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Are Al Gore’s “Dirty Weather” Claims And Tactics Criminal?
Post Date: 2012-11-24 20:20:05 by farmfriend
Are Al Gore’s “Dirty Weather” Claims And Tactics Criminal? by Dr. Tim Ball on November 22, 2012 Fraud is defined as “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.” Did Al Gore campaign to deceive the world about the role of human produced CO2 causing world ending global warming and climate change. He profited through carbon credits based on the false need to reduce CO2 and advanced his political career by “saving the planet.” Others distorted climate science for a political agenda, but none with the intensity of Gore. One was Senator Tim Wirth who in 1993 said, “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. ...

Boy dies in Evansville when TV falls onto him
Post Date: 2012-11-23 07:45:17 by Esso
EVANSVILLE, Ind. - Police in Evansville say a 4-year-old boy was fatally injured when a large television apparently fell on him. Police say it appears the television fell off its stand and landed on Gennix Starks. The Evansville Courier & Press and WFIE-TV reported emergency workers were called to an apartment where the boy was injured Wednesday night and that he later died at a hospital. Police say investigators believe the boy's death was accidental based on physical evidence at the apartment and preliminary medical reports.

The Greenhouse Gas Blanket that Fails to Warm the World
Post Date: 2012-11-21 20:02:46 by farmfriend
The Greenhouse Gas Blanket that Fails to Warm the World Looking through his astrophysicist's eyes Joe Postma made a great point when observing our beautiful blue, wet planet from space: “Energy leaves the Earth, the same amount leaving over two hemispheres, as what comes in over a single hemisphere.” Amazingly, for over 50 years climate researchers overlooked the huge significance of this basic fact when they modeled Earth simplistically by averaging incoming solar radiation equally over both hemispheres. In the age before supercomputers it was expedient to ignore the complexity that our 70% liquid planet creates due to day/night heating and cooling of the water cycle. ...

The Hunt for Dark Matter
Post Date: 2012-11-20 17:21:06 by Lod
(AP:SIOUX FALLS, S.D.) Scientists hoping to detect dark matter deep in a former South Dakota gold mine have taken the last major step before flipping the switch on their more than $300 million experiment and say they may be ready to begin collecting data as early as February. What's regarded as the world's most sensitive dark matter detector was lowered earlier this month into a 70,000-gallon water tank nearly a mile beneath the earth's surface, shrouding it in enough insulation to hopefully isolate dark matter from the cosmic radiation that makes it impossible to detect above ground. And if all goes as planned, the data that begins flowing could answer age-old questions about ...

Cuddle hormone' could keep men faithful
Post Date: 2012-11-17 05:27:36 by Tatarewicz
A sniff of a "cuddle hormone" can encourage married men to literally keep their distance from other women, German scientists have shown - but paranoid wives should not put in orders for monogamy spray quite yet. Rather than making men look out for a new woman, the hormone oxytocin, known for its importance in bonding between romantic partners, seemed to steer those already in a relationship away from a potential rival, the researchers found. But not all men reacted the same way. "For the singles, there was no significant effect," Dirk Scheele from the University of Bonn's Department of Psychiatry, told The Local. The study conducted by scientists from the ...

Printing living human tissue
Post Date: 2012-11-17 04:30:28 by Tatarewicz
A new bio-ink that is capable of carrying living cells through a printer has been developed. This image shows muscle [green] and nerve cells [red] suspended in the new bio-ink and inkjet printed on to a collagen hydrogel bio-printer. The development opens fantastic opportunities for tissue engineering. Image: University of Wollongong Scientists are one step closer to being able to print tissue replacements for diseased or damaged body parts using inkjet printers, thanks to the development of a specialised ink formulation. Researchers have been aware for some time of the potential for using commercially available inkjet printer heads to print living human cells into 3D structures, but ...

2011 Significant Earthquake and News Headlines Archive
Post Date: 2012-11-16 19:46:54 by pablo
Note: This is a selected, incomplete list of significant earthquakes and may not have the most up-to-date, authoritative information for each earthquake. For more up to date information, please refer to scientific literature. For more comprehensive earthquake lists, please refer to the ANSS Composite Catalog or NEIC Earthquake Catalog. Information available for these years: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | More In 2011, there were 18 earthquakes greater than 7.0. You can click on any earthquake listed and read a full description of what happened. Magnitude 9.0 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN Poster Comment:Since this is something that ...

