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China Plans First Ever Landing on the Dark Side of the Moon
Post Date: 2015-05-20 00:46:23 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... What lies on the dark side of the moon? The ruined civilization of our lunar forbearers? A pile of overplayed Pink Floyd records? The most exclusive Airbnb in the galaxy? China’s on the case, launching the first expedition of its kind, a journey to the moon’s untapped hemisphere. The closest extraterrestrial body, the moon has done much to shape our history and mythologies. It’s been associated with Artemis and Greek conceptions of rebirth. It’s also connected with Chang’e, the Chinese goddess of the moon. Hence the name of China’s latest probe, the Chang’e-4. The mission, part of China’s Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP), plans to land ...

Brasscheck out on a limb: "The earth is flat"
Post Date: 2015-05-19 10:22:21 by NeoconsNailed
What's going on here? BrasscheckTV, though semiliberaloid, offers one of the great free email subscriptions. It's one of the very few I keep. Most of their shows bust the new world order, the warfare state, growing tyranny et al. What do you make of this one -- actual suppressed science, a joke, or a capitulation to the brainwashing and disinfo field? Remember, now, the system lies to us about terrorism, the Holocaust(TM), pot, global warming, "native Americans", all of the biggest news events, and lots more. We've seen quite credible accounts of how we never really did a moon landing (including a Brasscheck vid of top astonauts acting really, really weird in a public ...

Spanish researchers are developing bladeless wind turbines
Post Date: 2015-05-18 01:38:02 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... A Spanish company called Vortex Bladeless has come up with bladeless wind turbine technology that seeks to provide more energy for less, and address the criticisms aimed at traditional wind farms - particularly where wildlife is concerned. With blades that spin at speeds of more than 320 km/h (200 miles/hour), wind turbines haven’t been the best news for the birds that live around them. While for the most part, the damage is fairly minimal, one wind farm in particular, Altamont Pass in California, US, has drawn the ire of local residents because of the 1,300 birds of prey - including eagles, falcons, hawks - that are killed each year as they try to migrate through ...

Microsoft: Humans have shorter attention span than a goldfish
Post Date: 2015-05-18 01:24:59 by Tatarewicz
UPI... TORONTO, May 15 (UPI) -- A small study by researchers at Microsoft has found the human attention span is shortening. At just 8 seconds, they say it is now shorter than the attention span of the average goldfish. The study, which featured a combination of surveys and mind games, was an apparently genuine attempt by scientists with the software company to better understand how mobile technology has affected attention span. More than 100 volunteers in Canada responded to a questionnaire and played cognitive games designed to quantify attention spans. While answering questions and playing games, participants were monitored by electroencephalography (EEG), a non-invasive method for ...

Hacker took control of United flight and flew jet sideways, FBI affidavit says
Post Date: 2015-05-16 21:29:38 by Tatarewicz
NEW YORK, May 16 (UPI) -- A security researcher suspected of hacking into computerized systems aboard a United Airlines Boeing 737 from Denver to Chicago last month told federal authorities that he once manipulated a jetliner's flight controls to steer the plane sideways, an FBI agent's affidavit states. Chris Roberts, a security researcher with One World Labs, was met by FBI agents after exiting a United flight in Syracuse, N.Y., on April 15 for a tweet posted on his account that suggested he may have hacked into a flight's entertainment system -- activity that he'd supposedly told agents previously that he would stop doing. The details of Roberts's alleged in-flight ...

Stefan Marivov's Free Energy Generator
Post Date: 2015-05-16 11:52:47 by BTP Holdings
Watch the video at source. They want $37 for the blueprints.

The solar road in the Netherlands is working even better than expected
Post Date: 2015-05-16 07:50:29 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... The Netherlands made headlines last year when it built the world's first solar road - an energy-harvesting bike path paved with glass-coated solar panels. Now, six months into the trial, engineers say the system is working even better than expected, with the 70-metre test bike path generating 3,000 kWh, or enough electricity to power a small household for a year. "If we translate this to an annual yield, we expect more than the 70kwh per square metre per year," Sten de Wit, spokesman for SolaRoad, the group behind the project, told Tarek Bazley at Al Jazeera. So just imagine the potential if we covered all our roads in the stuff. It’s this kind of ...

Short Supply: US About to Run Out of Old-Style IP Addresses
Post Date: 2015-05-15 02:03:41 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... At some point within the next few months, the US will have used up its share of all the Internet addresses that were created over thirty years ago, causing headaches for firms with the switch to a newer, expanded protocol. The original batch of about 4.3 billion IP addresses created in 1981 has dwindled and is nearing exhaustion, the Wall Street Journal Reports. Asia scooped up the last of their share of that batch in 2011, and Europe did the same about a year later. Tesla CEO Elon Musk is really really worried that his friend, Google cofounder Larry Page, has adopted some destructive interests - destructive for humanity, that is. © Flickr/ NVIDIA Corporation Elon Musk ...

