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Fuel Amounts at Fukushima
Post Date: 2011-03-19 02:36:50 by Original_Intent
Fuel Amounts at Fukushima | by David Wright | nuclear power | nuclear power safety | Japan nuclear | This post was revised 11:45pm Thursday. Based on Japanese press stories, we have compiled a table of the amount of fuel in the cores of the reactors and the spent-fuel pools in the 6 reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear facility. While BWR fuel comes in various sizes, the last column assumes 170 kg per assembly. Each fuel assembly consists of roughly 60 fuel rods. Thanks to readers for confirming that the fuel rods in Unit 4 had been moved from the core to the spent fuel pool during maintenance. Units 5 and 6 were reported to be producing power in January, but are ...

Major Quake for West Coast?
Post Date: 2011-03-18 09:07:35 by Lod
Get the complete story at the URL.

Remember climategate's "hide the decline"?
Post Date: 2011-03-17 22:33:01 by farmfriend
Here is what they did explained really well by a guy who believes in global warming but as a scientist is disgusted by what they did. Very good explanation!

The Intel Hub To Monitor West Coast Radiation Readings
Post Date: 2011-03-16 14:41:32 by Original_Intent
The Intel Hub To Monitor West Coast Radiation Readings The Intel Hub Shepard Ambellas March 16, 2011 By this coming Monday March 21, 2011 The Intel Hub will be posting regular updated radiation readings (accumulative) from the west coast of the U.S. mainland. I have purchased a state of the art dosimeter and will me monitoring mR/hr exposure in Oregon. Radiation Readings You Can Trust If anyone else has radiation detection/monitoring equipment and wants to participate for the greater good of mankind please contact me at shepard@theintelhub.com or Twitter me at: http://www.twitter.com/NotForSale2NWO Let’s set up a detection grid that we can trust.

Important Data on Rense Now
Post Date: 2011-03-14 23:31:29 by Original_Intent
Rense is having some people on tonight who know what they are talking about tonight: First Hour: Jim Berkland Geologist and Earthquake specialist. Replay at 10 PM PDT Hours Two and Three Bob Nichols, Leuren Moret, and a Nuke Power Plant Inspector Kei Suboata. Bob Nichols on now - Leuren Moret next hour. Link To Live Stream - 7 to 10 PM Pacific

Bypassing the Rapture to immortality
Post Date: 2011-03-14 05:34:00 by Tatarewicz
On Feb. 15, 1965, a diffident but self-possessed high school student named Raymond Kurzweil appeared as a guest on a game show called I've Got a Secret. He was introduced by the host, Steve Allen, then he played a short musical composition on a piano. The idea was that Kurzweil was hiding an unusual fact and the panelists — they included a comedian and a former Miss America — had to guess what it was. On the show (see the clip on YouTube), the beauty queen did a good job of grilling Kurzweil, but the comedian got the win: the music was composed by a computer. Kurzweil got $200. (See TIME's photo-essay "Cyberdyne's Real Robot.") Kurzweil then demonstrated ...

Top 10 Things I Learned This Week
Post Date: 2011-03-13 19:31:48 by Original_Intent
Top 10 Things I Learned This Week Posted on March 13, 2011 by stevengoddard Quebec is part of the ArcticJapan is part of the ArcticCO2 drives plate tectonicsSlowing sea level rise is acceleratingEvents which happen almost every year are the worst in history each time they happenSending an E-mail is different from sending an E-mailCooling temperatures are an indication of warming temperaturesSnow in the deep south is due to record warmth.The Arctic is melting at -30CNuclear war would make the planet safer

Expanding Earth Theory
Post Date: 2011-03-13 05:36:00 by wudidiz
  Home 2012 – Doom - the rest of the story.  Skeptics: don’t waste your time fighting with me about the views expressed herein. Instead go to YouTube, and search for the video's produced by Neal Adams. Watch a few of these and then debate the issue with your own lying eyes before getting raspy with me. Postulate: That the Expando Planet cycle is dualistic in nature, showing both steady, continuous growth, and periodic pulses of very rapid (and from the inhabitant's view point, violent) growth. The idea is that the Sun, operating on the Precessional cycle clock would send out giant waves of energy for perhaps a hundred years or more (this would ...

A Super Solar Flare
Post Date: 2011-03-12 23:03:47 by CadetD
May 6, 2008: At 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1, 1859, 33-year-old Richard Carrington—widely acknowledged to be one of England's foremost solar astronomers—was in his well-appointed private observatory. Just as usual on every sunny day, his telescope was projecting an 11-inch-wide image of the sun on a screen, and Carrington skillfully drew the sunspots he saw. On that morning, he was capturing the likeness of an enormous group of sunspots. Suddenly, before his eyes, two brilliant beads of blinding white light appeared over the sunspots, intensified rapidly, and became kidney-shaped. Realizing that he was witnessing something unprecedented and ...

Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing
Post Date: 2011-03-12 12:35:17 by wudidiz
This video is a Neal Adams animation about his theory that the Earth is growing. This collides with the Pangea theory. Watch it, you will be amazed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_jRcZx6LCA Poster Comment:This theory makes more sense than what we were taught in school. How could, in the beginning, all the land be on one side of the earth and the water on the other? It doesn't make sense. But that's what we were taught so that's what we believe? If the earth is growing, that would explain the earthquakes.

Discovery in Israel Could Change View of Man’s Origins--Archaeologists in Israel have discovered what they say are human teeth up to 400,000 years old.
Post Date: 2011-03-12 09:51:26 by gengis gandhi
Discovery in Israel Could Change View of Man’s Origins | Print | E-mail WRITTEN BY DAVE BOHON WEDNESDAY, 29 DECEMBER 2010 14:00 1 Archaeologists in Israel have discovered what they say are human teeth up to 400,000 years old. A spokesman for Tel Aviv University’s Institute of Archaeology said the find could represent the oldest evidence of the human species yet uncovered and could challenge the established scientific assumption that humans originated in Africa. Avi Gopher, the expedition’s lead archaeologist, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the teeth were found in a cave east of Tel Aviv that was in use up until about 200,000 years ago, and were “scattered through ...

Planet "X" (Tyche - "Nibaru" ) may exist after all
Post Date: 2011-03-12 02:18:26 by Tatarewicz
What's up to four times as big as Jupiter, is so distant that astronomers haven't been able to find it in more than 80 years, and is the stuff of legends and conspiracy theories? "Planet X." A mystery object that most astronomers would rather not discuss. Whenever a discussion of the possibility that the massive planet exists does flare up, most astrophysicists and professional astronomers treat the subject with the same respect they give to UFOs. But now some scientists think they have actually found the elusive Planet X. And if they have, many that have been debunking it for years are like to experience conniption fits. Astrophysicists have compiled evidence that ...

Brain scans reveal the criminal mind
Post Date: 2011-03-12 01:58:55 by Tatarewicz
The latest neuroscience research is presenting intriguing evidence that the brains of certain kinds of criminals are different from those of the rest of the population. While these findings could improve our understanding of criminal behavior, they also raise moral quandaries about whether and how society should use this knowledge to combat crime. The criminal mind In one recent study, scientists examined 21 people with antisocial personality disorder – a condition that characterizes many convicted criminals. Those with the disorder "typically have no regard for right and wrong. They may often violate the law and the rights of others," according to the Mayo Clinic. Brain ...

Supermoon may cause natural disasters next week
Post Date: 2011-03-12 01:02:18 by Tatarewicz
On March 19th 2011, the moon will make its closest approach to Earth in almost 20 years, possibly triggering earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters. The phenomenon, called lunar perigee or Supermoon, happens when the moon reaches its absolute closest point to Earth. On March 19, the natural satellite will be only 221,567 miles away from our planet. There were Supermoons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005, and these years had their share of extreme weather conditions, too. Although there are scientific laws that say the moon affects the Earth, it's still ambiguous whether the lunar perigee and natural disasters is coincidence or not. British freelance weatherman John Kettley ...

h.a.a.r.p. (playlist)
Post Date: 2011-03-11 22:20:39 by Itistoolate
Videos in this playlist (25) About this playlist 1. 11 views 2. 25 videos 3. Total length: 5 hours 4. Last updated: 1 hour ago

This will blow your Engineering Mind !!!
Post Date: 2011-03-11 18:23:41 by noone222
Poster Comment:My pea brain was blasted by the engineering, timing --- I'd give it a 100 !

The rice with human genes
Post Date: 2011-03-10 15:46:12 by CadetD
The first GM food crop containing human genes is set to be approved for commercial production. The laboratory-created rice produces some of the human proteins found in breast milk and saliva. Its U.S. developers say they could be used to treat children with diarrhoea, a major killer in the Third World. The rice is a major step in so-called Frankenstein Foods, the first mingling of human-origin genes and those from plants. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has already signalled it plans to allow commercial cultivation. The rice's producers, California-based Ventria Bioscience, have been given preliminary approval to grow it on more than 3,000 acres in Kansas. The company plans ...

Canadians are world's biggest Internet users
Post Date: 2011-03-10 01:41:00 by Tatarewicz
Canadians spend more time online than anyone in the world, thanks in large part to people over 55, according to a new report. Web research firm ComScore released the report, which shows Canadians spent, on average, 43.5 hours online between October and December 2010 -- more than twice the worldwide average. The U.S. came in second with an average of 35.5 hours per user in the fourth quarter, followed by the U.K. with 32.3 hours and South Korea with 27.7 hours. Canada, which was also the world's top Internet-using country in 2009, has seen a steady increase in Internet usage since then, rising 2% between December 2009 and December 2010. The biggest growth is coming from older ...

