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New Tesla battery could take your home off the grid
Post Date: 2015-02-18 01:52:52 by James Deffenbach
Ever wish you could ditch your electric bill? Tesla is working on a house battery that could help you break up with your expensive utility company, essentially turning any home into an off-grid abode. Before you know it, a home in the suburbs could even generate enough energy to turn a profit by selling the excess back to a traditional electric company. Like many of Tesla’s projects, this one is coming up fast. Mastermind electric power guy Elon Musk announced in an investor call that the designs for the home battery are complete. The public could get a glimpse of the design within the next month or two, with production beginning in as little as six months. Tesla’s new ...

World's first compact rotary 3D printer-cum-scanner unveiled in U.S.
Post Date: 2015-02-17 05:42:57 by Tatarewicz
SAN JOSE, the United States, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- The world's first compact 3D printer-cum-scanner that can also scan items has been unveiled at the American Association Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in San Jose, California. Blacksmith Group start-up at Nanyang Technological University's (NTU) launched on Saturday the user-friendly all-in-one device, named the Blacksmith Genesis. The 2,200-U.S.-dollar device allows users to scan any item, and then edit the digitized model on the computer and print it out in 3D, Lester Kok, assistant manager of NTU's Corporate Communications Office, told Xinhua on Sunday. "Most 3D printers sold on the market now are not ...

Now We Know Just How Much Plastic Ends Up in the Oceans Every Year
Post Date: 2015-02-16 22:44:11 by Tatarewicz
Epoch Times The 192 countries with a coast bordering the Atlanta, Pacific and Indian oceans, Mediterranean and Black seas produced a total of 2.5 billion metric tons of solid waste. Of that, 275 million metric tons was plastic, and an estimated 8 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic waste entered the ocean in 2010. (Lindsay Robinson/UGA) The 192 countries with a coast bordering the Atlanta, Pacific and Indian oceans, Mediterranean and Black seas produced a total of 2.5 billion metric tons of solid waste. Of that, 275 million metric tons was plastic, and an estimated 8 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic waste entered the ocean in 2010. (Lindsay Robinson/UGA) New research shows ...

Experts find new way to turn solar energy into liquid fuel
Post Date: 2015-02-16 06:44:06 by Tatarewicz
Presstv... Researchers at Harvard University have found a new way to turn solar energy into a form of liquid fuel, a report says. The new approach relies on a lab-engineered bacterium, namely Ralstonia eutropha, according to an article in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). In the process, sunlight and a sort of artificial leaf splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, the bacterium combines hydrogen with carbon dioxide to create a liquid fuel called Isopropanol. The conversion of solar energy into hydrogen had previously been achieved through the use of photovoltaic cells. The produced hydrogen can even be stored in fuel cells for future ...

Metallic orb could have been sent by aliens, suggests scientist
Post Date: 2015-02-16 03:43:30 by Tatarewicz
Posted by: Alejandro Rojas Scientists have found a tiny metal orb they believe is extraterrestrial in origin, has evidence of life on its exterior, and also has “a gooey biological material oozing” out of it. The lead scientist of the team who discovered the object suggests that it may have been sent by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization for the purpose of seeding life on Earth. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe This revelation comes from the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham and the University of Sheffield in England. The director of the center, Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, is one of the leading proponents of a theory called ...

PLA's new Type 093G nuclear sub a potential 'carrier killer'
Post Date: 2015-02-16 01:23:24 by Tatarewicz
Want... China's new Type 093G nuclear sub has provided the People's Liberation Army with a potential "aircraft carrier killer," reports the Beijing-based Sina Military. Citing Taiwan's Defence Interntional magazine, the report said the manufacturing of two Type 093G nuclear subs — upgraded versions of the Type 093 — were completed by the Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co in December, with another resting in a dry dock. The primary difference between Type 093G subs and Type 093 subs is that the former added a vertical launcher capable of firing cruise missiles and the YJ-18 anti-ship missil, the report said. China may be one of only give countries in the ...

