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The Way Spaceships Should Have Been
Post Date: 2010-11-15 12:07:11 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Project Orion. Every model built has worked.

Scientists propose one-way trips to Mars
Post Date: 2010-11-15 11:45:33 by Red Jones
Scientists propose one-way trips to Mars Nov. 15, 2010 07:03 AM Associated Press PULLMAN, Wash. - Invoking the spirit of "Star Trek" in a scholarly article entitled "To Boldly Go," two scientists contend human travel to Mars could happen much more quickly and cheaply if the missions are made one-way. They argue that it would be little different from early settlers to North America, who left Europe with little expectation of return. "The main point is to get Mars exploration moving," said Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Washington State University, who wrote the article in the latest "Journal of Cosmology" with Paul Davies of Arizona State University. The ...

Chubby Galaxy Cluster Suggests Dark Energy Was Stronger Long Ago
Post Date: 2010-11-14 11:50:41 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Astronomers have created a new, incredibly detailed map of dark matter by using the Hubble Space Telescope to peer through a huge cluster of galaxies as if it were a cosmic magnifying glass. Though invisible, dark matter makes its presence known through its gravitational tug on normal stuff. Scientists now calculate that dark matter could make up 80 percent of all the matter in the universe. The new dark matter map could reveal secrets not just about dark matter, but about its equally enigmatic sibling, dark energy. This is the name given to the perplexing force that is pulling against gravity, causing the universe to balloon in size ever more rapidly. [New map of dark matter] A curved ...

To Serve Man
Post Date: 2010-11-13 13:06:59 by buckeroo
I open this thread with this preface from an old Rod Serling TV program. With the above in mind, you need to see these videos:

Researcher offers scientific evidence people can see into the future
Post Date: 2010-11-12 06:37:46 by Ada
Researcher offers scientific evidence people can see into the future A prominent psychological journal is expected to make history later this year when it publishes what is believed to be the first scientific paper arguing that humans can predict the future. But that doesn't mean you should rush out to the betting parlors just yet: While the research (PDF) shows statistically significant numbers to prove that people are capable of some degree of "precognition," the effect has to be repeated by other researchers many times before it becomes accepted scientific knowledge. And not even the researcher who carried out the experiment can explain how the future can affect past ...

Bionic implants
Post Date: 2010-11-11 06:41:32 by Tatarewicz
For the first time in more than a decade, Miikka Terho was able to glance at a clock and read the time. It was a simple task, but one he had been unable to do since he was robbed of his sight by disease. Mr Terho, 46, a financial consultant from Finland, was one of three patients who had their sight temporarily restored using artificial light sensors and microchips placed on the retina at the back of their eyes by doctors in Germany. This extraordinary melding of man and machine proves that we finally have the technology to create real-life bionic humans. In the 1970s TV series, The Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Major’s character had his body rebuilt using bionic technology, leaving him ...

Expanding Earth
Post Date: 2010-11-11 00:34:08 by GreyLmist
Poster Comment:Just thought that was interesting. Conspiracy of Science - Earth Is In Fact Growing [Video]http://www.flixxy.com/earth-science.htm: Neal Adams' animation about his theory that the Earth is growing.

Reduction of Physiological Effects of Alcohol Abuse By Substitution of a Harmless Alcohol Surrogate Created by Application of a Spin Field (far out stuff here)
Post Date: 2010-11-07 12:20:24 by gengis gandhi
Reduction of Physiological Effects of Alcohol Abuse By Substitution of a Harmless Alcohol Surrogate Created by Application of a Spin Field (c) Robert Neil Boyd Robert Neil Boyd, Ph. D. Presented for consideration to: The National Institute of Health, Alcohol Abuse Center Abstract: It has been found through empirical experimentations that the spin field causes various properties of a vast array of materials to be transferred, with varying degrees of intensity and various degrees of impermanency, into other various materials. This is most dramatically demonstrated when application of the spin field transfers the inebriating properties of alcoholic beverages into pure de- ionized water. When ...

Scientists unveil moving 3D holograms
Post Date: 2010-11-05 06:21:11 by noone222
Please use the link to reference this article. Do not copy & paste articles which is a breach of FT.com's Ts&Cs (www.ft.com/servicestools/help/terms) and is copyright infringement. Send a link for free or email ftsales.support@ft.com to purchase rights. www.ft.com/cms/s/2/8f071d...eab49a.html#ixzz14Oz2FNbe More than 30 years after the famous Star Wars movie scene in which a hologram of Princess Leia appealed for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi, US researchers have unveiled holographic technology to transmit and view moving three-dimensional images. EDITOR’S CHOICE FT Science: Space, astronomy and South Africa - Jun-04.Healthcare dips a toe into the digital age - Mar-22.Home ...

