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Google cranks up the Consensus Engine (Google this week admitted that its staff will pick and choose what appears in its search results)
Post Date: 2008-12-14 23:43:51 by Rotara
Manufacturing isn't dead - it just went to Mountain ViewBy Andrew Orlowski • Get more from this author Google this week admitted that its staff will pick and choose what appears in its search results. It's a historic statement - and nobody has yet grasped its significance. Not so very long ago, Google disclaimed responsibility for its search results by explaining that these were chosen by a computer algorithm. The disclaimer lives on at Google News, where we are assured that: The selection and placement of stories on this page were determined automatically by a computer program. A few years ago, Google's apparently unimpeachable objectivity got some people very ...

Post Modern Liberal Insanity #1 and #2
Post Date: 2008-12-14 10:01:22 by Jethro Tull
Post Modern Liberal Insanity #2byR.E. PrindleFact not Belief      The problem is the Liberals.  Most think Liberalism is just a political approach but it isn57;t.  Liberalism is a doctrine.  As a doctrine it is inherently anti-scientific. As science contradicts Liberal doctrine at all points it is the enemy to be suppressed or destroyed.  Thus Liberals are doctrinaires.  They do not like to be called doctrinaires as a doctrinaire is a narrow minded bigot.*******See also: Race and intelligence On October 14, 2007, a biographical article written by one of Watson's former assistants[50], Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe, appeared in the Sunday Times ...

Who did Bernie swindle?
Post Date: 2008-12-12 19:15:57 by tom007
Who did Bernie swindle? Mark Lacter • Bio • Email That would be Bernie Madoff, who has been charged in connection with a decades-long Ponzi scheme that could involve as much as $50 billion. Madoff's asset management business always delivered steady returns, even though many had suspected he was running a rigged shop. Madoff, 70, told employees before his arrest that his firm, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, was "one big lie." Christopher Miller, CEO of a London hedge fund ratings agency told the WSJ that "there will be a monumental impact for the hedge fund industry, it could be larger than Enron. From John Carney at ClusterStock: He consistently told ...

HP To Market Three-Year Laptop Battery
Post Date: 2008-12-10 20:17:55 by scrapper2
Beginning in 2009, Hewlett-Packard will offer a notebook battery upgrade that is guaranteed for three years. The announcement was made Wednesday by Boston-Power, a supplier of lithium-ion batteries that will sell its Sonata battery to Hewlett-Packard. Representatives from both HP and Boston-Power declined to divulge many details on the relationship, primarily as B-P is a startup company, ramping production to meet the demands of its first customer. A representative from HP said that the company will make the Sonata battery available on some mainstream consumer notebooks, without specifying which models. HP's commercial notebook division is "looking at it," a spokesman said. ...

Crystals turn roads into power stations
Post Date: 2008-12-10 13:03:24 by gengis gandhi
Crystals turn roads into power stations * 10 December 2008 * Magazine issue 2685. Subscribe and get 4 free issues. * For similar stories, visit the Energy and Fuels Topic Guide AN ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly road that positively welcomes heavy traffic may sound odd, but by placing piezoelectric crystals under the asphalt that convert vibration into electricity, Israeli engineers hope to harvest energy from passing vehicles. Developer Haim Abramovich at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa says the crystals can produce up to 400 kilowatts from a 1-kilometre stretch of four-lane highway. His spin-out company, Innowattech, also based in Haifa, will begin testing the system on a ...

Cool Earth Is Scaling Up Solar Energy Generation (Utility-scale Solar Balloons)
Post Date: 2008-12-09 15:21:16 by freepatriot32
Imagine a 1-megawatt solar power plant that has nothing to do with vast swaths of PV panels or mirrored troughs in a barren desert environment that require new transmission lines to population centers. Instead, picture a rolling, grassy field populated with 500 vertical poles that each hold two 8-foot-wide balloons. While cows graze among the poles, the large recyclable plastic balloons, each with a mirrored inside surface, truss and concentrated solar cell, follow the sun's transit thanks to a small electric motor. A utility substation is nearby. While balloons deployed across the land collecting solar energy is indeed a happy image, CEO Rob Lamkin would argue that the true ...

Multiple Kill Vehicle Completes Hover Test
Post Date: 2008-12-08 23:33:17 by bluegrass
http://www.mda.mil/mdalink/pdf/08fyi0110.pdf 08-FYI-0110 December 3, 2008 Multiple Kill Vehicle Completes Hover Test Missile Defense Agency Director Lieutenant General Patrick O'Reilly announced that a test of the Multiple Kill Vehicle-L (MKV-L) was conducted Tuesday, Dec. 2 at the National Hover Test Facility at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Preliminary indications are that planned test objectives were achieved. Objectives of the test included having the MKV-L hover under its own power and prove its capability to recognize and track a surrogate target in a flight environment. During the test, the MKV-L's propulsion system demonstrated maneuverability while tracking a target. ...

Journey to the Edge of the Universe
Post Date: 2008-12-08 22:02:12 by Horse
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:This is a 6 minute video seen by 142,000 on YouTuve. Atheists can ignire the last few seconds.

