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Stem cells made quickly in acid in possible game-changing technique
Post Date: 2014-01-29 13:33:44 by scrapper2
NEW YORK -- Scientists are reporting a stem cell breakthrough using a simple lab technique that may create reprogrammed cells after dipping them in acid for under 30 minutes. The technique turned ordinary cells from mice into stem cells, according to the surprising new study that hints at a possible new way to grow tissue for treating illnesses like diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Researchers in Boston and Japan exposed cells from spleens of newborn mice to a more acidic environment that they're used to. In lab tests, that turned them into stem cells, showing enough versatility to produce the tissues of a mouse embryo, for example. Cells from skin, muscle, fat and other tissue ...

Post Date: 2014-01-26 07:18:30 by Tatarewicz
Bob says: Reading this article from the newsroom on the http://ussensorsystems.com site - Frack Music Attracts Halliburton to Submarine Spy Tool – I come across this line: “One of the biggest challenges for acoustic fiber in the oilfield is making the business case to use it onshore, Robart said. Installing the technology can cost as much as several hundred thousand dollars a well, meaning it doesn’t pay off as easily on a $6 million land well as it would on a $50 million offshore well, he said.” US Land is the mother lode for fracking services. If this service is generally too costly for land ops then the market for it would seem to be much more limited than all the ...

USA gripped by Polar Vortex
Post Date: 2014-01-26 06:14:47 by Tatarewicz
Pravda... 07.01.2014 The United States of America is set to face what is known as a Polar Vortex, a large-scale cyclone located near the North Pole sending freezing air circulating thousands of miles away, promising to bring a winter freeze of unprecedented proportions to over one hundred and fifty million Americans. The center of the current stratospheric Polar Vortex is located near Baffin Island. Just occasionally, the wind flows reach much farther south than usual, and 2014 promises to witness one of these events, the last of which was in 1985. Such events occur when the jet stream develops meanders in its currents of air and a vortex occurs, with warmer air swirling over the Pole, ...

Apple to Build Mobile-Payments Service, Report Says
Post Date: 2014-01-25 22:01:45 by Tatarewicz
UTCApple is preparing to expand its presence in the mobile-payment space, according to a new report. Eddy Cue, the company's senior vice-president of Internet software and services, has met with "industry executives" to discuss Apple's role in handling payments for physical goods and services, The Wall Street Journal reported. See also: Report: Mobile Payments to Top $1 Billion in 2013 WSJ also said Jennifer Bailey has been promoted from her role running Apple's online store to a new position focused on building a payment business. The mobile-payments space is hot, with companies such as Square, PayPal and Stripe all working to make it easier for users to pay for ...

South Korea Is Building A $1.5 Billion 5G Service That Can Download Movies In A Second
Post Date: 2014-01-23 03:29:24 by Tatarewicz
How much would you pay for instant download ability? South Korea's Ministry of Science and Technology announced plans to spend about $1.5 billion to build a national 5G wireless network to be commercially available by 2020. With the new 5G -- which would be 1,000 times faster than most 4G LTE networks -- users would be able download a full-length, 800-megabyte film in just one second. Yep, just one second. That's it. Related: An Accelerated History of Internet Speed (Infographic) The country's science ministry sees this plan as "preemptive," noting in a statement on Wednesday, "Countries in Europe, China and the US are making aggressive efforts to develop 5G ...

Iran has unveiled a new indigenously designed and manufactured ‘flying robot’ which can be used for a number of civilian purposes.
Post Date: 2014-01-22 22:16:39 by Tatarewicz
Seyyed Amiduddin Mousavi, the head of the Zanjan branch of Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, said on Tuesday that the aircraft has been developed by seven Iranian researchers at the faculty, can fly up to 400 meters (1,312 feet) above the earth’s surface, weighs 1.3 kilograms, and is capable of carrying a three-kilogram payload. He added that the radio-controlled aircraft can remain steady in flights, and can fly without an operator. Mousavi further noted that the vehicle can be used to perform videography missions; transport freight and goods; monitor electricity and telephone lines; as well as identify, track, and chase people and objects. On November 18, 2013, Iran ...

