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3D View of a German Submarine
Post Date: 2010-05-30 18:06:19 by Itistoolate
www.nonplused.org/panos/uss_pampanito/html/01.html scroll left right up down

Oil Spills at Sea: A World Crisis
Post Date: 2010-05-29 19:05:56 by christine
The recent oil spills in the San Francisco Bay and in South Korea draw attention to the already exhausted problem of ocean pollution. Oil has a particularly damaging effect on marine life in the affected areas. A vast number of marine birds, fishes, and mammals, already facing dwindling numbers due to over fishing and preditation are now being killed by the damaging after affects of oil in their ocean habitat. Part of the reason why oil spills are so detrimental to the ocean environment is due to the fact that "most of the components of oil are insoluble in water and float on the surface" (Castro & Huber, 2007, p. 408). The floating oil slicks appear as a glistening rainbow on ...

Questions raised about 'Ardi' as man's ancestor
Post Date: 2010-05-29 02:07:05 by farmfriend
Questions raised about 'Ardi' as man's ancestor By MALCOLM RITTER, AP NEW YORK — Last fall, a fossil skeleton named "Ardi" shook up the field of human evolution. Now, some scientists are raising doubts about what exactly the creature from Ethiopia was and what kind of landscape it inhabited. New critiques question whether Ardi really belongs on the human branch of the evolutionary tree, and whether it really lived in woodlands. That second question has implications for theories about what kind of environment spurred early human evolution. The new work is being published by the journal Science, which last year declared the original presentation of the 4.4 ...

Silver, Gold Makes for Cheap, Flexible Touch Screens
Post Date: 2010-05-24 23:15:56 by DeaconBenjamin
* Cheap, flexible, silver and gold touch screens could be "immediately" available for consumer electronic devices. * Since it is made on thin plastic, the screen would also be more durable than its glass counterparts. * The screens can be produced with the same machinery that prints newspapers. Cheap, flexible touch screens made with silver and gold nanowires could soon be rolling off the presses and into cell phones, computers and more. The same technology could even be used in solar panels. Writing in the journal ACS Nano, scientists from Stanford University say the new technology could be "immediately" used in consumer electronics. "It's a roll-to-roll ...

Guest Post: Cap and Trade Is a Gigantic Scam
Post Date: 2010-05-23 17:56:05 by DeaconBenjamin
As I pointed out in December: James Hansen – the world’s leading climate scientist fighting against global warming – told Amy Goodman this morning that cap and trade not only won’t reduce emissions, it may actually increase them: The problem is that the emissions just go someplace else. That’s what happened after Kyoto, and that’s what would happen again, if—as long as fossil fuels are the cheapest energy, they will be burned someplace. You know, the Europeans thought they actually reduced their emissions after Kyoto, but what happened was the products that had been made in their countries began to be made in other countries, which were burning the ...

Venter scientists create synthetic bacteria
Post Date: 2010-05-22 03:11:08 by Tatarewicz
Scientists Create Synthetic Organism Wall Street Journal 2010-05-21 Heralding a potential new era in biology, scientists for the first time have created a synthetic cell, completely controlled by man-made genetic instructions, researchers at the private J. Craig Venter Institute announced Thursday. "We call it the first synthetic cell," said genomics pioneer Craig Venter, who oversaw the project. "These are very much real cells." Created at a cost of $40 million, this experimental one-cell organism, which can reproduce, opens the way to the manipulation of life on a previously unattainable scale, several researchers and ethics experts said. Scientists have been ...

Astronomers Do a Double Take: A "Truly Empty" Black Hole
Post Date: 2010-05-21 18:36:39 by Prefrontal Vortex
May 12, 2010 6:29 PM Astronomers Do a Double Take: A "Truly Empty" Black Hole An orbiting space telescope, sent into the heavens one year ago by the European Space Agency, has found a dark spot near some young stars that astronomers believe is a hole in space. When the first pictures of a nebula that goes by the name of NGC 1999 were released in late 1999, astronomers reviewing the findings initially thought they were looking at images of a dense and dark patch of gas and dust that prevented visible light from passing through. But using the Herschel Space Observatory infrared space telescope" they have now concluded that the area was black because it was "truly ...