Google robots army may turn against human race: SpaceX CEO
Post Date: 2015-05-14 07:38:42 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... American aerospace manufacturer SpaceX CEO is worried that Google may “accidentally” create an evil robot army that can turn against the human race. Google's intensive research into robotics could "produce something evil by accident," technology entrepreneur Elon Musk said in a new self-titled authorized biography, The Independent reported on Wednesday. Musk is the CEO at the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) and electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors and one of the founders of Pay Pal online payments system. Without clearly specifying any ultimate purpose, Google started to acquire robotics companies such as Boston Dynamics, which ...

Gigantic asteroid to hurtle past Earth Thursday: NASA
Post Date: 2015-05-12 22:18:03 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... An asteroid measuring over a kilometer across is about to hurtle past the Earth on Thursday, NASA says. According to NASA’s Near-Earth Object watch, the gigantic lump of rock, which is up to 1.3 kilometers wide and is currently dashing through space at a speed of about 14 kilometers per second, will skim the Earth at a distance of 26.4 lunar distances, about 10 million kilometers from Earth. “The asteroid will approach Earth…on 2015 May 14,” NASA said in a statement. The asteroid 1999 FN53, which is an eighth of the size of Mount Everest and will fly past the Earth with twice the speed of a space rocket at liftoff, was first discovered in 1999. FN53 is ...

Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called 'Jahn-Teller metals'
Post Date: 2015-05-12 05:04:44 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... An international team of scientists has announced the discovery of a new state of matter in a material that appears to be an insulator, superconductor, metal and magnet all rolled into one, saying that it could lead to the development of more effective high-temperature superconductors. Why is this so exciting? Well, if these properties are confirmed, this new state of matter will allow scientists to better understand why some materials have the potential to achieve superconductivity at a relativity high critical temperature (Tc) - "high" as in −135 °C as opposed to −243.2 °C. Because superconductivity allows a material to conduct electricity ...

Pentagon: China Launches Mysterious Objects Into Space
Post Date: 2015-05-12 03:02:01 by Tatarewicz
A recent report released by the US Department of Defense warns of China’s rapidly growing space program, insisting that many of Beijing’s space activities are aimed at countering the space capabilities of adversaries in the event of a crisis or conflict. The annual DoD report to Congress, titled Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China, comes as some in the US Air Force are calling for a more robust defense of US space assets. The US has more than 500 satellites which, according to the USAF, are increasingly exposed to threats from China’s rapidly expanding space program and so-called "counterspace" technologies. The ...

Several Oceans Underneath the Earth’s Crust
Post Date: 2015-05-11 07:43:49 by Ada
A fascinating new discovery. Especially interesting to Christians is how this relates to the Great Flood of Noah’s day. The fact of the matter is the utter impossibility of covering the entire earth, even 40 cubits above the highest mountain, with water from the sky above. Can’t be done … even with the so-called (and, unproven) canopy of “water vapor” that supposedly surrounded the earth in Noah’s time. However, the Bible says that the flood started like this; — “the same day were all the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” If the “fountains of the great deep” refers to this massive ...

We're figuring out how to achieve brain-to-brain communication - here's what that could help us do
Post Date: 2015-05-11 00:36:53 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Imagine an undercover operative on a mission. At some point, she knows she’ll need to call for backup - but pulling out a phone would be too risky, and there’s no way to give a visible signal to her team. Yet at the key moment, she can think “YES” - which could be interpreted as “yes, now is the time, go go go go go!” - and send that signal directly to the brain of a team member, who would see it as a flash and know that now is the moment to act. That sort of direct communication from one brain to another sounds like telepathy, but technology that can read your brain’s signals and send a simple signal (that means “yes” or ...

Experts discuss chance of Terminator-style AI rebellion
Post Date: 2015-05-10 23:12:47 by Tatarewicz
Want... In the run-up to the release of Terminator Genisys, the latest in the killer-robot-from-the-future series of movies, a number of Chinese defense experts have been discussing the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) being used in future military operations against the enemies of the People's Liberation Army, reports the nationalistic tabloid Global Times. Dai Hao from the Chinese Academy of Engineering in Beijing said AI can be used tactically and strategically in military operations. Tactically, AI can be employed in killing machines just like the Terminators in the movies, Dai said. He said that future iterations of weapons systems like drones and precision-guided munitions ...

PLA WU-14 hypersonic vehicle unlikely to carry nuke: Kanwa
Post Date: 2015-05-10 06:19:00 by Tatarewicz
Want... After the Second Artillery Corps of the People's Liberation Army carried out two tests of its WU-14 hypersonic glide vehicle, the Canada-based Kanwa Defense Review writes that the weapon is unlikely to be deployed with a nuclear warhead. The first test of the WU-14 took place in January last year, with a second test in August. The second test was a failure as the vehicle broke apart immediately after launch, but a successful third test was conducted in early December. The tests make China the third nation in the world to process a hypersonic delivery vehicle able to carry nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10 after Russia and the United States. The WU-14 is the name ...