Scorched Earth, 2200AD
Post Date: 2015-02-16 00:45:05 by Tatarewicz
Climate change has done its worst, and now just 500 million humans remain on lifeboats in the north. How do they survive? I stare out the window from my tiny flat on the 300th floor, hermetically sealed in a soaring, climate-controlled high-rise, honeycombed with hundreds of dwellings just like mine, and survey the breathtaking vistas from my lofty perch more than half a mile above ground: the craftsman cottages with their well-tended lawns, the emerald green golf courses, the sun-washed aquamarine swimming pools and the multimillion-dollar mansions that hug the sweeping sands from Malibu to Palos Verdes. These images evoke feelings of deep nostalgia for a Los Angeles that doesn’t ...

X-37B Military Space Plane Lands After Record-Shattering Secret Mission
Post Date: 2015-02-15 21:29:06 by Lod
This sucker is solar-powered, among other things.

Z-20, China's version of Black Hawk, to enter production 2018
Post Date: 2015-02-15 01:52:05 by Tatarewicz
Want... Chinese military analyst Li Xiaojian has told the state-run Global Times that the production of Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation's Z-20 medium-lift helicopter is likely to begin in 2018, five years after its first test flight. Sources suggest that the Z-20 was designed based on the stealth version of the crashed US Black Hawk that was abandoned by US Navy SEALs in Pakistan during the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011. Li said China needs such aircraft to conduct search and rescue operations. During the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, various helicopters such as the Z-18, the Mi-17 and the Z-9 were mobilized to conduct humanitarian missions. However, it was ...

Best Linux Desktop of 2014: Linux Mint 17.1
Post Date: 2015-02-14 14:20:54 by James Deffenbach
I've really liked Linux Mint as a desktop for years. Now, with the latest version, Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca", I think I may love Mint. That's because Mint has finally corrected its one shortcoming: The inability to easily upgrade from one version to another. Yes, you could move from one edition to the newest one before, but it wasn't easy or transparent. As Mint proclaims, "Until 2016, future versions of Linux Mint will use the same package base as Linux Mint 17.1, making it trivial for people to upgrade." The Mint development team has also decided to no longer tie itself to the latest version of Ubuntu. Rebecca is not based on the latest Ubuntu version, ...

Gene-Altered Apples Get U.S. Approval
Post Date: 2015-02-14 13:43:13 by Buzzard
The government on Friday approved the commercial planting of genetically engineered apples that are resistant to turning brown when sliced or bruised. The developer, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, says it believes the nonbrowning feature will be popular with both consumers and food service companies because it will make sliced apples more appealing. The feature could also reduce the number of apples discarded because of bruising. But many executives in the apple industry say they worry that the biotech apples, while safe to eat, will face opposition from some consumers, possibly tainting the wholesome image of the fruit that reputedly “keeps the doctor away.” They are also concerned ...

New Chinese electromagnetic weapon may paralyze US air defense: expert
Post Date: 2015-02-13 21:48:17 by Tatarewicz
According to a Chinese expert, Kashin wants the US to turn its attention towards the Asia-Pacific and away from the crisis in the Ukraine. (Photo/Xinhua) According to a Chinese expert, Kashin wants the US to turn its attention towards the Asia-Pacific and away from the crisis in the Ukraine. (Photo/Xinhua) The development of an X-ray pulse generator by the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences has attracted the attention of Vassily Kashin, a expert at Russia's Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, according to Moscow-based Sputinks News. Kashin believes that China's electromagnetic weapon system based on the ...

Dogs able to detect emotions in human faces: Austrian researchers
Post Date: 2015-02-13 00:58:59 by Tatarewicz
VIENNA, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- Dogs are able to distinguish between different emotions in human faces by sight, researchers from the Clever Dog Lab at Vienna' University of Veterinary Medicine found, Austrian media reported on Thursday. Austria Press Agency reported that researchers Corsin Mueller and Ludwig Huber showed 20 dogs both a happy face and an angry face on a touch screen. In order for them to focus on smiling teeth or folds from frowning, they were first shown only the eye and mouth areas during training exercises. The dogs were then separated into two groups, with a practice phase where each group was shown either a happy or an angry face only. Most of the animals were able ...