Lake sturgeon found to harbor parasite that causes STD in humans
Post Date: 2010-05-21 18:32:44 by Prefrontal Vortex
Lake sturgeon found to harbor parasite that causes STD in humans BY Rosemary Black DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Wednesday, May 12th 2010, 12:58 PM Researchers at Purdue University have discovered that the lake sturgeon genome contains genes that could harbor a protozoan parasite which causes STDs in humans. The genes were found almost by accident, when the scientists were trying to come up with a DNA-based test that would determine the sex of the sturgeon. At present, the only way to figure this out it to look at its internal sexual organs. While they were analyzing DNA from the sturgeon’s gonads, they found the trematode genes that did not originally belong to the sturgeon genome. ...

Attack of the Cyborg Insects
Post Date: 2010-05-21 06:26:13 by Ada
The dangers of science in the service of the state In the course of promoting a conference on "Warring Futures: How Biotech and Robotics Are Transforming Today’s Military—and How That Will Change the Rest of Us," a May 24 conference in Washington, D.C.,co-sponsored by Slate, Arizona State University, and the New America Foundation (i.e. George Soros), ASU’s Brad Allenby averred: "Telepathic helmets. Grid-computing swarms of cyborg insects, some for surveillance, some with lethal stingers. New cognitive-enhancement drugs. (What? Adderall and Provigil aren’t good enough for you?) Lethal autonomous robots. Brain-chip-to-weapon platform control systems on a ...

Not your Fathers John Deere tractor...
Post Date: 2010-05-20 20:18:54 by X-15

Scots Scientist Unravels Dan Brown Mystery -Reinforces theory we live in simulated world -
Post Date: 2010-05-15 08:41:58 by gengis gandhi
Scots Scientist Unravels Dan Brown Mystery Reinforces theory we live in simulated world The secret astronomical meaning of the ‘Lost Symbol’, featured in Dan Brown’s novel of the same name, has been discovered by a scientist from Glasgow, Scotland. David Cumming’s discovery unveils a hidden storehouse of astronomical information that relates to what Einstein called, “the greatest coincidence in the universe.” The discovery sheds new light on the origin of our sun, earth, and moon and supports recent scientific speculation about the nature of our universe. The ‘Lost Symbol’ in Dan Brown’s novel – a point within a circle – ...

NASA working on Voyager 2 data problem
Post Date: 2010-05-14 04:52:03 by gengis gandhi
NASA working on Voyager 2 data problem By JOHN ANTCZAK (AP) – May 6, 2010 LOS ANGELES — Engineers are working to solve a problem with science data transmissions from the Voyager 2 spacecraft near the edge of the solar system, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said Thursday. The spacecraft late last month began sending science data 8.6 billion miles to Earth in a changed format that mission managers could not decode. Engineers have since instructed Voyager 2 to only transmit data on its own health and status while they work on the problem. That engineering data is in a different format and is fine, said Ed Stone, the Voyager project scientist at the California Institute of ...

vid: The Secret Nasa Transmissions, the smoking gun (martyn stubbs)
Post Date: 2010-05-13 20:13:47 by gengis gandhi
Stubbs was an employee at a candian tv station, and was sort of a space nerd....he had access to the sat. dishes, and would download all the raw NASA space shuttle feeds, before they put em on delay years later, btw.... anyway, he would review all this data, and because he had a developed eye from video editing, kept picking up all this weird shit he couldn't explain. so he finally compiled it all and edited it down to this series, the 'smoking gun' series as it is now called. EBE Award Winner! Best Film International UFO Congress Film Festival. On March 11, 2000, in front of an assembled audience of UFO enthusiasts and the media, evidence was presented that would appear ...

