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COMMUNIST WAY OF HANDLING CRASHING STOCK MARKET - Chinese Police Officially Launch Crackdown On Stock Sellers & Rumor Spreaders
Post Date: 2015-07-10 01:19:03 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Not only has the Chinese regulator specifically asked all listed companies to submit reports, within the next two days, on the measures they will take to prop up their shares, according to the 21st Centruy Business Herald; but, as we warned yesterday, Chinese police have begun a "nationwide action plan" to work with stock regulator CSRC to crack down on now 'illegal' stock and futures trading. As SCMP reports, police are checking who sold off Ping An and PetroChina stocks in last 30 minutes of trading July 8 while Government was buying to boost index... Who needs QE? This is worse, much worse...   Market sources: Police checking who sold off Ping An, PetroChina stocks ...

Are Big Banks Using Derivatives To Suppress Bullion Prices?
Post Date: 2015-07-09 10:39:30 by Ada
We have explained on a number of occasions how the Federal Reserves’ agents, the bullion banks (principally JPMorganChase, HSBC, and Scotia) sell uncovered shorts (“naked shorts”) on the Comex (gold futures market) in order to drive down an otherwise rising price of gold. By dumping so many uncovered short contracts into the futures market, an artificial increase in “paper gold” is created, and this increase in supply drives down the price. This manipulation works because the hedge funds, the main purchasers of the short contracts, do not intend to take delivery of the gold represented by the contracts, settling instead in cash. This means that the banks who sold ...

Post Date: 2015-07-09 07:31:40 by Tatarewicz
“The World’s Best Biotech Investor Thinks These Two Stocks Will Gain 500%+” Posted on July 8, 2015 by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe WP Greet Box icon Welcome! If you are new to Stock Gumshoe, grab a free membership here and join us to get our free newsletter alerts with new teaser answers and debunkings. Thanks! Not new? Please log in at top right of this page We’ve got a quickie here that a few folks asked about, and I thought I’d throw it out for you just because there are so many of you who are interested in biotech stocks (and why wouldn’t you be, of course, given the fact that the biotech index would have given you a 350%+ return over the past five ...

'COME TO CHINA' - Chinese premier visits US Amway store in China
Post Date: 2015-07-09 03:58:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
He encourages more US investors and businesses come to China to share Chinese dream.

Microsoft culls a huge 7,800 jobs GLOBALLY, mostly from phone business
Post Date: 2015-07-08 13:59:52 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Microsoft slices and dices its phone business, with a huge $7.6 billion write off and 7,800 jobs cut (NASDAQ:MSFT, NYSE:NOK) Microsoft has just announced that it is cutting a huge 7,800 jobs from its phone business, while it also writes off $7.6 billion in relation to its acquisition of Nokia's Devices and Services Division. Considering Microsoft paid $7.2 billion for Nokia's phone business last year, this is quite the check to write.    Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, explains: "We are moving from a strategy to grow a standalone phone business to a strategy to grow and create a vibrant Windows ecosystem including our first-party device family. In the near-term, ...

Saudis plan $10 billion investment in Russia
Post Date: 2015-07-08 07:37:06 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Saudi Arabia plans to invest up to $10 billion in Russia over the next five years in the latest bid by the kingdom to endear itself to a traditional energy rival. Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) will invest $10 billion in the government-run investment fund Russia Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). RDIF said it had signed a partnership agreement with another Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund, the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA). "The parties will identify attractive joint investment opportunities in the SA and the Middle East," it said. The funds would be reportedly invested in infrastructure and agriculture, as well as healthcare, ...

Hoax Phone Call Costs Hedge Fund $1.2 Million and CFO's Job
Post Date: 2015-07-07 16:52:29 by BTP Holdings
Hoax Phone Call Costs Hedge Fund $1.2 Million and CFO's Job Tuesday, 07 Jul 2015 09:46 AM The finance chief at Fortelus Capital Management LLP got an alarming phone call just as he was getting ready to leave work on a Friday. The caller said he was from Coutts, the London-based hedge fund’s bank, and warned there may have been fraudulent activity on the account. Fortelus Chief Financial Officer Thomas Meston was reluctant, but agreed to use the bank’s smart card security system to generate codes for the caller to cancel 15 suspicious payments. He hung up just after 6 p.m., according to court filings. When Meston logged on to the firm’s online bank account the ...

