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Son of Climategate! Scientist says feds manipulated data
Post Date: 2010-01-16 07:44:58 by Ada
Reporting points in coldest regions simply eliminated by U.S. agencies In a one-two series of Climategate aftershocks that assuredly will further rattle the global warming community, a report has been issued by U.S. researchers accusing government agencies of cherry-picking temperature readings used to assess global temperatures, and a series of embarrassing e-mails were released revealing what happened when a blogger dared to point out a mistake by NASA climate scientists. The new report is from scientist Joseph D'Aleo and was highlighted in a report on global warming on KUSI television in San Diego. It comes only weeks after the tumultuous climategate e-mail scandal in Britain ...

It Has Begun; Mayan Elders Say Prepare [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-01-15 11:07:30 by christine
First, let us go over what will NOT happen. 1) The world will not end; life goes on - but the rules have changed. 2) The date December 21st 2010 will be no different than December 19th or 22nd. This is to say the shift that is occurring has already begun, and reflects that of a 'bell curve' than a 'point'. 3) We are not being punished for our failure to live in peace; we are being re-directed to help in our maturation process. 4) We are not powerless in our destiny; we do and will have a choice. 5) The journey to enlightenment (or higher self), does not come on a fluffy cloud; for many of us it will a variable level of discomfort. The goal is to bring us back to our true ...

Airplane Abducted By UFO: Caught On Tape [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-01-14 20:29:53 by FormerLurker
Author's Description of Video: The airplane was approaching Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson Arizona at approximately 4:15PM MST on August 8th, 2009. We first witnessed the object hovering in a locked position, southwest of the base. You can hear my neighbors if you turn the volume up. We thought it was a balloon, until it dropped in elevation a few thousand feet in less then a second. At that point I ran inside and grabbed my digital camera and rushed outside in time to catch the object approaching the airplane from behind. Unfortunately the microphone barely works on the camera, from being dropped so many times, so you can't hear much. But at least there is a little. The ...

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age
Post Date: 2010-01-14 06:23:38 by Ada
The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science. Many sources of data which provide our knowledge base of long-term climate change indicate that the warm, twelve thousand year-long Holocene period will rather soon be coming to an end, and then the earth will return to Ice Age conditions for the next 100,000 years. Ice cores, ocean sediment cores, the geologic record, and studies of ancient plant and animal populations all demonstrate a regular cyclic pattern of Ice Age glacial maximums which each last about 100,000 years, separated by intervening warm interglacials, each lasting about ...

Mouse with human ear and a sheep with a human head
Post Date: 2010-01-13 19:06:58 by Itistoolate
Sheep give birth to Human Faced Lamb (lib love child?) english.pravda.ru/science...111621-sheep_human_face-0

Global Warming Is a Religion [Nothing New, but Classic Walter Williams]
Post Date: 2010-01-13 10:33:15 by Eric Stratton
Global Warming Is a Religion Walter E. Williams Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Manmade global warming, for many, is an Earth-worshipping religion. The essential feature of any religion is that its pronouncements are to be accepted on the basis of faith as opposed to hard evidence. Questioning those pronouncements makes one a sinner. No one denies that the Earth's temperature changes. Millions of years ago, much of our planet was covered by ice, at some places up to a mile thick, a period some scientists call "Snowball Earth." Today, the Earth is not covered by a mile of ice; a safe conclusion is that there must have been a bit of global warming. I don't know the cause of ...

Dancing Bears of India - A Little Good News
Post Date: 2010-01-12 20:57:55 by tom007

Anatomy of A Brain Fart
Post Date: 2010-01-12 10:57:59 by Prefrontal Vortex
Anatomy of A Brain Fart When your brain gets bored, it unleashes the stupidest of all stupid mistakes. by Leeaundra Keany On the scorecard the play is marked simply as an “error.” But that hardly conveys the magnitude of the blunder committed by Chicago Cubs outfielder Milton Bradley. It is June 12, 2009, in a home game against the Minnesota Twins. Top of the eighth, one out. Bradley catches a routine fly ball. Thinking he has just ended the inning, he tosses the ball into the stands and poses for pictures. Only then does he remember that there are three outs in an inning, not two. The Twins score a run. The Cubbies eventually lose the game. A rookie mistake? Actually, Bradley ...

The End of Global Warming
Post Date: 2010-01-10 11:11:45 by christine
Five-Year Average Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2006. By: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization The story of manmade global warming is over. In reality it never existed except in the minds and hearts of grant-seeking scientists and academics, ratings-obsessed television networks and their misinformed viewers and opportunistic eco-activists. That said, climate change is real. The earth has been coming out of a 450-year cold era known as the “Little Ice Age” since it bottomed out in the late 1600s. Hundreds of studies have verified the existence of this cold period. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tried to erase the ...

