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Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky
Post Date: 2011-07-09 02:45:41 by wudidiz
SOLAR SYSTEM SCOPE SSS is Flash based 3D model of Planets of Solar System and the Night Sky. The Model consists of 3 main Views (Heliocentric, Geocentric and Panaromatic), including: • Precise Positions of all Celestial Objects according to NASA Calculations • Schematic Distances and Sizes for better understanding of Planet Surfaces and Motions • a unique feature to Drag Planets through their Orbits • a lot of interesting Settings which allow you to Observe particular Motions and Events • Distance Calculator to measure distances between Planets even while in motion • Earth Observatory set-up with which you can watch Celestial Happenings on your Night Sky SSS ...

Cemetery of giant creatures found in Central Africa
Post Date: 2011-07-09 01:09:43 by Tatarewicz
Pravda A team of anthropologists found a mysterious burial in the jungle near the city of Kigali Rwanda (Central Africa). Cemetery of giant creatures found in Central Africa The remains belong to gigantic creatures that bear little resemblance to humans. Head of research group believes that they could be visitors from another planet who died as a result of a catastrophe. According to the scientists, they were buried at least 500 years ago. At first, researchers thought that they came across the remains of ancient settlements, but no signs of human life have been found nearby. The 40 communal graves had approximately 200 bodies in them, all perfectly preserved. The creatures were tall ...

Why social pressure causes people to form false memories
Post Date: 2011-07-08 02:09:09 by Tatarewicz
Reminiscing with friends about the good old days may be fun, but it's unlikely to be accurate. Social pressure when recalling a shared event with somebody else who was also there causes false memories to be formed, according to scientists. People regularly replace their stored memory with the one that is recounted by a friend, a study claims. Scroll down for video Study: Social pressure when recalling a shared event with somebody else who was also there causes false memories to be formed Study: Social pressure when recalling a shared event with somebody else who was also there causes false memories to be formed Researchers from University College London arranged for volunteers to ...

Wrong facts stick in memory
Post Date: 2011-07-08 00:05:45 by Tatarewicz
Humans are taught from an early age to tell the truth so if we realise the facts have been misrepresented, we do our best to set the record straight. But a study from The University of Western Australia found even clear warnings to ignore misinformation can't erase the damage done. The study by Assistant Professor Ullrich Ecker, Professor Stephan Lewandowsky and David Tang, from UWA's School of Psychology, was first published last year in Memory & Cognition journal and is featured this month in another journal Scientific American. Professor Ecker said information that was initially thought to be correct, but later retracted or corrected, often continued to influence memory ...

Mother of all Polar Bears: An Irish Brown Bear?
Post Date: 2011-07-07 18:17:38 by X-15
A polar bear sniffs at the camera CREDIT: Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com Twisted lines of ancestry seem to have intertwined two very different species: the water-loving polar bear and the forest-loving Irish brown bear. Despite being so different, the two seem to have found love: Meeting and breeding at least once during the last 120,000 years, the two species gave rise to the polar bears we know today. "The Irish genetic sequences are much closer to the modern polar bear," said study researcher Daniel Bradley, of Trinity College Dublin. "As the climate has changed, what we are seeing is the tracking of that climatic change in the sequences in the bears." [Real or ...

Canadian Cancer Society spends more on fundraising than research: report
Post Date: 2011-07-07 06:56:31 by Tatarewicz
If you’ve been making steady donations to the Canadian Cancer Society over the past ten years, less and less of your donation has been going toward research, according to a new report from the CBC show Marketplace. The CBC analyzed the charity’s financial reports and found “that each year, as the society raised more dollars, the proportion of money it spent on research dropped dramatically — from 40.3 per cent in 2000 to under 22 per cent in 2011.” While the amount of money channelled toward research has increased slightly, as part of the charity’s overall increasing budget, spending on fundraising and administration has been on the steady rise, according ...

