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Post Date: 2008-01-28 23:54:26 by Itisa1mosttoolate
OWNING THE WEATHER AND OUR MINDS IN 2008? January 27, 2008 In 1997, Former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen (above left) said the technology to alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves is real! This statement would immediately make a person think about the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, tsunami and hurricane Katrina. http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=674 In 2001, Congressman Kucinich (above) introduced a bill talking about through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at targeted ...

Meet John Wardley of Northern Alberta, Canada [and his Cordwood/Straw Bale Home]
Post Date: 2008-01-28 12:28:03 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Meet John Wardley of Northern Alberta, Canada John was born in the industrial town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. A place where homes were measured in centuries not decades. Immigrating to Canada in 1980, he was soon to enjoy the company of most newly married couples in paying a mortgage. The property he and his wife purchased was "nothing special". A fifteen-year-old California style "box" located on 3 acres. Things were OK up until the middle of 1981, when the Federal Government of Canada introduced a policy called the National Energy Program. This Energy Program crippled the huge oil and gas industry in Alberta. Mortgage rates soared to 17-½%. ...

Defunct US Spy Satellite Falling From Orbit, To Hit Earth In Late Feb. or March
Post Date: 2008-01-26 17:29:39 by Brian S
WASHINGTON -- A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and propulsion and could hit the Earth in late February or March, government officials said Saturday. The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret. "Appropriate government agencies are monitoring the situation," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. "Numerous satellites over the years have come out of orbit and fallen harmlessly. We are looking at potential options to mitigate any possible ...

To bio or not to bio - are 'green' fuels really good for the earth?
Post Date: 2008-01-26 16:05:52 by robin
To bio or not to bio - are 'green' fuels really good for the earth? The EU says we need them, some experts say they damage the planet. Who is right? * David Adam, environment correspondent * The Guardian, * Saturday January 26 2008 About this article This article appeared in the Guardian on Saturday January 26 2008 on p16 of the UK news section. It was last updated at 23:44 on January 25 2008. From the top of the Greenergy refinery in Immingham you can see across the Humber estuary to Hull. A hum of equipment fills the air, along with a curious smell. Popcorn. Greenergy processes vegetable oil. It takes the gloopy juice squeezed from inside rape seeds harvested on ...

Sir Richard Branson Reveals Virgin Space Ship
Post Date: 2008-01-25 13:20:31 by ghostdogtxn

SpaceShipTwo/WhiteKnightTwo Unveiled
Post Date: 2008-01-24 18:55:23 by X-15
January 24, 2008 — The highly anticipated designs of SpaceShipTwo and WhiteKnightTwo (WK2) were unveiled Wednesday morning in New York City during a standing-room-only press conference hosted by Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, and Burt Rutan, CEO of Scaled Composites. The two vehicles are based on the technology of Rutan’s SpaceShipOne, which won the $10 million Ansari X prize in 2004 by flying into suborbital space twice in the space of six days. Virgin Galactic is scheduled to have an exhibit at this summer’s EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. EAA is also one of several official partners in the SpaceShipTwo project. “Virgin Galactic produced a demanding ...

US Censors Arctic Scientists’ Findings as it Prepares for Oil and Gas Auction
Post Date: 2008-01-23 23:51:29 by richard9151
23/01/08 "The Independent" -- - -The United States has blocked the release of a landmark assessment of oil and gas activity in the Arctic as it prepares to sell off exploration licences for the frozen Chukchi Sea off Alaska, one of the last intact habitats of the polar bear. Scientists at the release of the censored report in Norway said there was “huge frustration” that the US had derailed a science-based effort to manage the race for the vast energy reserves of the Arctic. The long-awaited assessment was meant to bring together work by scientists in all eight Arctic nations to give an up-to-date picture of oil and gas exploitation in the high north. In addition to ...

Ice returns as Greenland temps plummet
Post Date: 2008-01-23 16:46:48 by farmfriend
Ice returns as Greenland temps plummet Residents insist Greenland's freezing temperatures don't mean global warming has been called off While the rest of Europe is debating the prospects of global warming during an unseasonably mild winter, a brutal cold snap is raging across the semi-autonomous nation of Greenland. On Disko Bay in western Greenland, where a number of prominent world leaders have visited in recent years to get a first-hand impression of climate change, temperatures have dropped so drastically that the water has frozen over for the first time in a decade. 'The ice is up to 50cm thick,' said Henrik Matthiesen, an employee at Denmark's Meteorological ...

The NSA 0wnz popular firewalls and 'secure' email services
Post Date: 2008-01-23 13:45:57 by X-15
CRYPTOME reports that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has remote administrative access to several of the most popular Windows PC firewalls, and that it has also taken control of a number of supposedly "secure " email services within the past few months. It writes that the personal computer firewall software products from MacAfee, Symantec and Zone Alarm all "...facilitate Microsoft's NSA-controlled remote admin access via IP/TCP ports 1024 through 1030... without security flag." That bit of news is merely an aside to the posting's main topic, which is that: "Certain privacy [and/or] full session SSL email hosting services have been purchased [or] ...

