which doesn’t narrow it down all that much, that’s the promise of “miracle molecules” from hundreds of biotech companies… but the Oxford Club ...

China nuclear deal ‘threatens Britain's national security’ – intelligence sources
Post Date: 2015-10-19 00:34:26 by Tatarewicz
RT... Chancellor George Osborne’s plans to allow China to help design and build two nuclear power plants in the UK have been described as “astounding” by critics, who warn it poses a threat to national security. Osborne hopes to finalize the multibillion-pound deals next week during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Britain. If agreed, Chinese state-owned companies could design and build a reactor using their own technology at Bradwell on the Essex coast. Security sources have expressed alarm at giving the People’s Republic of China (PRC) such intimate access to Britain’s energy infrastructure, warning the UK could be rushing into an agreement with ...

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