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Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car
Post Date: 2014-01-12 13:01:24 by X-15

Russia Holds Tender for Suicide Bomb-Detecting Device
Post Date: 2014-01-12 06:00:46 by Tatarewicz
MOSCOW, January 10 (RIA Novosti) – Amid the search for new ways to prevent terrorist attacks, Russia’s Interior Ministry has announced an open tender to develop a device able to remotely detect explosives worn by suicide bombers. The gadget would have to detect explosive devices concealed on the human body from up to 10 meters (33 feet) away with 98-percent reliability, according to the order by the ministry’s special equipment division. The ministry said it would pay a maximum of 39 million rubles ($1.2 million) for the device, which the order said should be able to boot up within 5 minutes, process signals in half a second or less, and signal positive readings with audio ...

Predicting mega-earthquakes
Post Date: 2014-01-12 04:41:40 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert...Earthquakes occur at boundaries between tectonic plates, and the largest quakes, such as the one that devastated Chile in 2010, only occur at subduction zones. The key to predicting mega-earthquakes, new research shows, is to understand which subduction zones are capable of generating earthquakes and which ones aren't. Image: ermess/ShutterstockA team of international researchers, led by Monash University’s Associate Professor Wouter Schellart, have developed a new global map of subduction zones, illustrating which ones are predicted to be capable of generating giant earthquakes and which ones are not. The new research, published in the journal Physics of the Earth ...

How you practice matters for learning skill quickly.
Post Date: 2014-01-11 04:33:10 by Tatarewicz
SienceDaily Jan. 7, 2014 — Practice alone doesn't make perfect, but learning can be optimized if you practice in the right way, according to new research based on online gaming data from more than 850,000 people. The research, led by psychological scientist Tom Stafford of the University of Sheffield (UK), suggests that the way you practice is just as important as how often you practice when it comes to learning quickly. The new findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Stafford and Michael Dewar from The New York Times Research and Development Lab analyzed data from 854,064 people playing an online game called ...

44 Reasons Why Evolution Is Just A Fairy Tale For Adults
Post Date: 2014-01-10 11:37:57 by christine
The theory of evolution is false. It is simply not true. Actually, it is just a fairy tale for adults based on ancient pagan religious philosophy that hundreds of millions of people around the world choose to believe with blind faith. When asked to produce evidence for the theory of evolution, most adults in the western world come up totally blank. When pressed, most people will mumble something about how “most scientists believe it” and how that is good enough for them. This kind of anti-intellectualism even runs rampant on our college campuses. If you doubt this, just go to a college campus some time and start asking students why they believe in evolution. Very few of them will ...

The largest EMP in the solar system
Post Date: 2014-01-10 07:32:04 by BTP Holdings
The largest EMP in the solar system EMP, power4patriots | 52 Comments Ever hear of the Carrington Event? Probably not. It occurred more than 150 years ago and its effects were minimal. But if anything like it happens again – and scientists are convinced it will – the effects could be devastating. Named after Richard Carrington, an astronomer who witnessed the incident, the Carrington Event was a super solar flare that shot directly toward the earth. Causing what we now know as an EMP, this solar storm produced a high intensity burst of electromagnetic energy that disrupted communications and shocked technicians when it shot through telegraph lines. Fortunately, there ...

rganic Mega Flow Battery Promises Breakthrough for Renewable Energy
Post Date: 2014-01-10 05:55:12 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily... Jan. 8, 2014 — A team of Harvard scientists and engineers has demonstrated a new type of battery that could fundamentally transform the way electricity is stored on the grid, making power from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar far more economical and reliable. Share This: The novel battery technology is reported in a paper published in Nature on January 9. Under the OPEN 2012 program, the Harvard team received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to develop the innovative grid-scale battery and plans to work with ARPA-E to catalyze further technological and market breakthroughs over the next ...

Shake Internet Trackers In 4 Steps
Post Date: 2014-01-09 07:57:55 by BTP Holdings
Click on the source link to view video.

Solar firms face "total eclipse" in the US
Post Date: 2014-01-08 02:15:57 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, Jan. 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese solar companies will be "entirely blocked" from the United States market if that nation's government imposes new duties on solar cell products made in the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, experts have warned. "It will keep all the Chinese companies out of the US market if new duties are imposed, in addition to the already unfair trade environment," said Sun Guangbin, secretary-general for solar energy and photovoltaic products at the China Chamber of Commerce of Machinery and Electronic Products. The US solar panel producer SolarWorld Industries America Inc petitioned the Department of Commerce and the US International Trade ...