News Economy Work begins on Chinese section of Russian natural gas pipeline Staff Reporter 2015-07-07 11:27 (GMT+8) Construction on the Chinese section of the China-Russia East-Route Natural Gas Pipeline, Heihe, Heilongjiang province, June 29. (Photo/Xinhua) Construction on
Post Date: 2015-07-07 03:57:19 by Tatarewicz
Want Construction on the Chinese section of the China-Russia East Route natural gas pipeline, believed to be the largest cooperative project between China and Russia in history, began on June 29. Vice premier Zhang Gaoli said at the inauguration ceremony that both countries are ready to work hard to ensure the completion of the pipeline on schedule in 2018. Experts said the project is significant because it is a major milestone of China-Russia energy cooperation and the last of four key channels through which China imports energy. The four channels, developed to ensure China's energy security, consist of a sea channel involving the Strait of Malacca and South China Sea through which ...

HARSHIP NOT SEEN IN GENERATIONS AND The Biggest Winner From The Greek Tragedy
Post Date: 2015-07-07 00:13:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Inevitably, there will be many angry people, because what is about to come to Europe will be hardship unlike anything seen in generations. Long after Greece has left the Eurozone and Germany is using the Deutsche Mark as its currency, the people of the two nations, antagonized to a level unseen since World War II, will be accusing each other of benefiting more from the brief but tumultuous period of the common currency. In reality, nobody had put a gun to Greece's head and told it to lever up, enriching local oligarchs and corrupt politicians, taking advantage of credit that was artificially cheap only due to the common currency and an implicit monetary, if not fiscal, union. ...

IMF and Iceland Outline $2.1 Billion Loan Plan (October 24, 2008)
Post Date: 2015-07-06 21:00:11 by Jethro Tull
IMF and Iceland Outline $2.1 Billion Loan Plan IMF Survey online October 24, 2008 - IMF staff mission and Icelandic authorities reach outline loan agreement - Two-year Stand-By loan would support agreed economic program - Aim to restore confidence in banking system and stabilize currency The IMF announced an initial agreement with Iceland on a $2.1 billion two-year loan to support an economic recovery program to help the island restore confidence in its banking system and stabilize its currency. Following review by the IMF's management, the agreement could be presented to the IMF Executive Board for approval in early November. Iceland would be able to draw $833 million immediately ...

5 New Ways to Build Wealth
Post Date: 2015-07-06 17:15:46 by BTP Holdings
Sometimes we produce something that ruffles so many feathers it gets taken down as soon as it appears. Is this another? Let's get started... 5 New Ways to Build Wealth "I bet this gets taken down immediately..." "Have you seen this video?" our friend asked us. "As soon as people get wind of it, I bet this gets taken down immediately." Sure enough... A week after that conversation, it had disappeared from the Internet. And there was speculation it would never be allowed online again... Then, over the weekend, we saw it pop up in one of the secure financial emails we subscribe to. So today, we jumped at the chance to send it to you. We suggest you ...

The $4 Trillion Money Printing Press
Post Date: 2015-07-06 17:08:45 by BTP Holdings
The $4 Trillion Money Printing Press Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. | Monday, July 6, 2015 at 7:30 am 20 Martin Weiss Just in his first round of quantitative easing (money printing), launched soon after Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke increased the nation’s monetary base (cash and reserves in the banking system) from $850 billion to $2.1 trillion. That was an insane increase of 2.5 times in just 18 months — by far, the greatest monetary expansion in U.S. history. To get a sense of its sheer enormity, consider these facts: Fact #1. Before the Lehman Brothers collapse, it had taken the Fed a total of 5,012 days — 13 ...