Stunning Map Reveals World's Earthquakes Since 1898
Post Date: 2012-11-16 19:12:38 by pablo
If you've ever wondered where — and why — earthquakes happen the most, look no further than a new map, which plots more than a century's worth of nearly every recorded earthquake strong enough to at least rattle the bookshelves. The map shows earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater since 1898; each is marked in a lightning-bug hue that glows brighter with increasing magnitude. The overall effect is both beautiful and arresting, revealing the silhouettes of Earth's tectonic boundaries in stark, luminous swarms of color. You can read the rest of the story at the site, and, look at the fantastic map as well. BUT, that is not the best part. There is a short video at ...

Japan to unveil world’s first 3D printing photo booth
Post Date: 2012-11-15 05:14:32 by Tatarewicz
The world’s first 3D printing photo booth, creating life-like miniature photos, is set to be unveiled at the Eye of Gyre exhibition in Japan. A Japanese company known as Omote 3D is planning to offer the 3D photo printing service at the Eye of Gyre exhibition that will be held in Tokyo's Harajuk. According to the 3D Focus, the visitors who intend to have this 3D photo of themselves, will have to be scanned in a booth. There, the visitors will have their bodies scanned into a computer as they will be required to hold a certain pose for 15 minutes. Then the machine will display their statuette on the 3D color printer depicting not only the features, but the basic textures of ...

Mother: I want the world to know Fukushima is in a state of dying — I reaffirmed severe radioactive contamination — I alone can’t do anything, I tried (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2012-11-12 09:06:59 by tom007
Mother: I want the world to know Fukushima is in a state of dying — I reaffirmed severe radioactive contamination — I alone can’t do anything, I tried (VIDEO) Published: November 11th, 2012 at 7:42 am ET By ENENews Email Article Email Article 20 comments Watch the video here Title: Fukushima is not a city where people can live By: 148 Production Date: November 10, 2012 If you do not want to die, run away from Fukushima. [...] Fukushima Mother: Since the government was hiding information about radioactive contamination has paralyzed our crisis management. [...] I reaffirmed severe radioactive contamination [...] I alone cannot do anything I tried to help Fukushima. So, ...

Painful Truths About Genital Injuries
Post Date: 2012-11-11 03:32:52 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2012) — A comprehensive survey of genital injuries over the last decade involving mishaps with consumer products like clothing, furniture, tools and toys that brought U.S. adults to emergency rooms reveals that such injuries are common and may be preventable, according to doctors at The study, described this week in The Journal of Urology, was the largest ever to look at major and minor "genitourinary" injuries, which involve the genitals, urinary tract and kidneys. It showed that 142,144 U.S. adults went to emergency rooms between 2002 and 2010 for such injuries -- about 16,000 a year. The work suggests educational and product safety approaches for ...

Help fund the RIFE Reseach Labortory!!! Fund the Cure!!!
Post Date: 2012-11-10 17:19:05 by titorite
I own a Rife machine and that is a machine that destroys viral and bacterial cells. Some of yall already know this quite well. This is a discredited area of science or it was... Till Anthony Holland picked up the torch and shattered some cancer cells in vitro. My lifes passion is moving out of pseudo science and into legitimate territory . If you would like to learn more or donate to the cause you can do so here http://www.indiegogo.com/p/237725 If you would like to see cancer cells shattered on film in their petri dishes.. click the link. If you have spare cash to donate to the cause.... click the link Oh just click it anyways.

Medical Devices Powered by the Ear Itself
Post Date: 2012-11-10 03:20:15 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Nov. 8, 2012) — For the first time, researchers power an implantable electronic device using an electrical potential -- a natural battery -- deep in the inner ear. Share This: Deep in the inner ear of mammals is a natural battery -- a chamber filled with ions that produces an electrical potential to drive neural signals. In a recent issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology, a team of researchers from MIT, the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) demonstrate for the first time that this battery could power implantable electronic devices without impairing hearing. The devices could monitor ...

Kim Dotcom - The Most Wanted Man on the Net
Post Date: 2012-11-08 13:18:21 by Lod
Read the amazing, disgusting article at the URL.

Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress
Post Date: 2012-11-07 11:20:59 by Horse

Solar System Shift
Post Date: 2012-11-07 11:14:59 by Horse
Poster Comment:I am interested in the educated opinions you have of this man/

Bacteria Talk to Each Other and Our Cells in the Same Way, Via Molecules
Post Date: 2012-11-07 04:32:54 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Nov. 6, 2012) — Bacteria can talk to each other via molecules they themselves produce. The phenomenon is called quorum sensing, and is important when an infection propagates. Now, researchers at Linköping University in Sweden are showing how bacteria control processes in human cells the same way. Share This: The results are being published in PLoS Pathogens with Elena Vikström, researcher in medical microbiology, as the main author. Bacteria 'talk' When the announcement goes out, more and more bacteria gather at the site of the attack -- a wound, for example. When there are enough of them, they start acting like multicellular organisms. They can ...

