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mars pic
Post Date: 2010-03-23 14:04:07 by gengis gandhi
www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/21/mars-pictures-nasas- most_n_431137.html?slidenumber=RWOpklJYwk4%3D&&#slide_image">" www.huffingtonpost.com/20...nasas-most_n_431137.html? slidenumber=RWOpklJYwk4%3D&&#slide_image

Hoagland Update: New Phobos Photos (1/4) on Coast to Coast AM 03-15-10
Post Date: 2010-03-23 10:54:32 by gengis gandhi
www.youtube.com/watch? v=ykzJEX3jF0Y

Where the F*** is my Jetpack?
Post Date: 2010-03-22 19:15:59 by Deasy
We made it to Mars, now the President is Black. So where the Eff is my Jetpack? Poster Comment:Here: check it out.

anyone following the Hoagland/Phobos/Keith Laney-hidden mission deal?
Post Date: 2010-03-22 11:15:34 by gengis gandhi
Richard C. Hoagland [Facebook] Phobos Update: The last 24 hours in the "Phobos Investigation" have been wild. There's NO other word for it! As promised on "Coast," in the last several days I have been quietly turning to several colleagues, to have each of them INDEPENDENTLY computer-process the newly-released ESA images of Phobos. One of them, Keith... Laney, runs a well-known anomaly website -- called "Hidden Mission." At least -- he USED to .... Last night, AGAINST my repeated advice, Keith POSTED one of his new Phobos imaging enhancements. And, IMMEDIATELY, his entire Hidden Mission website was DESTROYED. Toast. The link (below) is to what USED to be ...

Video: F-35 Performs Its First Fully Vertical Landing
Post Date: 2010-03-22 02:45:31 by wudidiz

Iceland Volcano Eruption: Video, Photos of Eyjafjallajokull
Post Date: 2010-03-21 13:55:55 by farmfriend
Iceland Volcano Eruption: Video, Photos of Eyjafjallajokull by Jon Azpiri | March 21, 2010 at 08:07 am An Iceland Volcano Eruption Under the Eyjafjallajokull Glacier Has Caused Evacuations and Flight Cancellations. The Iceland Volcano Eruptions Has Also Produced Some Amazing Video and Photos Iceland had a volcano eruption near the Eyjafjallajokull glacier for the first time since 1820. The Iceland volcano eruption took place under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, forcing the evacuation of 450 people. Thus far, there has no injuries or property damage caused by the Iceland volcano eruption. Officials are concerned that the eruption under Eyjafjallajokull could cause possible flooding. The ...

GM crops cause liver and kidney damage
Post Date: 2010-03-19 18:10:06 by X-15
A report published in the International Journal of Microbiology has verified once again that Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) crops are causing severe health problems. A legal challenge issued against Monsanto forced the multi-national agriculture giant to release raw data revealing that animals fed its patented GM corn suffered liver and kidney damage within just three months. Adding to the mounting evidence that GM crops are dangerous all around, this information provides a damning indictment against Monsanto which continually insists that its GM products are safe. Not only are GM crops proving disastrous for the environment, but study after study, including those conducted by ...

The Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater
Post Date: 2010-03-19 15:32:36 by gengis gandhi
he Multiplying Mystery of Moonwater 03.18.2010 March 18, 2010: Moonwater. Look it up. You won't find it. It's not in the dictionary. That's because we thought, until recently, that the Moon was just about the driest place in the solar system. Then reports of moonwater started "pouring" in – starting with estimates of scant amounts on the lunar surface, then gallons in a single crater, and now 600 million metric tons distributed among 40 craters near the lunar north pole. "We thought we understood the Moon, but we don't," says Paul Spudis of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. "It's clear now that water exists up there in a variety of concentrations and geologic settings. And ...

CONTRAIL vs CHEMTRAIL 101 [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-03-18 15:43:02 by wudidiz

Bushmaster ACR in MS:Paint. (Video)
Post Date: 2010-03-18 09:55:52 by PSUSA

Cobra Kenne Bell 30 - 160+mph
Post Date: 2010-03-18 04:22:26 by X-15
Cobra Kenne Bell 30 - 160+mph acceleration Poster Comment:This is why everybody wants a 2003/2004 Mustang SVT Cobra, they're brutally fast.