"No" Supporters Win in Greece: Now What?
Post Date: 2015-07-06 05:03:09 by Stephen Lendman
"No" Supporters Win in Greece: Now What? by Stephen Lendman Sunday evening in Greece should have been time for celebrations. "No" votes won decisively with over a 61% majority. Phony corporate media polls showed the "yes" camp prevailing - to discourage "no" supporters from voting as well as swing undecided ones to accept Troika demands. At the same time, heavy-handed Troika and corporate media tactics bombarded Greeks with relentless fear-mongering, Big Lies and threats for voting "no." It didn't work. In this respect, Sunday's vote was a huge triumph. Ordinary people had some say over their futures - a moment of democracy in ...

Are Americans really Legally Piggybacking “Canadian Social Security?”
Post Date: 2015-07-05 05:30:11 by Tatarewicz
Does Lifetime Income Report have a secret way to "piggyback" and earn "benefits" on the Canada Pension Plan? (Uh, "no" ... but more on that in a moment) Welcome! If you are new to Stock Gumshoe, grab a free membership here and join us to get our free newsletter alerts with new teaser answers and debunkings. Thanks! Not new? Please log in at top right of this page This ad has driven a lot of questions to the Gumshoe doorstep — the pitch is from Zachary Scheidt for his Lifetime Income Report, and it implies that we can get extra “benefits” by “piggybacking” on the Social Security plan of Canada. Really? Well, no. Not in the way ...

Tesla to build more charging stations in China
Post Date: 2015-07-04 22:25:12 by Tatarewicz
Want... Electronic car maker Tesla announced a new plan to build more charging stations in China to solve the problem of long lines for customers, reports our Chinese-language sister paper Want Daily. Tesla held a press conference on April 30 in Los Angeles to reveal its charging network plan. According to Beijing Daily, Tesla will put supercharging stations in Qinhuangdao, Jinzhou, Changchun, and Harbin to complete its super charging route that already includes Beijing, Qinhuangdao, Jinzhou, Shenyang, Changchun, and Harbin. A newly built supercharging station is going to begin service in Changchun, Jilin province in mid-July. Also, a a supercharging station in Shijiazhuang will be added ...

LITERALLY ROBBING CASH FROM PRIVATE BANK ACCOUNTS - Greek banks prepare plan to raid deposits to avert collapse
Post Date: 2015-07-04 13:17:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears the country is heading for financial collapse, bankers and businesspeople with knowledge of the measures said on Friday. The plans, which call for a “haircut” of at least 30 per cent on deposits above €8,000, sketch out an increasingly likely scenario for at least one bank, the sources said. A Greek bail-in could resemble the rescue plan agreed by Cyprus in 2013, when customers’ funds were seized to shore up the banks, with a haircut imposed on uninsured deposits over €100,000. It would be implemented as part of a recapitalisation of Greek banks that would be ...

China's methanol car maker invests Iceland's leading new energy producer
Post Date: 2015-07-04 03:49:00 by Tatarewicz
REYKJAVIK, July 3 (Xinhua) -- China's Geely Holding Group, known as the world's leading methanol vehicle manufacturer, inked a deal on Friday to make an investment of 45.5 million U.S. dollars in three years to Iceland's Carbon Recycling International (CRI), known as the world leader in power to methanol technology. Addressing the agreement signing ceremony, Li Shufu, founder and chairman of Geely Holding Group, said, "it is no doubt that methanol will be widely used as its advantages compared with gasoline fuel will be more and more prominent. I believe the cooperation with CRI will greatly promote Geely's development in clean energy for vehicles." CRI produces ...

Uber shows wise deference in announcing China subsidiary
Post Date: 2015-07-03 21:26:04 by Tatarewicz
Want... Uber, the world's leading internet-based chauffeuring service provider, will establish a Chinese subsidiary, its first overseas outfit worldwide, to meet the particular needs of the Chinese market, says the company's CEO and founder Travis Kalanick, according to Caixin.com. The Chinese subsidiary will facilitate further development of the company in China, which accounts for four of its list of top 10 cities worldwide in terms of business scale, including three of its top four list — namely Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Chengdu. Regulators in Guangzhou and Chengdu have called for the company to set up a local subsidiary for the sake of better regulation. Kalanick said it ...

