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Lytro camera allows focus correction after picture taken
Post Date: 2011-06-28 04:03:02 by Tatarewicz
Have you ever taken a picture that would have been great if only it were in focus? Of course you have. So have we, countless times. But those days may soon be past all of us with the introduction of Lytro, an entirely new kind of camera that allows users to completely change the focus of a picture after the shutter clicks. And, according to AllThingsD, this next-generation camera will be available before the end of the year. The secret behind the Lytro camera is a new type of sensor that gathers much more information about the light coming into the camera than the sensors found on all other types of digital cameras. Rather than record a finite amount of information about the light in a ...

Human-Animal Hybrids, Human Cloning And Bizarre Genetically Engineered Life Forms - Is This The Dark Future That We Are Destined For?
Post Date: 2011-06-27 22:50:30 by CadetD
Are we headed for a dark future where "Watchers technology" is fully unleashed? Will it be a future where "man-made life" and bizarre human-animal hybrid creatures are free to roam and breed and spread across the face of the earth? Such notions would have once been too bizarre for most science fiction novels, but genetic engineering technology has advanced to such a degree today that it is really hard to say what "life" will look like on earth in the coming decades. At this point there are very few restrictions remaining on fields such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, synthetic biology, cloning and genetic modification. All over the world, scientists are ...

It hertz when you do that – power grid to stop regulating 60 Hz frequency
Post Date: 2011-06-27 17:38:08 by farmfriend
It hertz when you do that – power grid to stop regulating 60 Hz frequency Posted on June 25, 2011 by Anthony Watts “Experiment” on the US power grid will change the way some clocks and other equipment function. Story submitted by Joe Ryan The AP has released an “exclusive” story concerning the nationwide “experiment” that will be conducted on the US power grid.  The experiment will relieve the power providers from the duty of regulating the frequency of power on the line. Normally the power stations condition their power to a frequency of 60 cycles a second, a frequency that many old clocks use to maintain their time.  With the new standard, ...

Small genetic mutation, big problem
Post Date: 2011-06-27 05:37:46 by Tatarewicz
Think of the human genome as a book: a chromosome represents a chapter, a gene a sentence, a nucleotide a letter. It’s difficult to fathom that one small typo - a T replaced with an A, for instance - could obscure the meaning of an entire sentence. But this is precisely the cause of many genetic diseases. ANU PhD student Stephen Fairweather works on one such disease, Hartnup disorder, which is characterised by symptoms such as extreme sensitivity to sunlight, unsteady walking and mental disorder. These diverse symptoms are the result of a single letter change, or ‘mutation’, which prevents the body from absorbing the building blocks of proteins (amino acids) during ...

Cut Down On 'Carbs' To Reduce Body Fat, Study Authors Say
Post Date: 2011-06-26 12:10:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Cut Down On 'Carbs' To Reduce Body Fat, Study Authors Say A modest reduction in consumption of carbohydrate foods may promote loss of deep belly fat, even with little or no change in weight, a new study finds. Presentation of the study results will be Sunday at The Endocrine Society's 93rd Annual Meeting in Boston. When paired with weight loss, consumption of a moderately reduced carbohydrate diet can help achieve a reduction of total body fat, according to principal author Barbara Gower, PhD, a professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "These changes could help reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, stroke and coronary artery ...

Moving mirrors make light from nothing
Post Date: 2011-06-25 05:55:13 by Tatarewicz
Researchers claim to have produced sought-after quantum effect. A team of physicists is claiming to have coaxed sparks from the vacuum of empty space1. If verified, the finding would be one of the most unusual experimental proofs of quantum mechanics in recent years and "a significant milestone", says John Pendry, a theoretical physicist at Imperial College London who was not involved in the study. The researchers, based at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, will present their findings early next week at a workshop in Padua, Italy. They have already posted a paper on the popular pre-print server arXiv.org, but have declined to talk to reporters because ...

Japan supercomputer K beats rivals
Post Date: 2011-06-25 04:47:00 by Tatarewicz
K – meaning 10 quadrillion – harnesses more power than the next five supercomputers combined After the indignity of seeing its economy overtaken by China's earlier this year, Japan has clawed back a little pride, beating its east Asian rival to produce the world's most powerful computer for the first time in seven years. The machine, nicknamed K – a play on the Japanese word kei, meaning 10 quadrillion, the number of operations per second it is designed to perform when it is completed next year – crushed the opposition when the latest rankings were announced at the International Supercomputing conference at Hamburg. It harnesses more power than the next five ...