Looking inside the living cell
Post Date: 2011-03-07 05:54:41 by Tatarewicz
Painting a better picture of life going about its business at the microscopic scale requires a trick of the light. A report in Nature Methods describes how "light sheets" allow researchers to take images of cellular processes in action, in unprecedented detail. These slivers of light illuminate just the part of a living cell that is in focus, and 3D images are made from many of these thin planes stacked up. The approach could provide a previously unachievable view of living things. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote We have for the first time a technology that allows you to look at the three-dimensional complexity of what's going on” End Quote Eric ...

Crowd Identity MAP-How Big Brother Watches Crowds
Post Date: 2011-03-06 22:03:04 by Itistoolate
Crowd Identity MAP (Unbelievable Technology) How Big Brother Watches Crowds 3-6-11 You used to be able to get lost in the crowd, but not anymore. Double click on any area in the picture to bring the person closer. Or, just click the mouse and use the mouse wheel to bring them closer. gigapan.org/viewGigapanFu...483ee899496648c2b4b06233c This is a photograph of 2009 Obama Inauguration. You can see IN FOCUS the face of EACH individual in the crowd !!! You can scan and zoom to any section of the crowd. . . wait a few seconds. Double click anywhere and double click again and perhaps again. The focus adjusts to give you a very identifiable close up. The picture was taken with a robotic ...

What If the Biggest Solar Storm on Record Happened Today?
Post Date: 2011-03-06 12:14:18 by Original_Intent
The night lights of the U.S. Gulf Coast shine below the International Space Station in October 2010. Photograph courtesy NASA timerCount('primary_photo'); A 2002 coronal mass ejection. Image courtesy SDO/NASA Richard A. Lovett for National Geographic News Published March 2, 2011 On February 14 the sun erupted with the largest solar flare seen in four years—big enough to interfere with radio communications and GPS signals for airplanes on long-distance flights.As solar storms go, the Valentine's Day flare was actually modest. But the burst of activity is only the start of the upcoming solar maximum, ...

Alien life found on a meteorite (again).
Post Date: 2011-03-05 23:39:19 by Armadillo
Though it may be hard to swallow, Hoover is convinced that his findings reveal fossil evidence of bacterial life within such meteorites, the remains of living organisms from their parent bodies -- comets, moons and other astral bodies. By extension, the findings suggest we are not alone in the universe, he said. ... In what he calls “a very simple process,” Dr. Hoover fractured the meteorite stones under a sterile environment before examining the freshly broken surface with the standard tools of the scientist: a scanning-electron microscope and a field emission electron-scanning microscope, which allowed him to search the stone’s surface for evidence of fossilized remains. He ...

Eyeball-controlled computer
Post Date: 2011-03-04 04:17:22 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Controlling your laptop just with your eyeballs is no longer a dream as an eye-controlled laptop was unveiled Wednesday at the CeBIT technology fair, according to AFP reports. The cutting-edge laptop, jointly developed by Swedish company Tobii Technology and Lenovo, is the first in the world to offer optical control. Tobii originally created its eye-tracking technology for the individuals unable to speak or write, and then expanded the use to hospitals, vehicle safety, gaming, and now personal computing. With two infrared lights and an extremely sophisticated optical sensor, the laptop can determine precisely where users, including those who wear glasses, ...

Scientists solve sunspots disappearance mystery
Post Date: 2011-03-04 04:08:33 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhuanet) -- A team of U.S. researchers have found the answer to why sunspots disappeared during 2008-2009, according to an article published in "Nature" on Thursday. The researchers used the space telescope to gather the information on sunspots, solar flares and magnetic fields at north and south poles of the sun, which helped the computer to build a model and aided researchers simulate the activities on sun’s surface over 2,000 years. After an analysis on the computer model, the researchers concluded the disappearance of sunspots was tightly linked with the unusually weak magnetic fields on the sun. This finding not only solved a mystery that trapped ...

Important Laws Of Climate Change
Post Date: 2011-03-03 15:57:14 by Original_Intent
Important Laws Of Climate Change Posted on March 2, 2011 by stevengoddard Cold weather is not climateThe US occupies a tiny fraction of the earth’s surfaceHot weather in Moscow is representative of the planetIf the present refuses to get warmer, adjust it upwardsIf the present refuses to get warmer, the past must become cooler GISS can always squeeze an extra 0.01 degrees out when marketing needs itCold is just another manifestation of heatWhatever the weather is, the climate models predicted itGovernment funding is pure. Imaginary oil money is dirtyAll coral atolls were exactly 130 meters above sea level at the end of the last ice age, and are about to drown nowSea ...

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