Chinese Stocks Just Lost 10 Times Greece's GDP
Post Date: 2015-07-03 13:44:47 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Chinese Stocks Just Lost 10 Times Greece's GDP What happens in China will turn out to be far more consequential than any sting that Greece may deliver. As Europeans hold their breath awaiting a referendum that will help determine Greece's future in the euro zone, a stock market slump on the other side of the world is causing barely a ripple in global markets. A dizzying three-week plunge in Chinese equities has wiped out $2.36 trillion in market value -- equivalent to about 10 times Greece's gross domestic product last year. Still, the closed nature of China's financial markets is allowing the rest of the world to watch in wonder without seeing spillovers into their ...

Post Date: 2015-07-02 22:12:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Greek banks down to €500m in cash reserves as economy crashes The daily allowance of cash from many ATM machines has already dropped from €60 to €50, purportedly because €20 notes are running out Greece is sliding into a full-blown national crisis as the final cash reserves of the banking system evaporate by the hour and swathes of industry start to shut down, precipitating the near disintegration of the ruling coalition. Business leaders have been locked in talks with the Bank of Greece, pleading for the immediate release of emergency liquidity funds (ELA) to cover food imports and pharmaceutical goods before the tourist sector hits a brick wall. Officials say the ...

Almost $200 Million Donated to Representatives to Pass TPA
Post Date: 2015-07-02 13:40:29 by Ada
Many think our government is for sale. However, by taking a look at the facts below provided by the Open Secrets, it is easy to understand where they are coming from. Looking back at Friday the 12th, the House voted on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the controversial bill that gives power to the executive branch to negotiate treaties. TPA limit's Congress' ability to better a trade deal by subjecting members of Congress to 90 days of reviewing the trade agreement, prohibiting any amendments on the implementing legislation, and giving them an up or down vote. TPA passed with a mere 219-211 vote with only 218 needed to pass. The real shocker comes from the amount of money each ...

Capitalism Has Devolved Into Looting
Post Date: 2015-07-01 16:59:48 by Ada
In the Western World Capitalism Has Devolved Into Looting …when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed. – Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged” There’s no such thing as markets anymore – only interventions. – Chris Powell, co-founder and Treasurer of GATA Ayn Rand is a pariah among those who believe that government is our benefactor. There are times and conditions when government can be a benefactor of the people. But not in the ...

Post Date: 2015-07-01 16:31:51 by Ada
In the US getting a gun is easy—but media reports on murder and mass shootings often fail to address lax gun laws as a contributing factor. Photo credit: Wikimedia Foundation In the US getting a gun is easy—but media reports on murder and mass shootings often fail to address lax gun laws as a contributing factor. Photo credit: Wikimedia Foundation Why has the mainstream media not delved into the deeper issues behind the recent shootings in Charleston? One of those issues concerns the ease of access to guns by the wrong people. Instead of promoting a national dialogue on the subject, the media has largely focused on the astounding forgiveness of the victims’ families. While ...

COMING TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT ALSO - "Heartbreaking" Scene Unfolds At Greek Banks As Pensioners Clamor For Cash
Post Date: 2015-07-01 14:21:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
1,000 Greek bank branches chanced a stampede in order to open their doors to the country's retirees on Wednesday. The scene was somewhat chaotic as pensioners formed long lines and the country’s elderly attempted to squeeze through the doors in order to access pension payments. As Bloomberg reports, payouts were rationed and disbursals were limited according to last name. Here’s more:  It’s a day of fresh indignities for the people of Greece. About a third of the nation’s depleted banks cracked open their doors after being closed for three days. But all they did was ration pension payments, hours after the country became the first advanced economy to miss a ...

Good On You, Alexis Tsipras (Part 1)
Post Date: 2015-07-01 11:50:00 by Ada
Late Friday night a solid blow was struck for sound money, free markets and limited government by a most unlikely force. Namely, the hard core statist and crypto-Marxist prime minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras. He has now set in motion a cascade of disruption that will shake the corrupt status quo to its very foundations. And just in the nick of time, too. After 15 years of rampant money printing, falsification of financial market prices and usurpation of democratic rule, his antagonists—–the ECB, the EU superstate and the IMF—-have become a terminal threat to the very survival of the kind of liberal society of which these values are part and parcel. In fact, the ...

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