DUMBING DOWN AMERICA - Press For Truth Presents: There's Something In The Water - SODIUM FLOURIDE
Post Date: 2011-06-24 09:35:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The forced medication on the population through water fluoridation is a heated debate which is growing as more and more people learn about the dangers of Sodium Fluoride.For more information visit:http://www.fluoridealert.org/

NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself
Post Date: 2011-06-23 01:26:41 by farmfriend
NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself By William Lajeunesse Published June 22, 2011 | FoxNews.com The NASA scientist who once claimed the Bush administration tried to "silence" his global warming claims is now accused of receiving more than $1.2 million from the very environmental organizations whose agenda he advocated. In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a group claims NASA is withholding documents that show James Hansen failed to comply with ethics rules and financial disclosures regarding substantial compensation he earned outside his $180,000 taxpayer-paid position as director of the Goddard Institute for ...

Finger tap re-charges device
Post Date: 2011-06-22 03:08:16 by Tatarewicz
The use of piezoelectrics means that portable devices with touch screens could be recharged through everyday activities like typing. A simple tap from your finger may be enough to charge your portable device, thanks to a discovery made at RMIT University and ANU. Dr Simon Ruffell from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering and Dr Madhu Bhaskaran and Dr Sharath Sriram from RMIT University have used nanotechnology to convert mechanical pressure into electricity. The breakthrough was made by combining piezoelectrics, materials capable of turning pressure into electricity, with thin film technology, the basis of microchip manufacturing. The use of piezoelectrics means that ...

Climate change because earth tilted its position
Post Date: 2011-06-21 23:54:55 by angK
Poster Comment:The Inuit seem to know these things

Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough
Post Date: 2011-06-21 07:03:51 by Tatarewicz
Human organs could be grown inside pigs for use in transplant operations following research using stem cells. Pig The researchers have already managed to produce pigs that were able to generate human blood by injecting blood stem cells from humans into pig foetuses Photo: Scientists have found they can create chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another species. The researchers injected stem cells from rats into the embryos of mice that had been genetically altered so they could not produce their own organs, creating mice that had rat organs. The researchers say the technique could allow pigs to grow human organs from ...

Colony of Flying Penquins Discovered
Post Date: 2011-06-21 02:11:41 by angK
www.youtube.com/v/9dfWzp7rYR4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390">

New tool predicts drought
Post Date: 2011-06-20 05:19:13 by Tatarewicz
Knowing when to instigate water saving measures in dry times will be easier following a breakthrough in drought prediction by a Victoria University researcher. Water engineer Dr Shishutosh Barua has developed a way to predict droughts six months before they begin. The new model was part of his PhD study of Melbourne’s major water source, the Yarra River catchment. The tool he developed measures several water and climatic variables to assess dryness in an area and then uses past circumstances to predict future drought conditions. “The tool is capable of forecasting drought conditions six months in advance,” Dr Barua said. “This early detection of droughts will help ...

Sun's Output to Fall ... Leading to a Mini Ice Age?
Post Date: 2011-06-19 19:04:06 by Original_Intent
Sun's Output to Fall ... Leading to a Mini Ice Age? The Register notes:What may be the science story of the century is breaking this evening, as heavyweight US solar physicists announce that the Sun appears to be headed into a lengthy spell of low activity, which could mean that the Earth – far from facing a global warming problem – is actually headed into a mini Ice Age.*** The announcement made on 14 June (18:00 UK time) comes from scientists at the US National Solar Observatory (NSO) and US Air Force Research Laboratory. Three different analyses of the Sun's recent behaviour all indicate that a period of unusually low solar activity may be about to begin. *** This ...

Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces
Post Date: 2011-06-19 03:27:41 by Tatarewicz
poop burger 1Somehow this feels like a Vonnegut plotline: population boom equals food shortage. Solution? Synthesize food from human waste matter. Absurd yes, but Japanese scientists have actually discovered a way to create edible steaks from human feces. Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, has developed steaks based on proteins from human excrement. Tokyo Sewage approached the scientist because of an overabundance of sewage mud. They asked him to explore the possible uses of the sewage and Ikeda found that the mud contained a great deal of protein because of all the bacteria. The researchers then extracted those proteins, combined them with a reaction enhancer and ...

The green killer: Scores of protected golden eagles dying after colliding with wind turbines
Post Date: 2011-06-19 00:44:43 by farmfriend
The green killer: Scores of protected golden eagles dying after colliding with wind turbines By David Gardner Last updated at 11:11 PM on 6th June 2011 California's attempts to switch to green energy have inadvertently put the survival of the state’s golden eagles at risk. Scores of the protected birds have been dying each year after colliding with the blades of about 5,000 wind turbines. Now the drive for renewable power sources, such as wind and the sun, being promoted by President Obama and state Governor Jerry Brown has raised fears that the number of newborn golden eagles may not be able to keep pace with the number of turbine fatalities. The death count along the ...

Defkalion Announces Energy Catalyzer Press Conference (cold fusion tech)
Post Date: 2011-06-18 08:40:50 by gengis gandhi
Defkalion Announces Energy Catalyzer Press Conference Defkalion Green Technologies, who has world rights (minus Americas and military) to sell, distribute, and license Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer), recently sent out invitations to certain individuals to attend a press conference about the technology on June 23 in Greece. by Hank Mills By now, most people following exotic energy breakthroughs have read about Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) cold fusion technology. It utilizes nickel powder, hydrogen gas, an undisclosed catalyst, heat, and pressure to produce large amounts of energy. The technology is capable of producing over 4 kilowatts of thermal power ...

