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Post Date: 2015-07-21 14:19:37 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
..a last minute rejection by Putin that lead to the Greek government's capitulation, and the expulsion of Varoufakis who most certainly was the propagator of this plan. It also means that Merkel suddenly has a massive debt of gratitude to pay to Vladimir, whose betrayal of the Greek "marxists" is what allowed the Eurozone to continue in its current form. The question then is what is Vlad's pro quo in exchange for letting down the Greek government (and handing over its choicest assets to the (s)quid), whose fate was in the hands of the former KGB spy. Back in January, when we reported what the very first official act of open European defiance by the then-brand new ...

BRICS Bank Opens for Business
Post Date: 2015-07-21 12:54:42 by Stephen Lendman
BRICS Bank Opens for Business by Stephen Lendman Its Shanghai-based New Development Bank (NDB) represents the beginning of a significant challenge to predatory Western financial institutions - the IMF, World Bank and other loan shark lenders of last resort. The IMF was established to stabilize exchange rates linked to the dollar and bridge temporary payment imbalances. The World Bank's mandate was to provide credit to war-torn developing countries. Both bodies proved hugely exploitive - using debt entrapment to transfer public wealth to Western bankers and other major creditors. Debtor nations are forced take new loans to service old ones -  assuring rising peonage and ...

Another Backroom Deal, Retirees Screwed Again
Post Date: 2015-07-18 12:11:03 by BTP Holdings
Another Backroom Deal, Retirees Screwed Again Dear Daily Reckoning Reader, Fair warning: If you’re about to retire or are already retired, you should know about a dangerous new deal being negotiated in Washington, D.C., right now. Some of the most “powerful” men and women in finance (ha!) have recently met behind closed doors to work out the details... and they constructed a deal that could ruin the lives of millions of Americans. This meeting has never been discussed in the mainstream media. Our guess is the “authorities” wanted to keep this under wraps to prevent a general panic. Luckily, our inside man, Jim Rickards, was in Washington at the time the ...

Wall Street Ratings Lies, Money-Printing and Earnings
Post Date: 2015-07-18 11:58:38 by BTP Holdings
Wall Street Ratings Lies, Money-Printing and Earnings Money and Markets | Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 7:30 am Here’s a quick, executive summary of stories from this abbreviated trading week, with a link to the full articles online. Wall Street Ratings: Lies, Lies, Lies Don’t get caught in deceptions, the biggest of which just might be the whole ratings saga out of Wall Street. Martin D. Weiss takes a hard look at the issue. Click here. Vehicles Rev Up on Battery Power Electrical power continues to invade an industry that is built on horsepower braggadocio and sexy sheet metal. What’s the future for battery power and the auto industry? Jon Markman investigates. ...

Inside America's Next Financial Crisis
Post Date: 2015-07-18 11:50:57 by BTP Holdings
My name is Steve Meyers. And I want to thank you for taking part in this exclusive Money Morning interview with Jim Rickards, the Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor for both the Pentagon and CIA. Recently, all 16 branches of our Intelligence Community have come together to release a shocking report. These agencies, that include the CIA, FBI, Army, and Navy, they've already begun to estimate the impact of the fall of the dollar as the global reserve currency. And our reign as the world's leading super power being annihilated in a way equivalent to the end of the British Empire, post-World War II. And the end game could be a nightmarish scenario, where the world ...

Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History to Crash
Post Date: 2015-07-18 11:45:26 by BTP Holdings
Beginning with Charles Ponzi, the world has had its fair share of Ponzi schemes. Most of these have been localized and have never affected more than a small percentage of the population. But what if a whole country itself was built on a Ponzi scheme? And what if that Ponzi scheme were about to collapse? We’ve just put the finishing touches on a video presentation that exposes the truth about the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme ever and why we believe it’s about to crash. It’s a serious threat to our economy and the markets…one all investors should know about. I urge you to watch our video, “Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History to Crash,” before it’s too ...