Asia pollution blamed for halt in warming -study
Post Date: 2011-07-05 03:58:03 by farmfriend
Asia pollution blamed for halt in warming -study By Gerard Wynn LONDON, July 4 (Reuters) - Smoke belching from Asia's rapidly growing economies is largely responsible for a halt in global warming in the decade after 1998 because of sulphur's cooling effect, even though greenhouse gas emissions soared, a U.S. study said on Monday. The paper raised the prospect of more rapid, pent-up climate change when emerging economies eventually crack down on pollution. World temperatures did not rise from 1998 to 2008, while manmade emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel grew by nearly a third, various data show. The researchers from Boston and Harvard Universities and ...

What makes us tick
Post Date: 2011-07-04 02:48:13 by Tatarewicz
Seventy-eight year-old Phil Zimbardo is one of the world's best-known psychologists. During his forty-year career as a Professor at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, Dr. Zimbardo entertained and informed thousands of students in his classrooms and many hundreds of thousands more via his Public Broadcasting System program, Discovering Psychology. Zimbardo is perhaps best-known for an experiment he conducted in August of 1971 when he turned the basement at Stanford into a simulated prison. As he told me during an interview this week, Zimbardo was trying to find out whether the goodness of some psychologically and physically healthy college-age males would control a bad ...

E.coli seen spawning biofuel in five years
Post Date: 2011-07-04 02:33:33 by Tatarewicz
ASPEN, Colorado - The bacteria behind food poisoning worldwide, the mighty E.coli, could be turned into a commercially available biofuel in five years, a US scientist told technology industry and government leaders on Tuesday. Several companies are working on the technology, which has been proven in laboratories but is not yet yielding enough fuel to be commercially viable, scientist Jay Keasling told the Aspen Ideas Festival on Tuesday. Keasling, chief executive officer of the US Department of Energy's Joint BioEnergy Institute, has pioneered research in biofuels based on substances ranging from yeast to E.coli and expects E.coli fuel production to improve. Already, a similar ...

Purer water from “super sand”
Post Date: 2011-07-03 06:37:41 by Tatarewicz
A low-cost coating applied to sand could provide a source of wide-scale water purification to people in developing countries, saving millions of lives every year. Sand, an abundant natural resource, has been used to clean polluted water for six millennia. Filtration using sand in its natural form is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO), as a water purification process. Now, a team led by Dr Mainak Majumder from the Monash Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, together with researchers from Rice University in Houston, have significantly enhanced the natural filtering properties of sand by coating it with a nanomaterial called graphite oxide (GO). The researchers ...

Post Date: 2011-07-02 11:30:04 by Amandil
Here's from another article by Gilad Atzmon: Stuxnet found in Japan in October 4. ... Stuxnet was in Japan last October, presumably still spreading and intended to wreck nuclear power plants. 5. Stuxnet targets the Siemens controller 6. Fukushima uses the Seimens controllers Stuxnet was designed interfere with! So now the difficulty the Fukushima nuclear plant operators faced in recovering control over their runaway reactors takes on a darker significance. Remember that the first problem following the quake was that the automated shutdown systems failed to operate at some of the reactors, because pumps failed and valves would not open even while running on batteries; the very ...

Mathematicians Want to Say Goodbye to Pi
Post Date: 2011-07-02 03:10:47 by Tatarewicz
"I know it will be called blasphemy by some, but I believe that pi is wrong." That's the opening line of a watershed essay written in 2001 by mathematician Bob Palais of the University of Utah. In "Pi is Wrong!" Palais argued that, for thousands of years, humans have been focusing their attention and adulation on the wrong mathematical constant. Two times pi, not pi itself, is the truly sacred number of the circle, Palais contended. We should be celebrating and symbolizing the value that is equal to approximately 6.28 — the ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius — and not to the 3.14'ish ratio of its circumference to its diameter (a ...

Government sues Apollo 14 astronaut over lunar camera (Dr. Edgar Mitchell)
Post Date: 2011-07-01 19:40:23 by wudidiz
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government has sued a former NASA astronaut to recover a camera used to explore the moon's surface during the 1971 Apollo 14 mission after seeing it slated for sale in a New York auction. The lawsuit, filed in Miami federal court on Wednesday, accuses Edgar Mitchell of illegally possessing the camera and attempting to sell it for profit. In March, NASA learned that the British auction house Bonhams was planning to sell the camera at an upcoming Space History Sale, according to the suit. The item was labeled "Movie Camera from the Lunar Surface" and billed as one of two cameras from the Apollo 14's lunar module Antares. The lot description ...