Sun falling asleep, ice age dream to come true
Post Date: 2014-01-20 22:51:18 by Tatarewicz
PressTV...A new ice age could be on its way to Europe and some other parts of the Earth following an alarming fall occurred in the performance power of the Sun, scientists have warned. While the number of gas explosions on the Sun's surface should be at the peak of its 11-year cycle of activity, but the recent research has indicated an unexpected drop off, researchers say. The occurred phenomenon has not been observed during recent 30 years and there are fears the temperatures could drop so low leading to a mini ice age. "It would feel like the Sun is asleep... a very dormant ball of gas at the centre of our Solar System," explained Dr Lucie Green, from University College ...

Is a mini ice age on the way? Scientists warn the Sun has 'gone to sleep' and say it could cause temperatures to plunge
Post Date: 2014-01-20 08:34:19 by Ada
2013 was due to be year of the 'solar maximum' Researchers say solar activity is at a fraction of what they expect Conditions 'very similar' a time in 1645 when a mini ice age hit The Sun's activity is at its lowest for 100 years, scientists have warned. They say the conditions are eerily similar to those before the Maunder Minimum, a time in 1645 when a mini ice age hit, Freezing London's River Thames. Researcher believe the solar lull could cause major changes, and say there is a 20% chance it could lead to 'major changes' in temperatures. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2541599/Is-mini-ice- ...

Solar Company Uses Contrarian Funding
Post Date: 2014-01-20 07:57:56 by BTP Holdings
Solar Company Uses Contrarian Funding by Sara Nunnally, Editor, Macro Money Strategist and Tipping Point Prospector I'm not naïve... I know that when folks think of solar power, they think of some crunchy hippie waging sit-ins to save trees and stop oil spills. Big-name investors still dismiss this sector. Our friend Rick Rule famously says, "You know what the problem is with solar? Night." Heck, I've gotten some strongly worded letters from my readers over the years, even after I made triple-digit gains from the renewable energy sector. Sometimes you can't change people's minds, no matter what you do. And that, despite some interest from the mainstream ...

Firm uncovers more hacks on U.S. retailers
Post Date: 2014-01-18 04:34:27 by Tatarewicz
A cybercrime firm says it has uncovered at least six ongoing attacks at U.S. merchants whose credit card processing systems are infected with the same type of malicious software used to steal data from Target Corp. Andrew Komarov, chief executive of the cybersecurity firm IntelCrawler, told Reuters that his company has alerted law enforcement, Visa Inc and intelligence teams at several large banks about the findings. He said payment card data was stolen in the attacks, though he didn't know how much. IntelCrawler's findings are the latest sign that the cyberattacks disclosed by Target Inc and upscale department store Neiman Marcus are part of a wider assault on U.S. retailer ...

..One of These Fridges Might Be Spamming You Right Now
Post Date: 2014-01-18 03:51:17 by Tatarewicz
....A security firm has discovered that non-phone or non-computer smart devices that are Internet-capable are also susceptible to hacks. Not only that, about 100,000 household devices — including at least one fridge — sent out tons of spam messages around Christmas-time last year. Thanks a lot, evil refrigerator. According to ProofPoint, more than 750,000 sketchy messages were sent out from a number of smart appliances: Home-networking routers, connected multi-media centers, televisions and at least one refrigerator... had been compromised and used as a platform to launch attacks. As the number of such connected devices is expected to grow to more than four times the number of ...

Microsoft planning Windows 9 launch in April 2015
Post Date: 2014-01-18 03:09:40 by Tatarewicz
Microsoft is currently working on the next version of the Windows operating system and has a tentative release date of April 2015. According to digitaltrends.com, this next version of Windows is codenamed "Threshold" within the company, but will probably be called Windows 9 eventually. This new version is aimed at leaving behind some of the criticisms associated with Windows 8, allowing Microsoft to move forward with a clean slate, says Techradar.com. Windows 8 has set back Microsoft, and Windows, by years, and possibly for good, says Winsupersite.com. Winsupersite.com also tells us that Microsoft will discuss its vision for the future of Windows at the BUILD developer conference ...