Toyota hydrogen-powered vehicle debuts at 2014 CES
Post Date: 2014-01-08 01:44:26 by Tatarewicz
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- Toyota unveiled a hydrogen-powered "Car of the Future" that emits only water vapor, at the 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on Monday. Toyota said the prototype would have a driving range of about 300 miles (483 km) and accelerate from zero to 60 miles (96 km) per hour in about 10 seconds. It also would take only three to five minutes to refuel hydrogen tanks. "Hydrogen-powered vehicles will enter our life sooner than many people believe and in much greater numbers than anyone expects," Bob Carter, Toyota's U.S. vice president, said in a statement. The car is expected to go on sale in the United States ...

Post Date: 2014-01-06 07:55:35 by Tatarewicz
Schedule for 01.06.14 - 01.10.14 Monday January 6, 2014 Hosted by George Noory Guest(s): Gordon Edwards President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, Gordon Edwards, Ph.D., is dedicated to education and research on all issues related to nuclear energy – civilian, military, and non-nuclear alternatives. He'll discuss the status of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, and how we are wrapping up the era of nuclear power, and entering the era of nuclear waste.

Historic deep freeze across North America conclusively proves global warming is getting worse, right?
Post Date: 2014-01-06 04:33:13 by BTP Holdings
Historic deep freeze across North America conclusively proves global warming is getting worse, right? Sunday, January 05, 2014 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com (NaturalNews) Global warming is getting worse. It's so bad now that it has thrust most of North America into an historic deep freeze with plummeting temperatures that haven't been seen in decades. This is absolute proof that global warming is worsening, and the way I know that is because the same people who told me that record HOT temperature last summer were caused by global warming -- "See? It's really, really hot!" -- are now saying that record COLD temperatures are also caused ...

The eco-friendly wood in rebuilt New Orleans homes is now rotting
Post Date: 2014-01-04 22:12:01 by X-15
Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation has built 100 energy-efficient and eco-friendly houses in New Orleans to replace homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Unfortunately, the organization believes that some of the wood it used is now rotting, reports The New Orleans Advocate. The organization used TimberSIL, an innovative glass-infused wood product produced by a South Carolina manufacturer, to build porches and outside steps. The absence of chromated copper arsenate and other chemicals typically used to prevent rot and decay was a selling point for Make It Right. Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation has built 100 energy-efficient and eco-friendly houses in New Orleans to replace ...

Deep Sea News
Post Date: 2014-01-04 15:51:31 by Lod
Posted for your thoughts and discussion. I don't know who to trust on the Fuki CF.

Frack to the Future: An Unlikely Place to Find a Shale Bounty
Post Date: 2014-01-03 18:47:46 by BTP Holdings
Frack to the Future: An Unlikely Place to Find a Shale Bounty by Matt Insley For the past two years, we’ve been investigating the benefits the shale gale is bringing to the U.S. and early investors. 2013 saw America's energy revolution come into its own in a big way. Crude oil production hit 25 year highs… making the U.S. the world’s biggest oil producer over Saudi Arabia. Fracking technology and American expertise has made the U.S. the “new standard in energy production” according to our resource expert Byron King. In today’s final essay in our best-of series, our muddy boots on the ground, Matt Insley, digs up a an important article on fracking that ...

Finding Climate Change
Post Date: 2014-01-03 18:24:48 by BTP Holdings
Finding Climate Change By Absolute Rights Contributor on January 1, 2014 MV Akademik Schokalskiy By Vox Day There are some who doubt that God exists. They obviously haven't been paying much attention to the events at the South Pole, where the MV Akademik Schokalskiy was carrying a group of true believers in the gospel of Al Gore to document environmental changes there. For we now know beyond any shadow of a doubt that God not only exists, but has a rather puckish sense of humor. As it happens, the MV Akademik Schokalskiy will not reach its destination. The “climate scientists” on board are unable to reach the century-old base camp of Douglas Mawson and observe how the ...

Potential Martians: Mars One selects 1,058 hopefuls among 200,000 applicants
Post Date: 2014-01-03 09:03:47 by Tatarewicz
rt...The Mars One project has announced the selection of 1,058 hopefuls from over 200,000 applicants to become potential “human ambassadors” on the Red Planet. Eventually, no more than 40 people will be selected to go Mars to never return. “We’re extremely appreciative and impressed with the sheer number of people who submitted their applications,” Mars One Co-Founder and CEO Bas Lansdorp said, putting an end to the second round of the application process. “However, the challenge with 200,000 applicants is separating those who we feel are physically and mentally adept to become human ambassadors on Mars from those who are obviously taking the mission much less ...

Is Monsanto Using 4-H to Brainwash Your Children About GMOs?
Post Date: 2014-01-02 17:47:24 by BTP Holdings
Is Monsanto Using 4-H to Brainwash Your Children About GMOs? December 31, 2013 | 173,800 view Visit the Mercola Video Library By Dr. Mercola Monsanto is boasting its partnership with 4-H programs by giving a shout-out to “National 4-H Week.”1 This is not the first time Monsanto has used its clever propaganda to influence our nation’s youth. The Council for Biotechnology Information widely circulated a Biotechnology Basics Activity Book for kids, a disturbing and brightly colored obvious intent to 'educate' the children. 4-H is the country’s largest youth organization with more than 6 million members in 80 countries around the world, involving children ...