Rain? Blame it on the Plane
Post Date: 2011-07-01 13:06:37 by Ada
Aircraft may produce holes in clouds and cause an unusual phenomenon that results in increased rain or snowfall in the area immediately around the world's major airports, a new study suggests. Flying aircraft may punch holes in clouds and cause an increase in precipitation according to a new study. Kelsey Hubbard gets the details from WSJ's Gautam Naik. A flying plane "can freeze the water drops in a cloud and produce a ribbon of ice crystals" behind it, said Andrew Heymsfield, lead author of the paper, to be published in the journal Science on Friday, and a cloud physicist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. The icy ribbon may then expand ...

Invisibility carpet cloak can hide objects from visible light
Post Date: 2011-07-01 09:11:45 by gengis gandhi
Invisibility carpet cloak can hide objects from visible light June 15, 2011 by Lisa Zyga articlecomments (22)text-to-speech share Enlarge When an input beam (black arrow) reflects off (a) a bump without a cloak, the bump causes a perturbation. When the beam reflects off (b) a bump covered by a cloak, the cloak masks the bump, and the reflected beam is reconstructed as if the bump did not exist. (c) Light after reflection from a flat mirror, a bump without a cloak, and a cloaked bump, at three different wavelengths. Image credit: Majid Gharghi, et al. ©2011 American Chemical Society (PhysOrg.com) -- Most of the invisibility cloaks that have been demonstrated to date conceal objects at ...

Strongest evidence yet indicates Enceladus hiding saltwater ocean
Post Date: 2011-07-01 08:15:51 by gengis gandhi
Strongest evidence yet indicates Enceladus hiding saltwater ocean June 22, 2011 articlecomments (29)text-to-speech share Enlarge This image shows icy spray spewing from Saturn's moon, Enceladus. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute (PhysOrg.com) -- Samples of icy spray shooting from Saturn's moon Enceladus collected during Cassini spacecraft flybys show the strongest evidence yet for the existence of a large-scale, subterranean saltwater ocean, says a new international study led by the University of Heidelberg and involving the University of Colorado Boulder. Ads by Google Looking for a GM Vehicle? - Come See What Chevy Vehicles Have to Offer. Learn More Here. - ...

Asteroid hit will be catastrophic for India, US, China
Post Date: 2011-07-01 03:18:52 by Tatarewicz
London : If an asteroid hits India, US or China, these countries will suffer a catastrophic loss of lives and be crippled beyond the possibility of any recovery, scientists have said. Countries that will be worst affected in the event of a strike also include Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Italy, Britain, Brazil and Nigeria, according to the Daily Mail. Even smaller countries like Sweden are in grave danger because of damage to their infrastructure. The list has been compiled by researchers from the University of Southampton using NEOimpactor, a software short for NASA's "NEO" or Near Earth Object programme. Looking at population loss, the US, China, Indonesia, India ...

The list of ethanol-free gas stations in the U.S. and Canada
Post Date: 2011-06-30 18:18:29 by X-15
Welcome to the definitive list of stations that sell ethanol-free gasoline in the U.S. and Canada! It's growing fast! The POI file is fixed! It should load into your Garmin without error. If you buy ethanol-free gas, and your station isn't listed here, please add it now! (State-by-state labeling requirements are listed at fuel-testers.com.) Please remove stations that no longer sell pure gas, even if you didn't post them! Update or remove a station by clicking details->update this station on the station's listing. Users maintain this database themselves. Don't post a comment — add or remove the station yourself. Thanks! We currently have 3484 stations entered ...