Texas university has eureka moment for coal-to-gas
Post Date: 2010-03-17 22:22:18 by rack42
Scientists in Texas say they have found a way to convert coal into gasoline at a cost of less than $30 (U.S.) a barrel - with zero release of pollutants Canada has more energy in its "proven, recoverable" reserves of coal than it has in all of its oil, natural gas and oil sands combined: 10 billion tonnes. The world has 100 times more: one trillion tonnes. These reserves hold the energy equivalent of more than four trillion barrels of oil. They are scattered in 70 countries, mostly in relatively easy-to-mine locations and mostly in democratic countries. The United States alone has 30 per cent of the world's reserves, and scientists in Texas say they have found a way to ...

Do You Mind If Mint Sells Data Based On Your Transactions?
Post Date: 2010-03-17 18:54:13 by DeaconBenjamin
Financial blogger Felix Salmon wants to know why there isn't regulatory oversight of Mint and other financial management websites, especially if they're going to sell data created from their users' transaction histories. Mint's CEO Aaron Patzer spoke at SXSW on Saturday and said that the company is sitting on a gold mine of customer data that it may or may not sell. Here's how Salmon paraphrases it in his blog post: [Patzer] started talking about the rich value of all the store-level data he was sitting on. For instance, he said, he can see pretty much in real time how much money his huge database of customers is, in aggregate, spending at Blockbuster vs Netflix vs ...

The Great Storm: Solar Tempest of 1859 Revealed
Post Date: 2010-03-17 06:36:07 by Ada
A pair of strong solar storms that hit Earth late last week were squalls compared to the torrent of electrons that rained down in the "perfect space storm" of 1859. And sooner or later, experts warn, the Sun will again conspire again send earthlings a truly destructive bout of space weather. If it happens anytime soon, we won't know exactly what to expect until it's over, and by then some modern communication systems could be like beachfront houses after a hurricane. In early September in 1859, telegraph wires suddenly shorted out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. Colorful aurora, normally visible only in polar regions, were seen as far south ...

Climate "Fix" Could Poison Sea Life
Post Date: 2010-03-16 18:19:55 by CadetD
Fertilising the oceans with iron to absorb carbon dioxide could increase concentrations of a chemical that can kill marine mammals, a study has found. Iron stimulates growth of marine algae that absorb CO2 from the air, and has been touted as a "climate fix". Now researchers have shown that the algae increase production of a nerve poison that can kill mammals and birds. Writing in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they say this raises "serious concern" over the idea. The toxin - domoic acid - first came to notice in the late 1980s as the cause of amnesiac shellfish poisoning. If the end goal is to use it to fight climate warming, then we have to ...

Death Star circling the Sun?
Post Date: 2010-03-15 02:45:20 by Tatarewicz
A brown dwarf star may be circling our sun and causing deadly comets to bombard the earth, resulting in mass extinctions which have occurred every 26-million years. NASA scientists have nicknamed the IR-emitting star Nemesis and expect to locate it with a heat-seeking telescope that began scanning skies in January. Nemesis is thought to pull icy bodies out of the more distant Oort Cloud and hurl snowballs toward earth in the form of comets, causing devastation similar to the asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs 65-million years ago. Click for Full Text!

Spider silk research could lead to new super-materials
Post Date: 2010-03-14 15:53:05 by DeaconBenjamin
Making bricks from straw may soon be possible and even desirable after scientists found spider silk could make ordinary materials stronger than steel. Researchers found that spider silk employs a unique crystal structure that converts an otherwise weak material into one stronger and less brittle than steel or ceramics. They believe in future it may be possible to copy spider ingenuity to create new classes of materials that are both incredibly flexible and strong out of cheap, ordinary elements. Theoretically, they could even be made from wood, straw or hemp, say the scientists. Carbon-based materials made the same way would be even stronger than spider silk. A key property of ...

Get Ready For Third Hand Smoke
Post Date: 2010-03-14 13:12:40 by Original_Intent
Newest tobacco fear reeks of lies Apparently the secondhand-smoke demons aren't scaring enough people... because in their latest desperate move, the Health Nazis have conjured up a new tobacco monster. They're calling it "thirdhand smoke." That's right, folks. You can't make this stuff up. A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences claims that smokers create toxic particles that linger long after their cigarette has been snuffed. The researchers are suggesting that smokers carry a little invisible cloud of these particles around with them wherever they go, kind of like that dust cloud that always follows Charlie Brown's ...