It's official: Men really are the weaker sex
Post Date: 2008-12-08 11:27:23 by scrapper2
The male gender is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife, startling scientific research from around the world reveals. The research – to be detailed tomorrow in the most comprehensive report yet published – shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people. Backed by some of the world's leading scientists, who say that it "waves a red flag" for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. On Wednesday, Britain will lead opposition to proposed new European controls ...

Thieves winning the Online War, Maybe on your PC
Post Date: 2008-12-07 12:41:28 by Ada
Click for Full Text! By Published: December 5, 2008 SAN FRANCISCO — Internet security is broken, and nobody seems to know quite how to fix it. Despite the efforts of the computer security industry and a half-decade struggle by Microsoft to protect its Windows operating system, malicious software is spreading faster than ever. The so-called malware surreptitiously takes over a PC and then uses that computer to spread more malware to other machines exponentially. Computer scientists and security researchers acknowledge they cannot get ahead of the onslaught. Click for Full Text!

Environmentalism Shows Its Marxist Roots
Post Date: 2008-12-07 11:21:24 by Jethro Tull
Environmentalism Shows Its Marxist Roots Article from:Human EventsArticle date:April 23, 2007Author: document.writeln("Johnson, Mac"); document.getElementById('lnkAuthor').title='Johnson, Mac' More results for:environmentalism and socialism Everything Red is Green Again Are you an angry anti-American Marxist disoriented by the fall of communism and the end of the Cold War? Are you a depressed, apocalyptic turtleneck wearer in need of an atheist Armageddon to tout? Are you tired of speaking for the proletariat only to have them tell you to "shove it"? Well then, the answer to your problems is here! In a remarkable coincidence, last Sunday was not only ...

Rolling "Sea Grape" Rocks the Fossil Record
Post Date: 2008-12-05 20:19:18 by Ada
Click for Full Text! A submarine expedition that went looking for visually flashy sea creatures instead found a drab, mud-covered blob that may turn out to be truly spectacular indeed. The grape-like animal, tentatively named the Bahamian Gromia, is actually a single-celled organism, fully one inch long. But what makes it really fantastic is that it moves -- very slowly -- by rolling itself along the ocean floor. "At first, we assumed they were snails, because they had trails," said Sönke Johnsen, an associate professor of biology at Duke University. But after sucking up a few with the tools aboard the NOAA research submarine Johnson-Sea-Link and having a look, they ...

Gene Tests Show Spain's Jewish and Arab Mix
Post Date: 2008-12-05 11:33:24 by Rupert_Pupkin
Gene Test Shows Spain’s Jewish and Muslim Mix Sign In to E-Mail or Save This Print Reprints Share LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxYahoo! BuzzPermalink By NICHOLAS WADE Published: December 4, 2008 The genetic signatures of people in Spain and Portugal provide new and explicit evidence of the mass conversions of Sephardic Jews and Muslims to Catholicism in the 15th and 16th centuries after Christian armies wrested Spain back from Muslim control, a team of geneticists reports. Twenty percent of the population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry and 11 percent have DNA reflecting Moorish ancestors, the geneticists have found. Historians have debated how many Jews converted and ...

Doctors Abandoning Vaccines That Don't Make Them Money
Post Date: 2008-12-04 14:54:32 by gengis gandhi
Doctors Abandoning Vaccines That Don't Make Them Money Product Reviews for Thursday, December 04, 2008 Unsubscribe anytime, email privacy guaranteed by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, December 1, 2008 Key concepts: Vaccines, Doctors and Vaccination The results of two new surveys published in the medical journal Pediatrics reveal that many U.S. doctors are abandoning vaccines that don't make them money. Due to low reimbursements from insurance companies and government health care programs (Medicare, Medicaid), many doctors are simply refusing to offer such vaccines to children. About half of the doctors surveyed said they had delayed buying at least one vaccine due to the cost. ...

Company claims soundwave tech can induce drug like states : I-DOSER
Post Date: 2008-12-03 12:49:54 by gengis gandhi
http://www.i-doser.com/ Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:someone order this and give me a copy.

Swedish Researchers Report Mental 'Body-Swapping'
Post Date: 2008-12-03 12:09:24 by gengis gandhi
Swedish Researchers Report Mental 'Body-Swapping' By Davie Barret 01:21, December 3rd 2008 1 vote Vote this story The human mind is an incredible thing, so complex it allows us to dream and invent all kinds of things, without even cracking the surface of understanding how our brain works. People have always been fascinated with illusion, with magic, with the things that seem impossible but actually are being performed right in front of their eyes. Illusions have for long been used by magicians, having as a sole purpose entertainment and a good show. Recently, Swedish researchers have been working with illusion displaying some fantastic abilities of the human mind. The scientists ...