Google files patent that turns conversations into comic strips
Post Date: 2014-01-02 02:31:58 by Tatarewicz
| Google seems to be working on something interesting we might see in the near future that should turn personal messaging a little more fun – comic strips conversations. According to a patent filed by Google seen and reported by the folks at Engadget, Google may have the weirdest yet interesting idea of turning your conversations – email, sms or chat messages – into geeky comic strips. he patent reveals that Google will take conversations between a group of two or more people and turn it into a comic strip a lot like the Bitstrips that have grown popular in the social media over the past couple of months. Interestingly, it is revealed that Google filed for this patent ...

Global Cooling...
Post Date: 2014-01-01 21:04:27 by Armadillo
For the first time in 20 years, the USA saw more record cold temperatures than record hot temperatures in 2013, according to statistics from the National Climatic Data Center. "For the first year since 1993, there were more daily record lows than daily highs that were either tied or set in 2013," reported Weather Channel meteorologist Guy Walton, who keeps track of the data from the climate center. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:It is getting harder and harder for the Warmists to ignore reality.

Our electrical grid is an accident waiting to happen.
Post Date: 2014-01-01 12:24:42 by BTP Holdings
Our electrical grid is an accident waiting to happen. In recent months, we’ve been told some things that patriots like us have long suspected. A report has recently been declassified that reveals that due to the U.S. electric grid’s old technology, lack of spare capacity and incapability of keeping pace with the increasing burden being placed upon it, the grid is vulnerable to a sophisticated physical assault that could produce catastrophic results. Everyone has known for many years that the grid is vulnerable to extreme weather, including intense heat in the South, tornados in the heartland, hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and blizzards in the Northeast. I can’t ...

Scientific magazines hinder development of science
Post Date: 2014-01-01 09:30:32 by Tatarewicz
Pravda...25.12.2013 It is no secret that publication of articles in prestigious scientific journals increases the chances of the researchers to receive a grant or professorship. This is why, according to a Nobel laureate biologist Randy Schekman, these days such journals only hinder the normal scientific process, appreciating sensational nature of work more than its quality. This summer, when discussions of a scandalous "reform" of the Russian Academy of Sciences were ongoing, its supporters relied on the fact that the share of publications of the Academy of Sciences in prestigious scientific journals of the world is very, very low. According to them, this was a serious ...

How to Send Messages to Your Friends on the Wii
Post Date: 2014-01-01 08:02:52 by Tatarewicz
Demand Media Stay in touch with friends by sending messages using the Nintendo Wii. You can use the Wii Message Board function to send messages to and receive messages from friends who also use Wii consoles through the Internet. Post a memo to the Wii Message Board if you want to pass along information to everyone who uses that particular console. Sending or posing a message using the Nintendo Wii takes only a few minutes. Write Message Step 1 Click the Wii Message Board icon in the lower right corner of the Nintendo Wii home screen; the icon is in the shape of a letter. The Will Message Board will appear on the screen. Step 2 Click the Create Message icon in the lower left corner of the ...

World’s Greatest Hunting Rifle Reviewed: The D’Arcy Echols Legend
Post Date: 2013-12-31 23:38:40 by X-15
In a perfect world, all hunting rifles would feed, fire and eject 100 percent of the time in all possible hunting conditions. In a perfect world, a rifle’s components would be scaled to the individual cartridge, ensuring reliability and balance. In a perfect world, scopes would be mounted using a secure and stress-free system designed to precisely fit that individual scope. In a perfect world, all rifles would be capable of accuracy that ensured they could outshoot their owners. Such ideas, though admirable, are not attainable in the economics of mass production where “good enough” is the necessary standard. You can’t make a “perfect” rifle for $500 or even ...

Newton 3D Home Metal Printer Can Make Jewelry and Mechanical Items – Video
Post Date: 2013-12-31 21:54:22 by Tatarewicz
The first metal 3D printer, a cheap thing that can work with steel, came out pretty recently, but there are already plans for commercializing another, one whose potential for change is likened to that of Isaac Newton. That's a pretty tall order, but it's what Esteban Schunemann, PhD student at Brunel University in London, said. When he revealed the Newton 3D Home Metal Printer, he said that “Just like Isaac Newton whose scientific discoveries lead to the industrial revolution, Newton 3D innovates in bringing metal 3D printing to the desktop environment.” That's actually the publicity tag. Esteban is working on a project titled “3D Deposition of Silicone and ...

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