Microsoft Loses $290M in MS Office Patent Battle - MS Office Pulled from Microsoft Store, Downloads Halted
Post Date: 2011-06-16 11:57:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Microsoft Loses $290M in MS Office Patent Battle Microsoft has failed in a Supreme Court bid to overturn a $290 million patent violation ruling. Not only is it the largest such award ever upheld, but this final ruling has significant consequences for patent law. The case involves XML documents, an advanced version of the HTML webpage code that allows data to be tagged to designate its content rather than just the way it appears on screen. The code makes it much easier to organize document content (for example, in a database). Microsoft Office XML Support Began with Office 2003 Microsoft built support for reading XML documents into the 2003 and 2007 editions of Word, but was accused of ...

A Few Reasons an Evolutionary Origin of Life Is Impossible
Post Date: 2011-06-14 11:09:38 by Ada
There were no human witnesses to the origin of life, and no physical geological evidence of its origin exists. Speaking of the origin of a hypothetical self-replicating molecule and its structure, Pross has recently admitted that "The simple answer is we do not know, and we may never know."1 Later, concerning the question of the origin of such a molecule, Pross said, ". . . one might facetiously rephrase the question as follows: given an effectively unknown reaction mixture, under effectively unknown reaction conditions, reacting to give unknown products by unknown mechanisms, could a particular product with a specific characteristic . . . have been included amongst the ...

Argintine lab clones cow to produce human-like milk
Post Date: 2011-06-14 00:20:27 by Tatarewicz
BUENOS AIRES — An Argentine laboratory announced that it had created the world's first transgenic cow, using human genes that will allow the animal to produce the equivalent of mothers' milk. "The cloned cow, named Rosita ISA, is the first bovine born in the world that incorporates human genes that contain the proteins present in human milk," Argentina's National Institute of Agrobusiness Technology said in a statement on Thursday. Rosita ISA was born on April 6 by Ceasarian because she weighed more than 45 kilos (99 pounds), about twice the normal weight of Jersey cows, according to the statement. As an adult, "the cow will produce milk that is similar ...

Children's IQ boosting exercise
Post Date: 2011-06-14 00:13:13 by Tatarewicz
Can we make ourselves smarter? In recent decades, scientists have accumulated increasing evidence that our intelligence, at least as measured by the IQ test, is sharply constrained by genetics. Although estimates vary, most studies place the heritability of intelligence at somewhere between 50% and 80%. It's an uncomfortable fact, but not all brains are created equal. Which is why there's so much buzz about a forthcoming study that complicates this assumption. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that it's possible to boost a core feature of human intelligence through a simple mental training exercise. In fact, when several dozen elementary- and middle-school kids ...

Laser is produced by a living cell
Post Date: 2011-06-13 07:03:46 by Tatarewicz
A single living cell has been coaxed into producing laser light, researchers report in Nature Photonics. The technique starts by engineering a cell that can produce a light-emitting protein that was first obtained from glowing jellyfish. Flooding the resulting cells with weak blue light causes them to emit directed, green laser light. The work may have applications in improved microscope imaging and light-based therapies. Laser light differs from normal light in that it is of a narrow band of colours, with the light waves all oscillating together in synchrony. Most modern forms use carefully engineered solid materials to produce lasers in everything from supermarket scanners to DVD ...

"Chemical" recharge of batteries
Post Date: 2011-06-12 03:51:48 by Tatarewicz
The entire market for batteries will hit $60 billion annually in the next few years as more mobile power is needed for everything from tablet computers to electric vehicles. And over the past few months, I've chronicled some of the best technologies and companies operating in the space. But there's always something new when you're dealing with billion-dollar profit implications in a technology market. The search is always on for something better, faster, and stronger. News this week out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says a “refuelable” battery is on the horizon...Liquid Flow Battery Not rechargeable, as in plug it in and wait; but refuelable, ...

The Neo-Fredwinian Synthesis - Trouble at the Mind-Matter Interface
Post Date: 2011-06-12 00:00:48 by Critter
June 12, 2011 This will bore most people to the point of throwing themselves from a high bridge. I can't help it. The Devil made me do it.. The theory of evolution does not stand alone. It is part of a vast synthesis which fits all of existence into a coherent whole:The Big Bang, the formation of stars and planets, the chance appearance of life in primeval seas, the evolution of that life, the Pyramids, Space Shuttle, and Renoir. It is an imposing intellectual edifice, mechanistic, easily comprehended, self-assured, with only the details to be worked out. Or so we are told. This agglomeration of everything under one theoretical roof appeals powerfully to minds that need an ...

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