Bill Gates visits China to discuss nuclear reactor cooperation
Post Date: 2015-02-12 23:37:11 by Tatarewicz
Want... Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and chairman of nuclear startup TerraPower, was in China again earlier this week, Shanghai-based China Business News reports. In recent years, Gates has visited China at least three times to seek cooperation with the Chinese side on developing a next-generation nuclear reactor. While in Beijing Feb. 9, Gates met with Nur Bekri, director of China's National Energy Administration and they held in-depth discussion on a US-China traveling wave reactor project. Unlike conventional reactors, a traveling wave reactor can run on depleted uranium and produce significantly smaller amounts of nuclear waste. Gates also met with Sun Qin on Feb. 9, ...

BREAKING: U.S. Media Blackout — Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism
Post Date: 2015-02-12 19:24:01 by Jethro Tull
BREAKING: U.S. Media Blackout — Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism Mary Holland Age of Autism February 10th, 2015 Reader Views: 3,150 Comments (6) (Originally published at Age of Autism, via The Daily Coin) On September 23, 2014, an Italian court in Milan award compensation to a boy for vaccine-induced autism. (See the Italian document here.) A childhood vaccine against six childhood diseases caused the boy’s permanent autism and brain damage. While the Italian press has devoted considerable attention to this decision and its public health implications, the U.S. press has been silent. Italy’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Like ...

Planetary Suicide
Post Date: 2015-02-11 18:13:20 by statusquobuster
Every so often a nonfiction book comes along that, because of its objective, comprehensive coverage of a hot topic, should be carefully read with a highlighter in hand by everyone. That new book is “Unprecedented” by David Ray Griffin. Be warned, this book will probably bum you out. It presents the most readable treatment of the global warming and climate change issue that anyone could wish for. It is not an emotional rant, but rather a carefully organized and detailed discussion. Most significantly, with carefully documented sources, it allows a reader to fully appreciate the compelling and overwhelming scientific evidence supporting a negative view of our planet’s and ...

Secretly swiped: Your account numbers taken out of thin air
Post Date: 2015-02-11 07:49:05 by noone222
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The ABC7 I-Team reveals the mobile technology that hackers can use to steal credit and debit numbers from you while you're in public. The cards at risk are enabled with radio technology that allows you to "wave and pay." It may be convenient, but there are also remote tools that thieves can use to steal information from those cards. The I-Team tested a device that can "secretly swipe" while you are standing in line to pay, on an escalator, or in a crowded spot. "I would walk up to you and I might stand like this on the train, Ok and boom, I have your credit card," said David Bryan. Bryan, a security specialist at Chicago's Trustwave, ...

Learn About the Marinov Free Evergy Device
Post Date: 2015-02-10 17:21:00 by BTP Holdings
This is Abel Thomas from LibertyGenerator, We have great news about a new project, named "Stefan Marinov Free Energy Generator". This is based on a concept that the Bulgarian inventor did 50 years ago. He was able to create a fuel less gravity engine, capable of powering any type of generator to produce live and free usable electricity to power all of your house appliances. A short 5 minute presentation is available online if you want to learn more about this awesome project. Follow the link below to watch it now. >>Click Here<< The best part is that the guys that replicated this device, used parts which can be found at any local store. ...

This little animal can potentially live forever
Post Date: 2015-02-08 21:47:00 by Tatarewicz
TreeHugger Immortality, much? Scientists believe that the hydra may be able to eternally resist going gentle into that good night. The Hydra of Greek myth was a terrifying many-headed water monster with virulent breath and noxious blood. And it was a creature with the wonderfully weird regenerative trait of being able to grow more heads when one was chopped off. Meanwhile, over in the pond, we have a genus of real-life little animals that share their name with the Greek horror show. And while they have the beast's regenerative powers in common, unlike the Hydra who was slain by Heracles, the little wiggly pond hydra appear to be immortal. Belonging to the phylum Cnidaria, hydra are ...