Deforestation Unveils Lost Amazon Civilization [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-01-08 23:03:43 by buckeroo
Who would've thought deforestation had an upside? Satellite flyovers of newly cleared land in the Amazon have uncovered a vanished civilization that could rival the Incans or Aztecs in sophistication. Researchers found mysterious geometric trenches and other earthworks carved into the landscape as early as a decade ago, but satellites have paved the way for the discovery of over 200 giant structures. Writing in the journal Antiquity, the researchers say the the formations stretch for some 250 kilometers (155 miles) across the upper Amazon basin east of the Andes mountains and appear to be of a similar style throughout, suggesting one vast, united civilization that could have totaled ...

In the Swiss Army knife of the brain, the ability to recognize faces may be a specialized tool
Post Date: 2010-01-08 17:43:48 by Prefrontal Vortex
In the Swiss Army knife of the brain, the ability to recognize faces may be a specialized tool By Carina Storrs Some people seem to have it all, mentally speaking—strong math and verbal skills, a keen memory and good spatial sense. This gift could be chalked up to good "generalist genes," or genes that affect many cognitive abilities and, broadly speaking, determine intelligence. The downside of generalist genes is that, because their functions overlap, someone who falters at understanding algebra may also be more likely to have trouble learning a foreign language. But good news for Mensa rejects comes in a study published in the January 7 issue of Current Biology. ...

Climategate : UK MET office head gets a grilling and fails miserably
Post Date: 2010-01-08 01:45:16 by farmfriend

Coral condemned to extinction by CO2 levels, warns Attenborough
Post Date: 2010-01-07 20:48:44 by buckeroo
David Attenborough joined scientists yesterday to warn that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is already above the level which condemns coral reefs to extinction in the future, with catastrophic effects for the oceans and the people who depend upon them. Coral reefs support a quarter of all marine life including more than 4,000 species of fish. They also provide spawning, nursery, refuge and feeding areas for creatures such as lobsters, crabs, starfish and sea turtles. This makes them crucial in supporting a healthy marine ecosystem upon which more than 1bn people depend for food. Reefs also play a crucial role as natural breakwaters, protecting coastlines from storms. Attenborough said ...

High Self-Perception, Low Brain Activity
Post Date: 2010-01-07 16:04:41 by Prefrontal Vortex
High Self-Perception, Low Brain Activity By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on January 7, 2010 Researchers have discovered the less you use your brain’s frontal lobes, the more you see yourself through rose-colored glasses. “In healthy people, the more you activate a portion of your frontal lobes, the more accurate your view of yourself is,” says Jennifer Beer, a University of Texas assistant professor of psychology. “And the more you view yourself as desirable or better than your peers, the less you use those lobes.” Those findings are being published in the February edition of the journal NeuroImage. The natural human ...

Mobile phone use may stave off, reverse Alzheimer's: study
Post Date: 2010-01-07 11:31:32 by christine
Long suspected of causing brain tumors, mobile phones are now being eyed as key allies in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, US researchers said in a study. Researchers at the University of South Florida (USF) found, to their surprise, that 96 mice they zapped twice daily for an hour each time with electromagnetic waves similar to those generated by US mobile (cellular) phones benefited from the exposure. Older mice saw deposits of beta-amyloid -- a protein fragment that accumulates in the brain of Alzheimer's sufferers to form the disease's signature plaques -- wiped out and their memories improved after long-term exposure to mobile phones, the study published in the ...

Retail space opens up as big chains shrink
Post Date: 2010-01-02 12:36:57 by DeaconBenjamin
Surges of large-scale retail bankruptcies such as Circuit City electronics and Mervyns department stores altered the shopping landscape in 2009 -- and experts say 2010 is likely to bring even more changes. Amid a still-tepid economic recovery, big retail chains are expected to continue closing their less productive stores and retrenching on expansion plans. But at the same time, others will be hurtling into the breach to take advantage of falling rents and vacancies in neighborhoods they couldn't get into a few years ago. "The prediction for next year is more re-sizing and relocating of retailers," said real estate broker Richard Rizika of CB Richard Ellis. There are ...

AP Caught Misleading On Climategate
Post Date: 2009-12-31 01:07:49 by farmfriend
AP Caught Misleading On Climategate Written by Alex Newman Wednesday, 30 December 2009 21:00 The Associated Press (AP) was caught misleading readers with biased and inaccurate coverage of the Climategate scandal in an article entitled “Science not faked, but not pretty” that was carried by hundreds of publications. The AP gave copies of the leaked e-mails to three scientists for the story. It then attempted to portray their views on the scandal in a dishonest manner. The international wire service selectively quoted the experts it interviewed to make it seem as though they did not think the leaked e-mails and data from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit ...