4 Billionaires are Extremely Worried that America’s Next Big Financial Crisis is Coming Soon
Post Date: 2015-07-18 11:35:14 by BTP Holdings
4 Billionaires are Extremely Worried that America’s Next Big Financial Crisis is Coming Soon 04.01.2015 BY Mike Palmer, Stansberry Research This story is developing quickly. If you are worried about the possibility of another large scale U.S. financial crisis, you are not alone. In recent months, four super-successful billionaires have gone on record with warnings that we are now living in perilous financial times. Andy Redleaf, for example, is a successful hedge fund manager, who accurately predicted the last major financial panic in America. Just before the last big financial crisis in America, Redleaf prophetically wrote to his clients in December 2006 that: ...

Peter Schiff Defends 'Outlandish Predictions'
Post Date: 2015-07-17 17:07:22 by BTP Holdings
Peter Schiff Defends 'Outlandish Predictions' By Robert Feinberg | Friday, 17 Jul 2015 08:09 AM CNBC Futures Now panelist Scott Nations took on one of this writer’s favorite commentators, Peter Schiff, of Euro Pacific Capital, over what Nations considers “outlandish predictions.” Nations contends that if “price is truth,” futures are pricing in a 75% chance of a rate hike by December, with further increases going forward. Schiff quipped that “in 2007 the market was saying subprime mortgages were good and trading them above par,” so everybody got it wrong. "I doubt the Federal Reserve is going to raise rates," Schiff said. ...

China May Rise as Major Exporter of Iranian Oil After Nuke Deal
Post Date: 2015-07-17 07:38:02 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik At first sight it may seem like the Iranian nuclear deal has no impact on Chinese economy, but Beijing has hailed the agreements reached in Vienna on July 14. Jin Canrong, the vice-principal of the Institute of International Relations of the People's University of China, told Sputnik, that China may now become a major exporter of Iranian oil in the world. Canrong noted that the Vienna agreement gives Iran a chance to address the issue of economic sanctions as the Iranian economy is in a dire state currently. An Iranian oil worker makes his way through Tehran's oil refinery south of the capital Tehran, Iran, Monday, December 22, 2014. © AP Photo/ Vahid Salemi Iran ...

IS IT REAL? - US Senator: Go to an ATM…draw out everything
Post Date: 2015-07-16 09:34:38 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
US Senator: Go to an ATM…draw out everything Why would one of the most powerful senators in DC beg his wife to go to an ATM and take out everything it would let her? According to reports, Richard Burr – now the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee – called his wife on a Friday night to tell her he wasn’t coming home for the weekend. Then he made a disturbing request: “Tonight, I want you to go to the ATM machine, and I want you to draw out everything it will let you take.”                 SEE ALSO: The strange reason America’s ATMs are about to shut down… He ...

Bitcoin's price likely to fall soon after 7 month surge
Post Date: 2015-07-16 01:56:39 by Tatarewicz
Want... Bitcoin's price is likely to fall as Greece had reached an agreement with European leaders for a possible bailout as well as the upward movement on the Chinese stock market, reports Chinese-language Beijing Business Today. Bitcoin's price has been surging over the past few months, with peak value surpassing 30% the latest four trading days. The unit price had risen to 2,222 yuan (US$358) from 1700 yuan (US$274) since July 10. The transaction volume has hit 400 million yuan (US$64.5 million) on average per day. According to Tu Jun, co-founder of China's bitcoin spot trading platform Huobi, there were several times since mid-June that Bitcoin's price fluctuated more ...

IMF: Greek Debt Untenable
Post Date: 2015-07-15 06:05:41 by Stephen Lendman
IMF: Greek Debt Untenable by Stephen Lendman Overwhelming Greek debt is a time bomb sure to explode. It's unsustainable. It's just a question of when the Hellenic Republic implodes - crushed under the weight of a deepening financial burden no nation can bear indefinitely - especially ones with no control over their monetary and fiscal policies. Brussels and Frankfurt run things - a policy designed for predation. Strong nations like Germany and France wage financial war on weak ones like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and others - stealing their wealth, assets and enterprises, harming ordinary people most, colonizing the countries for profit. Even the Bretton Woods established/US ...

