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Henrietta Lacks’ ‘Immortal’ Cells
Post Date: 2010-02-01 20:27:32 by abraxas
Henrietta Lacks’ ‘Immortal’ Cells Journalist Rebecca Skloot’s new book investigates how a poor black tobacco farmer had a groundbreaking impact on modern medicine. Medical researchers use laboratory-grown human cells to learn the intricacies of how cells work and test theories about the causes and treatment of diseases. The cell lines they need are “immortal”—they can grow indefinitely, be frozen for decades, divided into different batches and shared among scientists. In 1951, a scientist at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, created the first immortal human cell line with a tissue sample taken from a young black woman with cervical cancer. ...

Steorn Overunity Demonstration Completed
Post Date: 2010-01-31 14:09:39 by gengis gandhi
Steorn Overunity Demonstration Completed Today's demonstration summarized the findings of 1) no back EMF, 2) no component degradation (e.g. Gauss diminishing) to produce the effect, and 3) inductance gain (energy being harvested from somewhere). With this final demonstration, the technology is now being released to developers to prepare the technology for market. by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News Copyright © 2010 Steorn CEO, Sean McCarthy during the Jan. 30, 2010 demonstration. Steorn did their "overunity demo" of their e-Orbo technology today at the Waterways building in Dublin, Ireland where they have had several copies of their electromagnetic ...

Facts conveniently brushed over by the global warming fanatics [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-01-31 12:23:41 by buckeroo
Here are 10 anti-commandments, 10 selected facts about global warming which have been largely ignored amid the orthodoxies to which we are subjected every day. All these anti-commandments are either true or backed by scientific opinion. All can also be hotly contested. 1. The pin-up species of global warming, the polar bear, is increasing in number, not decreasing. 2. The US President, Barack Obama, supports building nuclear power plants. Last week, in his State of the Union address, he said: ''To create more of these clean energy jobs, we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. And that means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this ...

Russia flexes military power with 'futuristic' fighter jet
Post Date: 2010-01-30 14:46:03 by Ferret Mike
Russia returned to the global stage Friday as a first-rank military and technological power by launching a 'fifth generation' fighter plane, with futuristic characteristics of stealth, sustained supersonic cruise, and integrated weapons. A new Russian T-50 fighter lands at an airfield of the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturing plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur January 23. The new fighter aircraft is by some seen as Russia's response to U.S. advances in military aviation. Sukhoi Press Service/Reuters Moscow Vladimir Putin is jubilant, the Russian aviation industry is filled with pride, and even normally skeptical military experts say they're truly impressed by reports Friday that ...

Scientists broke the law by hiding climate change data: But legal loophole means they won't be prosecuted
Post Date: 2010-01-29 12:25:40 by Jethro Tull
Scientists broke the law by hiding climate change data: But legal loophole means they won't be prosecuted By David Derbyshire Last updated at 11:21 PM on 28th January 2010 Comments (141) Add to My Stories Accused: Professor Phil Jones asked a colleague to delete emails relating to a report by the IPCC Scientist at the heart of the 'Climategate' email scandal broke the law when they refused to give raw data to the public, the privacy watchdog has ruled. The Information Commissioner's office said University of East Anglia researchers breached the Freedom of Information Act when handling requests from climate change sceptics. But the scientists will escape prosecution ...

Patek Philippe - Birth of a Legend
Post Date: 2010-01-29 02:41:04 by X-15
Poster Comment:The making of a Swiss wristwatch from Patek Philippe.

Apple Unveils the iPad
Post Date: 2010-01-28 22:06:09 by Itistoolate
Steve Jobs introduces tech giant's latest product

Was mysterious jellyfish in sky caused by space satellite reflecting Northern Lights?
Post Date: 2010-01-28 19:44:37 by farmfriend
Was mysterious jellyfish in sky caused by space satellite reflecting Northern Lights? By Claire Bates Last updated at 1:57 AM on 28th January 2010 A strange jellyfish-shaped object spotted hanging in the sky over Norway, may have been caused by light from the aurora being bounced off a space satellite, experts say. If proven it will be the first known case of a satellite reflecting the Northern Lights. The mysterious phenomenon was photographed last week by amateur photographer Per-Arne Milkalsen over Andenesm, Norway. The photographer became fascinated with aurorae after working at a rocket launch site in the far north of Norway for 25 years. The northern lights are often visible ...

Water vapour could be behind warming slowdown
Post Date: 2010-01-28 19:24:05 by farmfriend
Water vapour could be behind warming slowdown Mysterious changes in the stratosphere may have offset greenhouse effect. Jeff Tollefson A puzzling drop in the amount of water vapour high in the Earth's atmosphere is now on the list of possible culprits causing average global temperatures to flatten out over the past decade, despite ever-increasing greenhouse-gas emissions. Although the decade spanning 2000 to 2009 ranks as the warmest on record, average temperatures largely levelled off following two decades of rapid increases. Researchers have previously eyed everything from the Sun and oceans to random variability in order to explain the pause, which sceptics have claimed shows ...

Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes
Post Date: 2010-01-28 19:18:42 by farmfriend
Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News A major hurdle to producing fusion energy using lasers has been swept aside, results in a new report show. The controlled fusion of atoms - creating conditions like those in our Sun - has long been touted as a possible revolutionary energy source. However, there have been doubts about the use of powerful lasers for fusion energy because the "plasma" they create could interrupt the fusion. An article in Science showed the plasma is far less of a problem than expected. The report is based on the first experiments from the National Ignition Facility (Nif) in the US that used ...

Advocacy By Omission: Richard E. Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It
Post Date: 2010-01-26 12:17:53 by Prefrontal Vortex
Advocacy By Omission: Richard E. Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It See also: Selling Out And How To Do It—The Case Of Richard E. Nisbett, by Steve Sailer By Professor J. Philippe Rushton In his book, Intelligence and How to Get It, Richard E. Nisbett, a social psychologist at the University of Michigan, asserts that cultural factors alone are sufficient to explain all the race differences to be observed in IQ and educational achievement. Nisbett criticizes the nature + nurture model Arthur Jensen and I presented in 2005 in Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. . [Thirty Years Of Research On Race Differences In Cognitive Ability (PDF)] Nisbett claims the heritability of IQ ...

The Anthrax Attacks Remain Unsolved
Post Date: 2010-01-26 06:14:20 by Ada
The FBI disproved its main theory about how the spores were weaponized. The investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks ended as far as the public knew on July 29, 2008, with the death of Bruce Ivins, a senior biodefense researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Md. The cause of death was an overdose of the painkiller Tylenol. No autopsy was performed, and there was no suicide note. Less than a week after his apparent suicide, the FBI declared Ivins to have been the sole perpetrator of the 2001 Anthrax attacks, and the person who mailed deadly anthrax spores to NBC, the New York Post, and Sens. Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. ...

Genetics Helps to Crack Down on Chimpanzee Smuggling
Post Date: 2010-01-25 18:03:25 by Prefrontal Vortex
Genetics Helps to Crack Down on Chimpanzee Smuggling ScienceDaily (Jan. 22, 2010) — The population of chimpanzees across western Africa has decreased by 75% in the past 30 years, due in part to widespread chimp hunting. New strategies are needed to curb this illegal activity, experts say. Research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Ecology suggests that genetics may provide valuable clues as to how to crack down on the animal smuggling trade, while also helping to safely reintroduce rescued apes into the wild. A smuggler can get up to US $20,000 for a live chimpanzee on the international black market and around US $100 in the local market in Cameroon. ...

Into the Fourth Turning
Post Date: 2010-01-25 06:06:04 by Ada
The Fourth Turning is an amazingly prescient book Neil Howe wrote with the late William Strauss in 1997. The work, which describes generational archetypes and the cyclical patterns created by these archetypes, has been an eye-opener to anyone able to entertain the notion that history may repeat itself. At the time the book was published, the Boston Globe stated, "If Howe and Strauss are right, they will take their place among the great American prophets." Read this visionary interview published in The Casey Report, and see for yourself. DAVID GALLAND: Could you provide us a quick introduction to generational research? NEIL HOWE: We think that generations move history along and ...

Open and transparent? works for climate assessment reports as well as it does for Congress
Post Date: 2010-01-24 22:08:53 by farmfriend
Open and transparent? works for climate assessment reports as well as it does for Congress Kirtland Griffin Dr. Pachuari, head of the UN's International Panel on Climate Change says, from CCNET 5/2010, "Every stage of the drafting of our report is peer reviewed, and whatever comments we get from the peer review process are posted on the website of the IPCC, and the reasons why we accept or reject those comments are clearly specified. Where we accept a comment we say, "Yes. Accepted." Where we don't, we have to adduce very clear reasons why the authors don't agree with the comment. So it's a very transparent process." The statement was made in ...

Expert Warns of 'Climategate' Conspiracy
Post Date: 2010-01-23 22:45:47 by farmfriend
Expert Warns of 'Climategate' Conspiracy By: Jim Meyers Renowned meteorologist Dr. William Gray tells Newsmax that a possible new conspiracy regarding global warming has been uncovered in the U.S. He also said environmentalists, socialists, governments and businessmen are trying to take advantage of climate change concerns for their own benefit, and declared that cap-and-trade legislation would do “very little” to improve the climate. To see the video of Newsmax's conversation with Dr. Gray — Click Here. Dr. Gray is a pioneer in the science of forecasting hurricanes and a critic of the theory of human-induced global warming. He is a professor emeritus of ...