Metal prices fall further than during Great Depression
Post Date: 2008-12-02 18:08:14 by 2big2fail
Kevin Norrish, the bank's commodities strategist, said the average fall in the price of copper, lead, and zinc has been roughly 60pc since the peak in July this year. All three metals were traded on the London Metal Exchange in the inter-war years so it is possible to make a comparison. Prices for the three metals fell 40pc from their highs in 1929 before touching bottom in 1933, with the bulk of the fall in 1930 as the slump spread worldwide. "Lead and zinc have already lost more than they did in the 1930s," he said. Copper was hit hardest during the Depression, despite the electrification drive in the US and the Soviet Union, falling 70pc at one stage before creeping back ...

Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop
Post Date: 2008-12-01 15:27:56 by Yellow Cake
Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop The idea seemed too crazy to Rod Simmons, a measured, careful field botanist. Naturalists in Arlington County couldn't find any acorns. None. No hickory nuts, either. Then he went out to look for himself. He came up with nothing. Nothing crunched underfoot. Nothing hit him on the head. Then calls started coming in about crazy squirrels. Starving, skinny squirrels eating garbage, inhaling bird feed, greedily demolishing pumpkins. Squirrels boldly scampering into the road. And a lot more calls about squirrel roadkill. But Simmons really got spooked when he was teaching a class on identifying oak and hickory trees late last month. For 2 ...

Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear
Post Date: 2008-11-29 13:08:32 by OliviaFNewton
Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear Monsanto already dominates America’s food chain with its genetically modified seeds. Now it has targeted milk production. Just as frightening as the corporation’s tactics–ruthless legal battles against small farmers–is its decades-long history of toxic contamination. by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele May 2008 No thanks: An anti-Monsanto crop circle made by farmers and volunteers in the Philippines. By Melvyn Calderon/Greenpeace HO/A.P. Images. Gary Rinehart clearly remembers the summer day in 2002 when the stranger walked in and issued his threat. Rinehart was behind the counter of the Square Deal, his “old-time country ...

What is the Story of Stuff?
Post Date: 2008-11-27 16:09:03 by richard9151
From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever. Video here, www.storyofstuff.com/ Click for Full Text!

The price of dissent on global warming
Post Date: 2008-11-25 21:55:51 by Horse
WHEN I first stuck my head above the parapet to say I didn't believe what we were being told about global warming, I had no idea what the consequences would be. I am a scientist and I have to follow the directions of science, but when I see that the truth is being covered up I have to voice my opinions. According to official data, in every year since 1998, world temperatures have been getting colder, and in 2002 Arctic ice actually increased. Why, then, do we not hear about that? The sad fact is that since I said I didn't believe human beings caused global warming, I've not been allowed to make a television program. My absence has been noticed, because wherever I go I meet ...

The eco machine that can magic water out of thin air
Post Date: 2008-11-23 18:03:54 by PSUSA
Water, Water, everywhere; nor any drop to drink. The plight of the Ancient Mariner is about to be alleviated thanks to a firm of eco-inventors from Canada who claim to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air. The company, Element Four, has developed a machine that it hopes will become the first mainstream household appliance to have been invented since the microwave. Their creation, the WaterMill, uses the electricity of about three light bulbs to condense moisture from the air and purify it into clean drinking water. The machine went on display this weekend in the Flatiron ...

NBC Fires Weather Channel Environmental Unit (During NBC's "Green week")
Post Date: 2008-11-23 01:53:21 by Jhoffa_
NBC Fires Weather Channel Environmental Unit NBC Universal made the first of potentially several rounds of staffing cuts at The Weather Channel (TWC) on Wednesday, axing the entire staff of the "Forecast Earth" environmental program during the middle of NBC's "Green Week," as well as several on-camera meteorologists. The layoffs totaled about 10 percent of the workforce, and are among the first major changes made since NBC completed its purchase of the venerable weather network in September. Keep reading for more on The Weather Channel cuts... The layoffs affected about 80 people, but left the long-term leadership of the network unclear, according to a source who ...

Post Date: 2008-11-22 02:43:42 by wudidiz
TRUTH TV PORTLAND OREGON! TRUTHCHEMTRAILS! dOUgLASS BIckforD! The chemtrail conspiracy theory began to circulate in 1996 when the United States Air Force (USAF) was accused of releasing unknown substances from aircraft which were creating unusual contrails.[4] The Air Force characterizes the accusations as a hoax fueled in part by authors citing an Air University strategy paper entitled Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025[5] to allege the Air Force was currently conducting a secret government program to modify the weather. The paper was presented in response to a military directive to anticipate future developments and strategies for maintaining the United ...

PRUDEN: The killer frost for global warming [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-11-21 22:18:59 by James Deffenbach
Turn up the heat, somebody. The globe is freezing. Even Al Gore is looking for an extra blanket. Winter has barely come to the northern latitudes and already we've got bigger goosebumps than usual. So far the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports 63 record snowfalls in the United States, 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month. Only 44 Octobers over the past 114 years have been cooler than this last one. The polar ice is accumulating faster than usual, and some of the experts now concede that the globe hasn't warmed since 1995. You may have noticed, in fact, that Al and his pals, having given up on the sun, no longer even warn of global warming. Now ...

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