The Iran Deal's Undisputed Winner
Post Date: 2015-07-14 16:45:11 by BTP Holdings
The Iran nuclear deal is done. With the prospect of Western sanctions soon lifting, everyone is trying to figure out the financial impact. To the Tehran bureau chief of The New York Times, it means getting reimbursed for expenses will be a lot easier... The price of crude is moving little in response to the deal. At last check, a barrel of West Texas Intermediate fetched $52.18. Brent, the international benchmark, has slipped about 40 cents, to $57.47. As our Byron King reported via his contacts more than a month ago, Iran has at least 34 supertankers of oil loaded and ready for delivery once sanctions are lifted -- about 50 million barrels in all. How soon it comes on the market, ...

The Flat Tax Revisited
Post Date: 2015-07-14 09:22:40 by Ada
Every four years, during the presidential election season, Republican candidates criticize the abuses of the IRS and the complexity of the tax code. This time is no different. Sometimes Republicans introduce their own tax reform plans. This year Senators Marco Rubio and Mike Lee have their plan and Senator Rand Paul has his. With the large number of Republican candidates running for president this time, there will certainly be others. Republicans invariably talk about the need to shift to a flat tax that is both “fair” and “simple,” yet still raises enough money for the federal government. The tax rates are hardly ever mentioned. Rarely is the amount of money the ...

KOMING FOR YOUR KASH - Greece Just Lost Control Of Its Banks, And Why Deposit Haircuts Are Imminent
Post Date: 2015-07-13 18:38:06 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Yes, Greek banks may have been insolvent - something that was clear since the first bailout of 2010 - but at least the Greek state had control over them: as such it could have mandated mergers, recapitalizations, liquidity injections, even depositor bail-ins (perhaps the harshest lesson for the ordinary Greek population as a result of this latest crisis is that deposits are not "cash in the bank" but liabilities of insolvent financial organizations). Starting on Wednesday that will no longer be the case. Because while Greek banks will maintain their capital controls for months and withdrawals will be limited to €60 or less for months (the ECB is well aware that any boost to ...

Hidden Bubble Will Burst on Sept. 16, 2015. What to do?
Post Date: 2015-07-13 16:54:26 by BTP Holdings
•15-times larger than the dot-com bubble •4-times larger than the real estate bubble, and •107-times bigger than the bailouts of 2008! Click here to view this controversial video NOW! The fate of your income, investments, retirement, and even your personal safety may very well depend on it. After the Dow was whipsawed up and down by 2,200 points last week, investors will be looking for a respite from the storm. But unfortunately, last week was only a harbinger of what's to come. The two collapsing bubbles in Europe and Asia where only the start. In fact, the U.S. markets are about to be engulfed by the biggest bubble in U.S history — a bubble set to burst on ...

GREEK ISLANDS GOING ON SALE ON EBAY - What Assets Did Greece Just Hand Over To Europe: "Airports, Airplanes, Infrastructure And Most Certainly Banks"
Post Date: 2015-07-13 09:55:28 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The Simpsons had it right all along:   With the provocative and dramatic Greek "time out" language pulled from the final finmin and summit draft language, the two most humiliating aspects of the latest extend and pretend "deal" for the Greek people will be the return of the Troika's (surely we can call it the Troika again as part of the Greek capitulation) IMF mission to Athens, and the escrowing of some €50 billion in  Greek assets in a liquidation fund. Granted said fund will not be domiciled in Luxembourg as was originally envisioned, but Europe will still have control and first refusal rights over what are technically Greek properties, in the ...

China's Alibaba sets sights on greater US profile with Alipay listing
Post Date: 2015-07-13 01:25:49 by Tatarewicz
Want... A possible plan by Alipay.com, a third-party online payment platform launched by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, to go public in the United States has invited widespread attention. Sohu.com said concerns have been raised because of Alipay's 350 million registered users, making it the biggest third-party payment platform in China and a potential goliath in the American market. Also, because Alipay is a single product, a separate listing seems rather unconventional. There are reasons for the Alibaba Group to have Alipay listed separately in the United States, with the main one being to have the company seize a big share of the American market and generate more profits. ...