Have aliens hijacked Voyager 2 spacecraft
Post Date: 2010-05-13 16:45:02 by gengis gandhi
Have aliens hijacked Voyager 2 spacecraft From: The Daily Telegraph May 12, 2010 2:35PM 3 comments Increase Text Size Decrease Text Size Print Email Share NASA's Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) and its Centaur booster rocket are on course to crash into the moon in this artist's illustration released October 9, 2009. On final approach, the shepherding spacecraft and Centaur will separate. The Centaur will be the primary impactor and will create a debris plume that will rise about 6.2 miles (10 km) above the lunar surface. Following four minutes behind, the shepherding spacecraft will fly through the debris plume, collect and relay data back to Earth before ...

Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?
Post Date: 2010-05-12 19:02:31 by christine
(NaturalNews) Reports about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been largely underestimated, according to commentators, including Paul Noel, a Software Engineer for the U.S. Army at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. He believes that the pocket of oil that's been hit is so powerful and under so much pressure that it may be virtually impossible to contain it. And Noel is not the only person questioning the scope of this disaster. A recent story from the Christian Science Monitor (CSM) reports that many independent scientists believe the leak is spewing far more than the 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, per day being reported by most media sources. They believe the leak could be ...

The Moral Life of Babies
Post Date: 2010-05-08 17:24:06 by Ada
Not long ago, a team of researchers watched a 1-year-old boy take justice into his own hands. The boy had just seen a puppet show in which one puppet played with a ball while interacting with two other puppets. The center puppet would slide the ball to the puppet on the right, who would pass it back. And the center puppet would slide the ball to the puppet on the left . . . who would run away with it. Then the two puppets on the ends were brought down from the stage and set before the toddler. Each was placed next to a pile of treats. At this point, the toddler was asked to take a treat away from one puppet. Like most children in this situation, the boy took it from the pile of the ...

Gulf oil spill: Latest satellite photo shows Louisiana landfall
Post Date: 2010-05-07 04:27:03 by wudidiz
Gulf oil spill: Latest satellite photo shows Louisiana landfall May 6, 2010 |  2:40 pm The latest map from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows the slick has slipped past the Chandeleur Islands -- where landfall was confirmed -- to inner islands and is heading toward the shores of St. Bernard Parish.Lower swampy reaches of the Mississippi River also have confirmed presence of oil, and a blob of the oil plume appears to be drifting west of the river's mouth, toward Port Fourchon in Lafourche Parish. Grand Isle State Park is in the vicinity of that break-off patch of oil. The island is the most popular of the state's barrier islands and is a ...

College Cautions Educators About Sexual Orientation in Youth
Post Date: 2010-05-06 22:25:49 by X-15
Physicians Caution Educators on Dealing with Sexual Orientation and Gender Confusion The American College of Pediatricians cautions educators about the management of students experiencing same-sex attraction or exhibiting symptoms of gender confusion. These concerns are outlined in a letter and fact sheet sent by College president Thomas Benton, MD, to all 14, 800 school district superintendents in the U.S. Dr. Benton also alerts them to a new Web resource, FactsAboutYouth.com, which was created by a coalition of health professionals to provide factual information to educators, parents, and students about sexual development. “As pediatricians, our primary interest is in the ...

NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils (Washington Post)
Post Date: 2010-05-06 16:57:37 by gengis gandhi
NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils "Biomorphs" found on meteorites traced to Mars have been proposed as evidence that life has existed on the Red Planet. (Nasa Photos) Enlarge Photo Network News X PROFILE View More Activity TOOLBOX Resize Print E-mail Yahoo! Buzz Reprints COMMENT 21 Comments | View All » POST A COMMENT You must be logged in to leave a comment. Log in | Register Why Do I Have to Log In Again? Discussion Policy WHO'S BLOGGING » Links to this article By Marc Kaufman Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, May 4, 2010 LEAGUE CITY, TEX. -- NASA's Mars Meteorite Research Team reopened a 14-year-old ...