Nature's Mind: the Quantum Hologram Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D.
Post Date: 2011-06-30 04:30:08 by wudidiz
Nature's Mind: the Quantum Hologram Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D. Institute of Noetic Sciences, PO Box 540037, Lake Worth, FL, 33454 Fax: 1-561-641-5242, e-mail edgarmitchell@msn.com Abstract This paper presents a hypothesis for integrating into the scientific framework phenomena of consciousness which frequently have been considered beyond scientific description. Intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance and many similar information phenomena seem to be easily explained by means of the nonlocal quantum hologram. It is further postulated that from the point of view of evolution, quantum nonlocality is the basis from which self-organizing cosmological processes have produced ...

Regulators aware for years of understated seismic risks to nuclear plants
Post Date: 2011-06-29 22:01:23 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Regulators aware for years of understated seismic risks to nuclear plants Nearly six years before an earthquake ravaged Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, U.S. regulators came to a sobering realization: seismic risks to nuclear plants in the eastern two-thirds of the country were greater than had been suspected, and engineers might have to rethink reactor designs. Thus began a little-noticed risk assessment process with far-reaching implications despite its innocuous-sounding name: Generic Issue 199. The process, which was supposed to have been finished nearly a year ago, is still under way. It is unclear when it will be completed.GI-199, as it is known, was triggered by ...

LoL - My Husband Directed The Fake Moon Landing Says Stanley Kubrick's Widow. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-06-29 14:00:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
My Husband Directed The Fake Moon Landing Says Stanley Kubrick's Widow. THE MOON LANDING HOAX…. “In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to ...

Neutrino Transformation Could Help Explain Mystery of Matter
Post Date: 2011-06-29 05:18:23 by Tatarewicz
Two research teams have found new evidence of transformations in elusive elementary particles called neutrinos. The findings may finally help explain why the universe didn’t vanish shortly after its birth. “These results are just the beginning of the story for neutrinos,” said physicist Robert Plunkett of Fermilab in Chicago. “They could lead to clues … and tell us why there’s now far more matter than antimatter.” Most neutrinos are emitted by the sun, and are so small and ghostly that billions pass through our bodies every second. Most go right through Earth without hitting anything. But some human-built devices — slabs of iron and plastic, big ...

Corning sets up research center on Chinese mainland
Post Date: 2011-06-29 01:56:04 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, June 29(Xinhuanet) --Corning Inc started its first joint venture laboratory on the Chinese mainland on Tuesday in partnership with a well-known ceramics institute in Shanghai. "The joint research facility is aimed at exploring technologies to support the development of future Corning products that will address needs in China and worldwide," said Mark Newhouse, chief technology officer of Corning Asia. The opening of the new laboratory, which came only several months after Newhouse took his position early this year, is indicative of Corning's determination to possess more technology and business-development resources in Asia. The joint lab, a result of long-term ...

Post Date: 2011-06-28 13:50:22 by gengis gandhi
NEW CAR ENGINE SENDS SHOCK WAVES THROUGH AUTO INDUSTRY Analysis by Nic Halverson Wed Apr 6, 2011 10:10 AM ET (91) Comments | Leave a Comment Print Email facebook share 161 Despite shifting into higher gear within the consumer's green conscience, hybrid vehicles are still tethered to the gas pump via a fuel-thirsty 100-year-old invention: the internal combustion engine. However, researchers at Michigan State University have built a prototype gasoline engine that requires no transmission, crankshaft, pistons, valves, fuel compression, cooling systems or fluids. Their so-called Wave Disk Generator could greatly improve the efficiency of gas-electric hybrid automobiles and potentially ...

IMF - International Mafia Federation - Gerald Celente & Max Keiser - pt 1/2 - International Monetary Fund At A Glance
Post Date: 2011-06-28 06:52:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
They're either raping a person, or raping a country .. In this edition of On the Edge, Max Keiser interviews Gerald Celente from TrendsReaserch.com. He talks about how IMF does business. They go to desperate countries and lend them money and as for repayment they tell the host country to tax their people. Later they demand more money so they go after public properties and services (Bridges, Highways, Water Supply ...) of that country. In this edition of On the Edge, Max Keiser interviews Gerald Celente from TrendsReaserch.com. He talks about how IMF does business. They go to desperate countries and lend them money and as for repayment they tell the host country to tax their people. ...

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