'Robot display supermarket' to open in south China
Post Date: 2015-07-12 04:50:32 by Tatarewicz
Want... Chinese cities have no shortage of megamalls and markets selling everything a shopper could want. But one new south China retail complex will offer just one thing: robots. Government officials in Guangdong province's Foshan announced Friday that they will open a 20,000-square-meter-plus "robot supermarket" in the city's Shunde district. The first-of-its-kind center will open to the public in September. It will give robotics developers a place to exhibit and sell their latest models, as well as provide a platform for research and development and intellectual property rights (IPR) protection, said Xuan Ganhua, an official with the local robotics industry area in ...

iTech Capital becomes first Russian company to invest in bitcoins
Post Date: 2015-07-11 04:37:47 by Tatarewicz
RT... The iTech Capital venture fund has become part of a group that provided $20 million to the start-up BitFury. It hopes to use this money to expand its technology and business operations. The Russian fund is joining two foreign firms - DRW Venture Capital and Georgian Co-Investment Fund. iTech hasn’t revealed the amount of its investment. BitFury has become a market leader in bitcoin mining, also says that it will use this cash to develop next generation chips. These chips are expected to be the next step, following the recently launched and energy efficient 28 nanometer chip. Following the investment deal, BitFury retains its status as being the best financed Russian start-up, ...

Post Date: 2015-07-10 23:38:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
For many Greeks, the lines now start at midnight ATHENS — ATMs have become the new town squares, the place where Greeks gather and furiously debate politics and economics as they wait in line to withdraw a paltry limit of less than $70 a day. The lines start at midnight so people can collect their daily 60-euro allotment as early in the new day as possible for fear banks might run out of cash if they wait. Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

Atkinson: Buffett Ratio Indicates Stocks 34 Percent Overvalued
Post Date: 2015-07-10 17:48:20 by BTP Holdings
Atkinson: Buffett Ratio Indicates Stocks 34 Percent Overvalued By Dan Weil | Friday, 10 Jul 2015 07:12 AM Investment expert Jimmy Atkinson offers 10 reasons why the stock market may be overvalued in a column on ETF Reference. Here are four of them. •Warren Buffett has cited the ratio of total market capitalization to GDP as "probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment." That ratio is considered fairly valued between 75 and 90 percent. A reading above 115 percent is considered significantly overvalued. The ratio now? 124 percent. Uh oh. •Robert Shiller's cyclically-adjusted price-earnings ratio, which includes 10 years of ...

Has the Federal Reserve Sold the Gold at Fort Knox?
Post Date: 2015-07-10 09:14:40 by Ada
The famed Fort Knox is a facility managed by the U.S. Mint. Curiously, however, in a recent exchange of e-mails with a gold investment blog, the former director of that agency demonstrates a disturbing lack of knowledge about the precious metal supposedly stored there. And the Federal Reserve may be hiding the location and value of the allegedly missing bullion. On July 1, Koos Jansen of goldseek.com published another in a series of posts exploring the fate of the gold allegedly kept in vaults at Fort Knox, Kentucky. In his latest article, Jansen makes some startling claims that if proven true, should instantly constrain Congress to investigate the situation with the gold inventory. ...

Doctors' 8 Worst Investing Mistakes
Post Date: 2015-07-10 04:20:29 by Tatarewicz
Medsape... Searching for That Winning Investment Physicians have long tried to maximize their earnings by making investments. Although many doctors have done well, others have ended up with huge losses. Some money-losing investments were truly due to bad luck. Even financial professionals failed to predict some real estate crashes or a market plunge at a particular time. And many investments that looked good on paper turned out to be losers owing to unforeseen events. In the survey fielded for Medscape's 2015 Compensation Report, we asked physicians to describe their worst investing mistakes. Thousands of respondents described how they lost money, and what went wrong. Here are the ...

Bitcoins could save Greece: Chinese bitcoin platform founder
Post Date: 2015-07-10 01:50:53 by Tatarewicz
News Economy Want... Bitcoins could be the savior of the Greek debt crisis, says Xu Mingxing, founder of OKCoin, one of China's largest bitcoin exchange platforms. Greece is on the verge of being forced to leave the eurozone after Greek voters turned down an international bailout offer via a referendum on Sunday, leading to calls from European leaders for Athens to "make serious, credible proposals" to resolve the dire situation. With money drying up, the operation of Greek banks have been shut down for the rest of the week, as restrictions on bank transfers and ATM withdrawals also continuing to be enforced. There are now reports that mergers between Greece's major ...

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