Five Of The Top Trends From CES 2014
Post Date: 2014-01-17 22:06:01 by Tatarewicz
The Consumer Electronics Show is a showcase of modern technology on a massive scale. This year’s event in Las Vegas was equivalent in size to 28 football fields, and filled with tens of thousands of new products or product announcements. If history is any indication, some of those products will go on to define their market category, or even change the way consumers live. Other products will fall by the wayside, failing to live up to commercial expectations, even with the boost of appearing at CES 2014. In a few short years, high definition televisions have gone from an ultra-expensive luxury and relative novelty to an inexpensive industry standard. Prices have fallen so fast that ...

Israeli company says first flying car could be available in 15 years
Post Date: 2014-01-17 00:10:19 by Tatarewicz
JERUSALEM, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- An Israeli company is developing an unmanned rotor-less helicopter that could make flying cars a reality in 15 years, said the firm's marketing manager. The AirMule, developed by Tactical Robotics, can take off, land and move without a pilot, using ducted fans inbuilt in the machine, Janina Frenkel-Yoeli told Xinhua. The idea came from Dr. Rafi Yoeli, an aeronautical engineer who founded UrbanAero, the parent company of Tactical Robotics, in 2007. After designing manned vehicles for more than 20 years, Yoeli, who also holds a PhD in artificial intelligence, decided to try a failed U.S. army project from the 1960s. "The difference with that U.S. ...

Epic Auroras Light Up Norway's Skies
Post Date: 2014-01-16 20:51:34 by Southern Style
These shimmering aurora boeralis were captured in the skies near Nordreisa, Troms, Norway from August through November 2013 by Level 4 (www.level4.no), a media company based in the same area which specializes in capturing 'naturally epic' videos. Click Here

Finally, a Way to Authenticate Premium Chocolate
Post Date: 2014-01-16 04:16:33 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily... Jan. 15, 2014 — For some people, nothing can top a morsel of luxuriously rich, premium chocolate. But until now, other than depending on their taste buds, chocolate connoisseurs had no way of knowing whether they were getting what they paid for. In ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, scientists are reporting, for the first time, a method to authenticate the varietal purity and origin of cacao beans, the source of chocolate's main ingredient, cocoa. Share This: Tweet Dapeng Zhang and colleagues note that lower-quality cacao beans often get mixed in with premium varieties on their way to becoming chocolate bars, truffles, sauces and liqueurs. But ...

First Plastic Cell With Working Organelle
Post Date: 2014-01-16 03:59:09 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily... Jan. 14, 2014 — For the first time, chemists have successfully produced an artificial cell containing organelles capable of carrying out the various steps of a chemical reaction. This was done at the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) at Radboud University Nijmegen. The discovery was published in the first 2014 issue of the journal Angewandte Chemie, and was also highlighted by Nature Chemistry. It is hard for chemists to match the chemistry in living cells in their laboratories. After all, in a cell all kinds of complex reactions are taking place simultaneously in an overfull, small container, in various compartments and incredibly efficiently. This is why ...

How Electricity Helps Spider Webs Snatch Prey and Pollutants
Post Date: 2014-01-16 03:43:05 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily,,, 14, 2014 — Spider webs actively spring towards prey thanks to electrically-conductive glue spread across their surface, Oxford University scientists have discovered. The researchers found that the electrostatic properties of the glue that coats spider webs causes them to reach out to grab all charged particles, from pollen and pollutants to flying insects. They also showed that the glue spirals can distort Earth's electric field within a few millimetres of the web, which may enable insects to spot the webs with their antennae 'e-sensors'. The study, published in Naturwissenschaften, shows how a quirk of physics causes webs to move towards all airborne ...

Say goodbye to privacy: How Nest might transform Google
Post Date: 2014-01-16 03:21:07 by Tatarewicz
BGR.com It’s no wonder some people are freaking out over Google’s $3.2 billion Nest Labs acquisition: it’s another step towards a future when Google has enough access to lives of high-income consumers to gain psychological insights that no company has ever possessed. Nest’s Learning Thermostat can track movements and activity of people in their homes, an ability no doubt improving by leaps and bounds. If you combine this with analysis of email and search patterns, as well as smartphone GPS mapping of movement outside the home, you get to an exceptionally sweet spot for building an intimate profile of not only current consumption patterns, but of likely future choices ...