Breaking, NASA to launch a paper spaceplane(???)
Post Date: 2008-01-23 02:34:17 by gord
We know that without an evil enemy to race against NASA's budget has fallen in the last few decades, but recent plans make things sound desperate: they're going to launch a paper plane -an astrogami spaceplane. Read more at source... Posers comment: NASA...TO...LAUNCH...PAPER...PLANE...Any suggestions about what could be their next project?

Man Files Patent For Taser-Proof Clothing
Post Date: 2008-01-21 19:06:50 by angle
The picture above is a diagram from an Arizona man's US Patent application showing his taser-proof clothing. Or if you want to get technical it's the patent for an "energy weapon protection device". It's basically conductive and non-conductive material in layers that prevent an electric charge from ever reaching the body -- because yelling "Don't tase me, bro!" just doesn't work. This stuff wouldn't be such a bad idea if you get tased on a regular basis, and if you had pants and a mask made out of the same material. While a jacket is a good start, you don't want to be zapped in the face and/or testicles because the coppers find out you're ...

The Global Warming Thread To End All Global Warming Threads
Post Date: 2008-01-21 03:24:43 by wudidiz
Okay, what's up with this Global Warming stuff? Global Warming Global Warming Hoax

Ask a Zimbabwean for tips on power cuts
Post Date: 2008-01-20 18:34:24 by DeaconBenjamin
What an incredible fuss you South Africans make about a few power cuts. I happened to lie down next to my battery-operated satellite radio for a nap this week after the season's only two hours of summer whacked me out. I heard the likeable David O'Sullivan sounding unlikeable. Okay. He was in a rage, so angry he sounded as though he might burst an artery, or the membrane holding his brain in place. I couldn't believe my ears. As far as I can remember, in this past week there were only about six cuts, and none longer than five hours. Same thing at the pharmacy: moan, moan, moan. Then it struck me - for the first time in my life I had really useful knowledge. I do know about ...

Parasites That Control Behavior
Post Date: 2008-01-20 12:00:41 by robin
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 Parasites That Control Behavior Sometimes real science is stranger than fiction. Stanford Professor Robert Sapolsky describes a number of examples of parasites or infectious microbes that modify behavior in a Scientific American review article titled "Bugs in the Brain" (pdf)*. Some examples from the review and recent scientific literature:• The rabies virus increases saliva production and makes the infected host aggressive. When a rabid animal bites a host the virus is spread via saliva in the wound.• Toxiplasma gondii causes infected rodents to specifically lose their inborn aversion to cat pheromones. This behavior is ...

Arizona budget banking on speeders
Post Date: 2008-01-19 17:32:34 by richard9151
LOL! Ain't the truth just GREAT!? Sat Jan 19, 6:57 AM ET PHOENIX - Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano says the deployment of new photo radar or other speed enforcement technology on state highways is all about public safety. But her proposed state budget counts on the anticipated speeding fines to help erase a projected revenue shortfall. The proposal, submitted to the Legislature late Friday, anticipates $120 million in revenue the first year, including $90 million in net income after expenses from the statewide effort. Even bigger dollar amounts are expected in future years. The state faces a projected revenue shortfall of at least $1.2 billion in the fiscal year that starts July 1. ...

Five Game Changers - provided by: Road & Track
Post Date: 2008-01-19 10:49:32 by richard9151
http://autos.yahoo.com/articles/detroit_auto_show_2008/378/Five-Game-Changers/;_ylc=X3oDMTFhZXRvbzBsBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwLXRvZGF5BHNsawNmaXZlLWdhbWUtbWFpbg-- Sometimes a concept isn’t just an idea, but rather a movement. At the North American International Auto Show, these five significant debuts point the way that the industry will reshape itself in the years to come. The Ford Explorer America is proof that the days of the traditional truck-based, body-on-frame sport/ute are indeed numbered. Eschewing V-8 power, this Ford concept uses a choice of 4- or 6-cylinder engines in a car-based unit-body that still retains the rugged styling of a true off-roader. Proof that the ...

Warning on rising Med Sea levels [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-01-19 00:25:26 by robin
Warning on rising Med Sea levels Scientists noted sea temperatures had also risen significantly The level of the Mediterranean Sea is rising rapidly and could increase by up to half a metre in the next 50 years, scientists in Spain have warned. A study by the Spanish Oceanographic Institute says levels have been rising since the 1970s with the rate of increase growing in recent years. It says even a small rise could have serious consequences in coastal areas. The study noted that the findings were consistent with other investigations into the effects of climate change. The study, entitled Climate Change in the Spanish Mediterranean, said the sea had risen ...