The top five Linux desktop vendors
Post Date: 2012-11-06 19:35:42 by James Deffenbach
Summary: Sick of Windows, but don't feel comfortable installing Linux yourself? No problem. There are many vendors who will sell a Linux laptop or desktop that's ready to go. It's really not that hard to give Linux a try on a desktop or notebook. But, I get it. Not everyone is comfortable with burning operating system ISOs to a CD and then booting a computer from it. If that's you, or a friend of yours, then consider just buying a PC or laptop that has Linux on it that's ready to go. Unfortunately, you can't just go down to your local Best Buy or Sam's Club and get one. While Linux PCs show up from time to time in retail outlets, the odds are against you ...

How underground Rodent Wards Off Cancer: Second Mole Rat Species Has Different Mechanism for Resisting Cancer
Post Date: 2012-11-06 02:50:02 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Nov. 5, 2012) — Biologists at the University of Rochester have determined how blind mole rats fight off cancer -- and the mechanism differs from what they discovered three years ago in another long-lived and cancer-resistant mole rat species, the naked mole rat. Share This: The team of researchers, led by Professor Vera Gorbunova and Assistant Professor Andrei Seluanov, found that abnormally growing cells in blind mole rats secrete the interferon beta protein, which causes those cells to rapidly die. Seluanov and Gorbunova hope the discovery will eventually help lead to new cancer therapies in humans. Their findings are being published this week in the Proceedings of ...

Drunk but alert: students brew caffeine beer
Post Date: 2012-11-05 04:54:43 by Tatarewicz
A group of German students has caused a stir in the normally separate worlds of beer brewing and molecular biotechnology. On Sunday they will present their caffeinated, lemon, and sweet beers to a panel of experts in the US. For the past six months, 19 students from the Research at the Centre of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan, part of the Munich Technical University (TUM), have been fiddling with the genetic make-up of yeast, and turning the results into a range of weird and wonderful beers. So far, the team has managed to adapt the yeast so that in the brewing process it makes caffeinated, lemon-flavour, sweetened, and even cancer-fighting beer, the Süddeutsche Zeitung ...

Weather Modification: The Law
Post Date: 2012-11-04 07:37:04 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Weather Modification: The Law Title 15, Chapter 9A: Weather Modification Activities or Attempts; Reporting Requirement Section 330. Definitions As used in this chapter - (1) The term ''Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (2) The term ''person'' means any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society, joint stock company, any State or local government or any agency thereof, or any other organization, whether commercial or nonprofit, who is performing weather modification activities, except where acting solely as an employee, agent, or independent contractor of the Federal Government. (3) The term ''weather ...

Using the Marshmallow Test to Predict Jail Time
Post Date: 2012-11-03 03:30:29 by Tatarewicz
A professor of psychology at Stanford University used marshmallows in a study of children’s self-control. His research found that their response to a marshmallow temptation indicated how they would deal with important choices later in life. (Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images) On Health with Dr. W. Gifford Jones When was the last time you said, “Let’s roast some marshmallows”? Since I’m not sweet 16, it was a lot of moons ago for me. Now a report from Stanford University shows marshmallows are good for more than enjoying around a fire. It seems how you handle a marshmallow can reveal how you handle other things later in life. In fact, it may even decide if you end up in ...

Trick that's working here
Post Date: 2012-11-02 20:37:49 by Lod
I have several windows open all the time. Recently, I began minimizing them to the tray when I go to another window, and maximizing the window that I want to use. This has really helped with the speed of opening windows, and not having hang-ups to have to close and re-open different windows. Or close Firefox altogether, and re boot it. Hoping this makes sense and helps WinUsers here.

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week.
Post Date: 2012-11-02 09:25:16 by Ada
The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996 The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures. This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been ...

Guantlet - Your hand is the keyboard.
Post Date: 2012-10-30 00:11:01 by Tatarewicz
Gauntlet is a one handed glove that serves as a wireless keyboard. Type by easily tapping your thumb on each segment of your fingers. Erase letters with just a swipe. Compatible today with iPhone, Android, and Bluetooth enabled tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. We are proud to be one of the winners of Best Buy's College Innovator Fund, which we will use to accelerate development t.co/8duvgKc7 39 days ago GAUNTLET Wins College Innovator Fund GAUNTLET wins $20,000 from Best Buy's College Innovator Fund. Read More TechCrunch Interviews GAUNTLET Jiake demonstrates GAUNTLET in this video interview with TechCrunch. Read More Innovations Each key is placed in between joints ...

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