F-35 Electronic Defense System
Post Date: 2010-03-13 10:36:42 by Lod
www.es.northropgrumman.co...ng/assets/eodasvideo.html Poster Comment:Amazing system.

Oregon's monster mushroom is world's biggest living thing
Post Date: 2010-03-12 11:30:06 by Original_Intent
Oregon's monster mushroom is world's biggest living thing By Jeff Barnard Sunday, 6 August 2000 The largest living organism ever found has been discovered in an ancient American forest. The Armillaria ostoyae, popularly known as the honey mushroom, started from a single spore too small to see without a microscope. It has been spreading its black shoestring filaments, called rhizomorphs, through the forest for an estimated 2,400 years, killing trees as it grows. It now covers 2,200 acres (880 hectares) of the Malheur National Forest, in eastern Oregon. The outline of the giant fungus stretches 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometres) across, and it extends an average of three feet (one metre) ...

How smart are killer whales?
Post Date: 2010-03-09 12:26:40 by Prefrontal Vortex
How smart are killer whales? Orcas have 2nd-biggest brains of all marine mammals By KEVIN SPEAR Orlando Sentinel March 8, 2010, 1:07PM ORLANDO, Fla. — Neuroscientist Lori Marino and a team of researchers explored the brain of a dead killer whale with an MRI and found an astounding potential for intelligence. Killer whales, or orcas, have the second-biggest brains among all ocean mammals, weighing as much as 15 pounds. It’s not clear whether they are as well-endowed with memory cells as humans, but scientists have found they are amazingly well-wired for sensing and analyzing their watery, three-dimensional environment. Scientists are trying to better understand how killer ...

Antarctic Glacier Has Five-story Blood-red Waterfall of Primordial Ooze
Post Date: 2010-03-08 16:44:36 by Ferret
There is a five-story, blood-red waterfall pouring slowly from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica's McMurdo Dry Valley. Its back story, at Atlas Obscura, is simply remarkable: Roughly 2 million years ago, the Taylor Glacier sealed beneath it a small body of water which contained an ancient community of microbes. Trapped below a thick layer of ice, they have remained there ever since, isolated inside a natural time capsule. Evolving independently of the rest of the living world, these microbes exist without heat, light, or oxygen, and are essentially the definition of "primordial ooze." The trapped lake has very high salinity and is rich in iron, which gives the waterfall ...

It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs
Post Date: 2010-03-06 09:24:48 by Ferret Mike
LONDON (Reuters) – A giant asteroid smashing into Earth is the only plausible explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs, a global scientific team said on Thursday, hoping to settle a row that has divided experts for decades. A panel of 41 scientists from across the world reviewed 20 years' worth of research to try to confirm the cause of the so-called Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) extinction, which created a "hellish environment" around 65 million years ago and wiped out more than half of all species on the planet. Scientific opinion was split over whether the extinction was caused by an asteroid or by volcanic activity in the Deccan Traps in what is now India, where ...

Tons of Water Ice Found on the Moon's North Pole
Post Date: 2010-03-01 23:11:07 by gengis gandhi
Tons of Water Ice Found on the Moon's North Pole Tariq Malik SPACE.com Managing Editor SPACE.com – Mon Mar 1, 7:00 pm ET This story was updated at 6:39 p.m. ET. Vast pockets of water ice numbering in the millions of tons have been discovered at the north pole of the moon, opening up another region of the lunar surface for potential exploration by astronauts and unmanned probes, NASA announced Monday. A NASA radar instrument on an Indian moon probe found evidence of at least 600 million metric tons of water ice spread out on the bottom of craters at the lunar north pole. It is yet another supply of lunar water ice, a vital resource that could be mined to produce oxygen or rocket ...

Al Gore wishes global warming weren't real
Post Date: 2010-02-28 20:50:37 by buckeroo
Former Vice President Al Gore, the target of ridicule by climate skeptics this winter, says he wishes global warming were an "illusion." Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore has long warned of the dangers of global warming. He spoke about them during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. CAPTION By Axel Schmidt, AFP/Getty Images Unfortunately, its dangers are real, despite mistakes by a leading United Nations climate-science panel, Gore writes Sunday in the New York Times. "The overwhelming consensus on global warming remains unchanged," he says, adding: In fact, the crisis is still growing because we are continuing to dump 90 million ...

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