Why Deep-Diving Mammals Don't Black Out
Post Date: 2008-01-17 23:42:50 by X-15
Some seals and dolphins can hold their breath underwater for a cheek-popping hour or more without passing out from lack of oxygen. Definitely don't try this at home. Humans can't make it more than a few minutes without breathing (at least without some sci-fi device). The secret to the superhero animal feat is elevated levels of special oxygen-carrying proteins found in their brains, a new study reveals. But the research leaves puzzles. Scientists have long wondered why marine mammals, such as dolphins, whales, Weddell seals and sea otters, are so tolerant of such low oxygen conditions. The simplest explanation had been that they evolved adaptations to boost oxygen delivery to the ...

News Of SETI Signal Just Bad Reporting
Post Date: 2008-01-17 22:26:14 by robin
News Of SETI Signal Just Bad Reporting Posted by Zonk on Thursday January 17, @12:44PMfrom the always-looking-to-the-future-to-the-horizon dept. The Bad Astronomer writes "Rumors have been flying in recent days that the SETI project has received a strong signal from space, indicating the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Bad Astronomy breaks down the origins of this (false) claim, which mostly amounts to a heaping helping of shoddy journalism. 'I just talked to Dan Wertheimer, the astronomer quoted in the article. He told me that the original interview was about sending signals into space (so-called active SETI) as opposed to just ...

A little cayenne pepper
Post Date: 2008-01-16 11:10:27 by richard9151
A little cayenne pepper sprinkled around your car's engine might keep it running smoothly this winter. In previous e-Alerts I've told you about the healthy benefits of cayenne. Turns out, cayenne might help automotive health as well, according to a New York Times article about a fairly common car problem: rats. For rodents, car engines provide a perfect refuge from the season's harsh elements. And this is no surprise to Gotham mechanics who frequently find that engine problems can be traced back to unwanted visitors. Rats must wear down their incisors by constantly chewing, and the plastic wires and tubing in car engines apparently provide the perfect chew toys. But rats ...

UK: Prisoners to be Chipped Like Dogs
Post Date: 2008-01-14 15:16:44 by ghostdogtxn

Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-01-14 10:27:14 by robin
Escalating Ice Loss Found in Antarctica Sheets Melting in an Area Once Thought to Be Unaffected by Global Warming By Marc Kaufman Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 14, 2008; A01 Climatic changes appear to be destabilizing vast ice sheets of western Antarctica that had previously seemed relatively protected from global warming, researchers reported yesterday, raising the prospect of faster sea-level rise than current estimates. While the overall loss is a tiny fraction of the miles-deep ice that covers much of Antarctica, scientists said the new finding is important because the continent holds about 90 percent of Earth's ice, and until now, large-scale ice loss there had ...

North Atlantic warming tied to natural variability; but global warming may be at play elsewhere
Post Date: 2008-01-14 04:46:06 by farmfriend
Contact: Monte Basgall monte.basgall@duke.edu 919-681-8057 Duke University North Atlantic warming tied to natural variability; but global warming may be at play elsewhere DURHAM, N.C. – A Duke University-led analysis of available records shows that while the North Atlantic Ocean’s surface waters warmed in the 50 years between 1950 and 2000, the change was not uniform. In fact, the subpolar regions cooled at the same time that subtropical and tropical waters warmed. This striking pattern can be explained largely by the influence of a natural and cyclical wind circulation pattern called the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), wrote authors of a study published Thursday, Jan. 3, in ...

The Keys to the Chemtrails
Post Date: 2008-01-14 01:43:52 by wudidiz
The Keys to the Chemtrails by ANONYMOUS These keys are not new. They've been out there in various forms for over a year now. They easily dispel cloud cover, radar shields, and other disinfo explanations, the former two being the most widely limited hangouts given to make us all go back to sleep. The most damning evidence is the very issue that has at its roots the most sinister: control and elimination. If we conclude, and we must, that the data does point to a singular direction (like the HIV data the conclusively proves AIDS is a CIA/WHO invention) then no matter how painful the truth must be, it still must be the truth. 1. Gulf War Illness. Look at the spray patterns over the ...

'Spare part heart' beats in lab
Post Date: 2008-01-13 14:54:05 by robin
'Spare part heart' beats in lab A new heart was grown on a basic tissue scaffold The stripped-out shell of a heart has been made to work again - using brand new cells planted inside it. Scientists removed all the muscle cells in a rat heart, leaving just a "scaffold" of other tissues such as blood vessels and valves. When the University of Minnesota team added heart cells, they quickly grew and produced a pumping action. It is hoped the Nature Medicine study will ultimately mean human or animal hearts can be crafted for transplant. It opens a door to this notion that you can make any organ: kidney, liver, lung, pancreas - you ...

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