Resurrected mammoth blood very cool
Post Date: 2010-05-06 12:15:59 by X-15
A team of international researchers has brought the primary component of mammoth blood back to life using ancient DNA preserved in bones from Siberian specimens 25,000 to 43,000 years old. Studies of recreated mammoth haemoglobin, published today (Monday 3 May) in Nature Genetics, reveal special evolutionary adaptations that allowed the mammoth to cool its extremities down in harsh Arctic conditions to minimise heat loss. "It has been remarkable to bring a complex protein from an extinct species, such as the mammoth, back to life," says Professor Alan Cooper, Director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD) at the University of Adelaide, where the mammoth haemoglobin ...

Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orleans
Post Date: 2010-05-05 15:40:41 by tom007
Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orleans Main Content A satellite image of Hurricane Ivan. Powerful Hurricane Ivan makes landfall along the U.S Gulf Coast in 2004. Image courtesy NOAA Christine Dell'Amore in Slidell and St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana National Geographic News Published May 5, 2010 Inside the National Weather Service office in Slidell, Louisiana (map), data screens are showing clear skies over the Gulf of Mexico. But lead forecaster Robert Ricks, who's coordinating 12-hour emergency shifts to provide information to people combating the Gulf oil spill, knows not to drop his guard. "Just when you think everything's fine—that's ...

Ripping Blue Book a new one (“UFOs and Nukes.”)
Post Date: 2010-05-02 18:55:10 by gengis gandhi
Ripping Blue Book a new one by Billy Cox In November 2007, a dozen pilots, ex-military and civilian, all with top-drawer credentials, from as far away as Iran and Chile, convened at the National Press Club in Washington to urge the U.S. to launch a long-overdue public research project into UFOs. After an extremely limited news-cycle convulsion, the event tapered off into oblivion because the media were still busy chortling over Dennis Kuncinich’s reluctant UFO eyewitness confession on national TV. Kucinich, UFOs, unicorns, sea serpents, pull my finger — whatever. So Robert Hastings knows what he’s up against. And he’s gone ahead and booked the National Press Club, ...

Cold fusion experimentally confirmed
Post Date: 2010-05-01 17:54:51 by gengis gandhi
EE Times: Latest News Cold fusion experimentally confirmed R. Colin Johnson EE Times (03/23/2009 8:43 PM EDT) PORTLAND, Ore. — U.S. Navy researchers claimed to have experimentally confirmed cold fusion in a presentation at the American Chemical Society's annual meeting. "We have compelling evidence that fusion reactions are occurring" at room temperature, said Pamela Mosier-Boss, a scientist with the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (San Diego). The results are "the first scientific report of highly energetic neutrons from low-energy nuclear reactions," she added. Cold fusion was first reported in 1989 by researchers Martin Fleischmann and Stanley ...

Nasa: Evidence of Life on Mars
Post Date: 2010-04-29 07:50:51 by gengis gandhi
Mystery ... scientists are already planning more missions to Mars By BRIAN COX Sun Professor TELL-tale signs of water on Mars are incredibly exciting because they make the discovery of alien life on our nearest neighbouring planet much more likely. On Earth, life exists in the most unexpected places. In the oceans, miles away from sunlight, living things thrive on a diet of rock and heat from volcanoes on the sea bed. In the darkest, most hostile caves, we find life forms that can eat poisonous gases and drip with sulphuric acid. ‘Gorilla’ seen in snap from Mars COULD this picture taken by Nasa be a giant silverback gorilla ... on MARS?! Space UFO baffles boffins NASA ...

Post Date: 2010-04-27 00:46:52 by Prefrontal Vortex
NO TIME DILATION FOR DISTANT QUASARS? Analysis by Nicole Gugliucci | Fri Apr 16, 2010 01:39 AM ET Quasars, the massive, enigmatic and energetic centers of distant galaxies, have long fascinated us with their bizarre behaviors. Why do they pump out so much energy? Why do they produce the radiation that they do? How did they affect the early universe? A recent publication, however, finds the a lack of bizarre activity of quasars that is, well, bizarre. Mike Hawkins from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh searched for, and did not find evidence for, so-called time dilation in distant quasars. Time dilation is a counter-intuitive, yet actual, feature of Einstein's special relativity in ...

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