German Physicists Trash Global Warming “Theory”
Post Date: 2009-12-30 07:04:31 by Ada
For any non-scientist interested in the climate debate, there is nothing better than a ready primer to guide you through the complexities of atmospheric physics – the “hardest” science of climatology. Here we outline the essential points made by Dr. Gerhard Gerlich, a respected German physicist, that counter the bogus theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). Before going further, it’s worth bearing in mind that no climatologist ever completed any university course in climatology–that’s how new this branch of science really is. Like any new science the fall-back position of a cornered AGW proponent is the dreaded “appeal to authority” where the ...

The Temperature of Science
Post Date: 2009-12-29 22:28:36 by buckeroo
The Temperature of Science James Hansen Background My experience with global temperature data over 30 years provides insight about how the science and its public perception have changed. In the late 1970s I became curious about wellknown analyses of global temperature change published by climatologist J. Murray Mitchell: why were his estimates for large-scale temperature change restricted to northern latitudes? As a planetary scientist, it seemed to me there were enough data points in the Southern Hemisphere to allow useful estimates both for that hemisphere and for the global average. So I requested a tape of meteorological station data from Roy Jenne of the National Center for Atmospheric ...

How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-12-29 17:44:34 by RickyJ
How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings "There are great ideas, undiscovered breakthroughs available, to those who can remove one of truths protective layers"-Neil Armstrong, 'First Man on the Moon'. July 20 th 1994 It has now been forty years since the fabled moon landings by NASA and the Apollo gang. When it comes to the subject of the moon landings, people tend to fall into two belief groups. The first group, by far the bigger of the two groups, accepts the fact that NASA successfully landed on the moon six times and that 12 human beings have actually walked on the surface of the moon. The second group, though far smaller, is more vocal about their ...

Glacier Retreat Has Beneficial Impact on Climate Change [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-12-28 03:18:30 by buckeroo
ScienceDaily (Nov. 10, 2009) Large blooms of tiny marine plants called phytoplankton are flourishing in areas of open water left exposed by the recent and rapid melting of ice shelves and glaciers around the Antarctic Peninsula. This remarkable colonisation is having a beneficial impact on climate change. As the blooms die back phytoplankton sinks to the sea-bed where it can store carbon for thousands or millions of years. The retreat of glaciers since 1850 affects the availability of fresh water for irrigation and domestic use, mountain recreation, animals and plants that depend on glacier-melt, and in the longer term, the level of the oceans. Studied by glaciologists, the temporal ...

Girls on top
Post Date: 2009-12-27 14:00:47 by buckeroo
IT HAS been known for a while that stressful conditions such as famine result in more girls being born than happens in good times. The shift in the sex-ratio is tiny—around 1%—but in a large population that is still noticeable. A possible evolutionary explanation is that daughters are likely to mate and produce grandchildren regardless of condition, whereas weedy sons may fail in the struggle to have the chance to reproduce at all. In hard times, then, daughters are a safer evolutionary bet. Regardless of why the shift happens, though, it has long been argued that the moment when it happens is conception—or, more probably, implantation. A womb exposed to stress hormones, runs ...

Doctors see sign of highly drug-resistant TB
Post Date: 2009-12-27 06:53:55 by Disgusted
LANTANA, Florida — It started with a cough, a cool-season hack that refused to go away. Then came the fevers. They bathed and chilled the skinny frame of Oswaldo Juarez, a 19-year-old Peruvian visiting to study English. His lungs clattered, his chest tightened and he ached with every gasp. During a wheezing fit at 4 a.m., Juarez felt a warm knot rise from his throat. He ran to the bathroom sink and spewed a mouthful of blood. I'm dying, he told himself, "because when you cough blood, it's something really bad." It was really bad, and not just for him. Doctors say Juarez's incessant hack was a sign of what they have both dreaded and expected for years — ...

Psychology experiment - Change blindness
Post Date: 2009-12-26 14:35:58 by A K A Stone

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a Farce [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-12-25 01:43:05 by farmfriend
Anthropogenic Global Warming is a Farce By Alexander Cockburn December 24, 2009 The global warming jamboree in Copenhagen was surely the most outlandish foray into intellectual fantasizing since the fourth-century Christian bishops assembled in 325 AD for the Council of Nicaea to debate whether God the Father was supreme or had to share equal status in the pecking order of eternity with his Son and the Holy Ghost. Shortly before the Copenhagen summit, the proponents of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) were embarrassed by a whistleblower who put on the Web more than a thousand e-mails either sent from or received at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit, headed by ...

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