Physics & conscious thought Wed nite on C2C
Post Date: 2010-11-05 04:53:47 by Tatarewicz
Author/engineer Mike Bara is Geo Noory's guest next Wednesday night. www.mikebara.com/

Great news: UN Agrees Moratorium on Geoengineering Experiments!!
Post Date: 2010-10-29 01:05:43 by wudidiz
To everyone who has supported the HOME Campaign, uploaded their image to the photo petition, written to CBD delegates and spread the word – congratulations to you! This is a huge and important step forward in protecting our home planet from the threat of geoengineering experiments.See news release below from the ETC Group who are at the negotiations in Nagoya:News Release 29 October 2010www.etcgroup.org Geoengineering Moratorium at UN Ministerial in JapanRisky Climate Techno-fixes Blocked NAGOYA, Japan – In a landmark consensus decision, the 193-member UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will close its tenth biennial meeting with a de facto moratorium on ...

Water on the Moon: a Billion Gallons
Post Date: 2010-10-25 13:44:38 by gengis gandhi
Water on the Moon: a Billion Gallons Scientists Say LCROSS Moon Mission Found Enough Ice in Crater to Fill 1,500 Olympic Pools 76 comments By NED POTTER Oct 21, 2010 PrintRSSFONT SIZE:SHARE:EmailTwitterFacebookMore Water on the moon? Scientists used to think it was as dry as, well, lunar dust. But after a year of analysis NASA today announced that its LCROSS lunar-impact probe mission found up to a billion gallons of water ice in the floor of a permanently-shadowed crater near the moon's south pole. That's enough, said researchers, to fill 1,500 Olympic-size swimming pools, all from one crater. If there is ice there, it probably exists in other places on the moon as well. They ...

Universe is unfolding
Post Date: 2010-10-24 03:17:22 by Tatarewicz
CERN Scientists Eye Parallel Universe Breakthrough GENEVA (Reuters) - Physicists probing the origins of the cosmos hope that next year they will turn up the first proofs of the existence of concepts long dear to science-fiction writers such as hidden worlds and extra dimensions. And as their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva moves into high gear, they are talking increasingly of the "New Physics" on the horizon that could totally change current views of the universe and how it works. "Parallel universes, unknown forms... Full Story at LINK comments: View: First to Last According to M-theory there are 11 dimensions that make up the universe, ten actual ...

Boosting battery stocks
Post Date: 2010-10-23 23:30:38 by Tatarewicz
Behind the Battery Stocks The Only Thing Hotter than China By Nick Hodge Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 CRTP!!!!!!! That's the instant message I got from publisher Brian Hicks last week, just as the stock went ballistic. The ticker is that of China Ritar Power (NASDAQ: CRTP), a Shenzhen-based maker of nano-gel and lead acid batteries. And if you know anything about the current energy market, you're aware of these truisms: 1. China is hot. 2. Batteries are hotter. You see, batteries are the linchpin of the energy revolution that's afoot. Wind needs batteries... Solar needs batteries... And, above all, hybrids and electric vehicles need batteries — lots of them. ...

Obesity related to exposure to light at night
Post Date: 2010-10-23 06:06:06 by Tatarewicz
Persistent exposure to light at night may lead to weight gain, even without changing physical activity or eating more food, according to new research in mice. Researchers found that mice exposed to a relatively dim light at night over eight weeks had a body mass gain that was about 50 percent more than other mice that lived in a standard light-dark cycle. "Although there were no differences in activity levels or daily consumption of food, the mice that lived with light at night were getting fatter than the others," said Laura Fonken, lead author of the study and a doctoral student in neuroscience at Ohio State University. The study appears this week in the online early edition ...

Lunar Impact Uncovered More Than Just Moon Water
Post Date: 2010-10-22 06:41:54 by gengis gandhi
pics at link Lunar Impact Uncovered More Than Just Moon Water Play Audio Download Audio Join Mailing List Oct. 21, 2010: Nearly a year after announcing the discovery of water molecules on the moon, scientists have revealed new data uncovered by NASA's Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO—and it's more than just water. An artist's concept of LCROSS approaching the moon in Oct. 2009. [more] The missions found evidence that lunar soil within shadowy craters is rich in useful materials. Moreover, the moon appears to be chemically active and has a full-fledged water cycle. Scientists also confirmed that 'moon ...

Blacks, whites and Asians have different ancestors – and did not come from Africa, claims scientist
Post Date: 2010-10-21 04:10:51 by X-15
Geographer claims the races evolved from different ancestors. A public claim by a fellow of the prestigious Royal Geographic Society that humans did not all come from Africa — and that blacks, whites and Asians have different ancestors — has been dismissed by world experts as “dangerous”, “wrong” and “racist”. In a paper widely trumpeted and due for release in book form, Akhil Bakshi, the leader of a recent major scientific expedition supported by India’s prime minister, claims that “Negroid”, “Caucasian” and “Mongoloid” peoples are not only separate races but separate species, having evolved on different ...