Chinese Patent applications lead the world
Post Date: 2015-05-09 01:57:15 by Tatarewicz
ChinaDaily... China recorded 928,000 invention patent applications in 2014, more than that of any other country, for the fourth consecutive year, according to data released by the State Intellectual Property Office on Monday. The office found that about 663,000 inventions had high quality and market value. About 4.9 patents per 10,000 population were filed, according to the data. Enterprises have been pillars of research and the development of new technologies and products, according to the office. In 2014, about 485,000 invention patent applications were filed by enterprises, more than the number filed by individuals, academies or research institutes. "It shows that China has ...

Taiwan researchers make artificial muscles out of onion cells
Post Date: 2015-05-08 23:46:27 by Tatarewicz
Want... A new study by Taiwan scientists has discovered that gold-plated onion cells can be used to make artificial muscles, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. The results were achieved by a research team led by Shih Wen-pin, a professor at National Taiwan University's Department of Mechanical Engineering, and have been unveiled in Applied Physics Letters, a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by the American Institute of Physics. Prior to the study, researchers had been trying to make artificial muscles with various types of polymers that could contract or expand, but found none that could also bend at the same the time, the Los Angeles Times said. The ...

New study considers how long intelligent life can be sustained
Post Date: 2015-05-08 01:38:46 by Tatarewicz
BIRMINGHAM, England, May 7 (UPI) -- How long can intelligent life last? Can an advanced civilization persist for billions of years? A new study considers the implications of ancient star systems, their exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life. Earlier this year, researchers announced the discovery of five exoplanets circling ancient star Kepler-444. At 11.2 billion years in age, the star system is 2.5 times older than our own solar system. As scientists detailed in their recently published paper -- included in the January issue of the Astrophysical Journal -- each new discovery of an ancient habitable world increases the scope of the search for intelligent life forms outside ...

This is a MUST listen. Sofia Smallstorm: Bruce Jenner Transhumanism and the Disappearing Male
Post Date: 2015-05-07 10:48:24 by christine

Blood Scanning Smartphone to Detect Parasites
Post Date: 2015-05-07 06:06:54 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... A mobile phone microscope capable of detecting and quantifying parasites in a drop of blood has been developed by a group of scientists led by a team at the University of California, Berkeley, media reports said. "We previously showed that mobile phones can be used for microscopy, but this is the first device that combines the imaging technology with hardware and software automation to create a complete diagnostic solution," according to Daniel Fletcher of UC Berkeley. He explained that "with one touch of the screen, the device moves the sample, captures video and automatically analyses the images." The CellScope system includes a modified smartphone with ...

Musk Pushes Utility Industry One Step Closer to Doomsday
Post Date: 2015-05-06 17:35:49 by BTP Holdings
Musk Pushes Utility Industry One Step Closer to Doomsday Wednesday, 06 May 2015 07:00 AM By Patrick Watson No one likes utility companies. Most are monopolies and it shows in their customer service. You pay a lot and you get whatever they feel like giving you. I wrote back in February (see Clock Ticking Down for Electric Utilities) that serial entrepreneur Elon Musk had a plan to change all this. Last week, he unveiled the last missing link. In theory, solar energy is an ideal way to provide electricity for homes and businesses. Prices for rooftop panels dropped sharply the last few years. Amortized over a decade or two, the price is considerably lower than what your regulated ...

Is having a loving family an unfair advantage?
Post Date: 2015-05-06 17:02:43 by Dakmar
Plato famously wanted to abolish the family and put children into care of the state. Some still think the traditional family has a lot to answer for, but some plausible arguments remain in favour of it. Joe Gelonesi meets a philosopher with a rescue plan very much in tune with the times. So many disputes in our liberal democratic society hinge on the tension between inequality and fairness: between groups, between sexes, between individuals, and increasingly between families. The power of the family to tilt equality hasn’t gone unnoticed, and academics and public commentators have been blowing the whistle for some time. Now, philosophers Adam Swift and Harry Brighouse have felt ...

China Builds City's First All-Robot Factory Replacing Human Workers
Post Date: 2015-05-06 02:20:28 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... As part of a major push towards automation, the first robots-only factory is being built in China's Dongguan manufacturing hub, reducing human employees to a bare minimum. The factory, owned by Shenzhen Evenwin Precision Technology Co., hopes to reduce its workforce by 90%, to only 200 human workers, with the introduction of a 1,000-robot workforce to take the human's places, according to the company's chairman, Chen Xingqi, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. — Calestous Juma (@calestous) April 28, 2015 The automated workforce is just part of a major push to replace workers in Guangdong province's Pearl River Delta area, where major manufacturing ...

A Pretty Good Personal Defense 12GA Round
Post Date: 2015-05-05 13:10:02 by FormerLurker

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