Acidic Oceans Ahead. Plan Wisely.
Post Date: 2010-01-23 16:58:58 by buckeroo
The sharp increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past two centuries years is transforming the chemistry of the world's oceans: As they have soaked up excess CO2, the pH balance of seawater -- the extent to which it is "acid" versus "basic" -- has shifted toward the more acidic. "Climate change and ocean acidification are two sides of the same coin," says Sarah Cooley, a postdoc in marine chemistry and geochemistry at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. "Ocean acidification comes from the rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, and so does climate change, but at that point they diverge" into very different patterns of ...

How to Play the H.A.A.R.P: Curriculum 101
Post Date: 2010-01-20 15:51:03 by Itistoolate
Part 1-7

The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam
Post Date: 2010-01-18 14:23:17 by James Deffenbach
The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax us citizens for our carbon footprints. Only two details stand in the way: the faltering economic times and a dramatic turn toward a colder climate. The last two bitter winters have led to a rise in public awareness that there is no runaway global warming. A majority of American citizens are now becoming skeptical of the claim that our carbon footprints, resulting from our use of fossil fuels, are going to lead to climatic calamities. But governments are not yet listening to the citizens. How did we ever get to this point where ...

Post Date: 2010-01-18 11:31:56 by abraxas
THE NEW CLIMATE CHANGE SCANDAL Monday January 18,2010 By Anil Dawar Have your say(20) FRESH doubts were cast over controversial global warming theories yesterday after a major climate change argument was discredited. The International Panel on Climate Change was forced to admit its key claim that Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 was lifted from a 1999 magazine article. The report was based on an interview with a little-known Indian scientist who has since said his views were “speculation” and not backed up by research. It was also revealed that the IPCC’s controversial chairman, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, described as “the world’s top climate scientist”, is ...

Is climate change raising the sea level on NC coast? (poll question)
Post Date: 2010-01-17 18:48:30 by buckeroo
RALEIGH - Some scientists predict that sea levels could rise by as much as a meter by the end of the century, endangering North Carolina’s low-lying barrier islands and coast. While sea levels have been rising for centuries, scientists and policy administrators attending a forum sponsored by the N.C. Division of Coastal Management last week were told that climate change is adding to the rise in sea levels. One meter is a little more than a yard, or 39.4 inches. "The coastal ecosystems will all migrate upward and landward," said Stanley Riggs, a geology professor at East Carolina University. Riggs said sea levels are rising "substantially faster" than in ...

Post Date: 2010-01-17 17:56:03 by Itistoolate
Thursday, January 14, 2010 Haiti Earthquake Raises HAARP Controversy Posted by Phoenix Aquua at 9:14 PM Ask your self why haiti, Haiti is a independent black nation, a threat to american imperialism, defeated the colonizers in the past, and has been an enemy to the government control structure for years. Earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics shifting, impossible giving the geographical location of port au prince. Is HAARP Causing The Earthquakes, Volcanoes to Erupt and The Ice to Melt? Are these random, naturally occuring events or controlled events? Earthquakes can be heralded by changes in the ionosphere the earths upper atmosphere on the edge of space. Just before the ...

The Carbon Quilt
Post Date: 2010-01-17 00:42:35 by buckeroo

NASA finds cocaine in Space Shuttle hangar
Post Date: 2010-01-16 22:13:34 by Prefrontal Vortex
NASA finds cocaine in Space Shuttle hangar Extra work on the nose cone By Austin Modine in San Francisco Posted in Space, 15th January 2010 18:50 GMT NASA is trying to sniff out which employee brought a baggy of cocaine into the hangar that houses Space Shuttle Discovery at Kennedy Space Center in Florida this week. The space agency is preparing the shuttle for a launch to the International Space Station in March. Spaceport officials said an employee found the bag Thursday morning outside a bathroom in the restricted shuttle hangar, Orbiter Processing Facility No. 3. The employee notified security, which conducted tests confirming that a "small amount" of cocaine remained in ...

ClimateGate's Michael Mann Received Stimulus Funds, Media Mum [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-01-16 13:18:50 by farmfriend
ClimateGate's Michael Mann Received Stimulus Funds, Media Mum By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive) January 14, 2010 - 09:44 ET A scientist in the middle of the ClimateGate scandal received economic stimulus funds last June. As NewsBusters reported on November 28, Penn State University is investigating Professor Michael Mann, the creator of the discredited "Hockey Stick Graph," for his involvement in an international attempt to exaggerate and manipulate climate data in order to advance the myth of manmade global warming. According to the conservative think tank the National Center for Public Policy Research, Mann received $541,184 in economic stimulus funds last June to conduct ...

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