Incoming Cosmic Rays Hit Record High
Post Date: 2010-10-20 09:07:12 by gengis gandhi
Incoming Cosmic Rays Hit Record High By Lisa Grossman October 19, 2010 | 12:11 pm | Categories: Space The Earth was pummeled with record-setting levels of cosmic rays in 2009. Measurements from NASA’s Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) and other spacecraft found that more high-energy particles from galactic space penetrated the inner solar system in the last few years than at any other time since the beginning of the space age. The spike is almost certainly due to several weird aspects of the most recent solar minimum, and could be the start of a new normal for cosmic ray levels. “It’s sort of like everything’s working in the same direction right now, to allow ...

Hubble Deep Field: The Most Imp. Image Ever Taken (Redux)
Post Date: 2010-10-19 15:08:09 by christine

Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Size Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says
Post Date: 2010-10-19 03:28:22 by farmfriend
Odds of Life on Newfound Earth-Size Planet '100 Percent,' Astronomer Says By Jeanna Bryner This story was updated at 8:58 p.m. ET. An Earth-size planet has been spotted orbiting a nearby star at a distance that would makes it not too hot and not too cold comfortable enough for life to exist, researchers announced today (Sept. 29). If confirmed, the exoplanet, named Gliese 581g, would be the first Earth-like world found residing in a star's habitable zone a region where a planet's temperature could sustain liquid water on its surface. [ Illustration of planet Gliese 581g.] And the planet's discoverers are optimistic about the prospects for finding life there. ...

An Interesting Reference On Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
Post Date: 2010-10-18 02:36:23 by Original_Intent
I ran into this tonight doing some general reading and research and I thought that it was such a useful and handy tool that there might be others on 4um who would find this fun, and possibly useful. What the site is, is a series of 3D maps of our stellar neighborhood and expanding outward as far as looking at local universal neighborhood out to a scale of 14 billion light years or the universe as we know it today. It is a lot of fun and easy to use. It also has a good cross indexed glossary for looking up all of the most common astronomic terms used on the website. Here is a sample: In December 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope was pointed at a blank area of the sky in Ursa Major for ten ...

Author of World in 2050 on C2C Sat night
Post Date: 2010-10-16 04:34:42 by Tatarewicz
Geographer Laurence Smith of UCLA, author of the World in 2050, sees a major northward shift in populations over the next four decades. www.geog.ucla.edu/people/...97&display_one=1&modify=1

First Manned Glide Flight for SpaceShipTwo on 10/10/10
Post Date: 2010-10-14 00:08:45 by X-15
October 10, 2010 — VSS Enterprise, SpaceShipTwo, made its first manned free flight above the California high desert Sunday, October 10 (10/10/10), Virgin Galactic announced. The space ship, which had been on four previous captive-carry flights attached to the WhiteKnightTwo mothership, was released from 45,000 ft. altitude and for the ensuing 11 minutes glided safely to the Mojave Air and Spaceport. The flight crew, Scaled Composites pilot Pete Siebold and co-pilot Mike Alsbury, achieved the two main goals of the flight; to carry out a clean release of the spaceship from its mothership, and for the pilots to free fly and glide back and land at Mojave. Siebold commented, “The VSS ...

What a scientist didn't tell the New York Times about his study on bee deaths
Post Date: 2010-10-12 11:43:39 by Original_Intent
FORTUNE -- Few ecological disasters have been as confounding as the massive and devastating die-off of the world's honeybees. The phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) -- in which disoriented honeybees die far from their hives -- has kept scientists, beekeepers, and regulators desperately seeking the cause. After all, the honeybee, nature's ultimate utility player, pollinates a third of all the food we eat and contributes an estimated $15 billion in annual agriculture revenue to the U.S. economy. The long list of possible suspects has included pests, viruses, fungi, and also pesticides, particularly so-called neonicotinoids, a class of neurotoxins that kills insects by ...

All Dogs Descended from Wolves
Post Date: 2010-10-11 11:12:52 by Turtle
The current consensus among biologists and archaeologists is that the dating of first domestication is indeterminate.[4][21] There is conclusive evidence that dogs genetically diverged from their wolf ancestors at least 15,000 years ago,[22][23][24] but some believe domestication to have occurred earlier.[4] It is not known whether humans domesticated the wolf as such to initiate dog's divergence from its ancestors, or whether dog's evolutionary path had already taken a different course prior to domestication. The latter view has gained proponents, such as biologists Raymond and Lorna Coppinger;[5] they theorize that some wolves gathered around the campsites of the paleolithical man ...

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