Latest SpaceShipTwo Flight Highest Yet
Post Date: 2014-01-15 21:57:54 by X-15
January 15, 2014 - Virgin Galactic has made another significant step toward first public space flights as SpaceShipTwo (SS2) reached 71,000 feet and Mach 1.4 in its third rocket-powered supersonic flight January 10 from Mojave Air and Space Port. Chief pilot Dave Mackay and Scaled Composites' test pilot Mark Stucky also successfully tested the spaceship's reaction control system (RCS) and the newly installed thermal protection coating on the vehicle's tail booms. WhiteKnightTwo piloted by Virgin Galactic's Mike Masucci and Scaled's Mike Alsbury carried SS2 to 46,000 feet and released the craft, and SS2 ignited its rocket motor. SS2's feather re-entry system was ...

New study uncovers a jaw-dropping fact about water and natural gas "fracking"
Post Date: 2014-01-15 19:48:17 by BTP Holdings
New study uncovers a jaw-dropping fact about water and natural gas "fracking" By Matt Badiali editor, Resource Report Wednesday, January 15, 2014 For every gallon of water used in fracking, Texas saves 33 gallons overall. You read that right… fracking saves water. Let me explain… That was the result of a recent University of Texas at Austin water use study. It's critical information because Texas is just coming out of a massive drought. In 2011, 98.2% of the state suffered from severe to exceptional drought. It was the hottest, driest year on record. The current drought is the second longest in Texas (back to 1899). And water is critical to Texas' ...

MIT Professor Urging Climate Change Activists To ‘Slow Down’
Post Date: 2014-01-15 08:42:06 by Ada
BOSTON (CBS) — A new proposal on climate change focuses on public health, energy, transportation and basic infrastructure. Under the plan unveiled Tuesday, $40 million will go to help cities and towns shore up the power supply and keep the lights on. Ten million will be earmarked for the coast, to protect it from rising sea-levels. But will it work? While the governor and others painted a dire picture of what global warming might do to us, others are more skeptical. MIT Professor Richard Lindzen is a leading international expert on climate change. “The changes that have occurred due to global warning are too small to account for,” he says. “It has nothing to do ...

Massive Die-Off of West Coast Sea Life Accelerates Locals say it’s far worse than what the national and international media are reporting
Post Date: 2014-01-13 12:47:59 by Horse
Oregon natives confirmed to Infowars Friday that strange anomalies have sprung up along the Pacific coast in what amounts to further testimony supporting the fact the media is suppressing both the surge in extremely high radiation readings along the West Coast and the subsequent die off of sea life in the area. Several residents in the Charleston fishing village described suspicious anomalies such as disintegrating bioluminescent jellyfish and Japanese “tsunami debris” washing ashore, with one lifetime resident even telling us he saw about a hundred dead starfish near the Bastendorff Beach County Park. Marine biologists had originally encountered “melting” starfish off ...

Post Date: 2014-01-12 22:08:57 by X-15
The article below has interesting statistics and information relating to police shootouts. The studies were made by the NYPD. The results are very interesting and are important enough for review by membership of VCOPS and all law enforcement officers in Virginia. We offer you this article for your information and advise that the information contained in it be evaluated as a part of your entire firearms training program. NYPD SOP 9 - ANALYSIS OF POLICE COMBAT In 1969, the Firearms and Tactics Section of the New York City Police Department instituted a procedure for the in-depth documentation and study of police combat situations. It was designated Department Order SOP 9 (s. 69). Data ...

.357 Magnum Stopping Power
Post Date: 2014-01-12 13:23:26 by X-15
I grew up during the golden age of the wondernine. Every big PD in America was switching from wheelguns to Berettas and 3rd Gen S&W pistols. The gun rags of the era were filled with “9mm vs. 38" and “9mm vs. .357" articles. As is to be expected, most of the articles decried the downgrade in “stopping power” that the 9mm offered vs. the legendary .357 Magnum. The more sordid gun rags were filled with stories of bad guys going down after one hit from a .357 Magnum, reduced to a shower of gore by the powerful “man-stopper.” Probably the most legendary of the .357 Magnum rounds was the famous Remington 125 grain jacketed hollowpoint. Pushing an old ...

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