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Post Date: 2015-02-08 10:58:21 by Jethro Tull
The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever New data shows that the “vanishing” of polar ice is not the result of runaway global warming .newGigyaShare { display: none !important; } The “vanishing” of polar ice (and the polar bears) has become a poster-child for warmists. Photo: ALAMY By Christopher Booker 10:15PM GMT 07 Feb 2015Comments When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the ...

World’s most widely used insecticide proven to damage bees’ brains
Post Date: 2015-02-08 04:53:02 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert...For the first time, scientists have found evidence that the insecticide most frequently used on crops such as corn, canola, cotton, and soybeans is messing with the brains of bumblebees, and causing poor performance in their colonies. The reasons behind the global decline of bees and other insect pollinators have been as mysterious as they’ve been controversial, but now we have the first evidence to suggest that commercially available insecticides are impairing the brain activity of individual bumblebees, and the performance of entire colonies. The culprit? Neonicotinoids - a relatively new class of insecticide, developed by Shell and Bayor around 20 to 30 years ago, ...

New ’super-steel’ alloy is as strong as titanium, but 10 times cheaper
Post Date: 2015-02-08 04:40:45 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... This new type of steel alloy is flexible, ultra-strong, and inexpensive, and we already have all the tools we need to mass-produce it. Scientists in South Korea have invented a new steel alloy that boasts the same strength-to-weight ratio as titanium - the super-strong metal we use to construct jet engines, missiles, spacecraft, and medical implants - but it can be produced for one-tenth of the cost. In order to develop this new kind of metal, the team from Pohang University of Science and Technology had to overcome a problem that had stumped materials scientists for decades, says William Herkewitz at Popular Mechanics. "In the 1970's, Soviet researchers ...

CERN To Attempt ‘Big Bang’ In March, Stephen Hawking Issues Warning
Post Date: 2015-02-08 03:50:24 by Tatarewicz
CERN is due to re-open the large hadron collider in March of 2015 in order to recreate the big bang, despite warnings from top scientists such as Stephen Hawking and Neil de Grasse Tyson. Allnewspipeline.com reports: Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe” leaving time and space collapsed as shared in the 2nd video. Is CERN the most dangerous thing in the cosmos that could lead to the ultimate destruction of the Earth ...

Submarine volcanoes may alter long-term climate: study
Post Date: 2015-02-07 05:01:08 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- Volcanoes hidden under the oceans may have a greater influence on our planet's long-term climate than previously thought, a U.S. study said Friday. The study published in the U.S. journal Geophysical Research Letters found that submarine volcanoes flare up on strikingly regular cycles, ranging from two weeks to 100,000 years and that they erupt almost exclusively during the first six months of each year. Previously, scientists presumed underwater volcanoes are Earth' s gentle giants, oozing lava at slow, steady rates, but the new study said they produce maybe eight times more lava annually than land volcanoes. Due to the chemistry of their magmas, ...

Australian scientists detect radio waves from mystery source 5 bln light years away
Post Date: 2015-02-07 04:59:14 by Tatarewicz
CANBERRA, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- A short, sharp flash of radio waves from a mysterious source up to 5.5 billion light years from Earth has been detected by CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope in eastern Australia, local media reported on Tuesday. In Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology PhD student Emily Petroff "saw" the burst live - a first for astronomers. Lasting only milliseconds, the first such radio burst was discovered in 2007 by astronomers combing old Parkes data archives for unrelated objects. Six more bursts, apparently from outside the galaxy, have now been found with the Parkes telescope, in New South Wales, and a seventh with the Arecibo telescope in Puerto ...

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